Putin not such a "genius" now is he ?

Genius is a stretch but he was smart enough to get the west EU countries dependent on Russian gas, so much so that the Germans are (hopefully by now were) decommissioning their nuke power plants.

Russians are different and will take the kind of hardships that makes the west wilt.
Yes, that was brilliant how the Russians took oil out of the ground and sold it on the global market.

What savviness! How wonderful! Truly brilliant and even futuristic ideas by the savvy Russian leader.
Soros is gonna Soros. So the DA's he supports aren't progressive failures?
Go ahead and make you iwn points. I am not your assistant.

But I guarantee you know nothing about this and are vomiting whatever some white wing blogger spoinfed you. So a waste of time.
Go ahead and make you iwn points. I am not your assistant.

But I guarantee you know nothing about this and are vomiting whatever some white wing blogger spoinfed you. So a waste of time.

I know what Soros is, and he is an asshole.

He's either a progressive moron, or wants to ruin society on his way out, or maybe both.
That faggot is talking about jan 6, when a wookie and the duck dynasty overthrew the government

LMAO.. Most of the US forgot about Jan 6th by the 10th. But not the left. It's the ONLY thing they have now. All their race baiting BS got debunked. Their "trump will destroy America" BS was proven wrong. And every other thing they tried to force down our throats is about to get thrown up in the voting booths.
LMAO.. Most of the US forgot about Jan 6th by the 10th.
Because it was a spectacular failure and global embarrassment for you, on live TV. You rooted for it and then realized you were on the wrong side of history, morality, ethics, and patriotism, once you were left holding the big bag of hillbilly failure. So you had to forget. It's your coping mechanism.
Say what you want, fuckface, unlike a lefty I feel not need to suppress other viewpoints.
You don't have any viewpoint, here. You know jack shit except for what some white wing talking head spoonfed to you. No books, no history, no knowledge of him whatsoever. Just a cackling naysayer saying the things he thinks he is supposed to say.
LMAO.. Most of the US forgot about Jan 6th by the 10th. But not the left. It's the ONLY thing they have now. All their race baiting BS got debunked. Their "trump will destroy America" BS was proven wrong. And every other thing they tried to force down our throats is about to get thrown up in the voting booths.
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I would have forgot it, but the traitors and the lying media never shut up about it!
You don't have any viewpoint, here. You know jack shit except for what some white wing talking head spoonfed to you. No books, no history, no knowledge of him whatsoever. Just a cackling naysayer saying the things he thinks he is supposed to say.

I have plenty of viewpoints, unlike yours they aren't copied and pasted out of Progressive Talking Point Weekly.

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