Putin Didn't Hack Us

Funny how snowflakes dismiss that Seth Rich was involved with the DNC email leak, but have no trouble at all claiming that Trump will kill hundreds of thousands of people if Obama is repealed.
Angus I'ts not getting repealed Repub congress have weak knees,,,can't replace or repeal obama care

The point is that hundreds of thousand of people will not die if Obamacare were to be repealed.
Funny how snowflakes dismiss that Seth Rich was involved with the DNC email leak, but have no trouble at all claiming that Trump will kill hundreds of thousands of people if Obama is repealed.
Angus I'ts not getting repealed Repub congress have weak knees,,,can't replace or repeal obama care

The point is that hundreds of thousand of people will not die if Obamacare were to be repealed.
As long as we have ER's you're right
Funny how snowflakes dismiss that Seth Rich was involved with the DNC email leak, but have no trouble at all claiming that Trump will kill hundreds of thousands of people if Obama is repealed.
Angus I'ts not getting repealed Repub congress have weak knees,,,can't replace or repeal obama care

The point is that hundreds of thousand of people will not die if Obamacare were to be repealed.
As long as we have ER's you're right
not sure what that means. cause these same people have used it for their lives. Even under obummerfail. What is your point?
Putin is a murdering thug. The fact that you are trying to defend him shows how crooked and evil you are.

It is called living in reality.
Is Putin a monster? Yes
Is Putin the worst person in the world? Not even close
Is Putin sane? Yes

Did Russia hack the DNC and Hillary's private illegal server? Yes and so did everyone from China to bored people on 4Chan. Good luck in tracing everything back to solely Russia.

It makes no sense for them to have the information and want Trump to be president. It is far better for them to have Hillary as president and have black mail on her
Hill has been inspected ,bashed investigated numerous times You got NOTHING on her Russia loved trump that's why they helped him
and she is a criminal. just because her side kept her out of jail doesn't mean she isn't a criminal. is a pedophile a pedophile always? even out of jail?
Funny how snowflakes dismiss that Seth Rich was involved with the DNC email leak, but have no trouble at all claiming that Trump will kill hundreds of thousands of people if Obama is repealed.
Angus I'ts not getting repealed Repub congress have weak knees,,,can't replace or repeal obama care

The point is that hundreds of thousand of people will not die if Obamacare were to be repealed.

The point is that millions of people will lose their health insurance if Obamacare is repealed. And some of those people will die for lack of insurance.
Putin is a murdering thug. The fact that you are trying to defend him shows how crooked and evil you are.

It is called living in reality.
Is Putin a monster? Yes
Is Putin the worst person in the world? Not even close
Is Putin sane? Yes

Did Russia hack the DNC and Hillary's private illegal server? Yes and so did everyone from China to bored people on 4Chan. Good luck in tracing everything back to solely Russia.

It makes no sense for them to have the information and want Trump to be president. It is far better for them to have Hillary as president and have black mail on her
Hill has been inspected ,bashed investigated numerous times You got NOTHING on her Russia loved trump that's why they helped him
and she is a criminal. just because her side kept her out of jail doesn't mean she isn't a criminal.

How very Republican of you.

Bring the noose and hang the accused, and then point out you didn't need a trial because she was a criminal.....
Funny how snowflakes dismiss that Seth Rich was involved with the DNC email leak, but have no trouble at all claiming that Trump will kill hundreds of thousands of people if Obama is repealed.
Angus I'ts not getting repealed Repub congress have weak knees,,,can't replace or repeal obama care

The point is that hundreds of thousand of people will not die if Obamacare were to be repealed.

The point is that millions of people will lose their health insurance if Obamacare is repealed. And some of those people will die for lack of insurance.

Plenty of people chose to pay the mandate and not take insurance.
Plenty of people chose insurance just to avoid the mandate.

Who, specifically, will be prevented from buying health insurance and specifically why?

The straw man argument that people will die if Obama is repealed is simply idiotic.
Funny how snowflakes dismiss that Seth Rich was involved with the DNC email leak, but have no trouble at all claiming that Trump will kill hundreds of thousands of people if Obama is repealed.
Angus I'ts not getting repealed Repub congress have weak knees,,,can't replace or repeal obama care

The point is that hundreds of thousand of people will not die if Obamacare were to be repealed.

The point is that millions of people will lose their health insurance if Obamacare is repealed. And some of those people will die for lack of insurance.

Plenty of people chose to pay the mandate and not take insurance.
Plenty of people chose insurance just to avoid the mandate.

Who, specifically, will be prevented from buying health insurance and specifically why?

The straw man argument that people will die if Obama is repealed is simply idiotic.

So- I want to get this straight- you are saying that if people don't have health insurance- that no one will die from lack of medical care?

While it is true that those without insurance they have acquired through the various ACA provisions(pre-existing conditions, children under their parents insurance, Medicaid, insurance through the exchanges) will be able to go to Emergency rooms and get emergency treatment- and push the cost of their care onto taxpayers that way- those with long term life threatening conditions will not be able to get free surgeries.

To answer your question- I didn't say that people would be 'prevented' from buying health insurance- but if the ACA were completely repealed then people with pre-existing conditions will once again be virtually unable to buy any health insurance.

Those who acquired health insurance through the medicaid expansion will be where they were before- without health insurance of any kind.

Here’s how many people could die every year if Obamacare is repealed
Nearly 36,000 people could die every year, year after year, if the incoming president signs legislation repealing the Affordable Care Act.

This figure is based on new data from the Urban Institute examining how many people will become uninsured if the law is repealed, as well as a study of mortality rates both before and after the state of Massachusetts enacted health reforms similar to Obamacare.

In fairness, 36,000 is a high estimate of the number of deaths that will result if Obamacare is repealed, as there is some uncertainty about how congressional Republicans will repeal the law. Even in the best case scenario, however, a wholesale repeal of Obamacare may cause about 27,000 people to die every year who otherwise would have lived.
Who knew that the Government is now supposed to stop DEATH, like DEAD IN IT'S TRACKS NOW.
Someone better tell Elvis and Jimi Hendrix about that.
They was robbed.
Funny how snowflakes dismiss that Seth Rich was involved with the DNC email leak, but have no trouble at all claiming that Trump will kill hundreds of thousands of people if Obama is repealed.
Angus I'ts not getting repealed Repub congress have weak knees,,,can't replace or repeal obama care

The point is that hundreds of thousand of people will not die if Obamacare were to be repealed.

The point is that millions of people will lose their health insurance if Obamacare is repealed. And some of those people will die for lack of insurance.
who in the history of man died due to no insurance?

i can see a rare storm of events but it also comes across as trying to fix the last 2% of a problem.
Funny how snowflakes dismiss that Seth Rich was involved with the DNC email leak, but have no trouble at all claiming that Trump will kill hundreds of thousands of people if Obama is repealed.
Angus I'ts not getting repealed Repub congress have weak knees,,,can't replace or repeal obama care

The point is that hundreds of thousand of people will not die if Obamacare were to be repealed.

The point is that millions of people will lose their health insurance if Obamacare is repealed. And some of those people will die for lack of insurance.

Plenty of people chose to pay the mandate and not take insurance.
Plenty of people chose insurance just to avoid the mandate.

Who, specifically, will be prevented from buying health insurance and specifically why?

The straw man argument that people will die if Obama is repealed is simply idiotic.

So- I want to get this straight- you are saying that if people don't have health insurance- that no one will die from lack of medical care?

While it is true that those without insurance they have acquired through the various ACA provisions(pre-existing conditions, children under their parents insurance, Medicaid, insurance through the exchanges) will be able to go to Emergency rooms and get emergency treatment- and push the cost of their care onto taxpayers that way- those with long term life threatening conditions will not be able to get free surgeries.

To answer your question- I didn't say that people would be 'prevented' from buying health insurance- but if the ACA were completely repealed then people with pre-existing conditions will once again be virtually unable to buy any health insurance.

Those who acquired health insurance through the medicaid expansion will be where they were before- without health insurance of any kind.

Here’s how many people could die every year if Obamacare is repealed
Nearly 36,000 people could die every year, year after year, if the incoming president signs legislation repealing the Affordable Care Act.

This figure is based on new data from the Urban Institute examining how many people will become uninsured if the law is repealed, as well as a study of mortality rates both before and after the state of Massachusetts enacted health reforms similar to Obamacare.

In fairness, 36,000 is a high estimate of the number of deaths that will result if Obamacare is repealed, as there is some uncertainty about how congressional Republicans will repeal the law. Even in the best case scenario, however, a wholesale repeal of Obamacare may cause about 27,000 people to die every year who otherwise would have lived.
you said lack of insurance then lack of medical care.

so not the same.
Putin hacked us.
Putin hacked the DNC.
Putin hacked the RNC.

Covfefe with two scoops please..Vlad the Impaler would never do anything like that..His hired henchmen would though...But what strikes me as stupid, is to believe that you would believe that Trump doesn't emulate a man that is richer than himself..

So would Donny Two Scoops but yes, it came from the top. It came from Putin.

It came from Trump's "top". Putin.
Putin is a murdering thug. The fact that you are trying to defend him shows how crooked and evil you are.

It is called living in reality.
Is Putin a monster? Yes
Is Putin the worst person in the world? Not even close
Is Putin sane? Yes

Did Russia hack the DNC and Hillary's private illegal server? Yes and so did everyone from China to bored people on 4Chan. Good luck in tracing everything back to solely Russia.

It makes no sense for them to have the information and want Trump to be president. It is far better for them to have Hillary as president and have black mail on her
Hill has been inspected ,bashed investigated numerous times You got NOTHING on her Russia loved trump that's why they helped him
and she is a criminal. just because her side kept her out of jail doesn't mean she isn't a criminal. is a pedophile a pedophile always? even out of jail?
IF ALL those meetings between trump people and russians were so innocent WHY weren't they mentioned why were they hidden?? I'll tell you why There is a den of stinking cockroaches in our WH and they call themselves republicans
Funny how snowflakes dismiss that Seth Rich was involved with the DNC email leak, but have no trouble at all claiming that Trump will kill hundreds of thousands of people if Obama is repealed.
Angus I'ts not getting repealed Repub congress have weak knees,,,can't replace or repeal obama care

The point is that hundreds of thousand of people will not die if Obamacare were to be repealed.

The point is that millions of people will lose their health insurance if Obamacare is repealed. And some of those people will die for lack of insurance.
who in the history of man died due to no insurance?


An estimated 17,000 children in the United States might have died unnecessarily over nearly two decades because they didn't have health insurance, according to a report from researchers at Johns Hopkins Children's Center in Baltimore.

They found that kids who lacked health insurance were 60 percent more likely to die in the hospital than were kids who had insurance. After adjusting for such differences as race and gender, uninsured kids were still 37.8 percent more likely to die than kids with insurance coverage.

David C. Chang, co-director of the pediatric surgery outcomes research group at Hopkins and a study co-author, said he could not think of a medical treatment that has such a dramatic impact on health outcomes as health insurance seemingly does.

Because Fox Asked, Here Are Examples Of People Who Were Denied Health Care

Deamonte Driver, a 12-year-old homeless child, died Sunday in a District hospital after an infection from a molar spread to his brain.

At the time he fell ill, his family's Medicaid coverage had lapsed. Even on the state plan, his mother said, the children lacked regular dental care and she had great difficulty finding a dentist. [The Washington Post, 3/3/07]

Without Insurance, Man Dies From Toothache

Aware of 'no options,' woman dies fighting for medical coverage - CNN.com

"I am so upset but perhaps it was not meant to be. I don't know anything anymore," said Elder, who died in July at age 63 without insurance coverage.
As she typed the note, Elder could scarcely breathe. Her lungs had filled with fluid over several months; her respiratory system was shutting down. After visits to the emergency room and several free clinics, Elder was finally diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma.

But what makes her family bristle: Elder did not have to die.
If she had had health care, "Absolutely she'd still be here," said Jacquelyn Elder, Leslie's daughter, adding that Hodgkin's lymphoma has a high survival rate. "That is something really hard to deal with."
Angus I'ts not getting repealed Repub congress have weak knees,,,can't replace or repeal obama care

The point is that hundreds of thousand of people will not die if Obamacare were to be repealed.

The point is that millions of people will lose their health insurance if Obamacare is repealed. And some of those people will die for lack of insurance.

Plenty of people chose to pay the mandate and not take insurance.
Plenty of people chose insurance just to avoid the mandate.

Who, specifically, will be prevented from buying health insurance and specifically why?

The straw man argument that people will die if Obama is repealed is simply idiotic.

So- I want to get this straight- you are saying that if people don't have health insurance- that no one will die from lack of medical care?

While it is true that those without insurance they have acquired through the various ACA provisions(pre-existing conditions, children under their parents insurance, Medicaid, insurance through the exchanges) will be able to go to Emergency rooms and get emergency treatment- and push the cost of their care onto taxpayers that way- those with long term life threatening conditions will not be able to get free surgeries.

To answer your question- I didn't say that people would be 'prevented' from buying health insurance- but if the ACA were completely repealed then people with pre-existing conditions will once again be virtually unable to buy any health insurance.

Those who acquired health insurance through the medicaid expansion will be where they were before- without health insurance of any kind.

Here’s how many people could die every year if Obamacare is repealed
Nearly 36,000 people could die every year, year after year, if the incoming president signs legislation repealing the Affordable Care Act.

This figure is based on new data from the Urban Institute examining how many people will become uninsured if the law is repealed, as well as a study of mortality rates both before and after the state of Massachusetts enacted health reforms similar to Obamacare.

In fairness, 36,000 is a high estimate of the number of deaths that will result if Obamacare is repealed, as there is some uncertainty about how congressional Republicans will repeal the law. Even in the best case scenario, however, a wholesale repeal of Obamacare may cause about 27,000 people to die every year who otherwise would have lived.
you said lack of insurance then lack of medical care.

so not the same.

I think I was pretty clear in my statement:

So- I want to get this straight- you are saying that if people don't have health insurance- that no one will die from lack of medical care?

Who pays for the medical care?
The amazing thing is that real live humans have areas that there smart in & areas not so much, some are fun & some are not. never have known of any one, or group of people who knew it all. yet day after day on this site we bundle half the population as all bad & the other half as all good, doesn't happen that way in real life. I THINK Putin hacked. you don't. we don't have enough conclusive info to say for sure. that's why we say Think instead of speaking as if it was a fact one way or the other.
again, the proof they hurt her is in her loss. There wouldn't need to be the whole Russia, Russia, thingy if there wasn't anything there, or butt hurt after the loss. just wouldn't. your premise is all wrong.

Hold on a second. You need to get your story straight. Weren't you previously saying the hacking had NO effect on the election? Now you are saying it DID?

Aside from that - they can hurt her by giving the APPEARANCE of something, by how people interpret it and how they think it reflects her character. Not whether there is something worth blackmailing. There is no way of knowing whether the hacks had an affect on her loss - there are too many variables there and it's impossible to know or measure (and I've said this multiple times).

I think - just as the left needs to get over losing the election - you, the right, need to get over blaming everything going wrong on "butthurt" from "election loss". It's over now. Get over it. The Russian hacking may be having it's flames fanned by sore losers but it is not a product of "butt hurt" - it's a serious issue and I would think you would want to make sure we can prevent it from destabilizing the NEXT election - don't you think? That should be the focus here.
me personally, I stated that Seth Rich had the emails and it was no hack. I've never said anything else. Assange admitted who he got the info from. I have faith he's telling the truth. he isn't a politician. There was never a hack. EVAH!!!!!

The emails are the reference. how Assange got them he's already told the public. And the DNC says BS. Well if there was a hack, let's see the server. I've been saying that for quite some time. Prove me and Assange wrong? what are the afraid of" I'll tell you, being caught liars and now costing the country millions on investigations. oops.

But Coyote, I don't believe there was ever a hack. EVAH.

It wasn't a hack. The DNC SERVER has a DEMOCRATS.ORG domain, and you cannot find emails addressed to Podesta at Democrats.org.

Podesta's emails come from GMAIL.com primarily, and some from law.georgetown.edu. He accessed those accounts via a web client remotely. There were no cached copies of those emails on THE DNC SERVER.

The Dummy had to have left his PC on and not locked and had to have been logged in to all of these accounts via a web client, and had to have done this all the time for someone to regularly copy emails from those accounts, because they sure as Hell were not emails that were on THE DNC Server.

Wow, how simple - everyone is wrong, the intelligence agencies are wrong, there was no hack.

Some how, I doubt you've seen all the information or evidence.
exactly, you got it, that's the ticket. See, in order for someone to say there was a hack, someone in one of those agencies would have had to seen the server. you do know no one has seen that server right? tell me you know this. then ask, how can the intelligence agency say that if they haven't looked at the server? Then you and I would be on the same page. I call em all liars and criminals. each and everyone of them. and if you know they haven't looked at the equipment that was ground zero, then you'd have to ask, how would they ever know? Now tree in here has provide some nice information regarding the domain names on the emails and where they came from and it isn't the DNC server. ooops..

You don't have to see the server and yes a private company examined the server. I suspect that the intelligence agencies aren't saying the DNC was hacked by the Russians just because the DNC said they were. They likely have all the evidence they need to consider it credible if not absolute.

If Tree's claim was accurate don't you think it would have been brought up long before, and that would have been the end of it? The fact that it wasn't suggests it wasn't credible.
Funny how snowflakes dismiss that Seth Rich was involved with the DNC email leak, but have no trouble at all claiming that Trump will kill hundreds of thousands of people if Obama is repealed.

Why is no one discussing the fact that THE DNC claims it's server was hacked, and The DNC uses the domain Democrats.org

And the Podesta Emails Leaked to Wikileaks was from Podesta's GMAIL ACCOUNT?

Registry Domain ID: D347381-LROR
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Registry Registrant ID: C152754111-LROR
Registrant Name: Democratic Committee
Registrant Organization: Democratic National Committee
Registrant Street: 430 South Capitol Street, S.E.
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Admin Organization: Democratic National Committee
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Admin Email: [email protected]
Registry Tech ID: C152754112-LROR
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Tech Organization: Democratic National Committee
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What a fucking mess.
dude, they have no shame. Look at what they've done to our country and the EU.

BTW this is also EXACTLY why THE DNC won't let anyone look at THE DNC SERVER nor post any logs or any evidence at all from that server for people to look at. As soon as they did, people with a brain would rip their Lying Narrative to Shreds.

How can you phucking claim your server was hacked in the middle of a presidential election campaign and No Democrats.org emails to Podesta can be found at Wikileaks?

The DNC server has been examined. I don't know why say "won't let anyone look at". Beyond that - it's not public domain.

I'm not sure what point you are trying to make about the dem.org emails or the relevance of it.

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