Putin Didn't Hack Us

No, I don't agree. Some of the Dems wanted there to be a more vocal public position on the hacking before the election. But it would have played VERY badly - you know it. How would the rightwing media and the Trump campaign have spun it? Obama attempts to rig the election with "fake" hacking claims....oh that would have been a doozy.

That's what I just said. No one cared about appearances of Obama interfering in the election. It was the Dems who didn't want to handle the fall-out from "another email investigation". And between Hillary's arrogance and stupidity in HER electronic comm system that she created and the obvious lack of regard for cyber security at the DNC and Podesta's communications -- it would just highlight ineptness.

INVESTIGATING a potential International act of ESPIONAGE --- could never be spun as "fake hacking" claims.
If anything, it would either be solved and the Dems would be the VICTIMS of a crime. Whether it was the Kremlin, some other hackers or a disgruntled Bernie supporter at the DNC..

You can't beat the "victim card".. It HAPPENED. But Obama and crew took a snooze on solving it definitely and/or taking measures to stop FURTHER similar intrusions and INSTEAD --- used the ALLEGATION as the defense for spying on the Trump campaign... MAYBE -- they didn't WANT ALL the facts..
It is called living in reality.
Is Putin a monster? Yes
Is Putin the worst person in the world? Not even close
Is Putin sane? Yes

Did Russia hack the DNC and Hillary's private illegal server? Yes and so did everyone from China to bored people on 4Chan. Good luck in tracing everything back to solely Russia.

It makes no sense for them to have the information and want Trump to be president. It is far better for them to have Hillary as president and have black mail on her
Hill has been inspected ,bashed investigated numerous times You got NOTHING on her Russia loved trump that's why they helped him
and she is a criminal. just because her side kept her out of jail doesn't mean she isn't a criminal.

How very Republican of you.

Bring the noose and hang the accused, and then point out you didn't need a trial because she was a criminal.....

That is what Democrats do:

FDR and Japanese Americans

Obama and Anwar al-Awlaki
Trump and Putin

What do Trump and Putin have to do with Democrats history of punishing US citizens without trials?
Who's servers did he hack? You are nothing but Trump trash that needs to be gotten rid off.

Hard to tell since the DNC wont give em up.....

Not hard to tell at all. Again the information didn't come from the tooth fairy.

Holy Shit a dem gets it right for once!
Seth Rich.

The only thing that Seth Rich proves is how demented Trump sycophants are.

Seth was a dem.

Seth had nothing to do with leaks.
The Russians have not been caught Hacking in to anything.

The only Hacking group that we know for sure Hacked anything was Obama's Cyber Hacking team trying to hack in to our election systems to make a case for Federal takeover of State Elections. They also Conducted Illegal Woretapping on The Entire Trump Campaign Team.

And why in The Fuck would Russia want Trump? Bill and Hillary Clinton sucked Putin's Cock while Podesta licked his balls and asshole every day.

They took Millions from Putin and did whatever he asked them to do. Trump was going to be much much more difficult to deal with than Clinton.

The most logical explanation is the one that we have two eye witnesses for.

Both assert that they will make Sworn Testimony about Seth Rich's relationship with Wikileaks.

Assange and Kim.com owner both said Seth Rich Leaked DNC emails to Wikileaks multiple times because he was sick of The Corruption at The DNC especially after he came to the realization that The Democrat Party was Rigging their own Primaries.

With The DNC refusing to cooperate there is no proof of any Hacking and there never will be. But there is proof of a ton of shenanigans done by The Democrat Party.

There will be a coverup operation run by Mueller to conceal the fact The DNC, Clinton, Obama and operatives in The Intelligence Community Colluded together to try to Rig The 2016 Election!

Why would anybody believe our intel community about Russian hacking

Why do you so desperately want to believe Russia?

Did you read the OP for this thread? It's not even as simple as FINDING a Russian IP address strike on a server. The "Pros" can make it look like Israel did it. Including the Hebrew notes and text in the malware.

It's NOT a matter of "believing Russia".. It's a matter of the GOVT screwed up BIG TIME by not seizing that evidence and turning it over to the professionals for REAL Intel Content.

The Intel Agencies can link code to creators. KNOWS where the creators were last Sunday because of Foreign Surveillance assets. THey have TONS of more context to view the evidence with THAN ANY private org.

Because if was an OFFICIAL Kremlin Intel act -- ONLY the govt Cyber Agencies are qualified to analyze the methods...

But it wasn't important to the Obama Admin --- until Hillary lost..

Why would they want Trump? Since Trump was inaugurated, he has been trying to lift the sanctions. La Pen was backed by Russia and she said she would consider lifting the sanctions. Also Clinton strongly defended NATO while Trump suggested it was obsolete.

Why should we believe Assange? Assange is bought and paid for by Putin. Seth Rich did nothing. Trump Davidians are so desperate to protect Trump that they will push any crazy conspiracy theory. No intelligence agency tried to frame Russia. Russia has interfered in a number of elections even before 2016.

The fact is that Mike Pence has called the evidence of Russia's interference convincing. Trump's head of the CIA believes that Russia interfered in our elections.

You shitheads are traitors to this country. You malign our intelligence agencies because you don't like their conclusions. You don't believe in America First. You believe in Trump First even if it means smearing Americans who are working hard to keep us safe.
To all you Liberals clinging to the Russian Hacker blankee, you do realize that it is a common ploy for hackers to spoof the source address to make it appear as if the hack came from one source when it actually came from another. You do know that, right?​

You do know that you are a cracked pot. The fact is that Trump's own NSA found evidence of Russia's continued hacking into state voter rolls. You do know that you are a Russian troll right?
Still no proof provided. Regardless if it happened or not, this is nothing new. As you know, Obama interfered with elections all over the world.

Who's servers did he hack? You are nothing but Trump trash that needs to be gotten rid off.

Hard to tell since the DNC wont give em up.....

Not hard to tell at all. Again the information didn't come from the tooth fairy.
And didn't come from their server and that's why they won't allow anyone to touch their server! Domain name doesn't match the DNC server oops
Hard to tell since the DNC wont give em up.....

Not hard to tell at all. Again the information didn't come from the tooth fairy.

Holy Shit a dem gets it right for once!
Seth Rich.

The only thing that Seth Rich proves is how demented Trump sycophants are.

Seth was a dem.

Seth had nothing to do with leaks.
He had everything to do with it. I have proof, Assange said he got email from a DNC staffer. Now you tell me what you got.
WHY are folks defending PUTIN over our own agencies and people?

Not defending Putin. The reason they are skeptical is that OUR "own agencies and people" were NEVER USED to examine the primary evidence of these intrusions. IN FACT -- "our own agencies and people" like the 4 or 5 Counter Cyber Groups were NEVER TASKED to investigate or to issue GUIDANCE to the victims and potential victims. It never BECAME a priority until election night..

Why is that Coyote???

Yes Trump and his followers have made it clear that they believe and support Puttin over the democrats since day one. Why do you think we are so angry? Trump has been feeding that anger everyday.

Trump knew about the attempts, why do you think Trump was already whining, until he won? We all know that the Righties would be having a cow if Hillary won..

It is a fact that Russia sent out millions of fake news bots..

The paper, by two members of Facebook's threat intelligence team and its chief security officer, noted that "fake news" has been incorrectly applied as a catch-all for a variety of techniques used to influence users of the platform. The company now divides these techniques into four specific groups:

  • "Information (or Influence) Operations - Actions taken by governments or organized non-state actors to distort domestic or foreign political sentiment."
  • "False News - News articles that purport to be factual, but which contain intentional misstatements of fact with the intention to arouse passions, attract viewership, or deceive."
  • "False Amplifiers - Coordinated activity by inauthentic accounts with the intent of manipulating political discussion (e.g., by discouraging specific parties from participating in discussion, or amplifying sensationalistic voices over others)."
  • "Disinformation - Inaccurate or manipulated information/content that is spread intentionally. This can include false news, or it can involve more subtle methods, such as false flag operations, feeding inaccurate quotes or stories to innocent intermediaries, or knowingly amplifying biased or misleading information."
Facebook, for the first time, acknowledges election manipulation
Lol! Facebook made you vote for Trump. Lol! That is awesome. What else has Facebook forced you to do?

So do you read what you write? Or the links? I never said that, I said that facebook factually acknowledges that we were hacked by millions of fake news bots..by their security team.
WHY are folks defending PUTIN over our own agencies and people?

Not defending Putin. The reason they are skeptical is that OUR "own agencies and people" were NEVER USED to examine the primary evidence of these intrusions. IN FACT -- "our own agencies and people" like the 4 or 5 Counter Cyber Groups were NEVER TASKED to investigate or to issue GUIDANCE to the victims and potential victims. It never BECAME a priority until election night..

Why is that Coyote???

Yes Trump and his followers have made it clear that they believe and support Puttin over the democrats since day one. Why do you think we are so angry? Trump has been feeding that anger everyday.

Trump knew about the attempts, why do you think Trump was already whining, until he won? We all know that the Righties would be having a cow if Hillary won..

It is a fact that Russia sent out millions of fake news bots..

The paper, by two members of Facebook's threat intelligence team and its chief security officer, noted that "fake news" has been incorrectly applied as a catch-all for a variety of techniques used to influence users of the platform. The company now divides these techniques into four specific groups:

  • "Information (or Influence) Operations - Actions taken by governments or organized non-state actors to distort domestic or foreign political sentiment."
  • "False News - News articles that purport to be factual, but which contain intentional misstatements of fact with the intention to arouse passions, attract viewership, or deceive."
  • "False Amplifiers - Coordinated activity by inauthentic accounts with the intent of manipulating political discussion (e.g., by discouraging specific parties from participating in discussion, or amplifying sensationalistic voices over others)."
  • "Disinformation - Inaccurate or manipulated information/content that is spread intentionally. This can include false news, or it can involve more subtle methods, such as false flag operations, feeding inaccurate quotes or stories to innocent intermediaries, or knowingly amplifying biased or misleading information."
Facebook, for the first time, acknowledges election manipulation
Lol! Facebook made you vote for Trump. Lol! That is awesome. What else has Facebook forced you to do?

So do you read what you write? Or the links? I never said that, I said that facebook factually acknowledges that we were hacked by millions of fake news bots..by their security team.

What is your point?
WHY are folks defending PUTIN over our own agencies and people?

Not defending Putin. The reason they are skeptical is that OUR "own agencies and people" were NEVER USED to examine the primary evidence of these intrusions. IN FACT -- "our own agencies and people" like the 4 or 5 Counter Cyber Groups were NEVER TASKED to investigate or to issue GUIDANCE to the victims and potential victims. It never BECAME a priority until election night..

Why is that Coyote???

Yes Trump and his followers have made it clear that they believe and support Puttin over the democrats since day one. Why do you think we are so angry? Trump has been feeding that anger everyday.

Trump knew about the attempts, why do you think Trump was already whining, until he won? We all know that the Righties would be having a cow if Hillary won..

It is a fact that Russia sent out millions of fake news bots..

The paper, by two members of Facebook's threat intelligence team and its chief security officer, noted that "fake news" has been incorrectly applied as a catch-all for a variety of techniques used to influence users of the platform. The company now divides these techniques into four specific groups:

  • "Information (or Influence) Operations - Actions taken by governments or organized non-state actors to distort domestic or foreign political sentiment."
  • "False News - News articles that purport to be factual, but which contain intentional misstatements of fact with the intention to arouse passions, attract viewership, or deceive."
  • "False Amplifiers - Coordinated activity by inauthentic accounts with the intent of manipulating political discussion (e.g., by discouraging specific parties from participating in discussion, or amplifying sensationalistic voices over others)."
  • "Disinformation - Inaccurate or manipulated information/content that is spread intentionally. This can include false news, or it can involve more subtle methods, such as false flag operations, feeding inaccurate quotes or stories to innocent intermediaries, or knowingly amplifying biased or misleading information."
Facebook, for the first time, acknowledges election manipulation

Total BullCrap.. Show me ONE fake Russian news story that is TRACED back to Russia Intel services.. I NEVER SAW them. Not one leftist can PROVIDE them. All that I've been shown when asked was a bunch of stuff from TEENAGERS in MOLDOVA trying to earn money for band equipment.

If the stories are not in the public conciousness, they must have been sublimal or something huh? Maybe your tablet broadcasted them to your ears while you were sleeping.. :rolleyes:

And BTW -- RT doesn't count. Number of folks watching RT on their cable net are less than people listening to Nat Weather Service broadcasts..

U.S. intelligence analysis[edit]

FireEye chairman David DeWalt concluded the Russian operation during the 2016 election was a new development in cyberwarfare by Russia.
Computer security company FireEye concluded Russia used social media as a weapon to influence the U.S. election.[24]FireEye Chairman David DeWalt said the 2016 operation was a new development in cyberwarfare by Russia.[24] FireEye CEO Kevin Mandia stated Russian cyberwarfare changed after fall 2014, from covert to overt tactics with decreased operational security.[24] Bellingcat analyst Aric Toler explained fact-checking only drew further attention to the fake news problem.[58]

U.S. Intelligence agencies debated why Putin chose summer 2016 to escalate active measures.[59] Prior to the election, U.S. national security officials said they were anxious about Russia tampering with U.S. news.[56] Director of National IntelligenceJames R. Clapper said after the 2011–13 Russian protests, Putin lost self-confidence, and responded with the propaganda operation.[59] Former CIA officer Patrick Skinner said the goal was to spread uncertainty.[58] House Intelligence CommitteeRanking Member Adam Schiff commented on Putin's aims, and said U.S. intelligence were concerned with Russian propaganda.[59] Speaking about disinformation that appeared in Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Poland, Schiff said there was an increase of the same behavior in the U.S.[59]

U.S. intelligence officials stated in November 2016 they believed Russia engaged in spreading fake news,[23] and the FBIreleased a statement saying they were investigating.[23][56] Two U.S. intelligence officials each told BuzzFeed News they "believe Russia helped disseminate fake and propagandized news as part of a broader effort to influence and undermine the presidential election".[23] The U.S. intelligence sources stated this involved "dissemination of completely fake news stories".[23]They told BuzzFeed the FBI investigation specifically focused on why "Russia had engaged in spreading false or misleading information".[23]

Fake news website - Wikipedia
WHY are folks defending PUTIN over our own agencies and people?

Not defending Putin. The reason they are skeptical is that OUR "own agencies and people" were NEVER USED to examine the primary evidence of these intrusions. IN FACT -- "our own agencies and people" like the 4 or 5 Counter Cyber Groups were NEVER TASKED to investigate or to issue GUIDANCE to the victims and potential victims. It never BECAME a priority until election night..

Why is that Coyote???

Yes Trump and his followers have made it clear that they believe and support Puttin over the democrats since day one. Why do you think we are so angry? Trump has been feeding that anger everyday.

Trump knew about the attempts, why do you think Trump was already whining, until he won? We all know that the Righties would be having a cow if Hillary won..

It is a fact that Russia sent out millions of fake news bots..

The paper, by two members of Facebook's threat intelligence team and its chief security officer, noted that "fake news" has been incorrectly applied as a catch-all for a variety of techniques used to influence users of the platform. The company now divides these techniques into four specific groups:

  • "Information (or Influence) Operations - Actions taken by governments or organized non-state actors to distort domestic or foreign political sentiment."
  • "False News - News articles that purport to be factual, but which contain intentional misstatements of fact with the intention to arouse passions, attract viewership, or deceive."
  • "False Amplifiers - Coordinated activity by inauthentic accounts with the intent of manipulating political discussion (e.g., by discouraging specific parties from participating in discussion, or amplifying sensationalistic voices over others)."
  • "Disinformation - Inaccurate or manipulated information/content that is spread intentionally. This can include false news, or it can involve more subtle methods, such as false flag operations, feeding inaccurate quotes or stories to innocent intermediaries, or knowingly amplifying biased or misleading information."
Facebook, for the first time, acknowledges election manipulation
Lol! Facebook made you vote for Trump. Lol! That is awesome. What else has Facebook forced you to do?

So do you read what you write? Or the links? I never said that, I said that facebook factually acknowledges that we were hacked by millions of fake news bots..by their security team.

What is your point?

I never said facebook influenced the election, doofus....They came out after the fact with their reports..
Hard to tell since the DNC wont give em up.....

Not hard to tell at all. Again the information didn't come from the tooth fairy.

Holy Shit a dem gets it right for once!
Seth Rich.

The only thing that Seth Rich proves is how demented Trump sycophants are.

Seth was a dem.

Seth had nothing to do with leaks.
How do you know?
Not defending Putin. The reason they are skeptical is that OUR "own agencies and people" were NEVER USED to examine the primary evidence of these intrusions. IN FACT -- "our own agencies and people" like the 4 or 5 Counter Cyber Groups were NEVER TASKED to investigate or to issue GUIDANCE to the victims and potential victims. It never BECAME a priority until election night..

Why is that Coyote???

Yes Trump and his followers have made it clear that they believe and support Puttin over the democrats since day one. Why do you think we are so angry? Trump has been feeding that anger everyday.

Trump knew about the attempts, why do you think Trump was already whining, until he won? We all know that the Righties would be having a cow if Hillary won..

It is a fact that Russia sent out millions of fake news bots..

The paper, by two members of Facebook's threat intelligence team and its chief security officer, noted that "fake news" has been incorrectly applied as a catch-all for a variety of techniques used to influence users of the platform. The company now divides these techniques into four specific groups:

  • "Information (or Influence) Operations - Actions taken by governments or organized non-state actors to distort domestic or foreign political sentiment."
  • "False News - News articles that purport to be factual, but which contain intentional misstatements of fact with the intention to arouse passions, attract viewership, or deceive."
  • "False Amplifiers - Coordinated activity by inauthentic accounts with the intent of manipulating political discussion (e.g., by discouraging specific parties from participating in discussion, or amplifying sensationalistic voices over others)."
  • "Disinformation - Inaccurate or manipulated information/content that is spread intentionally. This can include false news, or it can involve more subtle methods, such as false flag operations, feeding inaccurate quotes or stories to innocent intermediaries, or knowingly amplifying biased or misleading information."
Facebook, for the first time, acknowledges election manipulation
Lol! Facebook made you vote for Trump. Lol! That is awesome. What else has Facebook forced you to do?

So do you read what you write? Or the links? I never said that, I said that facebook factually acknowledges that we were hacked by millions of fake news bots..by their security team.

What is your point?

I never said facebook influenced the election, doofus....They came out after the fact with their reports..
Again, what is your point?
Yes Trump and his followers have made it clear that they believe and support Puttin over the democrats since day one. Why do you think we are so angry? Trump has been feeding that anger everyday.

Trump knew about the attempts, why do you think Trump was already whining, until he won? We all know that the Righties would be having a cow if Hillary won..

It is a fact that Russia sent out millions of fake news bots..

The paper, by two members of Facebook's threat intelligence team and its chief security officer, noted that "fake news" has been incorrectly applied

You know Eagle, I just have to make a few comments:

  1. We believe and support Putin? Over the Democrats? I don't know ANYONE who believes much less supports anything Putin says or does. That is not to say that it is mutually exclusive that we believe him or you. One thing certain about Democrats is the party has lied, lied, lied about everything, and is 100% committed to trying to destroy Trump at any cost. In my mind, that puts the DNC on a level hard to separate from a foreign threat itself. If anyone is feeding any anger, the Dems, the Libs and MSM need only look into their own mirrors. The fact that you guys continue to not see that is a really big liability for you because much of the public does see it! And you're angry because we don't take your word?
  2. You don't know what Trump knew. Don't even go there trying to fool us with your own foolishness. Trump was whining because of the long-proven facts that the DNC was cheating all over the place. Hillary and the DNC were even cheating in the debates.
  3. I bet half a dozen countries sent out fake news bots. I deal with misinformation all of the time! Sometimes even by people trying to do an honest job that just get things wrong because there is so much bad info out there. Some of the books printed for use in schools and colleges has bad information in them! This is nothing new--- the ultimate responsibility lies with the persons reading and digesting the stuff. FLASH------ the Internet is the least reliable and last place I go to for information.
  4. Facebook: I'm sure their IT people are competent, even good, but they don't have access to the kinds of tools, skills and knowledge employed at the national intelligence level. It is silly to believe otherwise.
BOTTOM LINE: As said elsewhere, your foreign intelligence staff, especially in large superpowers like Russia, are the Best Of The Best. They can get into just about anywhere. THAT IS THE NATURE OF THE INTERNET. It was designed to SHARE information. Once they get in, if they are good at all, they rarely get detected, if so, long after they are gone. That is the nature of a vulnerability. If they want to, they can hack into YOUR computer and then break into another system and make it look like YOU did it. The CIA deals with a thousand cyber attacks a day. Companies employ hackers to try to get the scoop on their competition.

Shades of Watergate, just moved about 40 years into the future. Welcome to the Internet Age. You no longer have to pick locks and go through drawers.

So, asking Putin if he hacked our election is a frivolous pursuit at best. If neither the Pres. or Secretary of State has that evidence, then WHO DOES? Facebook? The New York Times? If such proof existed at all, it would be SPLASHED all over the front page of every anti-Trump paper in the nation trying to connect him to Hillary's loss! So the best thing is to move on and address your attention at improving the election system to make it less susceptible to attack, because Russia and several other countries are not going to ever stop trying.

But why then does the DNC refuse to share their hacked server? Why did Hillary keep her government email outside the government system? There can only be one explanation: there is stuff in there they don't want others to know. Maybe that the server was never hacked at all. In the end, while the Trump Administration and GOP have spent the past half-year trying to advance the nation, the ONLY thing the DNC has tried to do is create baseless scandal after scandal.

Which do you think the voters will respond most to come 2018?

I was a Trump supporter this time last year, enough to have my family call me a bigot. I was seriously thinking to change my vote as a democrat. I didn't like Hillary and it looked like Trump was going independent.
I liked how he talked about going after the crime and big money in politics, going after Big pharma, and crooks running out country.

At this point He hated Fox news, and many republicans hated him too.

Then he turned and flipped against the ones who got him to the primaries..and picked Mike Pence and went total opposite of what he said he was going to do.

Many saw right through His bullshit and his lies ... He has lied ever since.

He is doing the same thing now to the republicans..telling you what you want to hear.

He is a lying manipulating scumbag to the point of mental illness, but what is amazing is he is believable..

So I told you that story to show you why the democrats who once supported him are calling out his bullshit ..

He is a liar.

It is not the democrats... who are trying to destroy him because Hillary lost.
Last edited:
Again, what is your point?

Do you recall saying the quote below? OMG... I never said that Facebook influence the election, I said that after the fact they are indeed came out with reports claiming that yes indeed the Russian bots did influence the campaign by fake news bots starting from fake twitter accounts..picked up by extreme right wing news websites and spread like wildfire..

Lol! Facebook made you vote for Trump. Lol! That is awesome. What else has Facebook forced you to do?
WHY are folks defending PUTIN over our own agencies and people?

Not defending Putin. The reason they are skeptical is that OUR "own agencies and people" were NEVER USED to examine the primary evidence of these intrusions. IN FACT -- "our own agencies and people" like the 4 or 5 Counter Cyber Groups were NEVER TASKED to investigate or to issue GUIDANCE to the victims and potential victims. It never BECAME a priority until election night..

Why is that Coyote???

Yes Trump and his followers have made it clear that they believe and support Puttin over the democrats since day one. Why do you think we are so angry? Trump has been feeding that anger everyday.

Trump knew about the attempts, why do you think Trump was already whining, until he won? We all know that the Righties would be having a cow if Hillary won..

It is a fact that Russia sent out millions of fake news bots..

The paper, by two members of Facebook's threat intelligence team and its chief security officer, noted that "fake news" has been incorrectly applied as a catch-all for a variety of techniques used to influence users of the platform. The company now divides these techniques into four specific groups:

  • "Information (or Influence) Operations - Actions taken by governments or organized non-state actors to distort domestic or foreign political sentiment."
  • "False News - News articles that purport to be factual, but which contain intentional misstatements of fact with the intention to arouse passions, attract viewership, or deceive."
  • "False Amplifiers - Coordinated activity by inauthentic accounts with the intent of manipulating political discussion (e.g., by discouraging specific parties from participating in discussion, or amplifying sensationalistic voices over others)."
  • "Disinformation - Inaccurate or manipulated information/content that is spread intentionally. This can include false news, or it can involve more subtle methods, such as false flag operations, feeding inaccurate quotes or stories to innocent intermediaries, or knowingly amplifying biased or misleading information."
Facebook, for the first time, acknowledges election manipulation

Total BullCrap.. Show me ONE fake Russian news story that is TRACED back to Russia Intel services.. I NEVER SAW them. Not one leftist can PROVIDE them. All that I've been shown when asked was a bunch of stuff from TEENAGERS in MOLDOVA trying to earn money for band equipment.

If the stories are not in the public conciousness, they must have been sublimal or something huh? Maybe your tablet broadcasted them to your ears while you were sleeping.. :rolleyes:

And BTW -- RT doesn't count. Number of folks watching RT on their cable net are less than people listening to Nat Weather Service broadcasts..

U.S. intelligence analysis[edit]

FireEye chairman David DeWalt concluded the Russian operation during the 2016 election was a new development in cyberwarfare by Russia.
Computer security company FireEye concluded Russia used social media as a weapon to influence the U.S. election.[24]FireEye Chairman David DeWalt said the 2016 operation was a new development in cyberwarfare by Russia.[24] FireEye CEO Kevin Mandia stated Russian cyberwarfare changed after fall 2014, from covert to overt tactics with decreased operational security.[24] Bellingcat analyst Aric Toler explained fact-checking only drew further attention to the fake news problem.[58]

U.S. Intelligence agencies debated why Putin chose summer 2016 to escalate active measures.[59] Prior to the election, U.S. national security officials said they were anxious about Russia tampering with U.S. news.[56] Director of National IntelligenceJames R. Clapper said after the 2011–13 Russian protests, Putin lost self-confidence, and responded with the propaganda operation.[59] Former CIA officer Patrick Skinner said the goal was to spread uncertainty.[58] House Intelligence CommitteeRanking Member Adam Schiff commented on Putin's aims, and said U.S. intelligence were concerned with Russian propaganda.[59] Speaking about disinformation that appeared in Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Poland, Schiff said there was an increase of the same behavior in the U.S.[59]

U.S. intelligence officials stated in November 2016 they believed Russia engaged in spreading fake news,[23] and the FBIreleased a statement saying they were investigating.[23][56] Two U.S. intelligence officials each told BuzzFeed News they "believe Russia helped disseminate fake and propagandized news as part of a broader effort to influence and undermine the presidential election".[23] The U.S. intelligence sources stated this involved "dissemination of completely fake news stories".[23]They told BuzzFeed the FBI investigation specifically focused on why "Russia had engaged in spreading false or misleading information".[23]

Fake news website - Wikipedia
So didn't the US do the same thing in Isreal?
WHY are folks defending PUTIN over our own agencies and people?

Not defending Putin. The reason they are skeptical is that OUR "own agencies and people" were NEVER USED to examine the primary evidence of these intrusions. IN FACT -- "our own agencies and people" like the 4 or 5 Counter Cyber Groups were NEVER TASKED to investigate or to issue GUIDANCE to the victims and potential victims. It never BECAME a priority until election night..

Why is that Coyote???

Yes Trump and his followers have made it clear that they believe and support Puttin over the democrats since day one. Why do you think we are so angry? Trump has been feeding that anger everyday.

Trump knew about the attempts, why do you think Trump was already whining, until he won? We all know that the Righties would be having a cow if Hillary won..

It is a fact that Russia sent out millions of fake news bots..

The paper, by two members of Facebook's threat intelligence team and its chief security officer, noted that "fake news" has been incorrectly applied as a catch-all for a variety of techniques used to influence users of the platform. The company now divides these techniques into four specific groups:

  • "Information (or Influence) Operations - Actions taken by governments or organized non-state actors to distort domestic or foreign political sentiment."
  • "False News - News articles that purport to be factual, but which contain intentional misstatements of fact with the intention to arouse passions, attract viewership, or deceive."
  • "False Amplifiers - Coordinated activity by inauthentic accounts with the intent of manipulating political discussion (e.g., by discouraging specific parties from participating in discussion, or amplifying sensationalistic voices over others)."
  • "Disinformation - Inaccurate or manipulated information/content that is spread intentionally. This can include false news, or it can involve more subtle methods, such as false flag operations, feeding inaccurate quotes or stories to innocent intermediaries, or knowingly amplifying biased or misleading information."
Facebook, for the first time, acknowledges election manipulation

Total BullCrap.. Show me ONE fake Russian news story that is TRACED back to Russia Intel services.. I NEVER SAW them. Not one leftist can PROVIDE them. All that I've been shown when asked was a bunch of stuff from TEENAGERS in MOLDOVA trying to earn money for band equipment.

If the stories are not in the public conciousness, they must have been sublimal or something huh? Maybe your tablet broadcasted them to your ears while you were sleeping.. :rolleyes:

And BTW -- RT doesn't count. Number of folks watching RT on their cable net are less than people listening to Nat Weather Service broadcasts..

U.S. intelligence analysis[edit]

FireEye chairman David DeWalt concluded the Russian operation during the 2016 election was a new development in cyberwarfare by Russia.
Computer security company FireEye concluded Russia used social media as a weapon to influence the U.S. election.[24]FireEye Chairman David DeWalt said the 2016 operation was a new development in cyberwarfare by Russia.[24] FireEye CEO Kevin Mandia stated Russian cyberwarfare changed after fall 2014, from covert to overt tactics with decreased operational security.[24] Bellingcat analyst Aric Toler explained fact-checking only drew further attention to the fake news problem.[58]

U.S. Intelligence agencies debated why Putin chose summer 2016 to escalate active measures.[59] Prior to the election, U.S. national security officials said they were anxious about Russia tampering with U.S. news.[56] Director of National IntelligenceJames R. Clapper said after the 2011–13 Russian protests, Putin lost self-confidence, and responded with the propaganda operation.[59] Former CIA officer Patrick Skinner said the goal was to spread uncertainty.[58] House Intelligence CommitteeRanking Member Adam Schiff commented on Putin's aims, and said U.S. intelligence were concerned with Russian propaganda.[59] Speaking about disinformation that appeared in Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Poland, Schiff said there was an increase of the same behavior in the U.S.[59]

U.S. intelligence officials stated in November 2016 they believed Russia engaged in spreading fake news,[23] and the FBIreleased a statement saying they were investigating.[23][56] Two U.S. intelligence officials each told BuzzFeed News they "believe Russia helped disseminate fake and propagandized news as part of a broader effort to influence and undermine the presidential election".[23] The U.S. intelligence sources stated this involved "dissemination of completely fake news stories".[23]They told BuzzFeed the FBI investigation specifically focused on why "Russia had engaged in spreading false or misleading information".[23]

Fake news website - Wikipedia
So didn't the US do the same thing in Isreal?

So you don't care that Russia tried to hack the American election?

That Russia tried to illegally- and secretly tried to influence who was elected President in 2016?
Why would anybody believe our intel community about Russian hacking

Why do you so desperately want to believe Russia?

Did you read the OP for this thread? It's not even as simple as FINDING a Russian IP address strike on a server. The "Pros" can make it look like Israel did it. Including the Hebrew notes and text in the malware.

It's NOT a matter of "believing Russia".. It's a matter of the GOVT screwed up BIG TIME by not seizing that evidence and turning it over to the professionals for REAL Intel Content.

The Intel Agencies can link code to creators. KNOWS where the creators were last Sunday because of Foreign Surveillance assets. THey have TONS of more context to view the evidence with THAN ANY private org.

Because if was an OFFICIAL Kremlin Intel act -- ONLY the govt Cyber Agencies are qualified to analyze the methods...

But it wasn't important to the Obama Admin --- until Hillary lost..

Yeah- it is about 'believing Russia'- when it comes to Tom Horn- and his usual conspiracy theories.

Tom Horn said:

Why would anybody believe our intel community about Russian hacking

Me: Why do you so desperately want to believe Russia?

The Trumpsters have been desperately trying to deny that Russia attempted to hack our election- and even this week President Snowflake himself cast doubt on the findings of our own intelligence agencies- and gave Russia cover again.

So why believe Russia- and not our intelligence agencies?
WHY are folks defending PUTIN over our own agencies and people?

Not defending Putin. The reason they are skeptical is that OUR "own agencies and people" were NEVER USED to examine the primary evidence of these intrusions. IN FACT -- "our own agencies and people" like the 4 or 5 Counter Cyber Groups were NEVER TASKED to investigate or to issue GUIDANCE to the victims and potential victims. It never BECAME a priority until election night..

Why is that Coyote???

Yes Trump and his followers have made it clear that they believe and support Puttin over the democrats since day one. Why do you think we are so angry? Trump has been feeding that anger everyday.

Trump knew about the attempts, why do you think Trump was already whining, until he won? We all know that the Righties would be having a cow if Hillary won..

It is a fact that Russia sent out millions of fake news bots..

The paper, by two members of Facebook's threat intelligence team and its chief security officer, noted that "fake news" has been incorrectly applied as a catch-all for a variety of techniques used to influence users of the platform. The company now divides these techniques into four specific groups:

  • "Information (or Influence) Operations - Actions taken by governments or organized non-state actors to distort domestic or foreign political sentiment."
  • "False News - News articles that purport to be factual, but which contain intentional misstatements of fact with the intention to arouse passions, attract viewership, or deceive."
  • "False Amplifiers - Coordinated activity by inauthentic accounts with the intent of manipulating political discussion (e.g., by discouraging specific parties from participating in discussion, or amplifying sensationalistic voices over others)."
  • "Disinformation - Inaccurate or manipulated information/content that is spread intentionally. This can include false news, or it can involve more subtle methods, such as false flag operations, feeding inaccurate quotes or stories to innocent intermediaries, or knowingly amplifying biased or misleading information."
Facebook, for the first time, acknowledges election manipulation

Total BullCrap.. Show me ONE fake Russian news story that is TRACED back to Russia Intel services.. I NEVER SAW them. Not one leftist can PROVIDE them. All that I've been shown when asked was a bunch of stuff from TEENAGERS in MOLDOVA trying to earn money for band equipment.

If the stories are not in the public conciousness, they must have been sublimal or something huh? Maybe your tablet broadcasted them to your ears while you were sleeping.. :rolleyes:

And BTW -- RT doesn't count. Number of folks watching RT on their cable net are less than people listening to Nat Weather Service broadcasts..

U.S. intelligence analysis[edit]

FireEye chairman David DeWalt concluded the Russian operation during the 2016 election was a new development in cyberwarfare by Russia.
Computer security company FireEye concluded Russia used social media as a weapon to influence the U.S. election.[24]FireEye Chairman David DeWalt said the 2016 operation was a new development in cyberwarfare by Russia.[24] FireEye CEO Kevin Mandia stated Russian cyberwarfare changed after fall 2014, from covert to overt tactics with decreased operational security.[24] Bellingcat analyst Aric Toler explained fact-checking only drew further attention to the fake news problem.[58]

U.S. Intelligence agencies debated why Putin chose summer 2016 to escalate active measures.[59] Prior to the election, U.S. national security officials said they were anxious about Russia tampering with U.S. news.[56] Director of National IntelligenceJames R. Clapper said after the 2011–13 Russian protests, Putin lost self-confidence, and responded with the propaganda operation.[59] Former CIA officer Patrick Skinner said the goal was to spread uncertainty.[58] House Intelligence CommitteeRanking Member Adam Schiff commented on Putin's aims, and said U.S. intelligence were concerned with Russian propaganda.[59] Speaking about disinformation that appeared in Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Poland, Schiff said there was an increase of the same behavior in the U.S.[59]

U.S. intelligence officials stated in November 2016 they believed Russia engaged in spreading fake news,[23] and the FBIreleased a statement saying they were investigating.[23][56] Two U.S. intelligence officials each told BuzzFeed News they "believe Russia helped disseminate fake and propagandized news as part of a broader effort to influence and undermine the presidential election".[23] The U.S. intelligence sources stated this involved "dissemination of completely fake news stories".[23]They told BuzzFeed the FBI investigation specifically focused on why "Russia had engaged in spreading false or misleading information".[23]

Fake news website - Wikipedia

I asked for SPECIFIC EXAMPLES of this damaging "news". Something that MIGHT actually sway anyone to vote one way or the other. You've joined the list of EVERYONE who believes this is "a thing" and influenced the election. Because NONE OF YOU can point to a single ORIGINALLY FOREIGN SOURCED STORY that justifies this hysteria..

Speaking about disinformation that appeared in Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Poland, Schiff said there was an increase of the same behavior in the U.S.[59]

That's APPARENTLY -- ALL ya got. Either vague references to other countries or silliness perpetrated by Teenagers in Moldova.

NO ONE HAS SEEN this shit.. How could it influence an election??
WHY are folks defending PUTIN over our own agencies and people?

Not defending Putin. The reason they are skeptical is that OUR "own agencies and people" were NEVER USED to examine the primary evidence of these intrusions. IN FACT -- "our own agencies and people" like the 4 or 5 Counter Cyber Groups were NEVER TASKED to investigate or to issue GUIDANCE to the victims and potential victims. It never BECAME a priority until election night..

Why is that Coyote???

Yes Trump and his followers have made it clear that they believe and support Puttin over the democrats since day one. Why do you think we are so angry? Trump has been feeding that anger everyday.

Trump knew about the attempts, why do you think Trump was already whining, until he won? We all know that the Righties would be having a cow if Hillary won..

It is a fact that Russia sent out millions of fake news bots..

The paper, by two members of Facebook's threat intelligence team and its chief security officer, noted that "fake news" has been incorrectly applied as a catch-all for a variety of techniques used to influence users of the platform. The company now divides these techniques into four specific groups:

  • "Information (or Influence) Operations - Actions taken by governments or organized non-state actors to distort domestic or foreign political sentiment."
  • "False News - News articles that purport to be factual, but which contain intentional misstatements of fact with the intention to arouse passions, attract viewership, or deceive."
  • "False Amplifiers - Coordinated activity by inauthentic accounts with the intent of manipulating political discussion (e.g., by discouraging specific parties from participating in discussion, or amplifying sensationalistic voices over others)."
  • "Disinformation - Inaccurate or manipulated information/content that is spread intentionally. This can include false news, or it can involve more subtle methods, such as false flag operations, feeding inaccurate quotes or stories to innocent intermediaries, or knowingly amplifying biased or misleading information."
Facebook, for the first time, acknowledges election manipulation

Total BullCrap.. Show me ONE fake Russian news story that is TRACED back to Russia Intel services.. I NEVER SAW them. Not one leftist can PROVIDE them. All that I've been shown when asked was a bunch of stuff from TEENAGERS in MOLDOVA trying to earn money for band equipment.

If the stories are not in the public conciousness, they must have been sublimal or something huh? Maybe your tablet broadcasted them to your ears while you were sleeping.. :rolleyes:

And BTW -- RT doesn't count. Number of folks watching RT on their cable net are less than people listening to Nat Weather Service broadcasts..

U.S. intelligence analysis[edit]

FireEye chairman David DeWalt concluded the Russian operation during the 2016 election was a new development in cyberwarfare by Russia.
Computer security company FireEye concluded Russia used social media as a weapon to influence the U.S. election.[24]FireEye Chairman David DeWalt said the 2016 operation was a new development in cyberwarfare by Russia.[24] FireEye CEO Kevin Mandia stated Russian cyberwarfare changed after fall 2014, from covert to overt tactics with decreased operational security.[24] Bellingcat analyst Aric Toler explained fact-checking only drew further attention to the fake news problem.[58]

U.S. Intelligence agencies debated why Putin chose summer 2016 to escalate active measures.[59] Prior to the election, U.S. national security officials said they were anxious about Russia tampering with U.S. news.[56] Director of National IntelligenceJames R. Clapper said after the 2011–13 Russian protests, Putin lost self-confidence, and responded with the propaganda operation.[59] Former CIA officer Patrick Skinner said the goal was to spread uncertainty.[58] House Intelligence CommitteeRanking Member Adam Schiff commented on Putin's aims, and said U.S. intelligence were concerned with Russian propaganda.[59] Speaking about disinformation that appeared in Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Poland, Schiff said there was an increase of the same behavior in the U.S.[59]

U.S. intelligence officials stated in November 2016 they believed Russia engaged in spreading fake news,[23] and the FBIreleased a statement saying they were investigating.[23][56] Two U.S. intelligence officials each told BuzzFeed News they "believe Russia helped disseminate fake and propagandized news as part of a broader effort to influence and undermine the presidential election".[23] The U.S. intelligence sources stated this involved "dissemination of completely fake news stories".[23]They told BuzzFeed the FBI investigation specifically focused on why "Russia had engaged in spreading false or misleading information".[23]

Fake news website - Wikipedia

I asked for SPECIFIC EXAMPLES of this damaging "news". Something that MIGHT actually sway anyone to vote one way or the other. You've joined the list of EVERYONE who believes this is "a thing" and influenced the election. Because NONE OF YOU can point to a single ORIGINALLY FOREIGN SOURCED STORY that justifies this hysteria..

Speaking about disinformation that appeared in Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Poland, Schiff said there was an increase of the same behavior in the U.S.[59]

That's APPARENTLY -- ALL ya got. Either vague references to other countries or silliness perpetrated by Teenagers in Moldova.

NO ONE HAS SEEN this shit.. How could it influence an election??

I actually gave specific examples in that other thread.
WHY are folks defending PUTIN over our own agencies and people?

Not defending Putin. The reason they are skeptical is that OUR "own agencies and people" were NEVER USED to examine the primary evidence of these intrusions. IN FACT -- "our own agencies and people" like the 4 or 5 Counter Cyber Groups were NEVER TASKED to investigate or to issue GUIDANCE to the victims and potential victims. It never BECAME a priority until election night..

Why is that Coyote???

Yes Trump and his followers have made it clear that they believe and support Puttin over the democrats since day one. Why do you think we are so angry? Trump has been feeding that anger everyday.

Trump knew about the attempts, why do you think Trump was already whining, until he won? We all know that the Righties would be having a cow if Hillary won..

It is a fact that Russia sent out millions of fake news bots..

The paper, by two members of Facebook's threat intelligence team and its chief security officer, noted that "fake news" has been incorrectly applied as a catch-all for a variety of techniques used to influence users of the platform. The company now divides these techniques into four specific groups:

  • "Information (or Influence) Operations - Actions taken by governments or organized non-state actors to distort domestic or foreign political sentiment."
  • "False News - News articles that purport to be factual, but which contain intentional misstatements of fact with the intention to arouse passions, attract viewership, or deceive."
  • "False Amplifiers - Coordinated activity by inauthentic accounts with the intent of manipulating political discussion (e.g., by discouraging specific parties from participating in discussion, or amplifying sensationalistic voices over others)."
  • "Disinformation - Inaccurate or manipulated information/content that is spread intentionally. This can include false news, or it can involve more subtle methods, such as false flag operations, feeding inaccurate quotes or stories to innocent intermediaries, or knowingly amplifying biased or misleading information."
Facebook, for the first time, acknowledges election manipulation

Total BullCrap.. Show me ONE fake Russian news story that is TRACED back to Russia Intel services.. I NEVER SAW them. Not one leftist can PROVIDE them. All that I've been shown when asked was a bunch of stuff from TEENAGERS in MOLDOVA trying to earn money for band equipment.

If the stories are not in the public conciousness, they must have been sublimal or something huh? Maybe your tablet broadcasted them to your ears while you were sleeping.. :rolleyes:

And BTW -- RT doesn't count. Number of folks watching RT on their cable net are less than people listening to Nat Weather Service broadcasts..

U.S. intelligence analysis[edit]

FireEye chairman David DeWalt concluded the Russian operation during the 2016 election was a new development in cyberwarfare by Russia.
Computer security company FireEye concluded Russia used social media as a weapon to influence the U.S. election.[24]FireEye Chairman David DeWalt said the 2016 operation was a new development in cyberwarfare by Russia.[24] FireEye CEO Kevin Mandia stated Russian cyberwarfare changed after fall 2014, from covert to overt tactics with decreased operational security.[24] Bellingcat analyst Aric Toler explained fact-checking only drew further attention to the fake news problem.[58]

U.S. Intelligence agencies debated why Putin chose summer 2016 to escalate active measures.[59] Prior to the election, U.S. national security officials said they were anxious about Russia tampering with U.S. news.[56] Director of National IntelligenceJames R. Clapper said after the 2011–13 Russian protests, Putin lost self-confidence, and responded with the propaganda operation.[59] Former CIA officer Patrick Skinner said the goal was to spread uncertainty.[58] House Intelligence CommitteeRanking Member Adam Schiff commented on Putin's aims, and said U.S. intelligence were concerned with Russian propaganda.[59] Speaking about disinformation that appeared in Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Poland, Schiff said there was an increase of the same behavior in the U.S.[59]

U.S. intelligence officials stated in November 2016 they believed Russia engaged in spreading fake news,[23] and the FBIreleased a statement saying they were investigating.[23][56] Two U.S. intelligence officials each told BuzzFeed News they "believe Russia helped disseminate fake and propagandized news as part of a broader effort to influence and undermine the presidential election".[23] The U.S. intelligence sources stated this involved "dissemination of completely fake news stories".[23]They told BuzzFeed the FBI investigation specifically focused on why "Russia had engaged in spreading false or misleading information".[23]

Fake news website - Wikipedia
So didn't the US do the same thing in Isreal?


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