Putin to Deploy New Weapons to Counter US Missile Shield

Thank gawd we have the Star Wars anti-missile system from the Reagan era...
Putin just continues to thump Obama at every opportunity

He knows Obama is a joke like we all do.


MOSCOW (AP) -- Russia will counter NATO's U.S.-led missile defense program by deploying new strike weapons capable of piercing the shield, President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday.

Putin told defense officials that by developing defenses against ballistic missiles Washington aims to "neutralize" Russia's strategic nuclear deterrent and gain a "decisive military superiority."

He said that Moscow will respond by developing "strike systems capable of penetrating any missile defenses."

His statement comes amid a severe strain in Russia's relations with the U.S. and its NATO allies, which have plunged to the lowest point since the Cold War over the crisis in Ukraine.

News from The Associated Press
huzzah for your hero Putin....

You don't like Putin? How do you think, does Putin like YOU after it? :)
Missile shield no threat to Russia...

Polish minister says missile shield no threat to Russia - report
Monday 30th May, 2016: The U.S. missile shield to be located in Poland does not pose a threat to Russia's security, Poland's state-run news agency PAP quoted Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski as saying on Sunday.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday that Poland and Romania could find themselves in the sights of Russian rockets because they are hosting elements of a U.S. missile shield that Moscow considers a threat to its security.

"President Putin should know very well that the anti-missile shield in Poland has no relevance to Russian security. This system is to defend Europe from a missile attack from the Middle East," Waszykowski told PAP in an interview published on Sunday.

"However, the military presence (in Poland) of the Americans and multinational NATO forces is a response to indeed aggressive behaviour by the Russian authorities, who are frightening us. This will be a presence of a defensive nature, not posing a threat to Russia."

Polish minister says missile shield no threat to Russia - report
Missile shield no threat to Russia...

Polish minister says missile shield no threat to Russia - report
Monday 30th May, 2016: The U.S. missile shield to be located in Poland does not pose a threat to Russia's security, Poland's state-run news agency PAP quoted Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski as saying on Sunday.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday that Poland and Romania could find themselves in the sights of Russian rockets because they are hosting elements of a U.S. missile shield that Moscow considers a threat to its security.

"President Putin should know very well that the anti-missile shield in Poland has no relevance to Russian security. This system is to defend Europe from a missile attack from the Middle East," Waszykowski told PAP in an interview published on Sunday.

"However, the military presence (in Poland) of the Americans and multinational NATO forces is a response to indeed aggressive behaviour by the Russian authorities, who are frightening us. This will be a presence of a defensive nature, not posing a threat to Russia."

Polish minister says missile shield no threat to Russia - report

:))) Does it means, EU plans to deport all Middle East refugees to the Baltic countries, making them as a part of Middle East? :) Such a sad end for the "civilized" and "high cultural" toilet cleaners...

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