Put Up, or Shut Up; What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific


You left out the word "no".

But I guess you are lacking in the specifics of "jobs and opportunity" being offered by a Republican. That's ok. You can't "produce" something that isn't there. Just admit it; no Republican has offered you a job or an opportunity. And that's ok. Cause that's not what Republicans are all about.

But you knew that when you wrote that bullshit. Right?

And parasites? No shit no one likes them. What were you referring to, specifically?
Democrats, what else?

Zeke, my boss is British and I live in Europe (see "location" above). Stop with the "being offered a job opportunity" bs, and stop being such a hack.

Dude, you the "hack" for even participating. What the fuck do you know about American Republicans and what they have to offer?

Like you said; your boss is British and you don't live in the USA.

So stop with your bullshit about how Republicans are offering "jobs and opportunity", How the hell would you know.
Democrats, what else?

Zeke, my boss is British and I live in Europe (see "location" above). Stop with the "being offered a job opportunity" bs, and stop being such a hack.

Dude, you the "hack" for even participating. What the fuck do you know about American Republicans and what they have to offer?

Like you said; your boss is British and you don't live in the USA.

So stop with your bullshit about how Republicans are offering "jobs and opportunity", How the hell would you know.
I'm American and know an asshole hack when I see one. They are not fond of parasites here either, so don't even think you can sponge of the state here.
Here's what the Democrat party and Obama is offering the middle class...THE FINGER AND spending their money for ILLEGAL immigrants (oh wait, MIGRANTS is the new word for these criminals invading our country) to be flown all over our country
yet the 1/2%ers will still faithfully vote for them and wail about Republicans instead


Feds to Fly Hundreds of Migrants to California

SAN DIEGO — Jun 21, 2014, 10:07 PM

By ELLIOT SPAGAT Associated Press

Associated Press

The Border Patrol will fly nearly 300 Central American migrants from south Texas to California for processing, an official said, as the government seeks to ease the workload on agents at the nation's busiest corridor for illegal crossings.

There will be two flights Monday with 140 passengers each — one bound for San Diego and one for El Centro, about 100 miles east of San Diego, said Paul Beeson, chief of the Border Patrol's San Diego sector.

The two flights were expected to continue every three days, Beeson told The Associated Press on Saturday, but it's unclear for how long. They will be mostly for families with young children but also carry adults. There will be no unaccompanied children.

The flights to California are the government's latest response to a surge of Central Americans entering Texas' Rio Grande Valley, where the Border Patrol has made more than 174,000 arrests since Oct. 1. Most are from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala.

The Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency will decide whether the Central Americans remain in custody or are released while they are in deportation proceedings. ICE spokeswoman Lauren Mack declined to comment on how the agency will respond.

The government has been actively looking for additional detention space — primarily for mothers with young children — since large numbers of Central Americans have overwhelmed U.S. authorities in south Texas. ICE has only one detention center designed for families, an 85-bed facility in Berks County, Pennsylvania, that was once a nursing home.

The government is planning a 700-bed center in Artesia, N.M., that U.S. Rep. Steve Pearce told the Roswell Daily Record would be only for families. Pearce, a New Mexico Republican, told the newspaper Friday that the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Artesia could house families but was not equipped to accommodate unaccompanied children.

Beeson said Central Americans flown to San Diego will likely be processed at a station in Murrieta in south Riverside County. He didn't know if flights were planned from south Texas to destinations outside California, and the Border Patrol's parent agency, Customs and Border Protection, didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.

The Border Patrol flew a large number of families from Texas to Tucson, Arizona, over Memorial Day weekend, drawing criticism from Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer when ICE later dropped them off at Greyhound bus stations there.

U.S. border authorities have detained more than 39,000 adults with young children from October through May. A number have been released but the Department of Homeland Security has refused to say how many and whether they failed to appear in immigration court.

all of it here:
Feds to Fly Hundreds of Migrants to California - ABC News
That's the point......They can't.

Wrong. You were asking the same question over, and over, and over again. There were many responses that you chose to ignore. That constitutes SPAM. If you continue in that manner it will get closed again.

Your statement here...

"That's the point......They can't"

Implies that you have merely posted a baiting and polarizing thread and that too is a violation of the rules. Why don't you tell us what the Democrats are going to do to help the middle class. So far, the middle class gets to pay almost double for gasoline over what the gas prices were during the Bush era....and they have maintained that elevated level for the entire time that Obama has been in office.

Regular energy costs will likewise skyrocket if the EPA is able to enforce the rules they want to. That enriches the rich but once again it screws the middle class. How exactly are the Democrats going to mitigate that? By ripping off the upper middle class to help the lower middle class?

How about the ACA? How many are going to die because they can't get in to see doctors? If the VA is any sort of analog (and weren't you ALL crowing about how great the VA was before the truth came out) the backlog is going to be epic and tens of thousands will die before they get the care they need.

How exactly is that going to help the middle class? Or are you one of those who believe in killing something to save it?

Be specific in your responses.

I'm asking a question that nobody can answer.

For your questions:

Gasoline and oil are priced on the market. No sitting President has any control. The rich are doing it.

Which EPA rules do you speak?

Who isn't getting care under ACA?

The VA is better than it was under Bush, but remains severely underfunded. Something you have to ask the Republicans about.

If that's true why were the gasoline prices cheaper during the Bush era? Obama famously said

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlTxGHn4sH4]Obama: My Plan Makes Electricity Rates Skyrocket - YouTube[/ame]

How does that benefit the middle class? Energy price increases hurt the middle class. Basically, under Obama the ultra rich have been doing super well while the middle class suffers.

So. I ask you. What is the Democrat party going to do to help the middle class because right now every policy they are implementing is screwing them over big time.

Be specific.
Wrong. You were asking the same question over, and over, and over again. There were many responses that you chose to ignore. That constitutes SPAM. If you continue in that manner it will get closed again.

Your statement here...

"That's the point......They can't"

Implies that you have merely posted a baiting and polarizing thread and that too is a violation of the rules. Why don't you tell us what the Democrats are going to do to help the middle class. So far, the middle class gets to pay almost double for gasoline over what the gas prices were during the Bush era....and they have maintained that elevated level for the entire time that Obama has been in office.

Regular energy costs will likewise skyrocket if the EPA is able to enforce the rules they want to. That enriches the rich but once again it screws the middle class. How exactly are the Democrats going to mitigate that? By ripping off the upper middle class to help the lower middle class?

How about the ACA? How many are going to die because they can't get in to see doctors? If the VA is any sort of analog (and weren't you ALL crowing about how great the VA was before the truth came out) the backlog is going to be epic and tens of thousands will die before they get the care they need.

How exactly is that going to help the middle class? Or are you one of those who believe in killing something to save it?

Be specific in your responses.

I'm asking a question that nobody can answer.

For your questions:

Gasoline and oil are priced on the market. No sitting President has any control. The rich are doing it.

Which EPA rules do you speak?

Who isn't getting care under ACA?

The VA is better than it was under Bush, but remains severely underfunded. Something you have to ask the Republicans about.

Raising the minimum wage would lift 16 million people out of poverty.

If that's true why were the gasoline prices cheaper during the Bush era? Obama famously said

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlTxGHn4sH4]Obama: My Plan Makes Electricity Rates Skyrocket - YouTube[/ame]

How does that benefit the middle class? Energy price increases hurt the middle class. Basically, under Obama the ultra rich have been doing super well while the middle class suffers.

So. I ask you. What is the Democrat party going to do to help the middle class because right now every policy they are implementing is screwing them over big time.

Be specific.

Raising the minimum wage to 10.10 an hour would lift 16 million people out of poverty.
The powers that be closed my thread because I posted a question that was too hard to answer.

So here it is again;

What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

Freedom. Freedom to succeed and freedom to fail. Freedom to think and believe what you want. freedom to worship, or not, as you choose, freedom from high taxes, freedom from an oppressive government, states rights. Freedom of speech. The bill of rights. The constitution, secure borders, new jobs.
I'm asking a question that nobody can answer.

For your questions:

Gasoline and oil are priced on the market. No sitting President has any control. The rich are doing it.

Which EPA rules do you speak?

Who isn't getting care under ACA?

The VA is better than it was under Bush, but remains severely underfunded. Something you have to ask the Republicans about.

Raising the minimum wage would lift 16 million people out of poverty.

If that's true why were the gasoline prices cheaper during the Bush era? Obama famously said

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlTxGHn4sH4]Obama: My Plan Makes Electricity Rates Skyrocket - YouTube[/ame]

How does that benefit the middle class? Energy price increases hurt the middle class. Basically, under Obama the ultra rich have been doing super well while the middle class suffers.

So. I ask you. What is the Democrat party going to do to help the middle class because right now every policy they are implementing is screwing them over big time.

Be specific.

Raising the minimum wage to 10.10 an hour would lift 16 million people out of poverty.

and put 20 million more on welfare and food stamps. A MW increase would result in a net loss of jobs. Wake the fuck up and smell reality.
The powers that be closed my thread because I posted a question that was too hard to answer.

So here it is again;

What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

Why do you think any political party should offer any group anything?
Why not be a responsible adult and take care of yourself.
The powers that be closed my thread because I posted a question that was too hard to answer.

So here it is again;

What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

Freedom. Freedom to succeed and freedom to fail. Freedom to think and believe what you want. freedom to worship, or not, as you choose, freedom from high taxes, freedom from an oppressive government, states rights. Freedom of speech. The bill of rights. The constitution, secure borders, new jobs.

You people blow me away with the bullshit you say. Yeah, Redfish, I'm sure you get a tingling feeling inside when you hear a republican politician spout on about how he'll preserve freedom, the constitution and warm apple pie, but in reality he has absolutely nothing to offer you. TWhy? Because he doesn't actually give a shit about you.

Tell me. How, specially, has the Republican Party helped the middle class and poor?
I'm asking a question that nobody can answer.

For your questions:

Gasoline and oil are priced on the market. No sitting President has any control. The rich are doing it.

Which EPA rules do you speak?

Who isn't getting care under ACA?

The VA is better than it was under Bush, but remains severely underfunded. Something you have to ask the Republicans about.

Raising the minimum wage would lift 16 million people out of poverty.

If that's true why were the gasoline prices cheaper during the Bush era? Obama famously said

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlTxGHn4sH4]Obama: My Plan Makes Electricity Rates Skyrocket - YouTube[/ame]

How does that benefit the middle class? Energy price increases hurt the middle class. Basically, under Obama the ultra rich have been doing super well while the middle class suffers.

So. I ask you. What is the Democrat party going to do to help the middle class because right now every policy they are implementing is screwing them over big time.

Be specific.

Raising the minimum wage to 10.10 an hour would lift 16 million people out of poverty.

No, it wouldn't. Prices would rise up to cover the costs and they would be right back where they were. When I first entered the work force minimum wage was .80 cents an hour. Back then a house cost 9,000 bucks. Now minimum wage is whatever it happens to be, and that same house is 120,000.

It's called inflation. Take an economics class sometime. Take a look at what has happened to the value of money. Raising the minimum wage does nothing to help the middle class. Educating them to get better jobs, having better jobs, cheap energy costs so everyone can get where they need to be to work those jobs...that makes a difference.

You think slapping a bandage on a sucking chest wound is somehow going to be beneficial, but all it does is prolong the pain and suffering.
Raising the minimum wage would lift 16 million people out of poverty.

If that's true why were the gasoline prices cheaper during the Bush era? Obama famously said

Obama: My Plan Makes Electricity Rates Skyrocket - YouTube

How does that benefit the middle class? Energy price increases hurt the middle class. Basically, under Obama the ultra rich have been doing super well while the middle class suffers.

So. I ask you. What is the Democrat party going to do to help the middle class because right now every policy they are implementing is screwing them over big time.

Be specific.

Raising the minimum wage to 10.10 an hour would lift 16 million people out of poverty.

and put 20 million more on welfare and food stamps. A MW increase would result in a net loss of jobs. Wake the fuck up and smell reality.

You are so very ignorant. You look like a complete jackass when you just make shit up.

1) The CBO estimates that 500,000 jobs could be lost but even that would be a stretch. What you fail to understand is that the higher wages would lead to more consumer spending which would inevitably create jobs.

2) Your claim about public assistance makes no sense at all. If people have higher wages THEY DONT QUALIFY FOR PUBLIC ASSISTANCE EVEN IF THEY STILL WANTED IT.
I'm asking a question that nobody can answer.

For your questions:

Gasoline and oil are priced on the market. No sitting President has any control. The rich are doing it.

Which EPA rules do you speak?

Who isn't getting care under ACA?

The VA is better than it was under Bush, but remains severely underfunded. Something you have to ask the Republicans about.

Raising the minimum wage would lift 16 million people out of poverty.

If that's true why were the gasoline prices cheaper during the Bush era? Obama famously said

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlTxGHn4sH4]Obama: My Plan Makes Electricity Rates Skyrocket - YouTube[/ame]

How does that benefit the middle class? Energy price increases hurt the middle class. Basically, under Obama the ultra rich have been doing super well while the middle class suffers.

So. I ask you. What is the Democrat party going to do to help the middle class because right now every policy they are implementing is screwing them over big time.

Be specific.

Raising the minimum wage to 10.10 an hour would lift 16 million people out of poverty.
only Around 3 million people make minimum wage like 10 million make up to 10 bucks an hour. Raise it to 10 bucks an hour you will just have 13 million people poor .plus you fools they will lose their Obama care subsidies.
Raising the minimum wage would lift 16 million people out of poverty.

If that's true why were the gasoline prices cheaper during the Bush era? Obama famously said

Obama: My Plan Makes Electricity Rates Skyrocket - YouTube

How does that benefit the middle class? Energy price increases hurt the middle class. Basically, under Obama the ultra rich have been doing super well while the middle class suffers.

So. I ask you. What is the Democrat party going to do to help the middle class because right now every policy they are implementing is screwing them over big time.

Be specific.

Raising the minimum wage to 10.10 an hour would lift 16 million people out of poverty.

No, it wouldn't. Prices would rise up to cover the costs and they would be right back where they were. When I first entered the work force minimum wage was .80 cents an hour. Back then a house cost 9,000 bucks. Now minimum wage is whatever it happens to be, and that same house is 120,000.

It's called inflation. Take an economics class sometime. Take a look at what has happened to the value of money. Raising the minimum wage does nothing to help the middle class. Educating them to get better jobs, having better jobs, cheap energy costs so everyone can get where they need to be to work those jobs...that makes a difference.

You think slapping a bandage on a sucking chest wound is somehow going to be beneficial, but all it does is prolong the pain and suffering.

95% of the income gains have gone to the top 1% of earners since the 30s. Meanwhile, the min wage is way behind on inflation. If people have more money in their pockets they pump more money into the economy.

If we raised the wage to 10$ an hour, prices would only go up cents on the dollar. The market would easily correct itself.

Wouldn't you want to live in a country with less public assistance.
Raising the minimum wage to 10.10 an hour would lift 16 million people out of poverty.

No, it wouldn't. Prices would rise up to cover the costs and they would be right back where they were. When I first entered the work force minimum wage was .80 cents an hour. Back then a house cost 9,000 bucks. Now minimum wage is whatever it happens to be, and that same house is 120,000.

It's called inflation. Take an economics class sometime. Take a look at what has happened to the value of money. Raising the minimum wage does nothing to help the middle class. Educating them to get better jobs, having better jobs, cheap energy costs so everyone can get where they need to be to work those jobs...that makes a difference.

You think slapping a bandage on a sucking chest wound is somehow going to be beneficial, but all it does is prolong the pain and suffering.

95% of the income gains have gone to the top 1% of earners since the 30s. Meanwhile, the min wage is way behind on inflation. If people have more money in their pockets they pump more money into the economy.

If we raised the wage to 10$ an hour, prices would only go up cents on the dollar. The market would easily correct itself.

Wouldn't you want to live in a country with less public assistance.
Wouldn't jacking up the minimum wage be tantamount to public assistance? You do realize there's no such thing as a free meal. The only question is who pays for it.
Raising the minimum wage to 10.10 an hour would lift 16 million people out of poverty.

No, it wouldn't. Prices would rise up to cover the costs and they would be right back where they were. When I first entered the work force minimum wage was .80 cents an hour. Back then a house cost 9,000 bucks. Now minimum wage is whatever it happens to be, and that same house is 120,000.

It's called inflation. Take an economics class sometime. Take a look at what has happened to the value of money. Raising the minimum wage does nothing to help the middle class. Educating them to get better jobs, having better jobs, cheap energy costs so everyone can get where they need to be to work those jobs...that makes a difference.

You think slapping a bandage on a sucking chest wound is somehow going to be beneficial, but all it does is prolong the pain and suffering.

95% of the income gains have gone to the top 1% of earners since the 30s. Meanwhile, the min wage is way behind on inflation. If people have more money in their pockets they pump more money into the economy.

If we raised the wage to 10$ an hour, prices would only go up cents on the dollar. The market would easily correct itself.

Wouldn't you want to live in a country with less public assistance.

Doesn't matter. All raising the minimum wage has ever done is raise all other prices so the net effect is zero. That has been shown to be true from the inception of the minimum wage.

Yes CEO compensation is ridiculously high. Yes it needs to be reigned in. No argument from me. But your methods merely allow that bullshit to continue and never addresses the real issues. It merely puts it off for the next generation to deal with.

We ARE the next generation so now it has to be dealt with. In 1932 2% of the population controlled 76% of the nations wealth. Democrats took over both houses for FORTY continuous years and also held the POTUS for a good portion of that time.

When they were done 1% controlled 90% of the wealth. Who were the Dems working for? Because it certainly doesn't look like they were working for the middle class.

That's the point. You think that Democrats (and I am one) are always the good guy but I can show you historically their policies have done more to concentrate wealth in the hands of the few than all the Republican policies since they were founded.

That is a simple historical fact.
The powers that be closed my thread because I posted a question that was too hard to answer.

So here it is again;

What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

Freedom. Freedom to succeed and freedom to fail. Freedom to think and believe what you want. freedom to worship, or not, as you choose, freedom from high taxes, freedom from an oppressive government, states rights. Freedom of speech. The bill of rights. The constitution, secure borders, new jobs.

You people blow me away with the bullshit you say. Yeah, Redfish, I'm sure you get a tingling feeling inside when you hear a republican politician spout on about how he'll preserve freedom, the constitution and warm apple pie, but in reality he has absolutely nothing to offer you. TWhy? Because he doesn't actually give a shit about you.

Tell me. How, specially, has the Republican Party helped the middle class and poor?

Lincoln was a republican. Republicans passed the civil rights act in spite of fillibusters by democrats, republicans passed the Bush tax cuts that cut taxes for every middle class person in the country. Republicans opposed obamacare, the worst piece of legislation in the history of our nation.
Raising the minimum wage to 10.10 an hour would lift 16 million people out of poverty.

No, it wouldn't. Prices would rise up to cover the costs and they would be right back where they were. When I first entered the work force minimum wage was .80 cents an hour. Back then a house cost 9,000 bucks. Now minimum wage is whatever it happens to be, and that same house is 120,000.

It's called inflation. Take an economics class sometime. Take a look at what has happened to the value of money. Raising the minimum wage does nothing to help the middle class. Educating them to get better jobs, having better jobs, cheap energy costs so everyone can get where they need to be to work those jobs...that makes a difference.

You think slapping a bandage on a sucking chest wound is somehow going to be beneficial, but all it does is prolong the pain and suffering.

95% of the income gains have gone to the top 1% of earners since the 30s. Meanwhile, the min wage is way behind on inflation. If people have more money in their pockets they pump more money into the economy.

If we raised the wage to 10$ an hour, prices would only go up cents on the dollar. The market would easily correct itself.

Wouldn't you want to live in a country with less public assistance.

If $10/hr would help the economy, then why not make it $100/hr? you logic fails when you take it to its logical conclusion.

supply and demand should set the price of labor just like everything else. artificial price fixing never works.
95% of the income gains have gone to the top 1% of earners since the 30s. Meanwhile, the min wage is way behind on inflation. If people have more money in their pockets they pump more money into the economy.

If we raised the wage to 10$ an hour, prices would only go up cents on the dollar. The market would easily correct itself.

Wouldn't you want to live in a country with less public assistance.

I know I certainly would.

Therefore, I propose that we eliminate public assistance.
If one is not valuable enough to get paid $10 hour, then they need to learn to live off of what they can earn.

It irritates me how liberals think that if somebody only makes minimum wage it is up to the to those of us that make more to support their lifestyle. It's not my responsibility to support some random person that is poor.
I'm not the one that made them poor. I'm not the one that made them accept a minimum wage job. I'm not the one that controls their skill-set. They are. Not me.
If they aren't physically disabled or mentally retarded they need to grow up and be responsible for themselves.
Raising the minimum wage to 10.10 an hour would lift 16 million people out of poverty.

and put 20 million more on welfare and food stamps. A MW increase would result in a net loss of jobs. Wake the fuck up and smell reality.

You are so very ignorant. You look like a complete jackass when you just make shit up.

1) The CBO estimates that 500,000 jobs could be lost but even that would be a stretch. What you fail to understand is that the higher wages would lead to more consumer spending which would inevitably create jobs.

2) Your claim about public assistance makes no sense at all. If people have higher wages THEY DONT QUALIFY FOR PUBLIC ASSISTANCE EVEN IF THEY STILL WANTED IT.

Another idiot who believes consumer spending drives the economy. Hey, Billy. It ain't so. That's been proven over and over. Higher min wage merely hurts those trying to make it into the job market, like black teenagers. Want to see the graph of min wage increases against black teen employment again?

SOme people will have higher wages. The rest will go on welfare because they can't find a job.

We've raised the min wage numerous times and we have never achieved the liberal nirvana that was promised. Why is it? Was it not raised high enough? How about $50/hr?

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