Putin to the rescue!

Seeing the danger in ISIS taking control of Iraq oil fields, chemical weapons and obama's tepid and dithering response, Putin has offered Maliki Russia's full support in fighting off the terrorists.
Putin offers Iraq's Maliki 'complete support' against militants | Middle East Eye

The good guys to the rescue.

Stop climaxing already, you Russian plant...

Well, I do get a thrill every time Putin exposes obama as an ineffective fool.

What would be the top would be if Putin asked obama if he wanted the Russians to come fix our border.
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Seeing the danger in ISIS taking control of Iraq oil fields, chemical weapons and obama's tepid and dithering response, Putin has offered Maliki Russia's full support in fighting off the terrorists.
Putin offers Iraq's Maliki 'complete support' against militants | Middle East Eye

The good guys to the rescue.

1. What makes them the good guys? The fact that they're able to send a conscript army to do what the dictator wants regardless of what the people want?

2. Do we - the US - want our effing soldiers in YET another FOREIGN war? How many lives do you want to spend?

3. I guess it should come as no surprise that the right loves dictators but sheesh, can't you be a little more discrete about it? :doubt:

It's not about the right like dictators, it's about obama's failed foreign policy that allowed this to happen.

It really isn't that big of a stretch to see that russia would come in and filled the vacuum left by obama, afterall they are aligned with Iran and give them aid. And, it also gives russia leverage over the west when it comes to oil.

I see the middle east throwing out their western allies and aligning themselves with the likes of russia and china, leaving a weak Europe and weak United States. Thank you Mr. obama. :mad:

I agree with Rand Paul and a majority of ME experts, it isn't Obama's fault it was the previous administration, they were warned what is happening in Iraq was going to happen and they just didn't listen or decided to ignore.
Bush signed off the withdrawal schedule of the troops and the timeline. Actually Obama ran a little late on the withdrawal. Who could forget the outrage from the right when Obama did a victory lap after the troop withdrawal was complete. Here's an article from Red State complaining about Obama taking credit for the troop withdrawal.
Iraq War ends on Bush’s schedule, not Obama’s
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Better to let Iraq fall?
Can you imagine if that happened.
People pulled out of their homes and asked how do they pray....
Wrong answer.... Off goes your head.

Ah Muslims!

Gotta love those crazy fucks!
Do any of you right winged tards ever lay the blame on the leader of Iraq for creating an atmosphere of discourse and cronyism to the point that the Sunni's are kept from office or even join in running Iraq..?

Frankly, this "rightwinger" (me) doesn't give two hoots about Iraq's internal problems. They're their own nation with its own people. Let them figure out how to fix Iraq while Americans start figuring out how to recover from 8 years of Obama damage. We have a LOT of "fixing" of our own to worry about.
Pretty sad when a communist has more common sense than the president of the United states. This is Obama's failure and putin steps in to fix it.
Pretty sad when a communist has more common sense than the president of the United states. This is Obama's failure and putin steps in to fix it.

Shrub broke it...

Obumble failed to fix it...

Pubs and Dems both voted to go in...

Some of them misled by faulty and/or manufactured intel re: danger, some not...

We the People allowed all of this to unfold...

Plenty of blame to go around, on both sides of the aisle...

Uncle Vlad, that slick bastard, knows a good deal when he sees one...

We spend a bazillion-gazillion dollars and the lives and health of thousands of our own...

The thing shakes apart within a couple of years after leaving, just like 'Nam did...

We could go back in, and kick ass again, even more quickly and thoroughly, but to what end?

We're pretty-much disgusted with the whole thing and seem to be making a conscious choice not to bother...

Uncle Vlad knows this, and sees an opportunity, even though he's operating on a much tighter budget and a far-less-ready military...

Uncle Vlad steps-in, promises the moon, and gets both Iraq and Iran on his side...

A Two-Fer...

Not to mention coming-off looking more Muslim-friendly than the US, and much of the rest of The West...

A Three-Fer...

We might not like what the sonofabitch is doing...

But ya gotta admire his International Garage-Sale sniffing and hopping skills...
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Seeing the danger in ISIS taking control of Iraq oil fields, chemical weapons and obama's tepid and dithering response, Putin has offered Maliki Russia's full support in fighting off the terrorists.
Putin offers Iraq's Maliki 'complete support' against militants | Middle East Eye

The good guys to the rescue.

1. What makes them the good guys? The fact that they're able to send a conscript army to do what the dictator wants regardless of what the people want?

2. Do we - the US - want our effing soldiers in YET another FOREIGN war? How many lives do you want to spend?

3. I guess it should come as no surprise that the right loves dictators but sheesh, can't you be a little more discrete about it? :doubt:

It's not about the right like dictators, it's about obama's failed foreign policy that allowed this to happen.

It really isn't that big of a stretch to see that russia would come in and filled the vacuum left by obama, afterall they are aligned with Iran and give them aid. And, it also gives russia leverage over the west when it comes to oil.

I see the middle east throwing out their western allies and aligning themselves with the likes of russia and china, leaving a weak Europe and weak United States. Thank you Mr. obama. :mad:

It isn't Obama's foreign policy that created the problem in Iraq: it's Bush's foreign policy.

If Obama had not gotten our troops out of Iraq, you'd be criticizing him for that. It really doesn't matter what he does, you will find fault with it. It doesn't really matter what happens or what causes it, you will blame it on Obama and/or the liberals. So predictable.

Btw, the only reason Putin would consider helping the current leadership in Iraq is because they are Shiites. Iran, one of Putin's favorite countries, is Shiite. In Syria, he supports the Shiite leader. He supports North Korea. He supports the worst of the worst: which is what Iraq will become when it is ruled by Shiites supported by Putin, Iran and the like.

Based on your last statement, you know nothing about the Middle East. Most of the ME states are controlled by Sunnis, and they are allies of the US and the West. They do not like Shiites. They are not going to fall out with the West in favor of joining forces with Shiite controlled countries and hanging out with Putin. Only 15-20% of all the Muslims world wide is Shiite.


The definition of potential trouble is Putin being chummy with a Shiite controlled Iraq. For all your drooling over him, he is a ruthless, evil dictator. You just cannot see it. And by 'you,' I mean the conservative right wingers.
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1. What makes them the good guys? The fact that they're able to send a conscript army to do what the dictator wants regardless of what the people want?

2. Do we - the US - want our effing soldiers in YET another FOREIGN war? How many lives do you want to spend?

3. I guess it should come as no surprise that the right loves dictators but sheesh, can't you be a little more discrete about it? :doubt:

It's not about the right like dictators, it's about obama's failed foreign policy that allowed this to happen.

It really isn't that big of a stretch to see that russia would come in and filled the vacuum left by obama, afterall they are aligned with Iran and give them aid. And, it also gives russia leverage over the west when it comes to oil.

I see the middle east throwing out their western allies and aligning themselves with the likes of russia and china, leaving a weak Europe and weak United States. Thank you Mr. obama. :mad:

It isn't Obama's foreign policy that created the problem in Iraq: it's Bush's foreign policy.

If Obama had not gotten our troops out of Iraq, you'd be criticizing him for that. It really doesn't matter what he does, you will find fault with it. It doesn't really matter what happens or what causes it, you will blame it on Obama and/or the liberals. So predictable.

Btw, the only reason Putin would consider helping the rebels in Iraq is because they are Shiites. Iran, one of Putin's favorite countries, is Shiite. In Syria, he supports the Shiite leader. He supports North Korea. He supports the worst of the worst: which is what Iraq will become when it is ruled by Shiites.

Based on your last statement, you know nothing about the Middle East. Most of the ME states are controlled by Sunnis. Most of them are allies of the US and the West. They do not like Shiites. They are not going to fall out with the West in favor of joining forces with Shiite controled countries and hanging out with Putin. My goodness. That last statement of your illustrates a complete lack of understanding of the Middle East.

I actually blame liberal policy on the failure in Iraq, if today we fought wars like we used to, Iraq would've been over in a year or two. I do blame Bush for going in knowing that. When obama became president, if he knew what he was doing, Iraq wouldn't be in such a mess.
It's not about the right like dictators, it's about obama's failed foreign policy that allowed this to happen.

It really isn't that big of a stretch to see that russia would come in and filled the vacuum left by obama, afterall they are aligned with Iran and give them aid. And, it also gives russia leverage over the west when it comes to oil.

I see the middle east throwing out their western allies and aligning themselves with the likes of russia and china, leaving a weak Europe and weak United States. Thank you Mr. obama. :mad:

It isn't Obama's foreign policy that created the problem in Iraq: it's Bush's foreign policy.

If Obama had not gotten our troops out of Iraq, you'd be criticizing him for that. It really doesn't matter what he does, you will find fault with it. It doesn't really matter what happens or what causes it, you will blame it on Obama and/or the liberals. So predictable.

Btw, the only reason Putin would consider helping the rebels in Iraq is because they are Shiites. Iran, one of Putin's favorite countries, is Shiite. In Syria, he supports the Shiite leader. He supports North Korea. He supports the worst of the worst: which is what Iraq will become when it is ruled by Shiites.

Based on your last statement, you know nothing about the Middle East. Most of the ME states are controlled by Sunnis. Most of them are allies of the US and the West. They do not like Shiites. They are not going to fall out with the West in favor of joining forces with Shiite controled countries and hanging out with Putin. My goodness. That last statement of your illustrates a complete lack of understanding of the Middle East.

I actually blame liberal policy on the failure in Iraq, if today we fought wars like we used to, Iraq would've been over in a year or two. I do blame Bush for going in knowing that. When obama became president, if he knew what he was doing, Iraq wouldn't be in such a mess.

This is nonsense. If what you say is true, that we should have been able to wrap up Iraq in a year or two, why didn't Bush do that instead of leaving office with the war still going on and Obama having to try to clear it up?
Also, while mosques are going up all across Europe(with tax payer and saudi money), and while impotent European governments doing nothing to stem the tide of mass muslim immigration, Vlad Putin takes a stand for Christendom. This time he takes his stand in Paris. Here he will build a 50,000 sq foot center/cathedral for Orthodox Christianity in defiance of the Islamic invasion. God bless this man.

Putin Seeks Paris Landmark as Hollande?s Russia Ties Defy Obama - Businessweek
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It isn't Obama's foreign policy that created the problem in Iraq: it's Bush's foreign policy.

If Obama had not gotten our troops out of Iraq, you'd be criticizing him for that. It really doesn't matter what he does, you will find fault with it. It doesn't really matter what happens or what causes it, you will blame it on Obama and/or the liberals. So predictable.

Btw, the only reason Putin would consider helping the rebels in Iraq is because they are Shiites. Iran, one of Putin's favorite countries, is Shiite. In Syria, he supports the Shiite leader. He supports North Korea. He supports the worst of the worst: which is what Iraq will become when it is ruled by Shiites.

Based on your last statement, you know nothing about the Middle East. Most of the ME states are controlled by Sunnis. Most of them are allies of the US and the West. They do not like Shiites. They are not going to fall out with the West in favor of joining forces with Shiite controled countries and hanging out with Putin. My goodness. That last statement of your illustrates a complete lack of understanding of the Middle East.

I actually blame liberal policy on the failure in Iraq, if today we fought wars like we used to, Iraq would've been over in a year or two. I do blame Bush for going in knowing that. When obama became president, if he knew what he was doing, Iraq wouldn't be in such a mess.

This is nonsense. If what you say is true, that we should have been able to wrap up Iraq in a year or two, why didn't Bush do that instead of leaving office with the war still going on and Obama having to try to clear it up?

You don't remember when the democrats took over all they wanted to do was end Iraq and spend money. Reid said in 2007 the Iraq war was lost. Our soldier's cannot defend themselves, they have to be shot at first. We could've went in like we did in the past, went in kicked ass and took over, but liberals don't want that. So we have to fight nice.
Also, while Mosques are going up all across Europe(with tax payer and saudi money), and while impotent European governments doing nothing to stem the tide of mass muslim immigration, Vlad Putin takes a stand for Christendom. This time he takes his stand in Paris. Here he will build a 50,000 sq foot center/cathedral for Orthodox Christianity in defiance of the Islamic invasion. God bless this man.

Putin Seeks Paris Landmark as Hollande?s Russia Ties Defy Obama - Businessweek

Moscow has banned the construction of mosques!

Moscow Mayor Bans New Mosques - Europe - News - OnIslam.net

Who would have thought that the Godless Russians Eisenhower thought would be such a danger, would actually turn out to be the last defenders of the faith. Or, that America would be the Godless nation
Also, while Mosques are going up all across Europe(with tax payer and saudi money), and while impotent European governments doing nothing to stem the tide of mass muslim immigration, Vlad Putin takes a stand for Christendom. This time he takes his stand in Paris. Here he will build a 50,000 sq foot center/cathedral for Orthodox Christianity in defiance of the Islamic invasion. God bless this man.

Putin Seeks Paris Landmark as Hollande?s Russia Ties Defy Obama - Businessweek

Moscow has banned the construction of mosques!

Moscow Mayor Bans New Mosques - Europe - News - OnIslam.net

Who would have thought that the Godless Russians Eisenhower thought would be such a danger, would actually turn out to be the last defenders of the faith. Or, that America would be the Godless nation

Change has come to America, that's for sure. The West is in decline. Russia is the only one holding the line, whether it be defending the faith, standing up to mass immigration/multiculturalism or fighting radical islamists in Syria and Iraq.
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Seeing the danger in ISIS taking control of Iraq oil fields, chemical weapons and obama's tepid and dithering response, Putin has offered Maliki Russia's full support in fighting off the terrorists.
Putin offers Iraq's Maliki 'complete support' against militants | Middle East Eye

The good guys to the rescue.

Nice thread there, Comrade.

Now go wipe to Poocum off your lips.

Lol, howie trying to degrade someone by calling them a queer. Way to go howie! You're coming around. Lol, you cannot make this stuff up.
Also, while Mosques are going up all across Europe(with tax payer and saudi money), and while impotent European governments doing nothing to stem the tide of mass muslim immigration, Vlad Putin takes a stand for Christendom. This time he takes his stand in Paris. Here he will build a 50,000 sq foot center/cathedral for Orthodox Christianity in defiance of the Islamic invasion. God bless this man.

Putin Seeks Paris Landmark as Hollande?s Russia Ties Defy Obama - Businessweek

Moscow has banned the construction of mosques!

Moscow Mayor Bans New Mosques - Europe - News - OnIslam.net

Who would have thought that the Godless Russians Eisenhower thought would be such a danger, would actually turn out to be the last defenders of the faith. Or, that America would be the Godless nation

Change has come to America, that's for sure. The West is in decline. Russia is the only one holding the line, whether it be defending the faith, standing up to mass immigration/multiculturalism or fighting radical islamists in Syria and Iraq.

What a skewed vision of reality. America was founded on freedom of religion. Banning mosques would be counter to what the US is all about. So, no, we haven't changed in that area. We are where we always have been and should be.

Radical Islamists are not the ones fighting against the Shiite leaders in Iraq and Syria. The conflict between the Shiites and Sunnis has nothing to do with extremist or radical Islam. The conflict has to do with a long ago rift within Islam, with one group breaking away from the other. It's an internal matter and has nothing whatsoever to do with being extremists or radicals, such as terrorists are.
Also, while Mosques are going up all across Europe(with tax payer and saudi money), and while impotent European governments doing nothing to stem the tide of mass muslim immigration, Vlad Putin takes a stand for Christendom. This time he takes his stand in Paris. Here he will build a 50,000 sq foot center/cathedral for Orthodox Christianity in defiance of the Islamic invasion. God bless this man.

Putin Seeks Paris Landmark as Hollande?s Russia Ties Defy Obama - Businessweek

Moscow has banned the construction of mosques!

Moscow Mayor Bans New Mosques - Europe - News - OnIslam.net

Who would have thought that the Godless Russians Eisenhower thought would be such a danger, would actually turn out to be the last defenders of the faith. Or, that America would be the Godless nation

Change has come to America, that's for sure. The West is in decline. Russia is the only one holding the line, whether it be defending the faith, standing up to mass immigration/multiculturalism or fighting radical islamists in Syria and Iraq.

About time someone else in this world is pulling their weight to keep things in line.
Moscow has banned the construction of mosques!

Moscow Mayor Bans New Mosques - Europe - News - OnIslam.net

Who would have thought that the Godless Russians Eisenhower thought would be such a danger, would actually turn out to be the last defenders of the faith. Or, that America would be the Godless nation

Change has come to America, that's for sure. The West is in decline. Russia is the only one holding the line, whether it be defending the faith, standing up to mass immigration/multiculturalism or fighting radical islamists in Syria and Iraq.

Radical Islamists are not the ones fighting against the Shiite leaders in Iraq and Syria. The conflict between the Shiites and Sunnis has nothing to do with extremist or radical Islam. The conflict has to do with a long ago rift within Islam, with one group breaking away from the other. It's an internal matter and has nothing whatsoever to do with being extremists or radicals, such as terrorists are.

Obama would disagree with you, he stated ISIS is a radical Islamist organization and has just sent 300 special forces to join the Iraqi army in the fight against them. He views ISIS and the Iraqi Civil war not only as a threat to a Iraq, but a threat to Syria and the rest of the region(and thus to our national security interests)

Obama to send up to 300 'military advisers' to help Iraqi army repel Isis | World news | The Guardian

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