Put Up, or Shut Up; What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

The powers that be closed my thread because I posted a question that was too hard to answer.

So here it is again;

What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

Jobs. You offer them handouts.

Now what are Democrats offering the middle class? Be specific.

1) 2.5x more private jobs have been created in Obama's 5 years than all of Bush's 8. Thanks in part to the 2 million+ private jobs created directly from his stimulus package.

2) Obama is responsible for the biggest tax cut for the middle class since Reagan.

3) Obama's push for a higher minimum wage would lift 16 million Americans out of poverty.
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Well according to Biden the middle class has been buried for the last 5 years. So I guess any policy that doesnt reflect the Democrats' plans will benefit the middle class.

Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan. His push to raise the miminum wage to 10.10 an hour would lift 17 million people out of poverty and make up for any jobs loss through consistent job growth from the boost in consumer spending.

McDonald's CEO said he would support a raise in the minimum wage. Why wouldn't you?

Uh, BIlly. Obama raised taxes. Remember? He rescinded the Bush tax cuts? Hello?
What recovery? Anyone who takes a closer look at the employment numbers will see that the economy is crap. Generally:

"To measure the job market by quantity — with no regard for quality — is to devalue workers themselves. Creating 217,000 new jobs is not a sign of economic health if each worker needs two or three of those jobs to patch together a barebones living — and millions more are left with no work at all."

Looking at younger segments of the population the situation doesn't bode well for the future:

"Also, there are millions of young people who are squeezed out of this so-called recovery — the effective unemployment rate for 18- to 29-year-olds is above 15 percent, more than double the national rate of 6.3 percent."

The Terrible News Economists Are Trying to Hide About American Jobs | Perspectives | BillMoyers.com

Business and entrepreneurship are the drivers of this nation and always have been. Whoever is in power needs to understand this and act accordingly to promote competition. Competition is the American way. As we move away from this mentality others like South Korea are stepping in and proving how effective this attitude truely is.

Well according to Biden the middle class has been buried for the last 5 years. So I guess any policy that doesnt reflect the Democrats' plans will benefit the middle class.

Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan. His push to raise the miminum wage to 10.10 an hour would lift 17 million people out of poverty and make up for any jobs loss through consistent job growth from the boost in consumer spending.

McDonald's CEO said he would support a raise in the minimum wage. Why wouldn't you?

Uh, BIlly. Obama raised taxes. Remember? He rescinded the Bush tax cuts? Hello?

The useless tax cut for the wealthy is what he made the mistake of ever extending. Tax cuts have to end at some point.
Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan. His push to raise the miminum wage to 10.10 an hour would lift 17 million people out of poverty and make up for any jobs loss through consistent job growth from the boost in consumer spending.

McDonald's CEO said he would support a raise in the minimum wage. Why wouldn't you?

Uh, BIlly. Obama raised taxes. Remember? He rescinded the Bush tax cuts? Hello?

The useless tax cut for the wealthy is what he made the mistake of ever extending. Tax cuts have to end at some point.

Actually he did extend them. Or did you forget that part too?
Well according to Biden the middle class has been buried for the last 5 years. So I guess any policy that doesnt reflect the Democrats' plans will benefit the middle class.

Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan. His push to raise the miminum wage to 10.10 an hour would lift 17 million people out of poverty and make up for any jobs loss through consistent job growth from the boost in consumer spending.

McDonald's CEO said he would support a raise in the minimum wage. Why wouldn't you?

No, he is responsible for a tax hike by letting the Bush Tax Cuts expire. The minimum wage increase is for public sector workers. There are 49 million people on foodstamps, untold amounts more on welfare and government assistance.

How will a minimum wage increase lift THEM out of poverty?
The powers that be closed my thread because I posted a question that was too hard to answer.

So here it is again;

What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

It's not hard to answer you just can't understand it.

We offer an opportunity to advance yourself based upon your own ability to actually achieve more than just middle class. We also provide opportunity for low class people to move into the middle class.

You seem to think we need to "offer" people a way to move up in class with no effort on their own. The government will simply grant people middle class status by stealing from others trying to work themselves into the middle class.

Your question isn't too hard to understand the solution is just too far from your ability to conceive.

You can't provide anyone a middle class living if they aren't earning it. There simply isn't enough tax money available to do that.

We offer an opportunity, you want to guarantee a failure of living in poverty on government handouts and think you can call that middle class. We think people without the burdens of government can do better for themselves.

We offer a chance at being successful, you offer them an unemployment check.

Doesn't it bother you productivity in the lower classses has risen 100% yet wages have remained flat and behind on inflation? Republicans will do jack shit about this problem.

Doesn't it bother you that you have zero evidence to prove that claim?
It's not hard to answer you just can't understand it.

We offer an opportunity to advance yourself based upon your own ability to actually achieve more than just middle class. We also provide opportunity for low class people to move into the middle class.

You seem to think we need to "offer" people a way to move up in class with no effort on their own. The government will simply grant people middle class status by stealing from others trying to work themselves into the middle class.

Your question isn't too hard to understand the solution is just too far from your ability to conceive.

You can't provide anyone a middle class living if they aren't earning it. There simply isn't enough tax money available to do that.

We offer an opportunity, you want to guarantee a failure of living in poverty on government handouts and think you can call that middle class. We think people without the burdens of government can do better for themselves.

We offer a chance at being successful, you offer them an unemployment check.

Doesn't it bother you productivity in the lower classses has risen 100% yet wages have remained flat and behind on inflation? Republicans will do jack shit about this problem.

Doesn't it bother you that you have zero evidence to prove that claim?

No, it doesn't. Billy throws shit out and when presented with evidence to the contrary he deflects to some other piece of bullshit.
Well according to Biden the middle class has been buried for the last 5 years. So I guess any policy that doesnt reflect the Democrats' plans will benefit the middle class.

Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan. His push to raise the miminum wage to 10.10 an hour would lift 17 million people out of poverty and make up for any jobs loss through consistent job growth from the boost in consumer spending.

McDonald's CEO said he would support a raise in the minimum wage. Why wouldn't you?

No, he is responsible for a tax hike by letting the Bush Tax Cuts expire. The minimum wage increase is for public sector workers. There are 49 million people on foodstamps, untold amounts more on welfare and government assistance.

How will a minimum wage increase lift THEM out of poverty?

Lol TK you never cease to amaze me with your ignorance. For one, we both know Obama tried to raise the private minimum wage, and secondly, anyone on food stamps whose wages go up NO LONGER QUALIFY FOR FOOD STAMPS. Those people could not get food stamps if they wanted it. The only effective way to get people off food stamps is by giving them decent pay.
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It's not hard to answer you just can't understand it.

We offer an opportunity to advance yourself based upon your own ability to actually achieve more than just middle class. We also provide opportunity for low class people to move into the middle class.

You seem to think we need to "offer" people a way to move up in class with no effort on their own. The government will simply grant people middle class status by stealing from others trying to work themselves into the middle class.

Your question isn't too hard to understand the solution is just too far from your ability to conceive.

You can't provide anyone a middle class living if they aren't earning it. There simply isn't enough tax money available to do that.

We offer an opportunity, you want to guarantee a failure of living in poverty on government handouts and think you can call that middle class. We think people without the burdens of government can do better for themselves.

We offer a chance at being successful, you offer them an unemployment check.

Doesn't it bother you productivity in the lower classses has risen 100% yet wages have remained flat and behind on inflation? Republicans will do jack shit about this problem.

Doesn't it bother you that you have zero evidence to prove that claim?

Lol um I do actually. See my signature for the thorough article on this issue from Business Insider.
What recovery? Anyone who takes a closer look at the employment numbers will see that the economy is crap. Generally:

"To measure the job market by quantity — with no regard for quality — is to devalue workers themselves. Creating 217,000 new jobs is not a sign of economic health if each worker needs two or three of those jobs to patch together a barebones living — and millions more are left with no work at all."

Looking at younger segments of the population the situation doesn't bode well for the future:

"Also, there are millions of young people who are squeezed out of this so-called recovery — the effective unemployment rate for 18- to 29-year-olds is above 15 percent, more than double the national rate of 6.3 percent."

The Terrible News Economists Are Trying to Hide About American Jobs | Perspectives | BillMoyers.com

Business and entrepreneurship are the drivers of this nation and always have been. Whoever is in power needs to understand this and act accordingly to promote competition. Competition is the American way. As we move away from this mentality others like South Korea are stepping in and proving how effective this attitude truely is.


Interesting that the World Economic Forum GCI (Global Competiveness Index) had the US ranked in second place in 2009-2010. The most recent ranking has the US in fifth place behind:

  1. Switzerland
  2. Singapore
  3. Finland
  4. Germany
  5. United States

Global Competitiveness | World Economic Forum - Global Competitiveness

Kind of sad to see that we don't have leadership driven to keep us on top.
The powers that be closed my thread because I posted a question that was too hard to answer.

So here it is again;

What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

The ignorance and bias evident in your comments are nothing short of astounding. Here are a few things that Republicans offer the middle class:

* A return to fiscal sanity so we can start digging ourselves out from under our crushing national debt of $17 trillion, which is now costing us nearly $300 billion a year just in debt interest. Democrats want to just keep on spending and spending and taxing and taxing. And, FYI: Obama piled up more debt in his first 4 years than Bush did in 8 years.

* More money in all of our pockets via reductions in taxes and needless, harmful regulations.

* More good jobs by making use of our tremendous natural resources of oil and natural gas and by not cancelling perfectly sane projects like the Keystone XL Pipeline.

* Protection against another housing crisis and resulting financial meltdown by not allowing the government to securitize low-income home loans. If the federal government had not greatly loosened the credit requirements for home loans and had not securitized and/or loaned over $1 trillion in sub-prime mortgages in the first place, there would have been no 2008 financial crisis because there would not have been a trillion dollars' worth of high-risk loans to bundle into toxic assets in the first place.

* A sane monetary policy instead of the insane one that has been pursued by the Fed for the last 15-20 years. Go ask senior citizens how they've been affected by the Fed's unnaturally low interest rates.

* A rational tax policy regarding repatriated income and the corporate income. Many other nations have long since figured out that over-taxation of repatriated income keeps such income away and in other nations' pockerts, and that over-taxing your corporations is counter productive. Our corporate income tax is the second highest in the world, and our repatriated income tax is many times higher than many other nations'.
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It's not hard to answer you just can't understand it.

We offer an opportunity to advance yourself based upon your own ability to actually achieve more than just middle class. We also provide opportunity for low class people to move into the middle class.

You seem to think we need to "offer" people a way to move up in class with no effort on their own. The government will simply grant people middle class status by stealing from others trying to work themselves into the middle class.

Your question isn't too hard to understand the solution is just too far from your ability to conceive.

You can't provide anyone a middle class living if they aren't earning it. There simply isn't enough tax money available to do that.

We offer an opportunity, you want to guarantee a failure of living in poverty on government handouts and think you can call that middle class. We think people without the burdens of government can do better for themselves.

We offer a chance at being successful, you offer them an unemployment check.

Doesn't it bother you productivity in the lower classses has risen 100% yet wages have remained flat and behind on inflation? Republicans will do jack shit about this problem.

Doesn't it bother you that you have zero evidence to prove that claim?

You, the Rabbit and from what I can tell, the T, just make shit up all the time. Now you want PROOF?

LMAO. I'm still waiting for the Rabbit to prove his favorite lie.....I mean assertion; that raising the MW causes job loss.

While that sounds so good to say if you hate low wage workers, where is the proof that those low wage workers would lose their jobs if they got 1. dollar more on the hour.

You got proof for the Rabbit?
The powers that be closed my thread because I posted a question that was too hard to answer.

So here it is again;

What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

The ignorance and bias evident in your comments are nothing short of astounding. Here are a few things that Republicans offer the middle class:

* A return to fiscal sanity so we can start digging ourselves out from under our crushing national debt of $17 trillion, which is now costing us nearly $300 billion a year just in debt interest. Democrats want to just keep on spending and spending and taxing and taxing. And, FYI: Obama piled up more debt in his first 4 years than Bush did in 8 years.

* More money in all of our pockets via reductions in taxes and needless, harmful regulations.

* More good jobs by making use of our tremendous natural resources of oil and natural gas and by not cancelling perfectly sane projects like the Keystone XL Pipeline.

* Protection against another financial crisis by not allowing the government to securitize low-income home loans. If the federal government had not greatly loosened the credit requirements for home loans and had not securitized and/or loaned over $1 trillion in sub-prime mortgages in the first place, there would have been no 2008 financial crisis because there would not have been a trillion dollars' worth of high-risk loans to bundle into toxic assets in the first place.

* A sane monetary policy instead of the insane one that has been pursued by the Fed for the last 15-20 years. Go ask senior citizens how they've been affected by the Fed's unnaturally low interest rates.

* A rational tax policy regarding repatriated income and the corporate income. Many other nations have long since figured out that over-taxation of repatriated income keeps such income away and in other nations, and that over-taxing your corporations is counter productive. Our corporate income tax is the second highest in the world, and our repatriated income tax is many times higher than many other nations'.

You sounded so reasonable till you got to this most repeated lie on the board.

Can't you do any of your own research on issues like the home mortgage debacle.
Or is it just easier to believe the Republican bullshit that they spread all over people like you.

I am betting you take the easy way out and just believe what ever the fuck some right wing wack job tells you to believe.

And you started out sounding so reasonable. Well other that you sounded off some Republican talking points about what they might LIKE to do one day.

But the question was what have the actually done. Seeing as how it was mostly Dems in Congress that tried to reign in the financial firms and their abuses. Where were the Repubs on that? Covering for their donors is where.
The powers that be closed my thread because I posted a question that was too hard to answer.

So here it is again;

What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific
Jobs and opportunity. The middle class has little use of food stamps and other forms of government charity.
The powers that be closed my thread because I posted a question that was too hard to answer.

So here it is again;

What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific[/quote]Jobs and opportunity. The middle class has little use of food stamps and other forms of government charity.

Hey meat. You got any "specifics" to mention in the "jobs and opportunity" column?

Has a Repub offered you a job or an opportunity? If they have, would you have them offer the same to a few of the dead beat right wingers on here who can't get a job?

If you need specific people who are out of work, let me know.
The powers that be closed my thread because I posted a question that was too hard to answer.

So here it is again;

What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific[/quote]Jobs and opportunity. The middle class has little use of food stamps and other forms of government charity.

Hey meat. You got any "specifics" to mention in the "jobs and opportunity" column?

Has a Repub offered you a job or an opportunity? If they have, would you have them offer the same to a few of the dead beat right wingers on here who can't get a job?

If you need specific people who are out of work, let me know.
I have idea what you're talking about and I am pretty sure you have only the vaguest. Anyway, you might be surprised to find that most people are not fond of parasites.
Hey meat. You got any "specifics" to mention in the "jobs and opportunity" column?

Has a Repub offered you a job or an opportunity? If they have, would you have them offer the same to a few of the dead beat right wingers on here who can't get a job?

If you need specific people who are out of work, let me know.
I have idea what you're talking about and I am pretty sure you have only the vaguest. Anyway, you might be surprised to find that most people are not fond of parasites.

You left out the word "no".

But I guess you are lacking in the specifics of "jobs and opportunity" being offered by a Republican. That's ok. You can't "produce" something that isn't there. Just admit it; no Republican has offered you a job or an opportunity. And that's ok. Cause that's not what Republicans are all about.

But you knew that when you wrote that bullshit. Right?

And parasites? No shit no one likes them. What were you referring to, specifically?
I have idea what you're talking about and I am pretty sure you have only the vaguest. Anyway, you might be surprised to find that most people are not fond of parasites.

You left out the word "no".

But I guess you are lacking in the specifics of "jobs and opportunity" being offered by a Republican. That's ok. You can't "produce" something that isn't there. Just admit it; no Republican has offered you a job or an opportunity. And that's ok. Cause that's not what Republicans are all about.

But you knew that when you wrote that bullshit. Right?

And parasites? No shit no one likes them. What were you referring to, specifically?
Democrats, what else?

Zeke, my boss is British and I live in Europe (see "location" above). Stop with the "being offered a job opportunity" bs, and stop being such a hack.

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