Putting Black Kids In White Schools Solves Nothing

When they bused blacks into my high school in the name of desegregation over forty years ago the first thing they did was create a black studies curriculum and a black student union. To object would be racist.
What they ought to do is bus white kids into the black schools.

Then maybe those schools will get fixed.

Just sayin'.
In the town where I lived in the 70's there was 1 black school and 3 white schools.

So they closed the black school and bussed the blacks to the white schools.

Today the towns schools have all gone to hell and and test scores have gone into the toilet. . :doubt:
“Putting black kids in white schools didn’t solve that particular problem,” Scott said, adding that he is disappointed in what he considers slow progress toward educational equality. “I would think we should have moved a lot farther forward.”

60 years after Brown, achievement gaps remain | Cjonline.com Mobile

Brown was supposed to resolve the separate but equal issue because it wasn't equal. The kids were transferred and the African American teachers were fired. If you listen to the interviews, years later, they wanted all of the stuff in their schools that the white kids had in their schools. The books, the equipment and all of the rest.
Reagan was big on ending integration.

Charlotte, or the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, as the city-county district is known, holds a distinctive place in American public education. During two decades when court-ordered busing was fiercely opposed in many places, this was a community that took enormous pride in the racial harmony and integrated schools that its busing produced. Dead Silence for Reagan.

"I remember when Ronald Reagan made a speech here and described busing as a social experiment that has not worked, and he was met with dead silence," said Jay M. Robinson, the school superintendent from 1976-86. "What happened in Charlotte became a matter of community pride."

But over the years, that sense of unanimity has begun to diminish. Proponents of busing say the change reflects both an increase of newcomers with little sense of the historic importance of the busing program and a drumbeat of hostility from courts and the White House that has made it difficult to maintain support, particularly from white parents.
Busing Is Abandoned Even in Charlotte - NYTimes.com
When they bused blacks into my high school in the name of desegregation over forty years ago the first thing they did was create a black studies curriculum and a black student union. To object would be racist.

every other class in your school was a white studies and white history class and the student union was white.

I think it's probably time for you to let it go
You can't fix learning deficiencies by shuffling kids around. All that does it make libtards feel good because they can pretend to give a fuck (when in reality they don't, they just want to punish whitey).
When they bused blacks into my high school in the name of desegregation over forty years ago the first thing they did was create a black studies curriculum and a black student union. To object would be racist.

every other class in your school was a white studies and white history class and the student union was white.

I think it's probably time for you to let it go
The juden want goyim public schools integrated.

While sending their kids to all white private hebe school. . :cool:
When they bused blacks into my high school in the name of desegregation over forty years ago the first thing they did was create a black studies curriculum and a black student union. To object would be racist.

every other class in your school was a white studies and white history class and the student union was white.

I think it's probably time for you to let it go

For the past 500-600 years or so Europe has led the technological and political development of the planet. Deal with it.

Earlier than that it was the Muslims who preserved Roman knowledge, and the Chinese who were at the political and technological forefront. Before that it was Europeans again, and before that it was Middle Easterners and North Africans.

All of that is white history?
The juden want goyim public schools integrated.

While sending their kids to all white private hebe school. . :cool:
This "juden" was part of bussing program.

Do muslims even go to school?
You can't fix learning deficiencies by shuffling kids around. All that does it make libtards feel good because they can pretend to give a fuck (when in reality they don't, they just want to punish whitey).

Actually, the way it was interpreted by some (for years) after the decision is that the white is supposed to rub off on you.

Finally, multiculturalism was included- which is exactly the direction that needed to be taken.
None of this was ever to punish whitey. Problems with multiculturalism stem from groups of white people whose families have been in the country so long that they don't have a "culture" and they are often from the lower end of the socioeconomic ladder. They don't hold power and find themselves in the position of the "bad guys".
As has been explained countless times, blacks fail in integrated schools because they don't try. And they don't try because they know they are mentally inferior and would be embarrassed by their poor performance relative to whites/asians. Give blacks their own schools. It's a win for everybody.
“Putting black kids in white schools didn’t solve that particular problem,” Scott said, adding that he is disappointed in what he considers slow progress toward educational equality. “I would think we should have moved a lot farther forward.”

60 years after Brown, achievement gaps remain | Cjonline.com Mobile

The problem is a lot deeper than just sending the kid to a different school. We need to integrate our neighborhoods and our schools will follow. What's more, when you are growing up next door to someone, you aren't going to have the same prejudices. We also need to do all we can to end illegitimacy. A child raised in a two parent home does better on all measurable levels than a child raised in a single parent home.

years ago, 20/20 followed a group of 4th graders from a New York inner city school and tracked them down when they were in their early 20's. Several of the kids were in jail. Several of the girls were single moms. 2 of the kids were successful. When they asked the students what it is they thought was the single more important factor in raising a child to be a successful adult the number one answer was "Having a father in the home!" Even the unwed mothers said "having a father in the home" was the number one thing they could do to insure their child's success. Coincidentally, the 2 kids who became successful were the 2 who grew up with a father in the home. How only 2 could have father's in the home was beyond me. When I grew up it was normal to have two parents in the home, now it seems to be the exception.
When they bused blacks into my high school in the name of desegregation over forty years ago the first thing they did was create a black studies curriculum and a black student union. To object would be racist.

every other class in your school was a white studies and white history class and the student union was white.

I think it's probably time for you to let it go

why have separate unions? what does it accomplish except to further segregate us?

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