Put me down as one of the disgusted

Killing animals IS fun for some people and so is killing people. That is why so many men play shooter video games, that is why so many men join the military, that is why so many men hunt for leisure. You have no right to judge them, they are members of the human race with human instincts dating back 100,000 years when we were hunters for food and survived or were extinguished based on the skill and bravery of our warriors.
And, likewise you have no right to judge us. And stop quoting the bible. You behavior is very unchristian like.
I will quote the Bible because the Bible is on my side. God gave us the animals to do with as we please. We can eat them, make clothes out of them, or we can make them our pets. In the revelation to Peter, God reveals that Christians can eat any kind of animal God has created, for none are unclean. Your emotional desire to pretend animals have human rights is nothing but delusion, they don't. Animals eat each other, and expect to be eaten. That is nature the way God made it. I've even seen animals kill and eat their own young, they have no sense of right or wrong to prevent them from doing this. Animals are not at all like human beings, not even close. Even the most intelligent ape has only a fraction of the intelligence of a human being. Also, animals do not have an eternal soul, so killing them is not murder.
Correct it is nature the way God made it. He did not give you permission to torture them and kill them for a photo op! Never called it murder. It's astounding to me that you state otherwise. Why do you lie about what I said? I said Trophy hunting is bullshit! Plain and simple. Now, you are beginning to bore me. I refuse to debate a dishonest person.
If you can show me anywhere in the Bible where it says trophy hunting is wrong you will have defeated me in this argument.
You implied that the Bible condoned killing for fun, the onus is on you to provide that scripture...
The killing for fun one you suggested exists...
I feel very grieved looking at this picture. There was no reason to kill this giraffe.

My granddaughter loves giraffes. She saw one at a zoo and was fascinated. One day she was visiting us and got inside her little mini van that is on our patio - she was 2 1/2 yrs. old at the time- she stood up on the back seat sticking her upper half of her body up through the open "sun roof" of her toy mini van.

She said to me, Look! Grandma! I a giraffe!

What a wonderful memory. I'll treasure it forever.
You are good people.
Jeremiah spreads hatred every day on the religion forum towards her fellow Christians. When she stops doing that, she will be a better Christian and a better person.
Truth is hate to those who hate the truth. I love all people and I don't think standing by silent while they are led like lambs to the slaughter is an act of love. Self-love maybe but not love. I have nothing else to say on that subject.

What a great line.."Truth is hate to those who hate the truth." I hope you don't mind if I use it. I'll give you credit.
I feel very grieved looking at this picture. There was no reason to kill this giraffe.

My granddaughter loves giraffes. She saw one at a zoo and was fascinated. One day she was visiting us and got inside her little mini van that is on our patio - she was 2 1/2 yrs. old at the time- she stood up on the back seat sticking her upper half of her body up through the open "sun roof" of her toy mini van.

She said to me, Look! Grandma! I a giraffe!

What a wonderful memory. I'll treasure it forever.
You are good people.
Jeremiah spreads hatred every day on the religion forum towards her fellow Christians. When she stops doing that, she will be a better Christian and a better person.
Truth is hate to those who hate the truth. I love all people and I don't think standing by silent while they are led like lambs to the slaughter is an act of love. Self-love maybe but not love. I have nothing else to say on that subject.

What a great line.."Truth is hate to those who hate the truth." I hope you don't mind if I use it. I'll give you credit.

I couldn't possibly take credit for it. I read it somewhere and it stayed with me, Bullwinkle. The fact that you like it speaks well of you though. You know, when I saw your OP and then the photograph - I looked at it later - I knew in my heart that this was wrong to do to a giraffe for sport. To pose a child next to it with a gun as if it were a trophy. I'm not saying that people should bully the child for her actions but rather that it might be an opportunity to to educate the father that what he is teaching her is wrong.

If it is any consolation to you - know that when you are standing up for the truth the majority will stand against you for it.
Killing animals IS fun for some people and so is killing people. That is why so many men play shooter video games, that is why so many men join the military, that is why so many men hunt for leisure. You have no right to judge them, they are members of the human race with human instincts dating back 100,000 years when we were hunters for food and survived or were extinguished based on the skill and bravery of our warriors.
And, likewise you have no right to judge us. And stop quoting the bible. You behavior is very unchristian like.
I will quote the Bible because the Bible is on my side. God gave us the animals to do with as we please. We can eat them, make clothes out of them, or we can make them our pets. In the revelation to Peter, God reveals that Christians can eat any kind of animal God has created, for none are unclean. Your emotional desire to pretend animals have human rights is nothing but delusion, they don't. Animals eat each other, and expect to be eaten. That is nature the way God made it. I've even seen animals kill and eat their own young, they have no sense of right or wrong to prevent them from doing this. Animals are not at all like human beings, not even close. Even the most intelligent ape has only a fraction of the intelligence of a human being. Also, animals do not have an eternal soul, so killing them is not murder.
Correct it is nature the way God made it. He did not give you permission to torture them and kill them for a photo op! Never called it murder. It's astounding to me that you state otherwise. Why do you lie about what I said? I said Trophy hunting is bullshit! Plain and simple. Now, you are beginning to bore me. I refuse to debate a dishonest person.
If you can show me anywhere in the Bible where it says trophy hunting is wrong you will have defeated me in this argument.
You implied that the Bible condoned killing for fun, the onus is on you to provide that scripture...
The killing for fun one you suggested exists...
It doesn't exist. No where in the Bible does God condone cruelty to animals for the pleasure of man (fun). The Bible identifies one of the traits of the wicked as those who are cruel to their animals. The wicked also are identified for committing a sin as if it were nothing and then saying, "What's wrong with that?" As if it were nothing. This too is a sign of their blindness and that they are wicked.
I feel very grieved looking at this picture. There was no reason to kill this giraffe.

My granddaughter loves giraffes. She saw one at a zoo and was fascinated. One day she was visiting us and got inside her little mini van that is on our patio - she was 2 1/2 yrs. old at the time- she stood up on the back seat sticking her upper half of her body up through the open "sun roof" of her toy mini van.

She said to me, Look! Grandma! I a giraffe!

What a wonderful memory. I'll treasure it forever.
You are good people.
I struggled over whether or not I should share this but I will. I had a prize bull that was my pet. His father had papers and must have been a stunning specimen. I never saw his father. I loved my bull. He had such a wonderful sweet personality and was like a big teddy bear. He became so big that he began breaking out at night. He was over 1700 lbs and huge. Bigger than the bull in your video. I did not want to give him up but he kept breaking out and and I thought something might happen if I didn't.

Then he broke out and took a walk around the neighborhood and broke someone's water pipe and rammed a truck parked in someone's yard. We paid cash for damages and agreed we would sell the bull but I didn't want him ending up at a market sold for meat as he was a red angus Bull and had a very muscular beefy build. He was very well fed and taken care of. People who saw him said, He is so beautiful! What a beauty! I thought about forgetting about my vow to sell him and he broke out again. This time he pushed the vehicles and truck around the yard. Actually he pushed one of my husband's cars and his truck into our house. But the next morning my husband said, He never touched your station wagon. I told him of course he didn't. He knows that is my car. He used to run beside my car when I drove into the property he'd be so happy to see me. I'd lower my window and talk baby talk to him and he'd smile at me showing me this big toothy grin! He was just so precious.

A rancher came to buy him and I asked him if he had a big ranch. He said yes he will have plenty of room to run. Well, my husband became suspicious and thought he is going to take him to the auction. So he checked up on him and sure enough that was what he was planning to do. So we canceled the sale and told the rancher we decided to keep him. We've never slaughtered any of our animals. We just enjoy them being out there in the field and watching them graze.

Then recently a man who has a bull ranch ending up buying him -my husband arranged this I was not there. I look out at the field and remember him standing there and feel very sad and think I shouldn't have let him go. But if he is happy and safe then it is better than something else happening.

So while I was still feeling sad about my bull no longer being here two of my red angus heifers gave birth very closely together. Both newborns were baby bulls. I named one baby bull after my pet bull. So we have two baby bulls and one grown bull still here (who is the eldest son of the bull that left and the father of the two newborns).

The newborns have helped to take my mind off of it a little bit but you grow very attached to your animals and I'm still feeling like he needs to come home. I'm wondering if my husband could just hire someone and maybe reinforce the fences - we have plenty of land and fields for him to run in but he always figures out a way to get out. My husband mentioned missing him the other day. I am tempted to buy him back. I know I sound ridiculous. I'm sorry but I miss my bull. I really miss him! There was a guy in the field working with my husband one day and my bull saw him and he began to charge him! The guy had to get behind a tree or in it I can't remember the story now. But he didn't want to come back. My bull had a sense about people so maybe there was something not right about the guy. Who knows.
I know what you mean. I got attached to a goldfish! The kind you win at the fair. Had him for five years. My husbands favorite pet was a cow named buttercup. I hope you do get your bull back.

I had a beta fish named Baruch that I saved from a Walmart store. He was swimming in filthy water and desperate so I had to buy him before I even had a tank. I just bought a glass fish bowl and put him in that while I looked for a tank. I bought him a fluval edge tank - it was set up beautifully and I enjoyed him. The beta fish is an exceptionally smart fish. He knew me and would swim to the edge of the tank when I came up to see him. Well, many months later he got sick and I tried everything but I couldn't save him. When he died I felt very bad. I still have the tank but no fish. If I find another one swimming in dirty water at Walmart I'll probably take that as a sign that I am ready for another indoor fish. I have 3 gold fish that are quite big. Their names are Shadrach, Meshach and Abednigo. They live in the outdoor pond, it's 2,000 gallons and has a water fall that stays on all the time. They have plenty of room to swim around and play. My husband put two pipes in the bottom of the pond and they hide in there at night so no predator can get to them.

The pond is right there by my patio. A woman who came to visit said you are very brave. Those ponds draw snakes. I told her I prayed the snakes off my land (about 13 years ago) and I've never seen another one since. Neither has anyone else. My neighbors have a problem with snakes but we don't. That's the power of My God. He's the greatest!

WillowTree I mispoke on the gallons of water in pond. My husband said that the pond is about 550 gallons of water. I apologize. I heard that number somewhere. It may have been when I was researching the liners and how much water they held. We had to get a bigger liner because it had to go up behind the waterfall and over sides so we could lay rock on it. Still, I should have asked him first!
Ahhh, poor Bullshitle, did they kill Bambi's mommy?

lol, you are not fit to survive, so why dont you go off into a little corner and wait for death to creep up on you?
She did not kill that giraff to survive. She did it for fun.
She killed the giraffe and the zebra to feed the help on the hunt.
They don't know how to make sandwiches and pack them into a basket?
How many people were there to help them? Two or three people? You're making excuses, Ernie.
WillowTree, you're a moron.
Correction. WillowTree, you're a STUPID moron.
Well you play dungeons and dragons!

ROFLMAO. My kids played that when they were like 12 years old. ROFLMAO.

I actually prefer Pathfinder, as it uses the 3.5(ish) rules, not the new D&D which is more geared towards computer gaming.

You are on a internet message board making fun of nerdy pursuits, you do realize you are outnumbered here, right?
If people like her father and this little girl need to kill something why don't they just show up at a local slaughterhouse and use a bolt gun to kill cattle for slaughter, or stay and learn how to use a knife to slaughter them. That people like this need to go find beautiful 'trophies' to kill is what is most telling about them.

A hundred years ago a father teaching a child how to hunt so the family could eat out on the prairie was appropriate. Now it is just ego and disregard for life.

Why, because it puts your panties in a bunch? If you don't like doing it fine, stop being one of those assholes who thinks everyone has to like what they like, do what they do, and think like they do.

People like this want to HUNT, not just kill something locked in a cage.

I'm sorry I put your panties in a bunch.

Yes let's imagine that incredible feat of hunting to find and kill a giraffe. Or a zebra. What skill to spot something huge that isn't trying to alude or escape from you.

There is always an excuse for the weak minded which generally boils down to "I want to do what I want to do neeyahhhht". Same excuse a 2 year old uses for not eating their carrots.

Using the same statement as a retort is the diet coke of message board taunting, no biscuit for you.

And thank you for proving my point about you being a narcissistic twat that thinks everyone has to live and have fun the way you do.
If people like her father and this little girl need to kill something why don't they just show up at a local slaughterhouse and use a bolt gun to kill cattle for slaughter, or stay and learn how to use a knife to slaughter them. That people like this need to go find beautiful 'trophies' to kill is what is most telling about them.

A hundred years ago a father teaching a child how to hunt so the family could eat out on the prairie was appropriate. Now it is just ego and disregard for life.

Why, because it puts your panties in a bunch? If you don't like doing it fine, stop being one of those assholes who thinks everyone has to like what they like, do what they do, and think like they do.

People like this want to HUNT, not just kill something locked in a cage.

I'm sorry I put your panties in a bunch.

Yes let's imagine that incredible feat of hunting to find and kill a giraffe. Or a zebra. What skill to spot something huge that isn't trying to alude or escape from you.

There is always an excuse for the weak minded which generally boils down to "I want to do what I want to do neeyahhhht". Same excuse a 2 year old uses for not eating their carrots.

Using the same statement as a retort is the diet coke of message board taunting, no biscuit for you.

And thank you for proving my point about you being a narcissistic twat that thinks everyone has to live and have fun the way you do.
I think that mirror reflects back to you actually.
If people like her father and this little girl need to kill something why don't they just show up at a local slaughterhouse and use a bolt gun to kill cattle for slaughter, or stay and learn how to use a knife to slaughter them. That people like this need to go find beautiful 'trophies' to kill is what is most telling about them.

A hundred years ago a father teaching a child how to hunt so the family could eat out on the prairie was appropriate. Now it is just ego and disregard for life.

Why, because it puts your panties in a bunch? If you don't like doing it fine, stop being one of those assholes who thinks everyone has to like what they like, do what they do, and think like they do.

People like this want to HUNT, not just kill something locked in a cage.

I'm sorry I put your panties in a bunch.

Yes let's imagine that incredible feat of hunting to find and kill a giraffe. Or a zebra. What skill to spot something huge that isn't trying to alude or escape from you.

There is always an excuse for the weak minded which generally boils down to "I want to do what I want to do neeyahhhht". Same excuse a 2 year old uses for not eating their carrots.

Using the same statement as a retort is the diet coke of message board taunting, no biscuit for you.

And thank you for proving my point about you being a narcissistic twat that thinks everyone has to live and have fun the way you do.
I think that mirror reflects back to you actually.

I'm not the one imparting my views on others. I actually have never hunted, nor do I feel any particular need to do so. However if others want to do it ethically and legally, they can have at it.

It's that pesky thing called freedom.
If people like her father and this little girl need to kill something why don't they just show up at a local slaughterhouse and use a bolt gun to kill cattle for slaughter, or stay and learn how to use a knife to slaughter them. That people like this need to go find beautiful 'trophies' to kill is what is most telling about them.

A hundred years ago a father teaching a child how to hunt so the family could eat out on the prairie was appropriate. Now it is just ego and disregard for life.

Why, because it puts your panties in a bunch? If you don't like doing it fine, stop being one of those assholes who thinks everyone has to like what they like, do what they do, and think like they do.

People like this want to HUNT, not just kill something locked in a cage.

I'm sorry I put your panties in a bunch.

Yes let's imagine that incredible feat of hunting to find and kill a giraffe. Or a zebra. What skill to spot something huge that isn't trying to alude or escape from you.

There is always an excuse for the weak minded which generally boils down to "I want to do what I want to do neeyahhhht". Same excuse a 2 year old uses for not eating their carrots.

Using the same statement as a retort is the diet coke of message board taunting, no biscuit for you.

And thank you for proving my point about you being a narcissistic twat that thinks everyone has to live and have fun the way you do.
I think that mirror reflects back to you actually.

I'm not the one imparting my views on others. I actually have never hunted, nor do I feel any particular need to do so. However if others want to do it ethically and legally, they can have at it.

It's that pesky thing called freedom.
Your views have most definitely been imparted. Why do you deny that? My view is opposite. I think trophy hunting is bullshit. They might be doing it legally but ethically is out of the question.
Why, because it puts your panties in a bunch? If you don't like doing it fine, stop being one of those assholes who thinks everyone has to like what they like, do what they do, and think like they do.

People like this want to HUNT, not just kill something locked in a cage.

I'm sorry I put your panties in a bunch.

Yes let's imagine that incredible feat of hunting to find and kill a giraffe. Or a zebra. What skill to spot something huge that isn't trying to alude or escape from you.

There is always an excuse for the weak minded which generally boils down to "I want to do what I want to do neeyahhhht". Same excuse a 2 year old uses for not eating their carrots.

Using the same statement as a retort is the diet coke of message board taunting, no biscuit for you.

And thank you for proving my point about you being a narcissistic twat that thinks everyone has to live and have fun the way you do.
I think that mirror reflects back to you actually.

I'm not the one imparting my views on others. I actually have never hunted, nor do I feel any particular need to do so. However if others want to do it ethically and legally, they can have at it.

It's that pesky thing called freedom.
Your views have most definitely been imparted. Why do you deny that? My view is opposite. I think trophy hunting is bullshit. They might be doing it legally but ethically is out of the question.

The question is do you seek laws that would outlaw it, or more likely, make it as annoying as possible to do?
I'm sorry I put your panties in a bunch.

Yes let's imagine that incredible feat of hunting to find and kill a giraffe. Or a zebra. What skill to spot something huge that isn't trying to alude or escape from you.

There is always an excuse for the weak minded which generally boils down to "I want to do what I want to do neeyahhhht". Same excuse a 2 year old uses for not eating their carrots.

Using the same statement as a retort is the diet coke of message board taunting, no biscuit for you.

And thank you for proving my point about you being a narcissistic twat that thinks everyone has to live and have fun the way you do.
I think that mirror reflects back to you actually.

I'm not the one imparting my views on others. I actually have never hunted, nor do I feel any particular need to do so. However if others want to do it ethically and legally, they can have at it.

It's that pesky thing called freedom.
Your views have most definitely been imparted. Why do you deny that? My view is opposite. I think trophy hunting is bullshit. They might be doing it legally but ethically is out of the question.

The question is do you seek laws that would outlaw it, or more likely, make it as annoying as possible to do?
I have said zero about seeking laws. I have said nothing about animals being equal to humans. Stop putting meaning where none has been spoken.
Using the same statement as a retort is the diet coke of message board taunting, no biscuit for you.

And thank you for proving my point about you being a narcissistic twat that thinks everyone has to live and have fun the way you do.
I think that mirror reflects back to you actually.

I'm not the one imparting my views on others. I actually have never hunted, nor do I feel any particular need to do so. However if others want to do it ethically and legally, they can have at it.

It's that pesky thing called freedom.
Your views have most definitely been imparted. Why do you deny that? My view is opposite. I think trophy hunting is bullshit. They might be doing it legally but ethically is out of the question.

The question is do you seek laws that would outlaw it, or more likely, make it as annoying as possible to do?
I have said zero about seeking laws. I have said nothing about animals being equal to humans. Stop putting meaning where none has been spoken.

Then if you are not seeking laws and/or impingement, then I have no quarrel with you, just disagreement.
If people like her father and this little girl need to kill something why don't they just show up at a local slaughterhouse and use a bolt gun to kill cattle for slaughter, or stay and learn how to use a knife to slaughter them. That people like this need to go find beautiful 'trophies' to kill is what is most telling about them.

A hundred years ago a father teaching a child how to hunt so the family could eat out on the prairie was appropriate. Now it is just ego and disregard for life.

Why, because it puts your panties in a bunch? If you don't like doing it fine, stop being one of those assholes who thinks everyone has to like what they like, do what they do, and think like they do.

People like this want to HUNT, not just kill something locked in a cage.

I'm sorry I put your panties in a bunch.

Yes let's imagine that incredible feat of hunting to find and kill a giraffe. Or a zebra. What skill to spot something huge that isn't trying to alude or escape from you.

There is always an excuse for the weak minded which generally boils down to "I want to do what I want to do neeyahhhht". Same excuse a 2 year old uses for not eating their carrots.

Using the same statement as a retort is the diet coke of message board taunting, no biscuit for you.

And thank you for proving my point about you being a narcissistic twat that thinks everyone has to live and have fun the way you do.

You exhibit either/or thinking, fight/flight, run/hide, us/them, day/night, hard/easy. This is how animals and small children experience life.

When you grow up and acknowledge the complexities of life get back to us. Until then are you a Coke or Pepsi person? Should be easy for you.
Ahhh, poor Bullshitle, did they kill Bambi's mommy?

lol, you are not fit to survive, so why dont you go off into a little corner and wait for death to creep up on you?
She did not kill that giraff to survive. She did it for fun.
She killed the giraffe and the zebra to feed the help on the hunt.
They don't know how to make sandwiches and pack them into a basket?
How many people were there to help them? Two or three people? You're making excuses, Ernie.
Why do people need an excuse to feed themselves?
You exhibit either/or thinking, fight/flight, run/hide, us/them, day/night, hard/easy. This is how animals and small children experience life..
It is also what the rest of us are reduced to when you Marxists start getting too close to control.

I suspect that we will need to decorate some lamp posts in the very near future.
Ahhh, poor Bullshitle, did they kill Bambi's mommy?

lol, you are not fit to survive, so why dont you go off into a little corner and wait for death to creep up on you?
She did not kill that giraff to survive. She did it for fun.
She killed the giraffe and the zebra to feed the help on the hunt.
They don't know how to make sandwiches and pack them into a basket?
How many people were there to help them? Two or three people? You're making excuses, Ernie.
Why do people need an excuse to feed themselves?
A better question might be why do people need that excuse to kill giraffes and zebras? What about grocery stores, Jim? If there were a famine in the land and no grocery store one might be able to justify your reason but clearly at this writing it makes no sense.

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