Putin played TRUMP

Putin waited for these. It had nothing to do with Biden.

On August 24, 2021, a contract was signed at the Army 2021 international military and technical forum on the delivery of Tsirkon hypersonic missiles to the Russian Defense Ministry.

On December 24, 2021, Putin said that a salvo of Tsirkon had been test-fired “successfully and faultlessly.” The characteristics of the Tsirkon are secret.

The state trials of the Tsirkon missile from a surface warship are coming to an end. The missile has been developed and produced by the NPO Mashinostroeniya Enterprise integrated into the Tactical Missiles Corporation (KTRV).

This site sells your data info to third party sites. Thanks but that isn’t a real news source and I am not wanting my info sold to anyone.

Please use a real news website.
Yea dummy, because Trump got kicked out before it happened. If Bush and Obama lost their re-election Putin wouldn't attack during their time in office either.

Weak correlation is not any proof of causation.
Exactly right. He was getting the assurances and actions from Trump that he wanted. Then a president with balls told him to go fuck himself.
How did he fuck up?

The only stupid fuck up I see here is you claiming that Putin needed someone's permission.

Nobody ever supported NATO/American troops in Ukraine, the only thing that possibly could have stopped invasion.
Goodness, you really are uninformed.

Biden’s ‘Minor Incursion’ Blunder Has Major Consequences

You voted for an idiot. Do better next time.
Yea dummy, because Trump got kicked out before it happened. If Bush and Obama lost their re-election Putin wouldn't attack during their time in office either.

Weak correlation is not any proof of causation.
Uh-huh, sure. :itsok:

Poor lefties, you steal an election then don’t want to take responsibility of your guy in charge of everything.
Uh-huh, sure. :itsok:

Poor lefties, you steal an election then don’t want to take responsibility of your guy in charge of everything.

So sure you have no actual response, just more stupid, insane BS about an election you can't get over.

How mentally broken can you be to make yourself do these mental gymnastics in order to claim that Putin’s war is more President Trump’s fault than Biden’s
It’s neither US President’s fault dumbass. No US President is responsible for what the Russian sociopath path decides to do, Biden is handling the crisis magnificently. Trumo was too cozy with Putin and didn’t have a good relationship with Ukraine and our allies so I’m glad Biden won so he can deal with it and hopefully Putin’s sad military us destroyed and run out of Ukraine, Maybe Trump will come around and break up the bromance he had with his beloved Pooty. Maybe not.

You have to be fucking idiot to think that Putin wasn't planning this for at least a year and that somehow it was something that Biden said that changed the course here.

Biden was trying to limit Russian incursion to Dombas and keep Putin from starting and full on war against Ukraine.
It's sad that a grown man thinks that is a zinger, when in reality he is embarrassing himself
So why are lefties still trying to say President Trump is responsible then?

Biden is the guy now. He said Putin would never dare cross him on his watch. So what gives? Was Biden lying? Biden is weak and enfeebled, and incompetent. Everyone in the world sees it, and the facts speak for themselves.

You lefties are so pathetic trying to pass off his monumental failures.
No, Russia has a new hypersonic missile that would have been BANNED, if Trump didn't withdraw from the INF that completely eliminated the entire class of missile. But now Putin can not just legally make his new hypersonic missile, but do so in large quantity, and before the US could develop or deploy any missiles to counter them.

Trump gave away the missile advantage of those that could target NATO nations to Putin.
Lol! Since when does a murdering thug dictator give a shit about treaties? Putin had already broken the treaty numerous times - which was made between the US and the USSR - not Russia. I would have pulled out, too.
Putin waited for these. It had nothing to do with Biden.

On August 24, 2021, a contract was signed at the Army 2021 international military and technical forum on the delivery of Tsirkon hypersonic missiles to the Russian Defense Ministry.

On December 24, 2021, Putin said that a salvo of Tsirkon had been test-fired “successfully and faultlessly.” The characteristics of the Tsirkon are secret.

The state trials of the Tsirkon missile from a surface warship are coming to an end. The missile has been developed and produced by the NPO Mashinostroeniya Enterprise integrated into the Tactical Missiles Corporation (KTRV).

Lol... yea, played Trump and waited till extorted Biden got in to make a move.. brilliant
Putin waited for these. It had nothing to do with Biden.

On August 24, 2021, a contract was signed at the Army 2021 international military and technical forum on the delivery of Tsirkon hypersonic missiles to the Russian Defense Ministry.

On December 24, 2021, Putin said that a salvo of Tsirkon had been test-fired “successfully and faultlessly.” The characteristics of the Tsirkon are secret.

The state trials of the Tsirkon missile from a surface warship are coming to an end. The missile has been developed and produced by the NPO Mashinostroeniya Enterprise integrated into the Tactical Missiles Corporation (KTRV).

Biden fired a bizillion dollars in gas pipelines from Canada to the USA by presidential order his first stinking day as mob boss. He sunk the American ability to afford driving to work, much less driving their children to the National Parks. Then he diverted money we cannot afford to pay for gasoline from Russia at a break-the-bank amount, thus founding the Russians to great prosperity with their gas guzzle, and leaving high paying jobs in America plummeting down and with Congress's 2-reams of paper Pelosi laws passing due to voter fraud electing more Democrat representatives to Congress, and about 40 of them are retiring or quitting before they get caught in the great vote scandals since the Clinton Administration gave the undeserving more power than they have ever known before, and they are drunk with it, throwing money around like a basketball in an NBA Playoff competition. Meanwhile, Biden sends blankets to the Ukraine instead of Mig fighter jets to help them get russia off their backs. Russia couldn't be happier with all that help from Joe Biden to divide the United States by ending brotherly love ad nauseum. Biden painted a big X on America's butt, and Putin is kicking it by his vicious mass murder of Ukrainian children, women, and leaders. Putin also has taken over a lot of the paperwork of passage through the Panama Canal in association with China, as the Democrats blythely accepted President Jimmy Carter's ceding the Panama Canal back to Panama who made a quick buck off the Chinese by selling it to them in less than 10 years. Not to be outdone, Obama and Hillary gave Putin 3 oil-rich Aleutian islands, too. Putin also owns 20% of the best uranium in the world through Hillary Clinton's gift of other states' properties than her own. Russia "donated" $325,000,000. for the trillion dollar windfall and the eighty trillion dollars in oil and gas from islands belonging to the State of Alaska, who wasn't even informed by the Obama/Biden/Clinton administration that their windfall gas fields were gone. Biden isn't worried that 6 million displaced Ukrainians are displaced, That Russia leveled cities in the Ukraine that of course, don't get published by a press with their heads up their butts instead of making sure Exortionist Joe isn't taking his half of all America's money and putting it in his fat pockets with a link to non-American banks who get the least business from him since it's all laundered money he is depositing. I'm so sick of corruption the Democrats brag to their friends who cheeerfully copy entire scandals on their cellphones.

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