Q Anon hearts Trump, so Trump hearts Q Anon

When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, needy, pathetic child.

The Trump world is truly bizarre.

3. We are angry about how the world has/is changing
What changes about the world are you angry about?

Primarily in my mind, in the context of Trump's election, the loss of jobs and with it the near impossibility of a traditional one income traditional family.

Loss of jobs? Unemployment was falling throughout the Obama administration and unemployment had fallen from double digits to 5.5%. There were 10 million jobs added under the Obama administration.

As for the impossibility of a traditional one income family, that's been long gone for decades. Corporate profits are far more important.

My point was more about the long term decline of good jobs, and wage stagnation, not as a reaction to Obama or his administration.

As you say, the traditional one income family has been, if not gone, certainly nearly impossible for decades.

That was the result of policies, policies that failed to get the results we were promised. And when we complained, we were repeatedly and constantly shouted down and ignored.

hence, anger.

Until Trump. Finally someone who would shout BACK.

And his opponent was pretty clearly planning to be actively hostile to us and our interests so who to vote for, was a no brainer.

Lots of people have been complaining about drop in wages for Americans. Trump shouts about it but very clear he has no intention of doing anything about it. He blames the wrong people, not because they’re at fault but because they’re easy to blame.

The lack of ability to have a single wage family isn’t because of anything he’s talking about. It’s due to the sole push for higher corporate profits. Trump isn’t fighting that, he’s aiding it.

The trade deficit and immigration are both real parts of the problem.

BLaming china and immigrants are not easy in today's america. It gets you smeared as "wacist".

Lower level wages were showing some nice increases, prior to covid. Higher than high level wages, which is pretty h-u-g-e, imo.

The concerns of the Trump base are valid. The interests of the Trump base are legitimate.

They hysteria and the violent push back against them getting to engage in the political process?

That is not. Valid or legitimate.

it is not right to expect a group like us, to just accept being ignored and to shut up and take it.

We count to. We have a right to engage in the political process and calling us names, is just the name callers being assholes.
The trade deficit isn’t the problem. Illegal immigration barely is.

Who is exporting jobs and hiring illegals? It isn’t government. It’s businesses putting profits before people. Trump isn’t changing that. He’s all about corporate profits.

I heard a great story lately. Truck drivers used to have a strong union that provided long haul trucking a solid upper middle class lifestyle. Then they deregulated them. Corporations benefited because freight charges dropped a lot. But the truckers didn’t. Trucking companies convince people to sign up as independent contractors who sign leases for their trucks from the company. People can work their asses off and still pay the trucking company at the end of the month.

So yeah, policies are important but not the ones you’re thinking of. Blaming Mexico and China is easy but does basically nothing to address the problem.

1. Trade deficits are certainly a big part of the problem.

2. immigration, legal and illegal, is obviously a big part of the problem.

3. unions need to stop being the dems bitches.
When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, needy, pathetic child.

Funny how you left out the part where President Trump asks the reporter, “Is it a bad thing” to crack down on pedophiles and human trafficking? The reporter has no answer, stunned she painted herself into that corner.

This is the real reason the Dems, media, and Hollywood elite hate President Trump so much. This is why pedos are suddenly scared shitless, why Tom Hanks has fled to Greece. Everyone around Tom Hanks just happens to be a pedo, but not him, the left cries. After all, Hanks has been warning us for five years now how immoral and dangerous the Donald is, so he can’t be a pedo!

Given that this plays on their play lists, I bet they would consider it bad if pedos are caught.

3. We are angry about how the world has/is changing
What changes about the world are you angry about?

Primarily in my mind, in the context of Trump's election, the loss of jobs and with it the near impossibility of a traditional one income traditional family.

Loss of jobs? Unemployment was falling throughout the Obama administration and unemployment had fallen from double digits to 5.5%. There were 10 million jobs added under the Obama administration.

As for the impossibility of a traditional one income family, that's been long gone for decades. Corporate profits are far more important.

My point was more about the long term decline of good jobs, and wage stagnation, not as a reaction to Obama or his administration.

As you say, the traditional one income family has been, if not gone, certainly nearly impossible for decades.

That was the result of policies, policies that failed to get the results we were promised. And when we complained, we were repeatedly and constantly shouted down and ignored.

hence, anger.

Until Trump. Finally someone who would shout BACK.

And his opponent was pretty clearly planning to be actively hostile to us and our interests so who to vote for, was a no brainer.

Lots of people have been complaining about drop in wages for Americans. Trump shouts about it but very clear he has no intention of doing anything about it. He blames the wrong people, not because they’re at fault but because they’re easy to blame.

The lack of ability to have a single wage family isn’t because of anything he’s talking about. It’s due to the sole push for higher corporate profits. Trump isn’t fighting that, he’s aiding it.

The trade deficit and immigration are both real parts of the problem.

BLaming china and immigrants are not easy in today's america. It gets you smeared as "wacist".

Lower level wages were showing some nice increases, prior to covid. Higher than high level wages, which is pretty h-u-g-e, imo.

The concerns of the Trump base are valid. The interests of the Trump base are legitimate.

They hysteria and the violent push back against them getting to engage in the political process?

That is not. Valid or legitimate.

it is not right to expect a group like us, to just accept being ignored and to shut up and take it.

We count to. We have a right to engage in the political process and calling us names, is just the name callers being assholes.
The trade deficit isn’t the problem. Illegal immigration barely is.

Who is exporting jobs and hiring illegals? It isn’t government. It’s businesses putting profits before people. Trump isn’t changing that. He’s all about corporate profits.

I heard a great story lately. Truck drivers used to have a strong union that provided long haul trucking a solid upper middle class lifestyle. Then they deregulated them. Corporations benefited because freight charges dropped a lot. But the truckers didn’t. Trucking companies convince people to sign up as independent contractors who sign leases for their trucks from the company. People can work their asses off and still pay the trucking company at the end of the month.

So yeah, policies are important but not the ones you’re thinking of. Blaming Mexico and China is easy but does basically nothing to address the problem.

1. Trade deficits are certainly a big part of the problem.

2. immigration, legal and illegal, is obviously a big part of the problem.

3. unions need to stop being the dems bitches.

You're complaining about low wages but have nothing to say about the people who are setting the wages.

Who's name is on their paycheck? Who sets their salary?

By and large, it's big corporations, who will pay their employees the bare minimum to keep profits high. Same reason they're buying materials and products from China and other developing nations. Low costs, high profits. Those profits mainly remain at the top by the way, they rarely filter down further.
3. We are angry about how the world has/is changing
What changes about the world are you angry about?

Primarily in my mind, in the context of Trump's election, the loss of jobs and with it the near impossibility of a traditional one income traditional family.

Loss of jobs? Unemployment was falling throughout the Obama administration and unemployment had fallen from double digits to 5.5%. There were 10 million jobs added under the Obama administration.

As for the impossibility of a traditional one income family, that's been long gone for decades. Corporate profits are far more important.

My point was more about the long term decline of good jobs, and wage stagnation, not as a reaction to Obama or his administration.

As you say, the traditional one income family has been, if not gone, certainly nearly impossible for decades.

That was the result of policies, policies that failed to get the results we were promised. And when we complained, we were repeatedly and constantly shouted down and ignored.

hence, anger.

Until Trump. Finally someone who would shout BACK.

And his opponent was pretty clearly planning to be actively hostile to us and our interests so who to vote for, was a no brainer.

Lots of people have been complaining about drop in wages for Americans. Trump shouts about it but very clear he has no intention of doing anything about it. He blames the wrong people, not because they’re at fault but because they’re easy to blame.

The lack of ability to have a single wage family isn’t because of anything he’s talking about. It’s due to the sole push for higher corporate profits. Trump isn’t fighting that, he’s aiding it.

The trade deficit and immigration are both real parts of the problem.

BLaming china and immigrants are not easy in today's america. It gets you smeared as "wacist".

Lower level wages were showing some nice increases, prior to covid. Higher than high level wages, which is pretty h-u-g-e, imo.

The concerns of the Trump base are valid. The interests of the Trump base are legitimate.

They hysteria and the violent push back against them getting to engage in the political process?

That is not. Valid or legitimate.

it is not right to expect a group like us, to just accept being ignored and to shut up and take it.

We count to. We have a right to engage in the political process and calling us names, is just the name callers being assholes.
The trade deficit isn’t the problem. Illegal immigration barely is.

Who is exporting jobs and hiring illegals? It isn’t government. It’s businesses putting profits before people. Trump isn’t changing that. He’s all about corporate profits.

I heard a great story lately. Truck drivers used to have a strong union that provided long haul trucking a solid upper middle class lifestyle. Then they deregulated them. Corporations benefited because freight charges dropped a lot. But the truckers didn’t. Trucking companies convince people to sign up as independent contractors who sign leases for their trucks from the company. People can work their asses off and still pay the trucking company at the end of the month.

So yeah, policies are important but not the ones you’re thinking of. Blaming Mexico and China is easy but does basically nothing to address the problem.

1. Trade deficits are certainly a big part of the problem.

2. immigration, legal and illegal, is obviously a big part of the problem.

3. unions need to stop being the dems bitches.

You're complaining about low wages but have nothing to say about the people who are setting the wages.

Who's name is on their paycheck? Who sets their salary?

By and large, it's big corporations, who will pay their employees the bare minimum to keep profits high. Same reason they're buying materials and products from China and other developing nations. Low costs, high profits. Those profits mainly remain at the top by the way, they rarely filter down further.

the employers are incompetent assholes who have gotten used to a situation where the only idea in their heads to make profits is to squeeze wages.

Increase demand with better trade policy, reduce labor supply with better immigration policy and let them be unable to fill their schedules because people are not beating down their doors for shit jobs at shit wages.

Eventually, they will remember that part of their jobs is finding and keeping good workers.

AND, if you think that they are really the solution, such an environment would be perfect for unions to make a comeback, if they can spare the time from making sure that their transgender members can use whatever bathroom they want.
Trump hearted Kim in North Korea also...What an odd fellow.
So fucking what? Curb your TDS
Trump loves evil dictators and stupid people. In other breaking news, the sun rises in the east.

Trump made a diplomatic push for peace in Korea. That you interpreted that as "love" is just you being fucking stupid.


from the start the NK piglet had no intention of denuking. donny who is a master at duping...

got royally duped.
I love getting to shove your uneducated drunk face in your own pile of shit. Trump may well get a Nobel for what he did in the Middle East with ISRAEL and UAE not North Korea you stupid fuck. Your idiocy again on full display.
And conservatives love ‘QAnon’ as well.

Nothing like a bizarre conspiracy theory to spread doubt and mistrust in the political process perceived by conservatives to benefit Republican candidates.

And nothing like a bizarre conspiracy theory to deflect from Trump’s many faults and failures – better everyone is talking about an evil cabal seeking to murder children at the behest of the ‘deep state’ than the fact that Trump has failed to address the pandemic and ran the economy into the ground.
And conservatives love ‘QAnon’ as well.

Nothing like a bizarre conspiracy theory to spread doubt and mistrust in the political process perceived by conservatives to benefit Republican candidates.

And nothing like a bizarre conspiracy theory to deflect from Trump’s many faults and failures – better everyone is talking about an evil cabal seeking to murder children at the behest of the ‘deep state’ than the fact that Trump has failed to address the pandemic and ran the economy into the ground.

No one is talking about that.

it is a fringe movement.

What people are talking about, is the way the left is using brownshirt tactics and what will happen if they lose the election.

That means that any dem victories will not be legitimate.
When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, needy, pathetic child.

Funny how you left out the part where President Trump asks the reporter, “Is it a bad thing” to crack down on pedophiles and human trafficking? The reporter has no answer, stunned she painted herself into that corner.

This is the real reason the Dems, media, and Hollywood elite hate President Trump so much. This is why pedos are suddenly scared shitless, why Tom Hanks has fled to Greece. Everyone around Tom Hanks just happens to be a pedo, but not him, the left cries. After all, Hanks has been warning us for five years now how immoral and dangerous the Donald is, so he can’t be a pedo!

Given that this plays on their play lists, I bet they would consider it bad if pedos are caught.

Funny, never heard of it, except for from right wing nutballs. I am sure your detailed review of the show is forthcoming. All for science, of course *wink wink
When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, needy, pathetic child.

Funny how you left out the part where President Trump asks the reporter, “Is it a bad thing” to crack down on pedophiles and human trafficking? The reporter has no answer, stunned she painted herself into that corner.

This is the real reason the Dems, media, and Hollywood elite hate President Trump so much. This is why pedos are suddenly scared shitless, why Tom Hanks has fled to Greece. Everyone around Tom Hanks just happens to be a pedo, but not him, the left cries. After all, Hanks has been warning us for five years now how immoral and dangerous the Donald is, so he can’t be a pedo!

Given that this plays on their play lists, I bet they would consider it bad if pedos are caught.

Funny, never heard of it, except for from right wing nutballs. I am sure your detailed review of the show is forthcoming. All for science, of course *wink wink

Yeah right... you probably asked for that shit.
When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, needy, pathetic child.

Funny how you left out the part where President Trump asks the reporter, “Is it a bad thing” to crack down on pedophiles and human trafficking? The reporter has no answer, stunned she painted herself into that corner.

This is the real reason the Dems, media, and Hollywood elite hate President Trump so much. This is why pedos are suddenly scared shitless, why Tom Hanks has fled to Greece. Everyone around Tom Hanks just happens to be a pedo, but not him, the left cries. After all, Hanks has been warning us for five years now how immoral and dangerous the Donald is, so he can’t be a pedo!

Given that this plays on their play lists, I bet they would consider it bad if pedos are caught.

Funny, never heard of it, except for from right wing nutballs. I am sure your detailed review of the show is forthcoming. All for science, of course *wink wink

the trailer for the show was just released fairly recently. That right wing "nutballs" are the ones calling attention is to our credit.

The show looks pretty bad. Further info indicated that maybe, just maybe the trailer made it look worse than it actually is, but it is still bad.

you might want to consider that you are attacking people for complaining about the sexualization of children.

You aren't a conservative. You bathe in rat shit.
Thats a stupid comment

It's just as stupid as you calling yourself a conservative. You're a right winger extremist, not a conservative. Get used to the rat shit.

You are a far left moron. But just calling it a moron gets the job done for most people.

It is an embarrassment that a man acts like a 13-year old girl.

It's an embarrassment that you're so full of shit. You're going to explode soon if don't watch out.

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