Putin Takes Famous WNBA Player Hostage: Brittney Griner Arrested in MOSCOW

WNBA star Brittney Griner detained in Russia on drug charges

Many women's professional basketball players decide to play in Russia during the WNBA's offseason for a chance to compete and take advantage of the high salaries overseas teams offer. Griner has made as much as $1.5 million a year in Russia, while she had a base salary of $215,000 last season for the Mercury.

Putin is now using hostages against the U.S. They let other players leave, but she was arrested and is now a hostage in Russia. God dammit Putin you piece of shit.
She shouldn't be a druggie...

When in other countries, you are subject to their laws
No, because she is in another country. Go to another country and violate their laws, and there is damned near nothing that can be done for you.

This has not a damned thing to do with the US, or any other country. You would think by now that people would think, and if they go overseas not take drugs with them. But there are still morons that do not realize that when you leave the country, your country can and will not protect you when you break the laws. You are on your own, and face the consequences on your own.

I just see it as Darwinism in action.
She is no doubt a dumb ass democrat, she sees how democrats love open borders . And thinks other countries treat their borders like the dumb ass democrats treat our border and did what ever she wanted. Of course it doesn't work like that in other countries..
She is no doubt a dumb ass democrat, she sees how democrats love open borders . And thinks other countries treat their borders like the dumb ass democrats treat our border and did what ever she wanted. Of course it doesn't work like that in other countries..
If male athletes can be females then drugs should be allowed..
She is no doubt a dumb ass democrat, she sees how democrats love open borders

A person can be a dumbass regardless of party. Seen a hell of a lot of dumbassed Republicans in here also.

But when people say "open borders", what they generally really believe in is a one world government. Which ironically would look a lot like what Russia is doing now, and trying to rebuild the old USSR. No national borders, all a single large government.
Never expected to see famous and wnba player used in the same sentence. I couldn't name one for a million dollars.
Never expected to see famous and wnba player used in the same sentence. I couldn't name one for a million dollars.
Subsidized by the NBA and cable subscribers with corporate donations. Otherwise, there would be no league, or they would play in high school gymnasiums. Sports here has become what godless communist promoted in the Soviet Union and other despot places.
No, because she is in another country. Go to another country and violate their laws, and there is damned near nothing that can be done for you.

This has not a damned thing to do with the US, or any other country. You would think by now that people would think, and if they go overseas not take drugs with them. But there are still morons that do not realize that when you leave the country, your country can and will not protect you when you break the laws. You are on your own, and face the consequences on your own.

I just see it as Darwinism in action.

Way to confidently state your opinion about something you manifestly didn't understand.

I know she's in another country, Einstein. She's still an American citizen, and the US government has the power to exert influence on the governments of other countries to take care of its citizens in that country, if the government has the will to do it. Unfortunately for this woman, the US State Department, embassies, consuls, etc. all answer to a feckless houseplant.

Next time, try reading what people are saying, rather than what you think you "know".
Deflection? This is a shot thread celebrating someone’s misfortune of bad decisions buried in racist language. Go ahead and condemn the racist statements about her. You won’t because somehow treating people like humans freaks our insecure people.

Yes, I know, you think every response to your posts that acknowledges that you're arrogant without any reason to be is "deflection", so that you don't have to recognize the fact that you are the only person who thinks you're worth more than a fart in a windstorm.

This is a thread about an idiot who got herself in trouble in another country. The only thing "racist" about it is the ignorant racist who insists it's all about her being black, because he's too bigoted and ignorant to see blacks as actual people. And that (because I know you aren't smart enough to recognize it) is you.

Please enjoy babbling to yourself about your fixation on skin color. Those of us with 3-digit IQs will be talking amongst ourselves and forgetting you exist, as always.
Deflection? This is a shot thread celebrating someone’s misfortune of bad decisions buried in racist language. Go ahead and condemn the racist statements about her. You won’t because somehow treating people like humans freaks our insecure people.
PotHead Gold at the End of the Rainbow

If you take some of what Brit-kneepads uses, it'll enhance your rise to self-righteous race-traitor nirvana.
She's still an American citizen, and the US government has the power to exert influence on the governments of other countries to take care of its citizens in that country, if the government has the will to do it.

No, not really. And she is the dumb ass that broke the law of another country.

Michael Fay, Billy Hayes, Kevin Barlow and Brian Chambers, Otto Warmbier, there are tons of cases like that.

When somebody violates the laws of another country, there is damned little the US can do. Nor should they do much to be honest. They are the dumb-asses that got themselves into trouble in the first place by breaking the law. No real pity here for them.

And your "beliefs" matter about as much as a festering bowl of dog snot, to be honest. What others say in these cases really does not matter. And I am not really talking my "beliefs", so much as facts, legally and internationally. Break the law in another country, you are pretty much on your own.

Welp what have we learned by signing contracts to play for the commies. Give her some Smirnoff and some hairy Russian muff and let her rot in the gulag.

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