Put Up, or Shut Up; What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

It's not hard to answer you just can't understand it.

We offer an opportunity to advance yourself based upon your own ability to actually achieve more than just middle class. We also provide opportunity for low class people to move into the middle class.

You seem to think we need to "offer" people a way to move up in class with no effort on their own. The government will simply grant people middle class status by stealing from others trying to work themselves into the middle class.

Your question isn't too hard to understand the solution is just too far from your ability to conceive.

You can't provide anyone a middle class living if they aren't earning it. There simply isn't enough tax money available to do that.

We offer an opportunity, you want to guarantee a failure of living in poverty on government handouts and think you can call that middle class. We think people without the burdens of government can do better for themselves.

We offer a chance at being successful, you offer them an unemployment check.
What a load of "Pie in the Sky" crap. You use words like "opportunity to advance yourself" and "we offer a chance at being successful." BULLSHIT!!!!! People can advance and be successful if they have jobs that pay more than minimum wage. Where are the jobs bills the gop promised? Obama has literally begged the House for jobs bills and what has the House done? They have voted to repeal ACA over 50 times and still we have no jobs bill. To make matters worse they have basically did absolutely nothing these last 5+ years and this year the House will be in session slightly over 100 days. Where are bills to improve the infrastructure which would help put people back to work. Where are bills that would jump start the economy like the raising of minimum wage? You people have never understood this simple truth: When you get money in the hands of poor people they SPEND it and their spending money creates demand, and that demand creates more jobs and grows the economy. You prefer helping the rich who do not spend the extra money. They invest it and offen those investments help grow the economies of other countries. You people are so mentally dense you could probably crack granite with your heads.

Hey, dumbshit. Government is not going to help you. Get that through your head. You will not get rich on government programs. Only cronies do that. ANd from your posts you're way not smart enough to be a crony.
You're chance at getting ahead lies in working for a company that is growing and hiring, competing with other companies for workers on the basis of pay and benefits. You know, those companies you like to slam as exploiting people?
What a wonderful example of the smallness of your mind.
"You're chance at getting ahead lies in working for a company that is growing and hiring, competing with other companies for workers on the basis of pay and benefits. You know, those companies you like to slam as exploiting people?"
That sounds absolutely inspirational!!! But what about if that company has moved to India, Mexico, or Bangladesh. Or what about if the company pays minimum wage which puts the worker below the poverty level? What about if your advancement consists of moving from working the window to cooking the fries. Then how do they compete for jobs when there are no jobs. How do they get hired if there is no one there to hire them. What's you plan? Call them lazy and let them starve to death when they can't find work or let them work full time and still not be able to pay their bills?
rabbi, you are rather disgusting. You see what is right in front of you (the effect) but lack the mental capacity to think about the cause. But then again, you are a republican and one should never use the words thinking and republican in the same sentence.
What a load of "Pie in the Sky" crap. You use words like "opportunity to advance yourself" and "we offer a chance at being successful." BULLSHIT!!!!! People can advance and be successful if they have jobs that pay more than minimum wage. Where are the jobs bills the gop promised? Obama has literally begged the House for jobs bills and what has the House done? They have voted to repeal ACA over 50 times and still we have no jobs bill. To make matters worse they have basically did absolutely nothing these last 5+ years and this year the House will be in session slightly over 100 days. Where are bills to improve the infrastructure which would help put people back to work. Where are bills that would jump start the economy like the raising of minimum wage? You people have never understood this simple truth: When you get money in the hands of poor people they SPEND it and their spending money creates demand, and that demand creates more jobs and grows the economy. You prefer helping the rich who do not spend the extra money. They invest it and offen those investments help grow the economies of other countries. You people are so mentally dense you could probably crack granite with your heads.

Hey, dumbshit. Government is not going to help you. Get that through your head. You will not get rich on government programs. Only cronies do that. ANd from your posts you're way not smart enough to be a crony.
You're chance at getting ahead lies in working for a company that is growing and hiring, competing with other companies for workers on the basis of pay and benefits. You know, those companies you like to slam as exploiting people?
What a wonderful example of the smallness of your mind.
"You're chance at getting ahead lies in working for a company that is growing and hiring, competing with other companies for workers on the basis of pay and benefits. You know, those companies you like to slam as exploiting people?"
That sounds absolutely inspirational!!! But what about if that company has moved to India, Mexico, or Bangladesh. Or what about if the company pays minimum wage which puts the worker below the poverty level? What about if your advancement consists of moving from working the window to cooking the fries. Then how do they compete for jobs when there are no jobs. How do they get hired if there is no one there to hire them. What's you plan? Call them lazy and let them starve to death when they can't find work or let them work full time and still not be able to pay their bills?
rabbi, you are rather disgusting. You see what is right in front of you (the effect) but lack the mental capacity to think about the cause. But then again, you are a republican and one should never use the words thinking and republican in the same sentence.
See, this is the problem. You think companies are there to screw you over but government is there to help. The opposite is the case.
If your job skills consist of running a fryer then you've got bigger problems than whether Democrats get elected.
You are a pathetic tool, Ron, sitting arounf waiting for the gummint check to bail you out of your bad decisions.
The powers that be closed my thread because I posted a question that was too hard to answer.

So here it is again;

What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

The Middle Class has been hurt more than ANYONE by Obama Administration policies. Our wages are stagnant and our costs to put gas in our cars, keep the lights on in our homes, put groceries on the table and to maintain our healthcare have NEVER been higher with even more cost increases on the way because Barry's ineptness with economic policy.

What are we offering? Fiscal sanity!
and put 20 million more on welfare and food stamps. A MW increase would result in a net loss of jobs. Wake the fuck up and smell reality.

You are so very ignorant. You look like a complete jackass when you just make shit up.

1) The CBO estimates that 500,000 jobs could be lost but even that would be a stretch. What you fail to understand is that the higher wages would lead to more consumer spending which would inevitably create jobs.

2) Your claim about public assistance makes no sense at all. If people have higher wages THEY DONT QUALIFY FOR PUBLIC ASSISTANCE EVEN IF THEY STILL WANTED IT.

Another idiot who believes consumer spending drives the economy. Hey, Billy. It ain't so. That's been proven over and over. Higher min wage merely hurts those trying to make it into the job market, like black teenagers. Want to see the graph of min wage increases against black teen employment again?

SOme people will have higher wages. The rest will go on welfare because they can't find a job.

We've raised the min wage numerous times and we have never achieved the liberal nirvana that was promised. Why is it? Was it not raised high enough? How about $50/hr?

Rabbit, that statement high lighted above. That was the most amazingly stupid statement that I have seen you make.

And that's saying something Rabbit. You say some amazingly stupid things.

Have you been drinking all afternoon again?
The powers that be closed my thread because I posted a question that was too hard to answer.

So here it is again;

What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

The Middle Class has been hurt more than ANYONE by Obama Administration policies. Our wages are stagnant and our costs to put gas in our cars, keep the lights on in our homes, put groceries on the table and to maintain our healthcare have NEVER been higher with even more cost increases on the way because Barry's ineptness with economic policy.

What are we offering? Fiscal sanity!

Name one policy that the President proposed and got that has hurt me. And I am as middle class as you can get. So name one.
The powers that be closed my thread because I posted a question that was too hard to answer.

So here it is again;

What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

The Middle Class has been hurt more than ANYONE by Obama Administration policies. Our wages are stagnant and our costs to put gas in our cars, keep the lights on in our homes, put groceries on the table and to maintain our healthcare have NEVER been higher with even more cost increases on the way because Barry's ineptness with economic policy.

What are we offering? Fiscal sanity!
I agree. It takes chutzpah to ask the GOP what they offer when the Democrats have screwed over the middle class six ways from Sunday. Gas prices, food prices, health insurance costs and availability, job choices, entrepreneurial opportunities--all of them worse now than 5 years ago. If the GOP did nothing but turn the clock back 6 years, or 8 years before Dems took Congress, it would be an enormous relief to everyone. Except the cronies and fat cats, of course.
The powers that be closed my thread because I posted a question that was too hard to answer.

So here it is again;

What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

The Middle Class has been hurt more than ANYONE by Obama Administration policies. Our wages are stagnant and our costs to put gas in our cars, keep the lights on in our homes, put groceries on the table and to maintain our healthcare have NEVER been higher with even more cost increases on the way because Barry's ineptness with economic policy.

What are we offering? Fiscal sanity!
I agree. It takes chutzpah to ask the GOP what they offer when the Democrats have screwed over the middle class six ways from Sunday. Gas prices, food prices, health insurance costs and availability, job choices, entrepreneurial opportunities--all of them worse now than 5 years ago. If the GOP did nothing but turn the clock back 6 years, or 8 years before Dems took Congress, it would be an enormous relief to everyone. Except the cronies and fat cats, of course.

OK I take it back. This MAY be the most stupid statement I have seen you make.

Damn records set every minute around here.

Think I'll finish cutting the grass and then see what OTHER amazingly stupid statements that Rabbit has to make.
You are so very ignorant. You look like a complete jackass when you just make shit up.

1) The CBO estimates that 500,000 jobs could be lost but even that would be a stretch. What you fail to understand is that the higher wages would lead to more consumer spending which would inevitably create jobs.

2) Your claim about public assistance makes no sense at all. If people have higher wages THEY DONT QUALIFY FOR PUBLIC ASSISTANCE EVEN IF THEY STILL WANTED IT.

Another idiot who believes consumer spending drives the economy. Hey, Billy. It ain't so. That's been proven over and over. Higher min wage merely hurts those trying to make it into the job market, like black teenagers. Want to see the graph of min wage increases against black teen employment again?

SOme people will have higher wages. The rest will go on welfare because they can't find a job.

We've raised the min wage numerous times and we have never achieved the liberal nirvana that was promised. Why is it? Was it not raised high enough? How about $50/hr?

Rabbit, that statement high lighted above. That was the most amazingly stupid statement that I have seen you make.

And that's saying something Rabbit. You say some amazingly stupid things.

Have you been drinking all afternoon again?

It's Zeke, stumpbroke moron of USMB giving us his expert commentary from the trailer park. Hey, Zeke, what was the last book on economics you read?
The Middle Class has been hurt more than ANYONE by Obama Administration policies. Our wages are stagnant and our costs to put gas in our cars, keep the lights on in our homes, put groceries on the table and to maintain our healthcare have NEVER been higher with even more cost increases on the way because Barry's ineptness with economic policy.

What are we offering? Fiscal sanity!
I agree. It takes chutzpah to ask the GOP what they offer when the Democrats have screwed over the middle class six ways from Sunday. Gas prices, food prices, health insurance costs and availability, job choices, entrepreneurial opportunities--all of them worse now than 5 years ago. If the GOP did nothing but turn the clock back 6 years, or 8 years before Dems took Congress, it would be an enormous relief to everyone. Except the cronies and fat cats, of course.

OK I take it back. This MAY be the most stupid statement I have seen you make.

Damn records set every minute around here.

Think I'll finish cutting the grass and then see what OTHER amazingly stupid statements that Rabbit has to make.

Hey, Zeke. You shouldn't operate equipment when you're stoned out on Blatz Beer. Just sayin'.
To me -- It's all a grudge death match.. The 2 parties in power are gonna OUTBID each other for votes, keep corporations flush with cash thru subsidies, and ignore all the persistant Constitution duties in favor of dicking around with whatever strikes their fancy. Today Energy drinks, tomorrow nuclear fusion.

What's dying in this grudge match is the country.. Not the party faithful.. I have no faith in either major party - but I see the Repubs offering is -----

1) An acknowledgement that Free Enterprise is the engine of the car that Bush left in a ditch and to restart that engine by concentrating on ASSISTING biz rather than demeaning it by telling entreprenuers that "they didn't build this".

2) To stop dicking around with MINIMUM standards of education and RAISE EXPECTATIONS for our public schools so that 21st job skills will be available to most all of the next generation.

3) Invite in 100,000 American college educated foreigners with TECHNOLOGY skills rather than 100,000 parent-less babies in diapers dumped thru our borders.

4) Stop the paralyzing class warfare rhetoric and promote PEOPLE into 21st century jobs. Not just pump up wages for jobs that won't support this country thru the next decades.

5) Stop handing out $50 for every Energy Star Washing machine to corporations who would build the shit anyway, and incentivize new factory automation and R&D.

6) Stop wasting time on dismantling our electrical grid and promoting energy poverty when the object of an energy infrastructure is to make energy ABUNDANT and CHEAP.

7) Slow down the release of the bad guys that our military gave their lives to find and incarcerate. NOT RELEASE THEM so that ISIS has a leadership built from the prisons in Iraq and Afghan will have a new Cabinet for the next Taliban govt.

8) Put safeguards in place that allow for ACCOUNTABILITY AND FIRING of asses at the agencies that are now above Congressional oversight and flaunt their untouchable status in front of Congress and the Americans that they are spying on and screwing.

9) Put an emphasis on Technology developments that create entirely NEW industries in Biotech, robotics, artificial intelligence and logistics rather than fund trophy EVs for millionaires, or 200 year old wind and solar energy ideas.

10) Actually put safety net programs on solid footing and MANAGE them for efficiency of delivery of benefits. That includes stabilizing Soc Sec and Medicare since the crisis that we KNEW was gonna happen is already here.

11) Empower the states to EXPERIMENT in entitlements, welfare, education and healthcare rather than failing to IMPOSE a structure on them in which the goals are never realized and the costs keep going up.

There's more "expectations" --- but I'm not holding my breath for the RIGHT Republicans to
be elected to accomplish the majority of this.. This is only what they SAY they stand for. And only SOME of them actually mean it..


The actual quote from Obama;

There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me—because they want to give something back. They know they didn't—look, if you've been successful, you didn't get there on your own... If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you've got a business—you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen.

As a former owner of two business, one that I planned from inception, that statement is 100% true. Remember: Hire people smarter than you, then step back and let them do their job, Howard Schultz, Starbucks CEO

Oh gee. Thanks for the quote from your Dear Leader that you tried so hard to spin.,. The fact that I gave you NOT ONE but 11 answers to your question you think is so hard ---- and the only reaction I got was you sucking political dick --- tells me this is ONE GENUINE TROLLING EXERCISE. If you want to reward the Dems for all the outrages and incompetence of the past 6 years, you should fire your own stupid ass.
Hey, dumbshit. Government is not going to help you. Get that through your head. You will not get rich on government programs. Only cronies do that. ANd from your posts you're way not smart enough to be a crony.
You're chance at getting ahead lies in working for a company that is growing and hiring, competing with other companies for workers on the basis of pay and benefits. You know, those companies you like to slam as exploiting people?
What a wonderful example of the smallness of your mind.
"You're chance at getting ahead lies in working for a company that is growing and hiring, competing with other companies for workers on the basis of pay and benefits. You know, those companies you like to slam as exploiting people?"
That sounds absolutely inspirational!!! But what about if that company has moved to India, Mexico, or Bangladesh. Or what about if the company pays minimum wage which puts the worker below the poverty level? What about if your advancement consists of moving from working the window to cooking the fries. Then how do they compete for jobs when there are no jobs. How do they get hired if there is no one there to hire them. What's you plan? Call them lazy and let them starve to death when they can't find work or let them work full time and still not be able to pay their bills?
rabbi, you are rather disgusting. You see what is right in front of you (the effect) but lack the mental capacity to think about the cause. But then again, you are a republican and one should never use the words thinking and republican in the same sentence.
See, this is the problem. You think companies are there to screw you over but government is there to help. The opposite is the case.
If your job skills consist of running a fryer then you've got bigger problems than whether Democrats get elected.
You are a pathetic tool, Ron, sitting arounf waiting for the gummint check to bail you out of your bad decisions.
You are so full of shit I would be surprised if it is not running out of your ears. Take the stupidy of the phrase you posted:
"You think companies are there to screw you over but government is there to help. The opposite is the case."
Are you so dense as to believe companies are in business to help its employees? Do you really believe companies are concerned about the welfare of the people who work for it. EARTH TO RABBI! EARTH TO RABBI! Companies are in business to make a profit. People don't start companies to help employees, THEY START COMPANIES BECAUSE THEY WANT TO MAKE MONEY. And further, if they can make money off the backs of its employees they will do so. Let the government lower the minimum wage and watch how fast thousands of companies would lower their wages. Companies are in business to make a profit and if it means grinding their employees under, so be it. The only safety nets that the employees have are the union and the federal government. Where do you think sick leave comes from? Where do you think making workers jobs safe comes from? Where do you think protection from being fired without reason comes from? Where do you think the 40 hour work week comes from? Where do you think overtime came from? If companies could get away without paying overtime you would see 80 hour work weeks. Every one of the issues mentioned above comes from government or union action. If companies were given the choice they would quickly go back to a slave society especially if it means higher profits for the company. COMPANIES ARE NOT IN BUSINESS TO HELP THE EMPLOYEES AND ANYONE STUPID ENOUGH TO BELIEVE SUCH NONSENSE DESERVES TO BE SMACKED IN THE FACE WITH A 2 X 4 EACH AND EVERY DAY.
What a wonderful example of the smallness of your mind.
"You're chance at getting ahead lies in working for a company that is growing and hiring, competing with other companies for workers on the basis of pay and benefits. You know, those companies you like to slam as exploiting people?"
That sounds absolutely inspirational!!! But what about if that company has moved to India, Mexico, or Bangladesh. Or what about if the company pays minimum wage which puts the worker below the poverty level? What about if your advancement consists of moving from working the window to cooking the fries. Then how do they compete for jobs when there are no jobs. How do they get hired if there is no one there to hire them. What's you plan? Call them lazy and let them starve to death when they can't find work or let them work full time and still not be able to pay their bills?
rabbi, you are rather disgusting. You see what is right in front of you (the effect) but lack the mental capacity to think about the cause. But then again, you are a republican and one should never use the words thinking and republican in the same sentence.
See, this is the problem. You think companies are there to screw you over but government is there to help. The opposite is the case.
If your job skills consist of running a fryer then you've got bigger problems than whether Democrats get elected.
You are a pathetic tool, Ron, sitting arounf waiting for the gummint check to bail you out of your bad decisions.
You are so full of shit I would be surprised if it is not running out of your ears. Take the stupidy of the phrase you posted:
"You think companies are there to screw you over but government is there to help. The opposite is the case."
Are you so dense as to believe companies are in business to help its employees? Do you really believe companies are concerned about the welfare of the people who work for it. EARTH TO RABBI! EARTH TO RABBI! Companies are in business to make a profit. People don't start companies to help employees, THEY START COMPANIES BECAUSE THEY WANT TO MAKE MONEY. And further, if they can make money off the backs of its employees they will do so. Let the government lower the minimum wage and watch how fast thousands of companies would lower their wages. Companies are in business to make a profit and if it means grinding their employees under, so be it. The only safety nets that the employees have are the union and the federal government. Where do you think sick leave comes from? Where do you think making workers jobs safe comes from? Where do you think protection from being fired without reason comes from? Where do you think the 40 hour work week comes from? Where do you think overtime came from? If companies could get away without paying overtime you would see 80 hour work weeks. Every one of the issues mentioned above comes from government or union action. If companies were given the choice they would quickly go back to a slave society especially if it means higher profits for the company. COMPANIES ARE NOT IN BUSINESS TO HELP THE EMPLOYEES AND ANYONE STUPID ENOUGH TO BELIEVE SUCH NONSENSE DESERVES TO BE SMACKED IN THE FACE WITH A 2 X 4 EACH AND EVERY DAY.
Please learn to use white space, the quote function, and general writing format techniques before calling people names.

This has been a USMB PSA.
The powers that be closed my thread because I posted a question that was too hard to answer.

So here it is again;

What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

The Middle Class has been hurt more than ANYONE by Obama Administration policies. Our wages are stagnant and our costs to put gas in our cars, keep the lights on in our homes, put groceries on the table and to maintain our healthcare have NEVER been higher with even more cost increases on the way because Barry's ineptness with economic policy.

What are we offering? Fiscal sanity!

they are still blaming all that on Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh
What a wonderful example of the smallness of your mind.
"You're chance at getting ahead lies in working for a company that is growing and hiring, competing with other companies for workers on the basis of pay and benefits. You know, those companies you like to slam as exploiting people?"
That sounds absolutely inspirational!!! But what about if that company has moved to India, Mexico, or Bangladesh. Or what about if the company pays minimum wage which puts the worker below the poverty level? What about if your advancement consists of moving from working the window to cooking the fries. Then how do they compete for jobs when there are no jobs. How do they get hired if there is no one there to hire them. What's you plan? Call them lazy and let them starve to death when they can't find work or let them work full time and still not be able to pay their bills?
rabbi, you are rather disgusting. You see what is right in front of you (the effect) but lack the mental capacity to think about the cause. But then again, you are a republican and one should never use the words thinking and republican in the same sentence.
See, this is the problem. You think companies are there to screw you over but government is there to help. The opposite is the case.
If your job skills consist of running a fryer then you've got bigger problems than whether Democrats get elected.
You are a pathetic tool, Ron, sitting arounf waiting for the gummint check to bail you out of your bad decisions.
You are so full of shit I would be surprised if it is not running out of your ears. Take the stupidy of the phrase you posted:
"You think companies are there to screw you over but government is there to help. The opposite is the case."
Are you so dense as to believe companies are in business to help its employees? Do you really believe companies are concerned about the welfare of the people who work for it. EARTH TO RABBI! EARTH TO RABBI! Companies are in business to make a profit. People don't start companies to help employees, THEY START COMPANIES BECAUSE THEY WANT TO MAKE MONEY. And further, if they can make money off the backs of its employees they will do so. Let the government lower the minimum wage and watch how fast thousands of companies would lower their wages. Companies are in business to make a profit and if it means grinding their employees under, so be it. The only safety nets that the employees have are the union and the federal government. Where do you think sick leave comes from? Where do you think making workers jobs safe comes from? Where do you think protection from being fired without reason comes from? Where do you think the 40 hour work week comes from? Where do you think overtime came from? If companies could get away without paying overtime you would see 80 hour work weeks. Every one of the issues mentioned above comes from government or union action. If companies were given the choice they would quickly go back to a slave society especially if it means higher profits for the company. COMPANIES ARE NOT IN BUSINESS TO HELP THE EMPLOYEES AND ANYONE STUPID ENOUGH TO BELIEVE SUCH NONSENSE DESERVES TO BE SMACKED IN THE FACE WITH A 2 X 4 EACH AND EVERY DAY.

Wow. Companies are in business to make a profit. And if you can help them do that, they want you there and they'll pay you well for it. If you want to sit around and bullshit about how you're being exploited and you arent getting paid enough then they'll can your ass. Which is probably what happened and why you're a Democrat.
Losers vote Democrat. Winners vote GOP.
Republicans offer
Better Health Care that actually lowers the cost
School Choice
Social security choice
Lower gas and utility prices by getting energy Independence. Using all of the above approach, nuclear power, clean coal, solar, wind, geothermal, hydro power, as well as drilling for oil and natural gas in an environmentally responsible way.
Free Market with sensible business regulations.
Judges that interpret the law, not make laws from the bench.
Actual cuts in Government by 4 to 6 Trillion in 10 years.
They are willing to make the hard choices and not kick the can down the road until we finally go bankrupt.
No, it wouldn't. Prices would rise up to cover the costs and they would be right back where they were. When I first entered the work force minimum wage was .80 cents an hour. Back then a house cost 9,000 bucks. Now minimum wage is whatever it happens to be, and that same house is 120,000.

It's called inflation. Take an economics class sometime. Take a look at what has happened to the value of money. Raising the minimum wage does nothing to help the middle class. Educating them to get better jobs, having better jobs, cheap energy costs so everyone can get where they need to be to work those jobs...that makes a difference.

You think slapping a bandage on a sucking chest wound is somehow going to be beneficial, but all it does is prolong the pain and suffering.

95% of the income gains have gone to the top 1% of earners since the 30s. Meanwhile, the min wage is way behind on inflation. If people have more money in their pockets they pump more money into the economy.

If we raised the wage to 10$ an hour, prices would only go up cents on the dollar. The market would easily correct itself.

Wouldn't you want to live in a country with less public assistance.

Doesn't matter. All raising the minimum wage has ever done is raise all other prices so the net effect is zero. That has been shown to be true from the inception of the minimum wage.

Yes CEO compensation is ridiculously high. Yes it needs to be reigned in. No argument from me. But your methods merely allow that bullshit to continue and never addresses the real issues. It merely puts it off for the next generation to deal with.

We ARE the next generation so now it has to be dealt with. In 1932 2% of the population controlled 76% of the nations wealth. Democrats took over both houses for FORTY continuous years and also held the POTUS for a good portion of that time.

When they were done 1% controlled 90% of the wealth. Who were the Dems working for? Because it certainly doesn't look like they were working for the middle class.

That's the point. You think that Democrats (and I am one) are always the good guy but I can show you historically their policies have done more to concentrate wealth in the hands of the few than all the Republican policies since they were founded.

That is a simple historical fact.

Show me the historical proof that democrats are responsible for the concentration of wealth.

If you're democrat, what democratic polices do you favor?

I don't understand why you are so convinced that prices would shoot way up. Yes, there will be a slight increase, but people will still be able to afford it. Meanwhile the extra money being pumped into the economy would eventually bring prices down AND create jobs.

Many more people would be off of public assistance.
Freedom. Freedom to succeed and freedom to fail. Freedom to think and believe what you want. freedom to worship, or not, as you choose, freedom from high taxes, freedom from an oppressive government, states rights. Freedom of speech. The bill of rights. The constitution, secure borders, new jobs.

You people blow me away with the bullshit you say. Yeah, Redfish, I'm sure you get a tingling feeling inside when you hear a republican politician spout on about how he'll preserve freedom, the constitution and warm apple pie, but in reality he has absolutely nothing to offer you. TWhy? Because he doesn't actually give a shit about you.

Tell me. How, specially, has the Republican Party helped the middle class and poor?

Lincoln was a republican. Republicans passed the civil rights act in spite of fillibusters by democrats, republicans passed the Bush tax cuts that cut taxes for every middle class person in the country. Republicans opposed obamacare, the worst piece of legislation in the history of our nation.

Bush's tax cuts is the other chief reason our national debt is so high. Yes, the other reason is over spending, but Bush's spending and tax cutting cost the US 10 trillion dollars. Not only that, but job growth was pathetic under Bush. From his cuts, only 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut were created.

Lincoln? Really? That's the other example you give? Don't you think that is kind of pathetic? I mean sure Lincoln was our best president, but the republican party is absolutely nothing like it was back then.
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