Putin played TRUMP

Yeah we saw conservative individuals turn collectively fascist against democracy on Jan6 based on the great lie. Dumber than doorknobs the whole bunch of them. Stsrting with Ashley Babbitt Gave her life up for Donald Trumo.
There's no need to keep repeating your kollektivist bullshit, Comrade. You're certainly bringing nothing new to the table.
There's no need to keep repeating your kollektivist bullshit, Comrade. You're certainly bringing nothing new to the table.
You just really can't comprehend that people are all individuals, can you?

RWers are weak-minded.
Why did Trump give Putin carte blanche to develop and field his new hypersonic cruise missiles. A weapon previously BANNED completely, until Trump gave Putin permission to field thousands of them.
Really? When was it banned? When did Trump give Putin permission to field them?
It’s the Trump claim that Putin would not invade Ukraine if Trump was still the US president.

Do you think it had nothing to do with Putin’s belief that he has a NATO busting weapon that NATO cannot defend against?
Well then, get back to us when your hero Putin attacks a NATO country your flaming lunatic. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
No, Russia has a new hypersonic missile that would have been BANNED, if Trump didn't withdraw from the INF that completely eliminated the entire class of missile. But now Putin can not just legally make his new hypersonic missile, but do so in large quantity, and before the US could develop or deploy any missiles to counter them.

Trump gave away the missile advantage of those that could target NATO nations to Putin.
So it would have been banned. You claimed in another post that it was banned.
Putin waited for these. It had nothing to do with Biden.

On August 24, 2021, a contract was signed at the Army 2021 international military and technical forum on the delivery of Tsirkon hypersonic missiles to the Russian Defense Ministry.

On December 24, 2021, Putin said that a salvo of Tsirkon had been test-fired “successfully and faultlessly.” The characteristics of the Tsirkon are secret.

The state trials of the Tsirkon missile from a surface warship are coming to an end. The missile has been developed and produced by the NPO Mashinostroeniya Enterprise integrated into the Tactical Missiles Corporation (KTRV).

Who was President in Aug 2021, Looney Tunes? :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
None of you leftists can meaningfully explain what Biden has done successfully. Hint: "HE ISN'T TRUMP" is not an accomplishment.
Yep, deflection, it's all you idiots got.

Instead of answering direct question you start asserting bullshit about what I supposedly can't explain.

But I CAN explain:

Biden's administration correctly called Russian incoming invasion a MONTH before it happened, while lying Russians and rightwingers were accusing the administration of fear mongering.

In that month and after invasion began, administration has been arranging millitary aid to Ukraine and orchestrated UNPRECEDENTED international sanctions on Russia that are sending their economy back into the stone age.

In other words administration IS doing what it should be, and it's doing it effectively, so take your pointless partisan bitching and shove it.
Yep, deflection, it's all you idiots got.

Instead of answering direct question you start asserting bullshit about what I supposedly can't explain.

But I CAN explain:

Biden's administration correctly called Russian incoming invasion a MONTH before it happened, while lying Russians and rightwingers were accusing the administration of fear mongering.

In that month and after invasion began, administration has been arranging millitary aid to Ukraine and orchestrated UNPRECEDENTED international sanctions on Russia that are sending their economy back into the stone age.

In other words administration IS doing what it should be, and it's doing it effectively, so take your pointless partisan bitching and shove it.
Biden's Admin shared military intelligence with China, who then gave it to Russia.

Is that what the Biden Admin should be doing? Because that looks incompetent as fuck.
Biden's Admin shared military intelligence with China, who then gave it to Russia.

Is that what the Biden Admin should be doing? Because that looks incompetent as fuck.
Can't read it - paywall.

Biden admin shared the intelligence that Russia is about to attack with EVERYONE. And YES, it was smart to do, it made Russian propaganda spreaders look like shameless lying assholes to the world

Just look at this smug fuck face beclowning himself:

Just because you have intelligence on something doesn't mean keeping it secret is the best play.
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Can't read it - paywall.

Biden admin shared the intelligence that Russia is about to attack with EVERYONE. And YES, it was smart to do.

Just because you have intelligence on something doesn't mean keeping it secret is the best play.
Is giving it to someone who may give it to your enemy a good idea?

Hint: No.
Is giving it to someone who may give it to your enemy a good idea?

Hint: No.
Yes, dumbass and I just explained to you WHY it maybe the right play to let Russia know that we are on to their shit.

Intelligence is not only usefull in secret.
LOL! You're like a blonde, who, upon hearing a blonde joke, gets huffy and tells the exact same joke, substituting "brunette" for "blonde"...then flounces off. :auiqs.jpg:
Right. Showing you how STUPID you are. But you're apparently too stupid to see it.
I mean, look at the evidence. Putin didn’t invade while Trump was President. But Brandon is President and what did Putin do? Yep. Invaded and waged a criminal war.

The fact that Putin launched his criminal war when Biden is President is evidence of the fact that Putin launched his criminal war when Biden is President and nothing more.

It is classic daveman -ish propagandists use of a fact to support a false conclusion and actual miscalculation on Putin’s part that his plot to overthrow the government in Kiev by massive military force would be unwise when his puppet was in the White House. And then Putin held the contrary view that his criminal plot would easily succeed if he were to wait until his puppet was out and Joe Biden were to set up his anti-Putin government in charge of the powerful US military industrial and intelligence complex put together in large part to contain Putin expansion in Europe. Putin had to know that Biden ran his campaign on strengthening NATO, supporting UKRAINE and mending US Ties with the EU. Putin also had to know that during Biden’s first year US economic growth was highest in the world as the world was dealing with a new strain of Covid.

And because Biden leadership brought much of the world to impose harsh sanctions and limit trade the following happened. Putin fell behind 11 countries economically from before the invasion began. falling to a place between Taiwan and Poland. And Trump called this the work of a savvy genius. BIDEN calls him a war criminal

Russia’s market-rate GDP in 2021 was US$1.65 trillion, enough to make it the world’s 11th largest economy, behind South Korea. If we crudely convert Russia’s 2021 estimated GDP by March 7, 2022, currency rates, rather than the average exchange rate used last year, and place it against the 2021 market-rate GDP table, the rankings change and Russia slides to 22nd place, falling between Taiwan and Poland.​
This drop is likely an underestimate. While a falling ruble lowers Russia’s exchange rate of its GDP to U.S. dollars, its weakening economy lowers its ruble GDP directly. And Russia’s isolation will erode its economic competitiveness, widening the economic gap further in the medium term.​
Ukrainians confronted with the oncoming Russian army were wise to Putin’s chimeric strategy. “Don’t you have problems in your country to solve? Are you all rich there, as in the Emirates?” one elderly man heckled Russian soldiers.​

Putin really fucked up big time if he figured his war plan would go smoother against Biden rather than with Trump.
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So, Putin not invading while Trump was President shows what a weak President Trump was.

But Putin invading while Biden is President shows what a strong President Biden is.

That's stupid as hell

Who was President in Aug 2021, Looney Tunes?

Look, Biden fucked up. You know, like usual.

The only stupid fuck up I see here is you claiming that Putin needed someone's permission.

hahah sorry..it had everything to do with Xiden and you are right he waited for trump to be out of office so he had his useful idiots in the dnc back in offic

Putin didn’t invade during President Trump.

Can you find the one wise person among the list of Trump’s fools ? If not read this:

The fact that Putin launched his criminal war when Biden is President is evidence of the fact that Putin launched his criminal war when Biden is President and nothing more.

It is classic daveman -ish propagandists use of a fact to support a false conclusion and actual miscalculation on Putin’s part that his plot to overthrow the government in Kiev by massive military force would be unwise when his puppet was in the White House. And then Putin held the contrary view that his criminal plot would easily succeed if he were to wait until his puppet was out and Joe Biden were to set up his anti-Putin government in charge of the powerful US military industrial and intelligence complex put together in large part to contain Putin expansion in Europe. Putin had to know that Biden ran his campaign on strengthening NATO, supporting UKRAINE and mending US Ties with the EU. Putin also had to know that during Biden’s first year US economic growth was highest in the world as the world was dealing with a new strain of Covid.

And because Biden leadership brought much of the world to impose harsh sanctions and limit trade the following happened. Putin fell behind 11 countries economically from before the invasion began. falling to a place between Taiwan and Poland. And Trump called this the work of a savvy genius. BIDEN calls him a war criminal

Russia’s market-rate GDP in 2021 was US$1.65 trillion, enough to make it the world’s 11th largest economy, behind South Korea. If we crudely convert Russia’s 2021 estimated GDP by March 7, 2022, currency rates, rather than the average exchange rate used last year, and place it against the 2021 market-rate GDP table, the rankings change and Russia slides to 22nd place, falling between Taiwan and Poland.​


The Russian economy is headed for collapse

With Russia’s “great power status” tied closely to economic power, the country’s crumbling economy is putting Putin’s claims to legitimacy at risk.

This drop is likely an underestimate. While a falling ruble lowers Russia’s exchange rate of its GDP to U.S. dollars, its weakening economy lowers its ruble GDP directly. And Russia’s isolation will erode its economic competitiveness, widening the economic gap further in the medium term.​

Ukrainians confronted with the oncoming Russian army were wise to Putin’s chimeric strategy. “Don’t you have problems in your country to solve? Are you all rich there, as in the Emirates?” one elderly man heckled Russian soldiers.​

Putin really fucked up big time if he figured his war plan would go smoother against Biden rather than with Trump
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Interesting observations

Putin does actually read books and, in particular, philosophers. He has a repertoire of thinkers that he can quote to justify his fascism. Hasan noted that in the United States we aren't used to our fascists being big readers, a reference to Donald Trump, who rarely read anything.​

Some thoughts about daveman ’s references to collectivism vs individualism on this thread. …

. . . watching the rally that Putin held on Friday made him think about Trump's MAGA rallies.​
"Well, the international far-right learns from itself," said Snyder. "Ironically, it's much more connected than the international left is. The right copies everything from itself. But I was — in that rally, I have to say I was struck also by the fact that Putin is reaching for these Christian themes, going back to Ilyin. He's talking about the death of Russians in war as a good thing. He's talking about the kind of redemptive things that unify us. Those are openly fascist themes that he's pursuing in this. But it looks a little bit like Trump.​

It also looks like a kind of very low-intensity Nuremberg [rally]. They're not really waving those flags very quickly. And when the cameras are close to people, there was a kind of marked lack of enthusiasm. So, this isn't a rally that really seemed to be terribly successful​

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