Putin to the rescue!

Moscow has banned the construction of mosques!

Moscow Mayor Bans New Mosques - Europe - News - OnIslam.net

Who would have thought that the Godless Russians Eisenhower thought would be such a danger, would actually turn out to be the last defenders of the faith. Or, that America would be the Godless nation

Change has come to America, that's for sure. The West is in decline. Russia is the only one holding the line, whether it be defending the faith, standing up to mass immigration/multiculturalism or fighting radical islamists in Syria and Iraq.

What a skewed vision of reality. America was founded on freedom of religion. Banning mosques would be counter to what the US is all about. So, no, we haven't changed in that area. We are where we always have been and should be.

I was talking more about Europe banning the building of new mosques, they are doing in Switzerland and in parts of France now that Front National has some control.

America never had to worry about Muslim immigration until recently, up until 1965, we had an immigration quota system that prohibited them coming en mass.
Putin promises Iraqi prime minister arms against jihadis

While Obama diddles and offers 300 troops [whose feet should never touch the soil of Iraq] Putin shows leadership. We know he's worked deals with Iran and Sadat, so this should come as no surprise. The best thing for the Iraqis is that Russian equipment is cheaper and far easier to maintain. And, if Russians are needed to help them set up and operate them, they won't be a bunch of unarmed wuzzes. :mad::mad:

DEBKAfile June 21, 2014 [Go ahead and attack the source]

In a telephone conversation Friday, President Vladimir Putin promised Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki Russia’s full support for his efforts to free Iraqi territory from jihadist terrorist hands as quickly as possible. Putin is reported by Baghdad sources to have promised urgent military supplies including helicopters, armored vehicles and ammunition for heavy weapons. President Obama this week agreed only to send US 300 military advisers to help Baghdad.

No link as this is the full article.

And then, First cargo of disputed Kurdish Iraqi oil delivered to Israel @ First cargo of disputed Kurdish Iraqi oil delivered to Israel indicates that maybe the autonomous Kurdish Regional Government is going to be a viable entity.
Change has come to America, that's for sure. The West is in decline. Russia is the only one holding the line, whether it be defending the faith, standing up to mass immigration/multiculturalism or fighting radical islamists in Syria and Iraq.

Radical Islamists are not the ones fighting against the Shiite leaders in Iraq and Syria. The conflict between the Shiites and Sunnis has nothing to do with extremist or radical Islam. The conflict has to do with a long ago rift within Islam, with one group breaking away from the other. It's an internal matter and has nothing whatsoever to do with being extremists or radicals, such as terrorists are.

Obama would disagree with you, he stated ISIS is a radical Islamist organization and has just sent 300 special forces to join the Iraqi army in the fight against them. He views ISIS and the Iraqi Civil war not only as a threat to a Iraq, but a threat to Syria and the rest of the region(and thus to our national security interests)

Obama to send up to 300 'military advisers' to help Iraqi army repel Isis | World news | The Guardian

Bush should have never gotten us involved in Iraq. This current problem is an issue between the Shiites and Sunnis. As well, Bush should have never gotten us involved in Afghanistan. The Isis seem to want a Sharia law ruled state that combines Syria and Iraq. They are extreme in their violence. The US should not get involved. They are Sunni. The rest of the ME states are Sunni. The Isis is not going to start a war with them.
Radical Islamists are not the ones fighting against the Shiite leaders in Iraq and Syria. The conflict between the Shiites and Sunnis has nothing to do with extremist or radical Islam. The conflict has to do with a long ago rift within Islam, with one group breaking away from the other. It's an internal matter and has nothing whatsoever to do with being extremists or radicals, such as terrorists are.

Obama would disagree with you, he stated ISIS is a radical Islamist organization and has just sent 300 special forces to join the Iraqi army in the fight against them. He views ISIS and the Iraqi Civil war not only as a threat to a Iraq, but a threat to Syria and the rest of the region(and thus to our national security interests)

Obama to send up to 300 'military advisers' to help Iraqi army repel Isis | World news | The Guardian

Bush should have never gotten us involved in Iraq. This current problem is an issue between the Shiites and Sunnis. As well, Bush should have never gotten us involved in Afghanistan. The Isis seem to want a Sharia law ruled state that combines Syria and Iraq. They are extreme in their violence. The US should not get involved. They are Sunni. The rest of the ME states are Sunni. The Isis is not going to start a war with them.
You just said there were no radical sunni islamists fighting the shia government. So do you not consider ISIS radical, or sharia radical?

So you oppose Obama sending troops?

Why is Obama wrong to designate ISIS radical islamists and to send troops?
Obama would disagree with you, he stated ISIS is a radical Islamist organization and has just sent 300 special forces to join the Iraqi army in the fight against them. He views ISIS and the Iraqi Civil war not only as a threat to a Iraq, but a threat to Syria and the rest of the region(and thus to our national security interests)

Obama to send up to 300 'military advisers' to help Iraqi army repel Isis | World news | The Guardian

Bush should have never gotten us involved in Iraq. This current problem is an issue between the Shiites and Sunnis. As well, Bush should have never gotten us involved in Afghanistan. The Isis seem to want a Sharia law ruled state that combines Syria and Iraq. They are extreme in their violence. The US should not get involved. They are Sunni. The rest of the ME states are Sunni. The Isis is not going to start a war with them.
You just said there were no radical sunni islamists fighting the shia government. So do you not consider ISIS radical, or sharia radical?

So you oppose Obama sending troops?

Why is Obama wrong to designate ISIS radical islamists and to send troops?

I think they are fundamentalists because they want a Sharia governed state. They may be as vicious as the Taliban: I don't know. But I don't think they are radical in the sense of being terrorists who are going to attack other countries, like Al-Qaeda. I don't think they will attack any Sunni countries. Saudi is a completely Sharia government, yet they are allies with the West and are non-violent with the rest of the world. Being Sharia is an internal issue. It isn't up to other countries to dictate if a country is Sharia or not.

I think we are in more danger if Iraq becomes another Iran.
We can do a hashtag thing on social media... That may work!
Uncle Vlad is one slick little bastard...

Swooping-in to fill the vacuum...

Mister Geopolitik...

It's been a while since the Roooooskies have had their asses kicked...

Let 'em...

I do not agree, but the idea is interesting. I want ISIS stopped however.
Bush should have never gotten us involved in Iraq. This current problem is an issue between the Shiites and Sunnis. As well, Bush should have never gotten us involved in Afghanistan. The Isis seem to want a Sharia law ruled state that combines Syria and Iraq. They are extreme in their violence. The US should not get involved. They are Sunni. The rest of the ME states are Sunni. The Isis is not going to start a war with them.
You just said there were no radical sunni islamists fighting the shia government. So do you not consider ISIS radical, or sharia radical?

So you oppose Obama sending troops?

Why is Obama wrong to designate ISIS radical islamists and to send troops?

I think they are fundamentalists because they want a Sharia governed state. They may be as vicious as the Taliban: I don't know. But I don't think they are radical in the sense of being terrorists who are going to attack other countries, like Al-Qaeda. I don't think they will attack any Sunni countries. Saudi is a completely Sharia government, yet they are allies with the West and are non-violent with the rest of the world. Being Sharia is an internal issue. It isn't up to other countries to dictate if a country is Sharia or not.

I think we are in more danger if Iraq becomes another Iran.

Actually, they have called for going into Jordan, Lebanon, and called for the assassination of Saudi leaders. They want to establish an islamic caliphate from Iraq to Syria to Israel to Jordan up into North Africa. So your thinking is wrong, they want one islamic nation and view the Sunni governments as traitors and puppets of the USA.
So you oppose Obama sending troops then ?

So Obama was wrong to designate ISIS radical islamists and to send troops in your view?
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You just said there were no radical sunni islamists fighting the shia government. So do you not consider ISIS radical, or sharia radical?

So you oppose Obama sending troops?

Why is Obama wrong to designate ISIS radical islamists and to send troops?

I think they are fundamentalists because they want a Sharia governed state. They may be as vicious as the Taliban: I don't know. But I don't think they are radical in the sense of being terrorists who are going to attack other countries, like Al-Qaeda. I don't think they will attack any Sunni countries. Saudi is a completely Sharia government, yet they are allies with the West and are non-violent with the rest of the world. Being Sharia is an internal issue. It isn't up to other countries to dictate if a country is Sharia or not.

I think we are in more danger if Iraq becomes another Iran.

Actually, they have called for going into Jordan, Lebanon, and called for the assassination of Saudi leaders. They want to establish an islamic caliphate from Iraq to Syria to Israel to Jordan up into North Africa. So your thinking is wrong, they want one islamic nation and view the Sunni governments as traitors and puppets of the USA.
BBC News - Iraq crisis: Isis video 'shows UK and Australian fighters'
So you oppose Obama sending troops then ?

So Obama was wrong to designate ISIS radical islamists and to send troops in your view?

CNN quotes a Shia fighter stating the US set up ISIS. Maliki must go.
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I think they are fundamentalists because they want a Sharia governed state. They may be as vicious as the Taliban: I don't know. But I don't think they are radical in the sense of being terrorists who are going to attack other countries, like Al-Qaeda. I don't think they will attack any Sunni countries. Saudi is a completely Sharia government, yet they are allies with the West and are non-violent with the rest of the world. Being Sharia is an internal issue. It isn't up to other countries to dictate if a country is Sharia or not.

I think we are in more danger if Iraq becomes another Iran.

Actually, they have called for going into Jordan, Lebanon, and called for the assassination of Saudi leaders. They want to establish an islamic caliphate from Iraq to Syria to Israel to Jordan up into North Africa. So your thinking is wrong, they want one islamic nation and view the Sunni governments as traitors and puppets of the USA.
BBC News - Iraq crisis: Isis video 'shows UK and Australian fighters'
So you oppose Obama sending troops then ?

So Obama was wrong to designate ISIS radical islamists and to send troops in your view?

CNN quotes a Shia fighter stating the US set up ISIS. Maliki must go.

So you support ISIS?

Do you find it perturbing, if it is true, that if what the shia fighter says is true, that we set up ISIS on one hand, and are helping the iraqi government with special forces on the other?
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Actually, they have called for going into Jordan, Lebanon, and called for the assassination of Saudi leaders. They want to establish an islamic caliphate from Iraq to Syria to Israel to Jordan up into North Africa. So your thinking is wrong, they want one islamic nation and view the Sunni governments as traitors and puppets of the USA.
BBC News - Iraq crisis: Isis video 'shows UK and Australian fighters'
So you oppose Obama sending troops then ?

So Obama was wrong to designate ISIS radical islamists and to send troops in your view?

CNN quotes a Shia fighter stating the US set up ISIS. Maliki must go.

So you support ISIS?

Do you find it perturbing, if it is true, that if what the shia fighter says is true, that we set up ISIS on one hand, and are helping the iraqi government with special forces on the other?

As the US did not set up ISIS, no. And the Hobson's choice of ISIS or Maliki illustrates why the US must be involved.
CNN quotes a Shia fighter stating the US set up ISIS. Maliki must go.

So you support ISIS?

Do you find it perturbing, if it is true, that if what the shia fighter says is true, that we set up ISIS on one hand, and are helping the iraqi government with special forces on the other?

As the US did not set up ISIS, no. And the Hobson's choice of ISIS or Maliki illustrates why the US must be involved.

Yea, didn't set them up, but we are definitely experiencing blowback for arming them. I don't think we should be involved in this to begin with

The Middle East was a much more stable and peaceful place with men like Assad and Saddam Hussein firmly in charge. Should have never gone into Iraq in the first place, or helped try to overthrow Assad.
Seeing the danger in ISIS taking control of Iraq oil fields, chemical weapons and obama's tepid and dithering response, Putin has offered Maliki Russia's full support in fighting off the terrorists.
Putin offers Iraq's Maliki 'complete support' against militants | Middle East Eye

The good guys to the rescue.

1. What makes them the good guys? The fact that they're able to send a conscript army to do what the dictator wants regardless of what the people want?

2. Do we - the US - want our effing soldiers in YET another FOREIGN war? How many lives do you want to spend?

3. I guess it should come as no surprise that the right loves dictators but sheesh, can't you be a little more discrete about it? :doubt:

Well ... actually, I'm not all that fond of dictators (including our current one) and I'm not fond of war either. As a conservative I never believed we should have been in Iraq or Afghanistan in the first place. I'm opposed to forcing other, sovereign nations to accept our modern (albeit skewed) version of "freedom." They have their culture and we have ours. I'd like to spend more time fixing ours before worrying about someone else's.

Interestingly, the left (historically speaking) has been FAR more fond of dictators:

Stalin was a Socialist (far left)
Hitler was a Socialist (far left)
Castro, Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot ... all Socialists (far left).

As a conservative I never believed we should have been in Iraq or Afghanistan in the first place

so you are one of the 10% against going into Afghanistan....what should have been our response after 9/11?..........
Do any of you right winged tards ever lay the blame on the leader of Iraq for creating an atmosphere of discourse and cronyism to the point that the Sunni's are kept from office or even join in running Iraq..?

So to clarify, you support ISIS getting a seat at the table? Is that because you like their Sharia policy or you support anyone Obama gave weapons to?

Sharia has not a damn thing to do with power sharing in a democratic nation...As far as the US is concerned the US created a power vacuum and now Russia as usual is trying to step in..Well right wingers will bitch no matter what action the president makes, cause you people are frustrated, low income earners that are missing out on life and you have geriatric profanity disease..

low income earners?.....you ever been out here to Orange County?.....
1. What makes them the good guys? The fact that they're able to send a conscript army to do what the dictator wants regardless of what the people want?

2. Do we - the US - want our effing soldiers in YET another FOREIGN war? How many lives do you want to spend?

3. I guess it should come as no surprise that the right loves dictators but sheesh, can't you be a little more discrete about it? :doubt:

Well ... actually, I'm not all that fond of dictators (including our current one) and I'm not fond of war either. As a conservative I never believed we should have been in Iraq or Afghanistan in the first place. I'm opposed to forcing other, sovereign nations to accept our modern (albeit skewed) version of "freedom." They have their culture and we have ours. I'd like to spend more time fixing ours before worrying about someone else's.

Interestingly, the left (historically speaking) has been FAR more fond of dictators:

Stalin was a Socialist (far left)
Hitler was a Socialist (far left)
Castro, Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot ... all Socialists (far left).

As a conservative I never believed we should have been in Iraq or Afghanistan in the first place

so you are one of the 10% against going into Afghanistan....what should have been our response after 9/11?..........

Has he forgotten?

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Well ... actually, I'm not all that fond of dictators (including our current one) and I'm not fond of war either. As a conservative I never believed we should have been in Iraq or Afghanistan in the first place. I'm opposed to forcing other, sovereign nations to accept our modern (albeit skewed) version of "freedom." They have their culture and we have ours. I'd like to spend more time fixing ours before worrying about someone else's.

Interestingly, the left (historically speaking) has been FAR more fond of dictators:

Stalin was a Socialist (far left)
Hitler was a Socialist (far left)
Castro, Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot ... all Socialists (far left).


Technically speaking - Hitler was not a socialist and was opposed to Marxism - he's generally categorized as a "rightwing" dictatorship. So...if you want to label dictators..well, own up to him.

Realistically? Left and rightwing dictators have more in common with each other than they even remotely have with their moderate wings. Perhaps they're in a class of their own rather than left and right wing.

Other than that - what gives with this rightwing love affair with Putin? :D

Dick Taters....says it all.

No such thing as a "Right wing" Dictator. Right wing is individual freedom, left wing is State running your life 24/7

cant agree Frank....a right winger can be just as power hungry as a left winger....either way left,right,up,down.....Dictators no matter which way their stripe runs should be overthrown.....

Technically speaking - Hitler was not a socialist and was opposed to Marxism - he's generally categorized as a "rightwing" dictatorship. So...if you want to label dictators..well, own up to him.

Realistically? Left and rightwing dictators have more in common with each other than they even remotely have with their moderate wings. Perhaps they're in a class of their own rather than left and right wing.

Other than that - what gives with this rightwing love affair with Putin? :D

Dick Taters....says it all.

No such thing as a "Right wing" Dictator. Right wing is individual freedom, left wing is State running your life 24/7

cant agree Frank....a right winger can be just as power hungry as a left winger....either way left,right,up,down.....Dictators no matter which way their stripe runs should be overthrown.....

I agree; the lust for power overcomes political leanings.
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