Q Anon hearts Trump, so Trump hearts Q Anon

3. We are angry about how the world has/is changing
What changes about the world are you angry about?

Primarily in my mind, in the context of Trump's election, the loss of jobs and with it the near impossibility of a traditional one income traditional family.

Loss of jobs? Unemployment was falling throughout the Obama administration and unemployment had fallen from double digits to 5.5%. There were 10 million jobs added under the Obama administration.

As for the impossibility of a traditional one income family, that's been long gone for decades. Corporate profits are far more important.

My point was more about the long term decline of good jobs, and wage stagnation, not as a reaction to Obama or his administration.

As you say, the traditional one income family has been, if not gone, certainly nearly impossible for decades.

That was the result of policies, policies that failed to get the results we were promised. And when we complained, we were repeatedly and constantly shouted down and ignored.

hence, anger.

Until Trump. Finally someone who would shout BACK.

And his opponent was pretty clearly planning to be actively hostile to us and our interests so who to vote for, was a no brainer.
When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, pathetic child.

Sounds like he was being diplomatic in both cases.

uh - there is no need to be diplomatic with an insane CONspiratorial group of extremist nutters who have birthed theories of 'elite pedophile rings' bent on world domination - that has resulted in violence.

donny is so insecure, hat he will latch onto anybody & anything he believes 'likes' him & gives him the praise he craves so much.
I've never seen anyone or anything like this. Not from public figures, not in real life, never, ever.

He can't even control it. Is he so damaged that he doesn't even realize there are cameras and microphones present?
It is almost like the media and their anonymous sources, or the New York Times. Never seen anything like it, never. Who would be diplomatic with them, that is outrageous.
Clumsy deflection noted. He is what he is. That's not a media-generated computer figure acting like that in front of the cameras.

But I'll grant you this: The media is horrified by what has happened to the presidency and the country. They're human.
Problem is, that politicians have been favorable to kind ears forever, so what is your actual point? Never seen anything like it, nope, never.
Trump's behaviors. His temperament. His words.

If you really don't know what I'm talking about, never mind.

Trump has a course, even sometime vulgar and off putting manner. But beyond that his policies and actions are completely mainstream and reasonable.

The hysterical overreacction from the left, who have decided that they are now willing to use violence to achieve their goals, is the problem, not trump.
I was asked a question and I answered it.

I expect the true believers to defend and enable this ugliness.
When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, needy, pathetic child.

Which is why the Orange Virus is a threat to our national security. Any asshole that butters him up can get the keys to our country. I used to give him the benefit of the doubt, like, maybe, just maybe, there's a method to his madness, but nope, he's simply just a simpleton that craves adoration. Things make so much more sense after I internalized that.
Yeah, same here. He's that needy. I've never seen anything like it, in politics, business, personal dealings, anywhere.

And more amazingly, he makes absolutely no attempt to hide it. I'm not sure what that means.

I think it means he's going to lose, because I think America is mostly over dealing with large entitled children.
When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, needy, pathetic child.

Can you tell us on your own words what you have against Q Anon?
When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, pathetic child.

Sounds like he was being diplomatic in both cases.

uh - there is no need to be diplomatic with an insane CONspiratorial group of extremist nutters who have birthed theories of 'elite pedophile rings' bent on world domination - that has resulted in violence.

donny is so insecure, hat he will latch onto anybody & anything he believes 'likes' him & gives him the praise he craves so much.
I've never seen anyone or anything like this. Not from public figures, not in real life, never, ever.

He can't even control it. Is he so damaged that he doesn't even realize there are cameras and microphones present?
It is almost like the media and their anonymous sources, or the New York Times. Never seen anything like it, never. Who would be diplomatic with them, that is outrageous.
Clumsy deflection noted. He is what he is. That's not a media-generated computer figure acting like that in front of the cameras.

But I'll grant you this: The media is horrified by what has happened to the presidency and the country. They're human.
Problem is, that politicians have been favorable to kind ears forever, so what is your actual point? Never seen anything like it, nope, never.
Trump's behaviors. His temperament. His words.

If you really don't know what I'm talking about, never mind.

Trump has a course, even sometime vulgar and off putting manner. But beyond that his policies and actions are completely mainstream and reasonable.

The hysterical overreacction from the left, who have decided that they are now willing to use violence to achieve their goals, is the problem, not trump.
I was asked a question and I answered it.

I expect the true believers to defend and enable this ugliness.

you have been repeatedly accusing him of wn. that is absurd.
When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, needy, pathetic child.

Can you tell us on your own words what you have against Q Anon?
They manipulate idiots, ie our country, with insane conspiracy theories.
When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, pathetic child.

Sounds like he was being diplomatic in both cases.

uh - there is no need to be diplomatic with an insane CONspiratorial group of extremist nutters who have birthed theories of 'elite pedophile rings' bent on world domination - that has resulted in violence.

donny is so insecure, that he will latch onto anybody & anything he believes 'likes' him & gives him the praise he craves so much.

A “conspiracy theory”? Perhaps you can explain why John Podesta has a bunch of emails talking about hotdogs, pizza, maps, and pasta? If you don’t believe the Podesta brothers are pedophiles then you are a nutcase, who will do and say anything to protect known pedophiles.

That's the thing about conspiracies. You are delving deep into shit absolutely no rational person cares about.
Thats the problem. Nobody cares about rich people fucking kids.
Apparently, you are on of them.

Yeah, that's perfectly rational. Moron.
Apparently it is. Look at tony podestas artwork. Look at the witness drawings from kidnapped children.
It isnt my fault you choose to ignore your cult masters fucking kids.
There is ALL KINDS of shit out there pinning these rich fucks to the wall.
And ALL you fucking hacks do is ignore it.
Ita fucking sad.
People like YOU are the reason hundred of thousands of kids go missing every fucking year never to be found.
Its people like YOU that choose to believe only certain people when its CONVENIENT

So you're some kind of anti-pedophilia activist. I too, am anti-pedophilia. So, what's the fucking problem, dickhead?
This is how nutters on both ends play the game: "If you criticize this, then you must be that".

So if you criticize/mock Q, you must be a pedophile. That's just sick!

They want to put you on the defensive to control the conversation. Another of the many shared tactics of wingers.
I havent mentioned q. I don't pay attention to q. Whoever it is has proven they are full of shit.
And you are the biggest runner on this site. As usual, you fail to realize you are exactly what you criticize.

He didn't need to. You conspiracy morons are super easy to root out. And super easy to defeat.
3. We are angry about how the world has/is changing
What changes about the world are you angry about?

Primarily in my mind, in the context of Trump's election, the loss of jobs and with it the near impossibility of a traditional one income traditional family.

Loss of jobs? Unemployment was falling throughout the Obama administration and unemployment had fallen from double digits to 5.5%. There were 10 million jobs added under the Obama administration.

As for the impossibility of a traditional one income family, that's been long gone for decades. Corporate profits are far more important.

My point was more about the long term decline of good jobs, and wage stagnation, not as a reaction to Obama or his administration.

As you say, the traditional one income family has been, if not gone, certainly nearly impossible for decades.

That was the result of policies, policies that failed to get the results we were promised. And when we complained, we were repeatedly and constantly shouted down and ignored.

hence, anger.

Until Trump. Finally someone who would shout BACK.

And his opponent was pretty clearly planning to be actively hostile to us and our interests so who to vote for, was a no brainer.

Lots of people have been complaining about drop in wages for Americans. Trump shouts about it but very clear he has no intention of doing anything about it. He blames the wrong people, not because they’re at fault but because they’re easy to blame.

The lack of ability to have a single wage family isn’t because of anything he’s talking about. It’s due to the sole push for higher corporate profits. Trump isn’t fighting that, he’s aiding it.
When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, needy, pathetic child.

Can you tell us on your own words what you have against Q Anon?

It is my conspiracy theory that ALL Q Idiots bathe in rat shit. Prove me wrong.
When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, needy, pathetic child.

Can you tell us on your own words what you have against Q Anon?

It is my conspiracy theory that ALL Q Idiots bathe in rat shit. Prove me wrong.

When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, needy, pathetic child.

Can you tell us on your own words what you have against Q Anon?

It is my conspiracy theory that ALL Q Idiots bathe in rat shit. Prove me wrong.
I got nuthin'. Guess you must be right.
Can you tell us on your own words what you have against Q Anon?
Sure! They're standard, ignorant, arrogant, bigoted, paranoid Trumpsters, only with the added benefit of also being comically whacked-out conspiracy theorists.

Aside from that, I think they're really super neat!
Thats the emptiest complaint I’ve heard in a long time

admit it

you are just repeating what libs told you to think
3. We are angry about how the world has/is changing
What changes about the world are you angry about?

Primarily in my mind, in the context of Trump's election, the loss of jobs and with it the near impossibility of a traditional one income traditional family.

Loss of jobs? Unemployment was falling throughout the Obama administration and unemployment had fallen from double digits to 5.5%. There were 10 million jobs added under the Obama administration.

As for the impossibility of a traditional one income family, that's been long gone for decades. Corporate profits are far more important.

My point was more about the long term decline of good jobs, and wage stagnation, not as a reaction to Obama or his administration.

As you say, the traditional one income family has been, if not gone, certainly nearly impossible for decades.

That was the result of policies, policies that failed to get the results we were promised. And when we complained, we were repeatedly and constantly shouted down and ignored.

hence, anger.

Until Trump. Finally someone who would shout BACK.

And his opponent was pretty clearly planning to be actively hostile to us and our interests so who to vote for, was a no brainer.

Lots of people have been complaining about drop in wages for Americans. Trump shouts about it but very clear he has no intention of doing anything about it. He blames the wrong people, not because they’re at fault but because they’re easy to blame.

The lack of ability to have a single wage family isn’t because of anything he’s talking about. It’s due to the sole push for higher corporate profits. Trump isn’t fighting that, he’s aiding it.

The trade deficit and immigration are both real parts of the problem.

BLaming china and immigrants are not easy in today's america. It gets you smeared as "wacist".

Lower level wages were showing some nice increases, prior to covid. Higher than high level wages, which is pretty h-u-g-e, imo.

The concerns of the Trump base are valid. The interests of the Trump base are legitimate.

They hysteria and the violent push back against them getting to engage in the political process?

That is not. Valid or legitimate.

it is not right to expect a group like us, to just accept being ignored and to shut up and take it.

We count to. We have a right to engage in the political process and calling us names, is just the name callers being assholes.
Can you tell us on your own words what you have against Q Anon?
Sure! They're standard, ignorant, arrogant, bigoted, paranoid Trumpsters, only with the added benefit of also being comically whacked-out conspiracy theorists.

Aside from that, I think they're really super neat!
Thats the emptiest complaint I’ve heard in a long time

admit it

you are just repeating what libs told you to think

So says the rat shit king. Dude. Gross.
Can you tell us on your own words what you have against Q Anon?
Sure! They're standard, ignorant, arrogant, bigoted, paranoid Trumpsters, only with the added benefit of also being comically whacked-out conspiracy theorists.

Aside from that, I think they're really super neat!
Thats the emptiest complaint I’ve heard in a long time

admit it

you are just repeating what libs told you to think
I do love irony.
When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, needy, pathetic child.

Can you tell us on your own words what you have against Q Anon?

It is my conspiracy theory that ALL Q Idiots bathe in rat shit. Prove me wrong.
Why do I have to prove you wrong?

in America conservatives allow people like you to hold different opinions
When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, needy, pathetic child.

Can you tell us on your own words what you have against Q Anon?

It is my conspiracy theory that ALL Q Idiots bathe in rat shit. Prove me wrong.
Why do I have to prove you wrong?

in America conservatives allow people like you to hold different opinions

You aren't a conservative. You bathe in rat shit.
3. We are angry about how the world has/is changing
What changes about the world are you angry about?

Primarily in my mind, in the context of Trump's election, the loss of jobs and with it the near impossibility of a traditional one income traditional family.

Loss of jobs? Unemployment was falling throughout the Obama administration and unemployment had fallen from double digits to 5.5%. There were 10 million jobs added under the Obama administration.

As for the impossibility of a traditional one income family, that's been long gone for decades. Corporate profits are far more important.

My point was more about the long term decline of good jobs, and wage stagnation, not as a reaction to Obama or his administration.

As you say, the traditional one income family has been, if not gone, certainly nearly impossible for decades.

That was the result of policies, policies that failed to get the results we were promised. And when we complained, we were repeatedly and constantly shouted down and ignored.

hence, anger.

Until Trump. Finally someone who would shout BACK.

And his opponent was pretty clearly planning to be actively hostile to us and our interests so who to vote for, was a no brainer.

Lots of people have been complaining about drop in wages for Americans. Trump shouts about it but very clear he has no intention of doing anything about it. He blames the wrong people, not because they’re at fault but because they’re easy to blame.

The lack of ability to have a single wage family isn’t because of anything he’s talking about. It’s due to the sole push for higher corporate profits. Trump isn’t fighting that, he’s aiding it.

The trade deficit and immigration are both real parts of the problem.

BLaming china and immigrants are not easy in today's america. It gets you smeared as "wacist".

Lower level wages were showing some nice increases, prior to covid. Higher than high level wages, which is pretty h-u-g-e, imo.

The concerns of the Trump base are valid. The interests of the Trump base are legitimate.

They hysteria and the violent push back against them getting to engage in the political process?

That is not. Valid or legitimate.

it is not right to expect a group like us, to just accept being ignored and to shut up and take it.

We count to. We have a right to engage in the political process and calling us names, is just the name callers being assholes.
The trade deficit isn’t the problem. Illegal immigration barely is.

Who is exporting jobs and hiring illegals? It isn’t government. It’s businesses putting profits before people. Trump isn’t changing that. He’s all about corporate profits.

I heard a great story lately. Truck drivers used to have a strong union that provided long haul trucking a solid upper middle class lifestyle. Then they deregulated them. Corporations benefited because freight charges dropped a lot. But the truckers didn’t. Trucking companies convince people to sign up as independent contractors who sign leases for their trucks from the company. People can work their asses off and still pay the trucking company at the end of the month.

So yeah, policies are important but not the ones you’re thinking of. Blaming Mexico and China is easy but does basically nothing to address the problem.

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