Putin played TRUMP

Yea sure you believe that. That’s why your first several posts on this thread was completely agreeing with the insane OP that it’s all President Trump’s fault.
No, and I already explained that. But as you always do, you will cling to the first semblance of a thought that fizzles into your colon, completely and forever.

So I tell you I don't blame Trump for what Putin is doing. And you say I do, because you are of low intellectual capability and do not have the tools to form new arguments, when new information arises.
Putin didn’t invade during President Trump.

Putin’s army and domestic economy has been so fucked over by Joe Biden Putin is second guessing himself thinking he should have attacked Ukraine while Donny was listening to one of Russia’s top agents - RogerStone,

Stone is still sitting on Putin’s lap. Read this :

Roger Stone, a longtime ally of former President Donald Trump, slammed the United States and defended Russian President Vladimir Putin in a rant over the weekend.​

Ukraine is not even remotely about what they're telling us," the former Trump adviser said. "Ukraine is about the fact that the Ukrainians have used their soil to place dual launch missile pads, missiles that would be aimed at the Soviet Union. There are, in fact, biolabs there funded by our tax dollars cooking up who knows what pestilence to dump on the Russian people."​

"Putin is acting defensively," he added. "He is not acting offensively. But you won't read that in the mainstream media and you won't hear it anyplace but Real America's Voice."​
Putin’s army and domestic economy has been so fucked over by Joe Biden Putin is second guessing himself thinking he should have attacked Ukraine while Donny was listening to one of Russia’s top agents - RogerStone,

Stone is still sitting on Putin’s lap. Read this :

Roger Stone, a longtime ally of former President Donald Trump, slammed the United States and defended Russian President Vladimir Putin in a rant over the weekend.​
Ukraine is not even remotely about what they're telling us," the former Trump adviser said. "Ukraine is about the fact that the Ukrainians have used their soil to place dual launch missile pads, missiles that would be aimed at the Soviet Union. There are, in fact, biolabs there funded by our tax dollars cooking up who knows what pestilence to dump on the Russian people."​
"Putin is acting defensively," he added. "He is not acting offensively. But you won't read that in the mainstream media and you won't hear it anyplace but Real America's Voice."​
And so because that guy said it, all conservatives must agree?

How's that working out?
That’s why your first several posts on this thread was completely agreeing with the insane OP that it’s all President Trump’s fault.

I am not saying Putin’s genocide for territorial expansion was Trump’s fault. quit lying . Putin was planning his move since 2008 when American’s elected the first African American President who had more power than him.
I am not saying Putin’s genocide for territorial expansion was Trump’s fault. quit lying . Putin was planning his move since 2008 when American’s elected the first African American President who had more power than him.
No, he started his “invasion” during the Hussein. He annexed Crimea at that time, after the citizens there voted to be a part of Russia. So stop your lying. You’re a total Dem partisan hack that has to spin everything to protect the inept actions and inactions of your Democrat leaders.
And so because that guy said it, all conservatives must agree?

your party elected a man who had that dumbass as an adviser and who said with Putin smiling next to him that he believed Putin’s words instead of the CIA

Now you want us to think it never happened.
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Putin started going off the rails in 2008 … it’s not any US PRESIDENT’s fault., why did you lie?
Sure it is. It’s all the Presidents that kept pushing NATO east, trying to expand to nations we previously agreed would not be NATO, namely Warsaw Pact nations. Ukraine was part of Russia that whole time, never gained its independence until 1991. Russia was never going to tolerate NATO presence in Ukraine, and to do so only invites the Russians to attack and take it back as their own.

Bush called for NATO expansion, Obama did, and so does Biden. So no, they don’t get to be absolved of their expansionist foreign policy for NATO. President Trump was the only one who didn’t push NATO expansion, and in fact sought friendly relations with Russia. It was a nice change for once to push for an alliance with Russia to counter Islamic terrorist threats as well as China’s growth as a world power.

So you anti-Russians and pro-CCP folk got what you wanted. A crippled Russia economy which now pushes them to China, making China even more powerful.
Sure it is. It’s all the Presidents that kept pushing NATO east,

So you agree with Trump adviser Roger Stone now,
"Putin is acting defensively," Stone sez. "He is not acting offensively. But you won't read that in the mainstream media and you won't hear it anyplace but Real America's Voice."​

Putin has no business telling NATO what it can or cannot do in Europe and the Dumbass Mass murderer didn’t attack a NATO member - the ball’less coward that he is. His genocide has more to do with his white nationalistic Orthodox Russian mysticism rather than NATO and NAZIS in Ukraine pretext.

Putin is still playing you I see.
Because trump was doing what putin wanted.

How stupid are you to continue to believe that trump does anything other than help trump. POS trump is a con man, he is not trying to help you.

trump hates you.
I don't believe trump hates him....he is too beneath trump to be hated. You know....to trump the little people don't count for anything except a source of $$$$
That Putin would have invaded Ukraine during a second Trump Admin.

Wtf? We have the FACT of Russian invasion in 2022 and the fact that neither Republican, not Democrat policy on Ukraine differed in any meaningful way to prevent it.

Nobody supported boots on the ground in Ukraine and there is ZERO evidence anything short of that would prevent invasion.

For all the nonstop shitting on Biden not a single one of you rightwingers can meaningfully explain what would be done differently.
Wtf? We have the FACT of Russian invasion in 2022 and the fact that neither Republican, not Democrat policy on Ukraine differed in any meaningful way to prevent it.

Nobody supported boots on the ground in Ukraine and there is ZERO evidence anything short of that would prevent invasion.

For all the nonstop shitting on Biden not a single one of you rightwingers can meaningfully explain what would be done differently.
None of you leftists can meaningfully explain what Biden has done successfully. Hint: "HE ISN'T TRUMP" is not an accomplishment.
Did I say that? N

DIdnt SAY YOU DID. You are now trashing Biden as you forget Trump’s close relationship with Stone and Putin:

You said; “And so because that guy said it, all conservatives must agree”

He is in your tribe.,
As Vladimir Putin steered Russia toward an invasion of Ukraine, former President Donald Trump called the actions of the Russian president a product of "genius" and "savvy."
July 2018, "After face-to-face talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Mr Trump contradicted US intelligence agencies and said there had been no reason for Russia to meddle in the vote. Mr Putin reiterated that Russia had never interfered in US affairs."

Trump sides with Russia against FBI at Helsinki summit - BBC​

Here it comes. It is about time.

The Post reports, "The House Jan. 6 committee has tried to recruit high-profile journalists to write its report about the attack on the Capitol, hoping to build a narrative thriller that compels audiences and is a departure from government reports of yore.

"Committee members and staffers are seeking to compile dramatic videos, texts and emails in a digital format that is easy to understand — and easy to share on social media. And they want to put together blockbuster televised hearings that the public actually tunes into.

"Their challenge: Making the public care deeply — and read hundreds of pages more — about an event that happened more than a year ago.

"They’ll attempt to do so this spring through public hearings, along with a potential interim report and a final report that will be published ahead of the November midterms — with the findings likely a key part of the Democrats midterm strategy. They hope their recommendations to prevent another insurrection will be adopted, but also that their work will repel voters from Republicans who they say encouraged the attack."

147 Republicans voted against certifying the results of the 2020 Presidential election results.

The 147 Republicans Who Voted to Overturn Election Results

"If these radical, vicious, racist prosecutors do anything wrong or illegal, I hope we are going to have in this country the biggest protests we have ever had in Washington, D.C., in New York, in Atlanta and elsewhere because our country and our elections are corrupt," Donald Trump, Jan. 31, 2022.

It is expected that this is only the beginning. The DOJ is likely to initiate several investigations, and grand juries will be summoned. All this just in time for the November mid-terms.

Republicans are expected to gain control of Congress???
DIdnt SAY YOU DID. You are now trashing Biden as you forget Trump’s close relationship with Stone and Putin:

You said; “And so because that guy said it, all conservatives must agree”

He is in your tribe.,
You just really can't comprehend that people are all individuals, can you?

Collectivists are weak-minded. Stand on your own.
You just really can't comprehend that people are all individuals, can you?

Collectivists are weak-minded. Stand on your own

Yeah we saw conservative individuals turn collectively fascist against democracy on Jan6 based on the great lie. Dumber than doorknobs the whole bunch of them. Stsrting with Ashley Babbitt Gave her life up for Donald Trumo.

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