Putin played TRUMP

The fact that Putin launched his criminal war when Biden is President is evidence of the fact that Putin launched his criminal war when Biden is President and nothing more.

It is classic daveman -ish propagandists use of a fact to support a false conclusion and actual miscalculation on Putin’s part that his plot to overthrow the government in Kiev by massive military force would be unwise when his puppet was in the White House. And then Putin held the contrary view that his criminal plot would easily succeed if he were to wait until his puppet was out and Joe Biden were to set up his anti-Putin government in charge of the powerful US military industrial and intelligence complex put together in large part to contain Putin expansion in Europe. Putin had to know that Biden ran his campaign on strengthening NATO, supporting UKRAINE and mending US Ties with the EU. Putin also had to know that during Biden’s first year US economic growth was highest in the world as the world was dealing with a new strain of Covid.

And because Biden leadership brought much of the world to impose harsh sanctions and limit trade the following happened. Putin fell behind 11 countries economically from before the invasion began. falling to a place between Taiwan and Poland. And Trump called this the work of a savvy genius. BIDEN calls him a war criminal

Russia’s market-rate GDP in 2021 was US$1.65 trillion, enough to make it the world’s 11th largest economy, behind South Korea. If we crudely convert Russia’s 2021 estimated GDP by March 7, 2022, currency rates, rather than the average exchange rate used last year, and place it against the 2021 market-rate GDP table, the rankings change and Russia slides to 22nd place, falling between Taiwan and Poland.​
This drop is likely an underestimate. While a falling ruble lowers Russia’s exchange rate of its GDP to U.S. dollars, its weakening economy lowers its ruble GDP directly. And Russia’s isolation will erode its economic competitiveness, widening the economic gap further in the medium term.​
Ukrainians confronted with the oncoming Russian army were wise to Putin’s chimeric strategy. “Don’t you have problems in your country to solve? Are you all rich there, as in the Emirates?” one elderly man heckled Russian soldiers.​

Putin really fucked up big time if he figured his war plan would go smoother against Biden rather than with Trump.
The facts are: Putin didn’t act in this manner during the Trump Administration BUT he did act in this manner during the Obumbler and Brandon Administrations. You choose not to see or admit that this does constitute evidence.

I don’t know that Putin “fucked up,” as you contend, in concluding that it was likely that he’d do better against Brandon than against Trump. But it is quite clear that his calculation was that the Brandon term was the better time to move.
But it is quite clear that his calculation was that the Brandon term was the better time to move.

no it isn’t. In 2020 the Russian economy was in a downturn - 2021 was back to normal . There were dozens of factors including stockpiling money and ammunition which would’ve affected Vladimir Putin’s decision much more so than who is in charge of the White House.
The facts are: Putin didn’t act in this manner during the Trump Administration BUT he did act in this manner during the Obumbler and Brandon Administrations.
One explanation for that is Vladimir Putin intentionally works in conjunction with Trump’s silly idea that Democrats are weak and DJT is strong against him despite them being blood brothers in the authoritarian leadership preservation society.
Can you find the one wise person among the list of Trump’s fools ? If not read this:

The fact that Putin launched his criminal war when Biden is President is evidence of the fact that Putin launched his criminal war when Biden is President and nothing more.

It is classic daveman -ish propagandists use of a fact to support a false conclusion and actual miscalculation on Putin’s part that his plot to overthrow the government in Kiev by massive military force would be unwise when his puppet was in the White House. And then Putin held the contrary view that his criminal plot would easily succeed if he were to wait until his puppet was out and Joe Biden were to set up his anti-Putin government in charge of the powerful US military industrial and intelligence complex put together in large part to contain Putin expansion in Europe. Putin had to know that Biden ran his campaign on strengthening NATO, supporting UKRAINE and mending US Ties with the EU. Putin also had to know that during Biden’s first year US economic growth was highest in the world as the world was dealing with a new strain of Covid.

And because Biden leadership brought much of the world to impose harsh sanctions and limit trade the following happened. Putin fell behind 11 countries economically from before the invasion began. falling to a place between Taiwan and Poland. And Trump called this the work of a savvy genius. BIDEN calls him a war criminal

Russia’s market-rate GDP in 2021 was US$1.65 trillion, enough to make it the world’s 11th largest economy, behind South Korea. If we crudely convert Russia’s 2021 estimated GDP by March 7, 2022, currency rates, rather than the average exchange rate used last year, and place it against the 2021 market-rate GDP table, the rankings change and Russia slides to 22nd place, falling between Taiwan and Poland.​


The Russian economy is headed for collapse

With Russia’s “great power status” tied closely to economic power, the country’s crumbling economy is putting Putin’s claims to legitimacy at risk.

This drop is likely an underestimate. While a falling ruble lowers Russia’s exchange rate of its GDP to U.S. dollars, its weakening economy lowers its ruble GDP directly. And Russia’s isolation will erode its economic competitiveness, widening the economic gap further in the medium term.​
Ukrainians confronted with the oncoming Russian army were wise to Putin’s chimeric strategy. “Don’t you have problems in your country to solve? Are you all rich there, as in the Emirates?” one elderly man heckled Russian soldiers.​

Putin really fucked up big time if he figured his war plan would go smoother against Biden rather than with Trump
um, to be fair Putin began his Ukraine campaign in 2014, right after Obama/Xiden promised to be more flexible.
no it isn’t. In 2020 the Russian economy was in a downturn - 2021 was back to normal . There were dozens of factors including stockpiling money and ammunition which would’ve affected Vladimir Putin’s decision much more so than who is in charge of the White House.
It remains crystal clear that Putin invaded during the Brandon and Obumbler Administrations. And it is equally clear that he didn’t during the Trump Administration. You can spin like a top all day: it won’t change a thing.
One explanation for that is Vladimir Putin intentionally works in conjunction with Trump’s silly idea that Democrats are weak and DJT is strong against him despite them being blood brothers in the authoritarian leadership preservation society.
Another explanation is that he sees Dumbocrap Presidents as an easier mark and acts accordingly.
One explanation for that is Vladimir Putin intentionally works in conjunction with Trump’s silly idea that Democrats are weak and DJT is strong against him despite them being blood brothers in the authoritarian leadership preservation society.
Maybe....I think you might be right...Putin worked with the Trump admin, and realized a invasion during the Trump admin wouldn't be a wise choice.

He knew, folks like Obama and Xiden were willing to be more flexible...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mgQaFlo_p8

Putin's boots on the ground in America.​

That’s an awful lot of bad apples.
Post image
Definitely missing some pictures.
Maybe....I think you might be right...Putin worked with the Trump admin, and realized a invasion during the Trump admin wouldn't be a wise choice.

because? Why, did he think Trump would launch Nukes to save Ukraine? What on earth would make Putin think what you are saying he thinks. Then Putin wanted Trump to lose so he could invade with no repercussions, No one on the planet thinks that.
because? Why, did he think Trump would launch Nukes to save Ukraine? What on earth would make Putin think what you are saying he thinks. Then Putin wanted Trump to lose so he could invade with no repercussions, No one on the planet thinks that.
when did I say anything about nukes?

What? Well Putin knows Obama and Xiden were more flexible and allowed him to invade Ukraince once already....that's why.
So you agree with Trump adviser Roger Stone now,
"Putin is acting defensively," Stone sez. "He is not acting offensively. But you won't read that in the mainstream media and you won't hear it anyplace but Real America's Voice."​

Putin has no business telling NATO what it can or cannot do in Europe and the Dumbass Mass murderer didn’t attack a NATO member - the ball’less coward that he is. His genocide has more to do with his white nationalistic Orthodox Russian mysticism rather than NATO and NAZIS in Ukraine pretext.

Putin is still playing you I see.
No, I didn’t say that. Putin is reacting to NATO’s moves. They are invading Ukraine for their own strategic and national security interests. But of course you think only the US is entitled to invade foreign countries for its own strategic reasons.
Putin is reacting to NATO’s moves
That is acting defensively per you and Roger Stone. You are saying NATO IS ACTING offensively. Which is absurd because NATO has not crossed into Russian territory or fired missiles and dropped bombs to anybody and Russian territory. It’s the other way around case you didn’t know.
Well Putin knows Obama and Xiden were more flexible and allowed him to invade Ukraince once already....that's why.

There was no bloodshed when Crimea voted to become part of Russia. That is not what this is. This is Genocide by bombing, cruise missile and artillery to seize territory from people who don’t want to be under Putin’s dictatorship. The response from the United States and NATO would be identical no matter which political party occupies the White House.
There was no bloodshed when Crimea voted to become part of Russia. That is not what this is. This is Genocide by bombing, cruise missile and artillery to seize territory from people who don’t want to be under Putin’s dictatorship. The response from the United States and NATO would be identical no matter which political party occupies the White House.
hhhhhahhh there was no bloodshed? Little green men (Russo-Ukrainian War) - Wikipedia

Voted? you mean after Putin invaded, took over the Supreme Council of Crimea, put their people in place, and then voted? hahahhhahah

Geez....you are just another Putin puppet....
That is acting defensively per you and Roger Stone. You are saying NATO IS ACTING offensively. Which is absurd because NATO has not crossed into Russian territory or fired missiles and dropped bombs to anybody and Russian territory. It’s the other way around case you didn’t know.
Yea sure, US Senators visiting Ukraine’s soldiers and telling them “your fight is our fight” isn’t an offensive move. Shipping deadly weapons that will be used to kill Russians “isn’t offensive”. US and EU colluded you overthrow the government of Ukraine in 2014, and installed a puppet government after the successful coup.

Did Russia invade a NATO country? Nope. So saying NATO hasn’t invaded Russia is invalid.
Shipping deadly weapons that will be used to kill Russians “isn’t offensive”.
So sarcastic. It absolutely isn’t offensive you fool. It’s only offensive if they use the weapons for attacks on Russian soil. They have never done that, never ever threatened to do that. The weapons we give them are defensive. They are using them to defend themselves right now.,Roger Stone is stupid.
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So sarcastic. It absolutely isn’t offensive you fool. It’s only offensive if they use the weapons for attacks on Russian soil. They have never done that, never ever threatened to do that. The weapons we give them are defensive. They are using them to defend themselves right now.,Roger Stone is stupid.
Rodger Stone doesn't even believe the crap that comes out of his own mouth. He is a bought-and-paid-for, cheap prostitute.

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