Put Up, or Shut Up; What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

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with all the 1/2%ers in this country now you see how a man like Obama was elected

You don't Deserve anything not even living in a Free country to make your life as an independent thinking free person
you need someone to wipe your butt probably
you're pathetic and a true blue leftie Democrat
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Same thing the Democrats offer the middle class nothing unless you count empty promises as something which both parties offer up a lot of FYI I don't.
You tried this in another thread, you still haven't learned your lesson...

And you have yet to give a specific answer.

Employers did that, not the Governent.

Specifics please?

Opposed to the 360% increase caused by Reagan deregulating.

Gasoline and oil prices are set by the market.

In 2013, the US exported 112 million tons. Where are the jobs?

need a few more....asshole?

Again, I haven't seen any.

Typical. You want the answers to be what you want to see.

No. I'd like to see any specific answers to my question.
But FOLKS we forget the FOOD STAMPS now offered to people making over $20K a year, almost FIFTY MILLION PEOPLE ON FOODSTAMPS!!!!,.... and the obumaphones are still BUYING VOTES, along with that push back for that 99 WEEK unemployment check, also to buy votes..... How many now considered PERMANENTLY out of the jobs market, not included in unemployment? Come on Fat Ass ,how many of those people are there now, you're the fucking SOCIALIST genius that knows what this economy needs!
That question asked, is why this country IS DOOMED

too many people in it now think that way

they think Guberment has IT'S OWN MONIES and they should be OFFERED it in one way or another


The country isn't DOOMED. The middle class is DOOMED. The cause is Republicans. I should know, I'm a rich registered Republican.
He's a Republican like Flakey states he's a Republican.... Looks good on the message board....under DELUSIONAL!
Let's play TAG...from your other thread with the same postings!

Of course I want to eliminate minimum wage which is TIED INTO INCREASES IN PAY FOR JUST ABOUT EVERY UNION THUG WORKING IN AMERICA! You have any idea what those pay increases will mean to CITIZENS NOT TIED into union increases? I understand 90 % of Contracts are based on multiplier of the minimum wage so maybe I can try and simplify it for some of you! 90 % of the union contracts are based off minimum wage hypothetically meaning that if the minimum wage is $ 7.50 a hour and union contracts are written where it says Company A will pay a wage of 4 x the minimum wage so their pay is $ 30.00 per hour,and if the president decides to raise the minimum wage to $ 10.10 a hour the new hourly pay for employees at Company A is now $ 40.40 per hour per Employee.
So now the union employees get an automatic pay raise and the unions gets more dues paid in to replenish all the money they spent getting Obama elected so they can spend even more on the next election!

Now it's just as easy to destroy all the other BS you wrote, UNION THUG and Subversive supporter, but it would simply fall on DEAF EARS! BUT if you feel froggy, jump on this one, and we can work our way up!

People that make all the monies for the company shouldn't get great pay?

Back to point.

What offerings to the middle class are the Republicans offering?

No, fat ass, the people or person that DEVELOPED and DIRECTED that company PUT THEIR MONEY INTO BUILDING ITS INFRASTRUCTURE DESERVE the majority of the profit! They OFFER workers a specific salary to do a job. the WORKER has the RIGHT to accept that pay, or go pound concrete looking for another fucking job!

Back to your point since I answered your question.... what the fuck is the subversive/democrat party offering to the middle class?.... Your turn fat ass! Got some TAX BREAKS we don't know about?

The question is; What are Republicans going to do to help the middle class? Be specific.
with all the 1/2%ers in this country now you see how a man like Obama was elected

You don't Deserve anything not even living in a Free country to make your life as an independent thinking free person
you need someone to wipe your butt probably
you're pathetic and a true blue leftie Democrat

The question is; What are Republicans going to do to help the middle class? Be specific.
Same thing the Democrats offer the middle class nothing unless you count empty promises as something which both parties offer up a lot of FYI I don't.

The Democrats want to increase minimum wage which is the base for all salaries.

Now, the question is; What are Republicans going to do to help the middle class? Be specific.
The only thing people need in this country is the FREEDOM to make your life a success or a failure all on your own, and not have a tyrant government making all your life's decisions for you

but you 1/2 percenters are taking all of us and our freedoms down into the frikken gutter and we now have a fucking government with Obama in charge of strangling us at every turn

pat yourselves on the back see ya in the poor house where we WILL all then BE Equally POOR
But FOLKS we forget the FOOD STAMPS now offered to people making over $20K a year, almost FIFTY MILLION PEOPLE ON FOODSTAMPS!!!!,.... and the obumaphones are still BUYING VOTES, along with that push back for that 99 WEEK unemployment check, also to buy votes..... How many now considered PERMANENTLY out of the jobs market, not included in unemployment? Come on Fat Ass ,how many of those people are there now, you're the fucking SOCIALIST genius that knows what this economy needs!

The question is; What are Republicans going to do to help the middle class? Be specific.
this thread should be moved...it was for shit stirring purposes only

I'm asking a very simple question; The question is; What are Republicans going to do to help the middle class? Be specific.

How is that 'shit stirring?'
Lets see if anyone has anything.
Well you're quite right! Republicans don't have anything to offer the Middle Class nor do they care. Their main interest is in the big-pocketed wealthy elite of this country. If you're not a member of that exclusive club....Bye Bye! No, Middle Class, you can't count on Republicans for a damn thing these days nor in the past and especially in the future!

Take a look at this:

More Republican Crumbs for the Middle Class - The Daily Beast

Even the Cato Institute had their number some years ago.

Republicans Are Forgetting the Middle Class | Cato Institute
Lets see if anyone has anything.

They've already delivered, you two-Tesla nitwit.

There has been no deliver of fact, just bull shit.

Simple question. What are the Republicans offering the middle class?

As I've said... they've already delivered. And the only thing standing in the way of more jobs, more growth, economic development, enhancement of the GDP, reduction of the Balance of Payments is... morons like you:

The only thing people need in this country is the FREEDOM to make your life a success or a failure all on your own, and not have a tyrant government making all your life's decisions for you

but you 1/2 percenters are taking all of us and our freedoms down into the frikken gutter and we now have a fucking government with Obama in charge of strangling us at every turn

pat yourselves on the back see ya in the poor house where we WILL all then BE Equally POOR

The question is; What are Republicans going to do to help the middle class? Be specific.
The Republicans do not control the Senate they can not offer anything with Reid shit canning bills left and right. Remind us, did you support Reid when he was ignoring bills from the House because he did not like them? Lets talk in November if the Senate goes Republican.
Reducing the blatant theft, by democrats, of 2.1 trillion dollars per year is more than enough to help the middle class.
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