Putin's ultimate goal is being realized thanks to Trump


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
Trump’s attacks seen undercutting confidence in 2020 vote
Trump's attacks seen undercutting confidence in 2020 vote

*WASHINGTON (AP) — It was a startling declaration about one of the pillars of American democracy, all the more so given its source.

The president of the United States last week publicly predicted without evidence that the 2020 presidential election would be “the most corrupt election in the history of our country.”

“We cannot let this happen,” Donald Trump told an audience of young supporters at a Phoenix megachurch. “They want it to happen so badly.”

Just over four months before Election Day, the president is escalating his efforts to cast doubt on the integrity of the vote.*
If you asked Vlad to make a wish list for things he'd like to see happen that would most undermine our democracy it would be this. For the prez to claim the results of our elections can not be trusted.

It's not the first time it's happened. Prior to the 2016 election, in anticipation of losing, Trump said the result was rigged. He also refused to say he would accept the result. It was the beginning of the shocking ways he would go on to subvert our bedrock institutional norms.

No wonder Vlad put so much effort in getting him elected as outlined in Mueller's report.
Trump’s attacks seen undercutting confidence in 2020 vote
Trump's attacks seen undercutting confidence in 2020 vote

*WASHINGTON (AP) — It was a startling declaration about one of the pillars of American democracy, all the more so given its source.

The president of the United States last week publicly predicted without evidence that the 2020 presidential election would be “the most corrupt election in the history of our country.”

“We cannot let this happen,” Donald Trump told an audience of young supporters at a Phoenix megachurch. “They want it to happen so badly.”

Just over four months before Election Day, the president is escalating his efforts to cast doubt on the integrity of the vote.*
If you asked Vlad to make a wish list for things he'd like to see happen that would most undermine our democracy it would be this. For the prez to claim the results of our elections can not be trusted.

It's not the first time it's happened. Prior to the 2016 election, in anticipation of losing, Trump said the result was rigged. He also refused to say he would accept the result. It was the beginning of the shocking ways he would go on to subvert our bedrock institutional norms.

No wonder Vlad put so much effort in getting him elected as outlined in Mueller's report.

Trump’s attacks seen undercutting confidence in 2020 vote

Is that worse than Russian memes tricking millions of liberals into voting for Trump?

Ain't that the truth!

But that's how MAGAt has amassed 35% 40% approval among the uneducated and the willfully ignorant.

Its how those Americans have been persuaded to support this kkk, nazi, alt right, fascist tub o' orange lard openly sucking up to Putin and other despots.

Whether its trump or fox or Rush or other unAmerican slime, repeat anything often enough and RWNJs will believe it. It will magically become fact.
Where democrats are involved there is no integrity! Also, death to the democracy of the fascist democratic party, democracy is evil, democrats use it to mug the weak and the helpless! The founders, if brought back to life, would endeavor to exterminate every democrat and their fucking democracy!

The only good democrat is a dead democrat! :Boom2:
Trump’s attacks seen undercutting confidence in 2020 vote
Trump's attacks seen undercutting confidence in 2020 vote

*WASHINGTON (AP) — It was a startling declaration about one of the pillars of American democracy, all the more so given its source.

The president of the United States last week publicly predicted without evidence that the 2020 presidential election would be “the most corrupt election in the history of our country.”

“We cannot let this happen,” Donald Trump told an audience of young supporters at a Phoenix megachurch. “They want it to happen so badly.”

Just over four months before Election Day, the president is escalating his efforts to cast doubt on the integrity of the vote.*
If you asked Vlad to make a wish list for things he'd like to see happen that would most undermine our democracy it would be this. For the prez to claim the results of our elections can not be trusted.

It's not the first time it's happened. Prior to the 2016 election, in anticipation of losing, Trump said the result was rigged. He also refused to say he would accept the result. It was the beginning of the shocking ways he would go on to subvert our bedrock institutional norms.

No wonder Vlad put so much effort in getting him elected as outlined in Mueller's report.

First thing you commies need to understand is this country is not a democracy, it's a republic. The second is it's you commies that keep pushing for weakened voting requirements, why would you do that if you didn't think it could be used to your advantage?


Ain't that the truth!

But that's how MAGAt has amassed 35% 40% approval among the uneducated and the willfully ignorant.

Its how those Americans have been persuaded to support this kkk, nazi, alt right, fascist tub o' orange lard openly sucking up to Putin and other despots.

Whether its trump or fox or Rush or other unAmerican slime, repeat anything often enough and RWNJs will believe it. It will magically become fact.
You forgot the part where you steal people's money and the part where potential smarter people are denied the better jobs.
Trump’s attacks seen undercutting confidence in 2020 vote
Trump's attacks seen undercutting confidence in 2020 vote

*WASHINGTON (AP) — It was a startling declaration about one of the pillars of American democracy, all the more so given its source.

The president of the United States last week publicly predicted without evidence that the 2020 presidential election would be “the most corrupt election in the history of our country.”

“We cannot let this happen,” Donald Trump told an audience of young supporters at a Phoenix megachurch. “They want it to happen so badly.”

Just over four months before Election Day, the president is escalating his efforts to cast doubt on the integrity of the vote.*
If you asked Vlad to make a wish list for things he'd like to see happen that would most undermine our democracy it would be this. For the prez to claim the results of our elections can not be trusted.

It's not the first time it's happened. Prior to the 2016 election, in anticipation of losing, Trump said the result was rigged. He also refused to say he would accept the result. It was the beginning of the shocking ways he would go on to subvert our bedrock institutional norms.

No wonder Vlad put so much effort in getting him elected as outlined in Mueller's report.


This shit again ?
Trump’s attacks seen undercutting confidence in 2020 vote
Trump's attacks seen undercutting confidence in 2020 vote

*WASHINGTON (AP) — It was a startling declaration about one of the pillars of American democracy, all the more so given its source.

The president of the United States last week publicly predicted without evidence that the 2020 presidential election would be “the most corrupt election in the history of our country.”

“We cannot let this happen,” Donald Trump told an audience of young supporters at a Phoenix megachurch. “They want it to happen so badly.”

Just over four months before Election Day, the president is escalating his efforts to cast doubt on the integrity of the vote.*
If you asked Vlad to make a wish list for things he'd like to see happen that would most undermine our democracy it would be this. For the prez to claim the results of our elections can not be trusted.

It's not the first time it's happened. Prior to the 2016 election, in anticipation of losing, Trump said the result was rigged. He also refused to say he would accept the result. It was the beginning of the shocking ways he would go on to subvert our bedrock institutional norms.

No wonder Vlad put so much effort in getting him elected as outlined in Mueller's report.
Russia paid Antifa & BLM in 2015 to spread racial division and violence...they conned snowflakes like you into organizing and marching for them.

In 2016 the Russian Intelligence Service gave Barry and his FBI propaganda through a foreign ex-spy, propaganda Barry & his traitors knowingly willingly used the Russian propaganda to try to prevent Trump from winning...

Hillary, Barry, the Russians...they all failed.

The Russians are at it again in 2020, but BLM & Antifa have found other benefactors as well this time, such as Soros, Venezuela (Iran and Russia), and China.

Democrats, the domestic terrorists, Trump-hating fake news media, and snowflakes remain the same...

...and you still spew / part of the same lies / BS...

leftists: trump is purposefully throwing the election so democrats will win

also leftists: trump is fulfilling putin's plan

Well, gosh. It looks like Putin wants Democrats in power. Naturally -- Democrats are so easily led by Communists.
How about you screw on your thinking cap, to the extent that's possible, and consider this.

"The president of the United States last week publicly predicted without evidence that the 2020 presidential election would be “the most corrupt election in the history of our country.”

On what factual grounds did he say that? Or is he setting the predicate for The Following to reject the result of the election due to undefined corruption?

What greater goal does Putin have than making some Americans feel that their government is illegitimate?

"Russia’s interference in the last presidential election is among the most closely studied phenomena in recent American history, having been examined by Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his prosecutors, by investigators working for congressional committees, by teams within Facebook and Twitter, by seemingly every think tank with access to a printing press. It’s possible, however, to mistake a plot point—the manipulation of the 2016 election—for the full sweep of the narrative.

Events in the United States have unfolded more favorably than any operative in Moscow could have ever dreamed: Not only did Russia’s preferred candidate win, but he has spent his first term fulfilling the potential it saw in him, discrediting American institutions, rending the seams of American culture, and isolating a nation that had styled itself as indispensable to the free world. But instead of complacently enjoying its triumph, Russia almost immediately set about replicating it. Boosting the Trump campaign was a tactic; #DemocracyRIP remains the larger objective."

Xi is working with Pelosi and the DNC printing up tens of millions of mail in ballots
And what is your evidence of that?

When will you accept that Trump lies all the time.........about everything........all the time?
Xi is working with Pelosi and the DNC printing up tens of millions of mail in ballots
And what is your evidence of that?

When will you accept that Trump lies all the time.........about everything........all the time?

The American Taliban cheats, it's in their genetics since Tammany Hall
"Lawrence Norden, director of the Election Reform Program for the Brennan Center for Justice at the New York School of Law, called the Trump administration's assertion "nonsense."

"It doesn't make any sense as an attack against our election system," he said. "It would be too easy to catch. You just wouldn't be able to do it. There's obviously other ways – cyber warfare – of attacking election infrastructure. I think we have to be worried about them. But forging mail ballots is not a serious threat."

What lie will Trump tell next? How does he further plan to erode confidence in our electoral system?
Xi is working with Pelosi and the DNC printing up tens of millions of mail in ballots
And what is your evidence of that?

When will you accept that Trump lies all the time.........about everything........all the time?

The American Taliban cheats, it's in their genetics since Tammany Hall
"Xi is working with Pelosi and the DNC printing up tens of millions of mail in ballots."

Please provide your evidence.

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