Puppies for Prisoners...training them for support ..

We had a convict that fed and watered the Bloodhounds.....But he was not allowed to hang around them.

He was also our "runner" who would take off and the dog handler would use the Bloodhounds to track him down.....Every time he came back (if he was not found after a certain time) he was given a week of "good time" off his sentence.
I came across another story of puppies who have prisoners as trainers and they teach them to be support dogs for PSTD patients.

Cool story!

Interesting story. Dogs can be the best therapists.

I always wanted to work as a correction officer, but my application was always denied. Now I am considered too old for employment there and I work in healthcare instead in a transition to Nursing masters program.

I have known and talked to a few correction officers I knew and people who served in prison for years. As many corrections officers have told me a lot of prisoners in prison are not bad people, they just made a few mistakes in their life they had to go to jail for. The former correction officers would tell me the inmates treat the officers good and respect them if they treat them the same way. I had a former correction officer tell me some of the smartest people he met in his life were inmates and they were some of his best friends too.

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