Putin played TRUMP

Putin waited for these. It had nothing to do with Biden.

On August 24, 2021, a contract was signed at the Army 2021 international military and technical forum on the delivery of Tsirkon hypersonic missiles to the Russian Defense Ministry.

On December 24, 2021, Putin said that a salvo of Tsirkon had been test-fired “successfully and faultlessly.” The characteristics of the Tsirkon are secret.

The state trials of the Tsirkon missile from a surface warship are coming to an end. The missile has been developed and produced by the NPO Mashinostroeniya Enterprise integrated into the Tactical Missiles Corporation (KTRV).

Looney DESPERATE Toon trying to spin shit---away from shitty Biden. Not working.
So how exactly did he "Play Trump"?

He had Trump believe and say publicly that Putin’s army were being “peace keepers’ in Ukraine as they in a position to seize more territory. Trump said that wa the move if a savvy genius. Two days ‘peace keeping’ then turned into 24 days so far if genocide in a Hitleresque style of 1939 peacekeeping. Now Putin can tell his population that a former US President who had the election stolen from him endorses Russia’s special ‘peacekeeping’ operation in Ukraine because he cannot trust ever what the CIA says about the Hines savvy genius who rules Russia and protects the motherland from the mist evil empire in the West - America .
So how exactly did Putin "Play Trump"? He “Russified” America’s democratic institutions by promoting strongman rule through his client and high value propaganda tool Russia 007 agent-DJT.
So how exactly did he "Play Trump"?

Trump “Russified” the Executive Branch in America for Putin like Tucker still “Russifies” Fox News for Putin.

To know what’s the meaning behind “Russified” you will have to read more than this excerpt:
Our system produces plenty of mistakes.​
But notice the virtues: the tremendous amount of information we harness, the constructive argument, and the ability to give the big boss information he may not want to hear.
Contrast that with the disconnect, both physical and mental, between Russia’s leader and the system he presides over – whether he is sitting a field goal’s length from his advisors or overseeing a bizarre, fake “exchange of views” before beratingthe head of his spy service for blowing the pre-arranged script.​
So why, as Bill Clinton would say, am I telling you this?​
Because few people fully appreciate the true significance of the executive branch agencies in our federal government, how badly former President Trump damaged them and how much value we are thereby getting out of electing Joe Biden as president.​
As Michael Lewis showed in his book The Fifth Risk, the federal government is the greatest information collection and processing machine ever devised by humankind for making better decisions and driving a nation’s business and economic success.​
Trump Russia-fied it.
He rifled through his rolodex of oligarchs and installed sycophantic bumblers (a man who couldn’t recall the existence of his agency), ideologues compromised by foreign governments, grifters and corporate raiders on the make into key leadership positions.​
The most senior leaders seemed to neither know nor care what their job was while experienced government professionals in the levels below stood aghast at the wreckage to good government.​
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So how exactly did he "Play Trump"? He “Russified” America’s democratic institutions by promoting strongman rule.
So how exactly did he "Play Trump"?

Trump “Russified” the Executive Branch in America for Putin like Tucker still “Russifies” Fox News for Putin.

To know what’s the meaning behind “Russified” you will have to read more than this excerpt:
Our system produces plenty of mistakes.​

But notice the virtues: the tremendous amount of information we harness, the constructive argument, and the ability to give the big boss information he may not want to hear.

Contrast that with the disconnect, both physical and mental, between Russia’s leader and the system he presides over – whether he is sitting a field goal’s length from his advisors or overseeing a bizarre, fake “exchange of views” before beratingthe head of his spy service for blowing the pre-arranged script.​

You're being stupid again.

Russia performed minor incursions into Ukraine (dombas region) every day. Biden was pointing out that such incursions wouldn't trigger serious sanctions, as opposed to an invasion.

Since you're no fan of citations, let me remind you of the situation.

Amid increased tensions between Russia and Ukraine in February 2022, Russian president Vladimir Putin announced on 21 February that Russia would recognise the independence of the Donetsk and Luhansk people's republics.[536] This announcement was followed by an order to deploy Russian troops to the Donbas as "peacekeepers". A number of western countries, including the US, UK, and the EU, announced that they would impose new sanctions on Russian-connected organisations in response.

This was a move that Donald Trump called "genius"
I am a fan of citations. You’re very weak at providing them. And when you disagree with me, it is theoretically possible to refrain from offering your erroneous opinion that I am the one who is stupid. For future reference.
Just 10 posts in, and the RWI brings Biden and Obama into a thread that is not fucking about either.

Don't you RWI's say something like this when that happens.
Hey winky; who was President on the dates referenced in the OP? That’s right! It wasn’t Trump! Who was it? That’s right. It WAS Brandon.
Trump did lose the 2020 election That makes him a loser.

As for Trump cowing Putin - This is not how a world leader ‘cows’ another who is a ociipatjic killer on the world stage level

Contradicting U.S. intelligence agencies, President Donald Trump on Saturday said he believes Russian President Vladimir Putin’s claim that the Kremlin did not attempt to interfere in the 2016 election.​
Trump spoke with the Russian leader this week in Vietnam during a joint summit with other Asia-Pacific countries.​
When a reporter asked if the subject of Russian election interference came up, Trump replied, “He said he absolutely did not meddle in our election. He did not do what they are saying he did. ... Every time he sees me, he says, ‘I didn’t do that,’ and I really believe that when he tells me that, he means it. But he says, ‘I didn’t do that.’”​
Trump also took multiple shots at his 2016 rival Hillary Clinton and lamented that Putin is “very insulted” by the accusations of election meddling.​
The president’s comments fly in the face of a report from U.S. intelligence agencies earlier this year that concluded that Putin had ordered hacking against the Democratic National Committee as well as the deliberate spread of misinformation and inflammatory rhetoric about Clinton to help Trump get elected. The effort is the subject of multiple federal investigations into whether the Trump campaign coordinated with Russia at all, which the president has strongly denied.​
Trump told reporters on Saturday that he was skeptical of the intelligence findings and spoke dismissively of several former top Obama officials with long careers in public service.​
“You hear it’s 17 agencies [who agreed on the hacking]. Well, it’s three,” he said. “And one is [then-CIA Director John] Brennan. And one is, whatever. I mean, give me a break. They’re political hacks. So you look at it, and then you have Brennan, you have [then-Director of National Intelligence James] Clapper and you have [then-FBI Director James] Comey. Comey’s proven now to be a liar and he’s proven to be a leaker. So you look at that.”​
In a statement to CNN on Saturday, CIA Director Mike Pompeo — a Trump appointee ― stood by the agency’s findings.​
“The Director stands by and has always stood by the January 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment entitled: Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent U.S. Elections,” the agency said. “The intelligence assessment with regard to Russian election meddling has not changed.”​
It’s also worth noting that the number of intelligence agencies involved is four, not three: the CIA, the National Security Agency, the FBI and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. As The New York Times pointed out in July, it’s not problematic that the remaining agencies didn’t report similar findings because “not all 17 were involved in the assessment of Russian interference.”​
Trump has largely refused to blame Putin for the hacking and even told reporters in July that he believes “other countries” besides Russia were involved. Early last month he missed a key deadline to implement new sanctions on Russia in response to the hacking, sanctions that were set forth in a bipartisan bill that he’d signed into law in August. Weeks later, Foreign Policy reported that the State Department had shuttered the office that deals with sanctions policy.​
Meanwhile, evidence is mounting that some in Trump’s campaign had ties to the Kremlin. Last month, former campaign manager Paul Manafort, along with his business associate Rick Gates, was indicted by a grand jury in connection with the investigation. At the same time, it was revealed that a former Trump adviser, George Papadopoulos, had pleaded guilty in early October to lying to FBI agents about his efforts to receive “dirt” on Clinton.​
That’s not the definition of loser.

And it IS how Trump cowed Putin. You know who didn’t cow Putin? Brandon. I mean, look at the evidence. Putin didn’t invade while Trump was President. But Brandon is President and what did Putin do? Yep. Invaded and waged a criminal war.
Putin didn’t invade while Trump was President. But Brandon is President and what did Putin do? Yep. Invaded and waged a criminal war.
Because trump was doing what putin wanted.

How stupid are you to continue to believe that trump does anything other than help trump. POS trump is a con man, he is not trying to help you.

trump hates you.
Creepy Joe thought so.

No Biden didn’t.think that. You are confused that Trump said Putin tanks on Ukraine soil was genius for him to say they were there as peacekeepers while seizing territory .

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