Putting the 'Uranium One' hype to [possible] rest.....

“The structure of CFIUS is such that no one agency can control the outcome of the consideration. Here it appears that the entire committee and the NRC were all satisfied with the mitigation put in place. It is a very far stretch to lay this result at State's doorstep—the vigorous objection of any of the security-minded agencies would likely have derailed the transaction, but none, evidently was forthcoming. I have no doubt that State favored the sale—but that is likely the position it would take today under Secretary Rex Tillerson and was surely the position it would have taken under Secretaries Colin Powell, Condoleeza Rice and John Kerry. State has a strong institutional bias in favor of accommodating foreign investment in the United States. Here, it seems clear that the Pentagon and DHS did not object either.” ibid

The reprehensible right will continue to ignore the facts and truth, of course, and propagate their inane lies.

Conservative credo: Repeat a lie often enough in the hope it’s perceived to be true.

I had NO doubt that right wingers will keep on harping on this issue, more as a possible "defense" for Trump's horrendous year in office, than any real hope that Clinton could be found guilty of anything......

If blaming Hillary is their "best" defense" of Trump, then the rude awakening will be harder.
“The structure of CFIUS is such that no one agency can control the outcome of the consideration. Here it appears that the entire committee and the NRC were all satisfied with the mitigation put in place. It is a very far stretch to lay this result at State's doorstep—the vigorous objection of any of the security-minded agencies would likely have derailed the transaction, but none, evidently was forthcoming. I have no doubt that State favored the sale—but that is likely the position it would take today under Secretary Rex Tillerson and was surely the position it would have taken under Secretaries Colin Powell, Condoleeza Rice and John Kerry. State has a strong institutional bias in favor of accommodating foreign investment in the United States. Here, it seems clear that the Pentagon and DHS did not object either.” ibid

The reprehensible right will continue to ignore the facts and truth, of course, and propagate their inane lies.

Conservative credo: Repeat a lie often enough in the hope it’s perceived to be true.

I had NO doubt that right wingers will keep on harping on this issue, more as a possible "defense" for Trump's horrendous year in office, than any real hope that Clinton could be found guilty of anything......

If blaming Hillary is their "best" defense" of Trump, then the rude awakening will be harder.
I'm thankful hillary was such a crappy candidate. How is the blaming?
Hillary's private email server broke the law, and that was just the tip of the iceberg.
People have gone to prison for less.

If she needs to go to jail for her email server, Trump's family members should go too. Trump's son and daughter both did the same thing.

Bullshit. When did they ever have classified info on their private email? As well as scrub it all before the Feds could get to it?

Report: Kushner, Ivanka Trump used third private email account

Report: Kushner, Ivanka Trump used third private email account
Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner, have reportedly sent hundreds of emails from a third private email account while serving in their White House roles.

The address is now the third linked to the couple in recent weeks, Politico reported Monday, citing three sources familiar with the matter. A nonprofit watchdog group, the Project On Government Oversight, helped the news outlet coordinate the report.
The account, in which both the first daughter and Kushner had access to, has reportedly received hundreds of emails from White House government emails since January.
Many of the emails are internal travel documents and schedules, but some also contained official White House materials, Politico reported.
Most of the emails reportedly came from Trump's assistant, Bridges Lamar, and other White House staffers who work for Trump and Kushner. Lamar sent "daily" messages to the account that usually contained work-related “data,” a source familiar with the exchanges told the news outlet.

And none of it was classified you dolt. Using third party email for work communication is ok, setting up your own private server for the purpose of hiding what you are doing and transmitting classified information is illegal.
Well, my right-leaning, Trump loving friends, DO hold on to that "crutch" in trying to blame Clinton in the vain attempt to defend your orange failure.....
The agenda of the mainstream media is to destroy this presidency. They are not “journalists.” They are filthy, scheming saboteurs.
Hillary's private email server broke the law, and that was just the tip of the iceberg.
People have gone to prison for less.

If she needs to go to jail for her email server, Trump's family members should go too. Trump's son and daughter both did the same thing.
They had private accounts, just like you and I have private accounts. The difference being Trump's family wasn't in the government.
Hillary did government business on an unauthorized server then destroyed much of the evidence to cover her tracks.
She sent and received classified information on that server.
That's espionage.
The only reason she did it was because she didn't want anyone to know what she was doing. That includes keeping her activities from being known by the FBI.
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Hillary's private email server broke the law, and that was just the tip of the iceberg.
People have gone to prison for less.

If she needs to go to jail for her email server, Trump's family members should go too. Trump's son and daughter both did the same thing.
They had private accounts, just like you and I have private accounts. The difference being Trump's family wasn't in the government.
Hillary did government business on an unauthorized server then destroyed much of the evidence to cover her tracks.
She sent and received classified information on that server.
That's espionage.
The only reason she did it was because she didn't want anyone to know what she was doing. That includes keeping her activities from being known by the FBI.

Trump's family aren't the government? Are you that uninformed?

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