Putin Will Protect Syria


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
I'm telling you, this can get out of hand very quickly with a Stuttering Clusterfukk like the one we have in Office right now leading the way.

Putin not only dislikes the USA, he DESPISES the Stuttering Clusterfukk. It's personal and that's dangerous.

I still think that the SCOAMF let his alligator mouth overload his canary ass because of Snowden and this thing has been in a downward spiral ever since.

With the US saying they're going to use Bombers on Syria, and with Putin threatening to give Syria a Missile shield, what will happen when Bombers start to get knocked out of the sky by the dozens?

Remember something, Russia (okay Serbia, but Russia in reality) knowcked down a Stealth F-117 over Bosnia. Or wherever. I didn't look it up, just memory.

And if you remember, Bill the rapist Clinton stopped the F-117 flights the next day.

Think maybe Russia has found a way to defeat our Stealth technology?

'nuff of that.

Just telling you, this piece of shit can cause a lot of problems for us if we're not lucky

Putin greets Obama with Syria threat | Fox News

PUTIN GREETS OBAMA WITH SYRIA THREAT - President Obama arrived in Russia today to find the already failing relations with his host in even worse condition. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s threat to provide his Syrian allies with a missile shield in the event of U.S. air strikes further complicates Obama’s flagging effort to win international support for an attack on Damascus. As the Guardian reports, Putin’s warning that an attack without UN backing would provoke military aid from Russia may drive away the handful of international partners for Obama’s proposed attack.
You really need to read the article, people. The opener is new-news. Below is yesterday's news. Putin calling Kerry a lying scumbag. Which, of course, he is.

Read further..

Liar’s poker in St. Petersburg - Russian President Vladimir Putin’s claim that the main combat unit of the Syrian rebels is part of al Qaeda adds a further chill to U.S.-Russia relations. Putin said Secretary of State John Kerry “lies openly” about al Qaeda’s role among U.S.-backed rebels in Syria. Putin’s comments came after Kerry’s testy exchange with Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., over the role of terrorists groups in the rebellion. Kerry claimed that al Qaeda-allied groups were a small fraction of the force. State Department officials dismissed Putin’s charge.

Reuters On Kerry’s Claims Syrian Rebels Are “Moderates”: Yeah, No…



Still won’t stop him from pushing this obvious lie.

(Reuters) – Secretary of State John Kerry’s public assertions that moderate Syrian opposition groups are growing in influence appear to be at odds with estimates by U.S. and European intelligence sources and nongovernmental experts, who say Islamic extremists remain by far the fiercest and best-organized rebel elements.

At congressional hearings this week, while making the case for President Barack Obama’s plan for limited military action in Syria, Kerry asserted that the armed opposition to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad “has increasingly become more defined by its moderation, more defined by the breadth of its membership, and more defined by its adherence to some, you know, democratic process and to an all-inclusive, minority-protecting constitution.

“And the opposition is getting stronger by the day,” Kerry told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday.

U.S. and allied intelligence sources and private experts on the Syrian conflict suggest that assessment is optimistic.

While the radical Islamists among the rebels may not be numerically superior to more moderate fighters, they say, Islamist groups like the al Qaeda-aligned Nusra Front are better organized, armed and trained.

Kerry’s remarks represented a change in tone by the Obama administration, which for more than two years has been wary of sending U.S. arms to the rebels, citing fears they could fall into radical Islamists’ hands.
- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

It's pretty bad when an International Press proves that our very own Secretary of State is not only a coward and a traitor but is less truthful than Russian Dictator.


But, Kerry is a dimocrap. Anybody surprised.

One more for good measure.... This one about how the scumbag left is claiming that the USA is more loved now than when Bush was POTUS.

Another fucking lie...

Popular Egyptian Newspaper Publishes Picture of Obama As The Devil…



Via PJ Media:

Popular and widely read Egyptian newspaper Al Wafd published the above picture today portraying U.S. President Barrack Hussein Obama as Satan himself. The unflattering picture has been making the rounds on Facebook in the Middle East and, according to Al Wafd, is representative of the hatred growing numbers of people in the region have for the American president, thanks to his staunch and unwavering support for Islamists…

Keep reading…

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers
sadly, a confrontation with Russia may be what obama is looking for.

After all, a major war would help him with his goal to destroy the american economy and to punish amerida for its past sins (real and imaginery).

I would not trust this guy any more than I would trust a rattle snake.
Anyone that does not know that Russia will do anything it can to protect its military base and keep that base from falling into al quaeda hands is too stupid to keep using the internet.

What would we do if this situation occurred in Korea and Russia was intending to bomb South Korea?
Putin will also support a UN resolution to punish Syria if the evidence shows that Assad used chemical weapons.
sadly, a confrontation with Russia may be what obama is looking for.

After all, a major war would help him with his goal to destroy the american economy and to punish amerida for its past sins (real and imaginery).

I would not trust this guy any more than I would trust a rattle snake.

nothing better than a record that is stuck in a grove and constantly repeats itself.
Are we finally going to get to go at it with Russia?

St Reagan would have loved to have seen it.
sadly, a confrontation with Russia may be what obama is looking for.

After all, a major war would help him with his goal to destroy the american economy and to punish amerida for its past sins (real and imaginery).

I would not trust this guy any more than I would trust a rattle snake.

nothing better than a record that is stuck in a grove and constantly repeats itself.

yeah, funny thing about the truth, it just keeps popping up.
In an interview with the Guardian, Putin said that Russia had plans in the event of a US bombing campaign.

What are obama's plans? His intention is to throw out a few missiles then go home and no one will do anything about it.
Are we finally going to get to go at it with Russia?

St Reagan would have loved to have seen it.

your knowledge of history is nonexistent. Reagan could have had a war with Russia, but he chose to defeat them with statemanship, rhetoric, and common sense.

There is no comparison between Reagan and the idiot that you fools put in the white house in 08 and 12.
In an interview with the Guardian, Putin said that Russia had plans in the event of a US bombing campaign.

What are obama's plans? His intention is to throw out a few missiles then go home and no one will do anything about it.

Not if McCain has his way.
In an interview with the Guardian, Putin said that Russia had plans in the event of a US bombing campaign.

What are obama's plans? His intention is to throw out a few missiles then go home and no one will do anything about it.

Not if McCain has his way.

you are right about that, McCrazy wants an all out war with someone, anyone.

If the voters of AZ have any brains they will retire him in the next election.
Are we finally going to get to go at it with Russia?

St Reagan would have loved to have seen it.

your knowledge of history is nonexistent. Reagan could have had a war with Russia, but he chose to defeat them with statemanship, rhetoric, and common sense.

There is no comparison between Reagan and the idiot that you fools put in the white house in 08 and 12.

Reagan did no more to bring down the Soviet Union than any other president before him.

And you might want to check your own knowledge of history. The Soviets fell sometime after Reagan was out of office.
Are we finally going to get to go at it with Russia?

St Reagan would have loved to have seen it.

your knowledge of history is nonexistent. Reagan could have had a war with Russia, but he chose to defeat them with statemanship, rhetoric, and common sense.

There is no comparison between Reagan and the idiot that you fools put in the white house in 08 and 12.

Reagan did no more to bring down the Soviet Union than any other president before him.

And you might want to check your own knowledge of history. The Soviets fell sometime after Reagan was out of office.

That was just about the stupidest statement I've ever read.

And believe me, I've read some stupid shit from libturds.

Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, doubts that it was Ronald Wilson Reagan, President of The United States of America, who brought down the Evil Empire with an assist From Lady Margaret Thatcher.

dimocrap scum fought us the whole way.

Reagan brought down the Soviet Union. Nobody before him. Nobody after him. To think otherwise is to show the world what a fucking idiot you are.
Putin will also support a UN resolution to punish Syria if the evidence shows that Assad used chemical weapons.

Putin has a 100 page report that the rebels used chemical weapons that he will present to the UN. What does obama have? A speech that Kerry makes?
Russia's Putin calls John Kerry a liar on Syria

Putin said: "This was very unpleasant and surprising for me. We talk to them (the Americans) and we assume they are decent people, but he is lying and he knows that he is lying. This is sad." Putin repeated Russia's position that any use of military force against Syria without the approval of the U.N. Security Council would be an act of aggression
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your knowledge of history is nonexistent. Reagan could have had a war with Russia, but he chose to defeat them with statemanship, rhetoric, and common sense.

There is no comparison between Reagan and the idiot that you fools put in the white house in 08 and 12.

Reagan did no more to bring down the Soviet Union than any other president before him.

And you might want to check your own knowledge of history. The Soviets fell sometime after Reagan was out of office.

That was just about the stupidest statement I've ever read.

And believe me, I've read some stupid shit from libturds.

Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, doubts that it was Ronald Wilson Reagan, President of The United States of America, who brought down the Evil Empire with an assist From Lady Margaret Thatcher.

dimocrap scum fought us the whole way.

Reagan brought down the Soviet Union. Nobody before him. Nobody after him. To think otherwise is to show the world what a fucking idiot you are.

Reagan was already out of office almost three years before the Soviet Union fell and he didn't do anything more than every president before him did.

If you want to give credit, give it to George Bush I.
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