Puts a SMILE on your face.


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Police Taser Gun Rights Advocate at Anti-Gun Violence Rally

This simple story restores my faith in humanity and that good will ultimately triumph over evil... and/or stupidity.

The three officers eventually pinned Musso up against the Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce information booth in the plaza and repeatedly warned him to stop resisting while he denied he was resisting. An officer kneed Musso and he was then Tasered by another officer and brought to the ground before being taken into custody.

Musso was charged with disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and two counts of simple assault, allegedly against a person who was attending the rally and a police officer. He was held on $5,000 cash bail, and will be on arraigned June 19.

I hope he shat/pissed himself when he got zapped. That would be the icing on this cake.
Was it bigrebnc? PLEASE tell me it was bigrebnc. Nevermind, it was in New Hampshire. Well, the mental image still put a smile on my face for a moment.
Police Taser Gun Rights Advocate at Anti-Gun Violence Rally

This simple story restores my faith in humanity and that good will ultimately triumph over evil... and/or stupidity.

The three officers eventually pinned Musso up against the Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce information booth in the plaza and repeatedly warned him to stop resisting while he denied he was resisting. An officer kneed Musso and he was then Tasered by another officer and brought to the ground before being taken into custody.

Musso was charged with disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and two counts of simple assault, allegedly against a person who was attending the rally and a police officer. He was held on $5,000 cash bail, and will be on arraigned June 19.

I hope he shat/pissed himself when he got zapped. That would be the icing on this cake.

You are a thoroughly disgusting person.
This puts a smile on my face. Organizing for Action (Obama)'s gun control rally drew all of THREE PEOPLE:

SAN BERNARDINO - Exactly six months after 20 children and six adults were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., a small group from Organizing for Action stood here Friday with 26 flags and signs calling for stricter gun control.

"On Flag Day growing up, I used to always wave a flag with my grandson, and it hit me that the victims of that horrible tragedy won't ever be able to do that," said Curtis Lewis, the group's gun violence prevention coordinator. "We need people to stand up and write to Congress to say they want laws that respect the Second Amendment but also help prevent these tragedies."

Lewis said he supported HR 1565, a bill that would require background checks for sales at gun shows and online, "close the gun show and other loopholes," and create a commission to study the causes of mass violence in the United States.

The protest drew three members of Organizing for Action, a nonprofit group that supports President Barack Obama's agenda, to the National Orange Show Events Center.

"It's three people today, but it will be 23 next time, and we'll see the time after that," Lewis said.

Organizing for Action rallies in San Bernardino for gun control - San Bernardino County Sun
Police Taser Gun Rights Advocate at Anti-Gun Violence Rally

This simple story restores my faith in humanity and that good will ultimately triumph over evil... and/or stupidity.

The three officers eventually pinned Musso up against the Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce information booth in the plaza and repeatedly warned him to stop resisting while he denied he was resisting. An officer kneed Musso and he was then Tasered by another officer and brought to the ground before being taken into custody.

Musso was charged with disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and two counts of simple assault, allegedly against a person who was attending the rally and a police officer. He was held on $5,000 cash bail, and will be on arraigned June 19.

I hope he shat/pissed himself when he got zapped. That would be the icing on this cake.

You are a thoroughly disgusting person.

Police Taser Gun Rights Advocate at Anti-Gun Violence Rally

This simple story restores my faith in humanity and that good will ultimately triumph over evil... and/or stupidity.

The three officers eventually pinned Musso up against the Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce information booth in the plaza and repeatedly warned him to stop resisting while he denied he was resisting. An officer kneed Musso and he was then Tasered by another officer and brought to the ground before being taken into custody.

Musso was charged with disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and two counts of simple assault, allegedly against a person who was attending the rally and a police officer. He was held on $5,000 cash bail, and will be on arraigned June 19.

I hope he shat/pissed himself when he got zapped. That would be the icing on this cake.

How psychopathic. Never breed, psycho boy.
Remind me what he was doing that he needed to be tasered? I mean other than expressing opinions that liberals can't stand.
Remind me what he was doing that he needed to be tasered? I mean other than expressing opinions that liberals can't stand.

Doing what right wingers do best, harassing, assaulting, geeking out on meth, their typical trailer park/teabagger activities.
Yep, scratch a libtard like Hazlnut et al and they ooze Heydrichs blood.
What puts a smile on my face is my daughter. She is absolutely precious.

I seriously have to wonder why you are so unhappy if of alll things, tasing someone makes you happy.
Police Taser Gun Rights Advocate at Anti-Gun Violence Rally

This simple story restores my faith in humanity and that good will ultimately triumph over evil... and/or stupidity.

The three officers eventually pinned Musso up against the Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce information booth in the plaza and repeatedly warned him to stop resisting while he denied he was resisting. An officer kneed Musso and he was then Tasered by another officer and brought to the ground before being taken into custody.

Musso was charged with disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and two counts of simple assault, allegedly against a person who was attending the rally and a police officer. He was held on $5,000 cash bail, and will be on arraigned June 19.

I hope he shat/pissed himself when he got zapped. That would be the icing on this cake.

I thought liberals were all in support for freedom of speech... Apparently not. Thanks for showing your true colors hazel NUT.
Police Taser Gun Rights Advocate at Anti-Gun Violence Rally

This simple story restores my faith in humanity and that good will ultimately triumph over evil... and/or stupidity.

The three officers eventually pinned Musso up against the Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce information booth in the plaza and repeatedly warned him to stop resisting while he denied he was resisting. An officer kneed Musso and he was then Tasered by another officer and brought to the ground before being taken into custody.

Musso was charged with disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and two counts of simple assault, allegedly against a person who was attending the rally and a police officer. He was held on $5,000 cash bail, and will be on arraigned June 19.

I hope he shat/pissed himself when he got zapped. That would be the icing on this cake.

I thought liberals were all in support for freedom of speech... Apparently not. Thanks for showing your true colors hazel NUT.

I sense sarcasm. I dont think you really thought liberals were all in support of freedom of speech.:)
Police Taser Gun Rights Advocate at Anti-Gun Violence Rally

This simple story restores my faith in humanity and that good will ultimately triumph over evil... and/or stupidity.

The three officers eventually pinned Musso up against the Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce information booth in the plaza and repeatedly warned him to stop resisting while he denied he was resisting. An officer kneed Musso and he was then Tasered by another officer and brought to the ground before being taken into custody.

Musso was charged with disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and two counts of simple assault, allegedly against a person who was attending the rally and a police officer. He was held on $5,000 cash bail, and will be on arraigned June 19.

I hope he shat/pissed himself when he got zapped. That would be the icing on this cake.

i wonder if any of the victims names they were reading were little black and brown kids from the inner cities?......what do you think?.....
Well Thanks for posting this.. But you missed the IMPORTANT part...

Police Taser Gun Rights Advocate at Anti-Gun Violence Rally - Concord, NH Patch

Musso, who was wearing a pro-Native American rights T-shirt, asked Cantin to take his glasses off and later, challenged Cantin's statements and statistics. Private security hired by the Mayors Against Illegal Guns group asked Musso to leave but he didn't budge. After a few minutes, Musso threw up his hands and left Cantin's side.

Later, police were led by the private security team to Musso's location,
interspersed with other gun rights advocates and began speaking with him. A scuffle broke out and three officers attempted to subdue Musso.

The 5 p.m. rally was organized by the Mayors Against Illegal Guns group, which is in the process of visiting 25 states this summer to raise awareness about gun violence and the group’s belief that more laws are needed.

Things started to get rowdy shortly after the rally began, as gun rights advocates staged their own counter rally.

Some gun rights advocates at the scene were yelling things like "Bloomberg go home!" trying to interrupt the proceedings, but the speaker just continued, speaking louder. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is part of the Mayors Against Illegal Guns effort.

There it is --- A rally bought and paid for by his Majesty Bloomberg.. The guy who ALSO spanks chefs who use too much salt and outlaws Soda as a threat to society. Lefties have a LONG LIST of dangerous stuff that you can't be trusted to handle.. Not just firearms.

Those thugs who followed MUSSO after he VOLUNTARILY LEFT the area of the stage.. Yup Bloomberg paid Goons.. His expensive road show is coming to YOUR TOWN soon.. Get the schedule up here so we can all tell Bloomberg to STAY HOME....

Imagine if the Tea Party had sponsored the event and paid for the security....
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So they jumped the guy after he left?

Political intimidation pure and simple. Not surprising the OP was happy about that.

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