Q Anon hearts Trump, so Trump hearts Q Anon

When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, needy, pathetic child.

A vote is a vote is a vote!

Afterall, look at all the nutters that vote Democrat!! :slap:
When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, needy, pathetic child.

A vote is a vote is a vote!

Afterall, look at all the nutters that vote Democrat!! :slap:
Yes, more than voted for Trump.
Of course, if there were all these children disappearing to feed the so-called pedophilia rings, you would be hearing about all these children disappearing from somewhere. But you don't.

That is an inconvenient fact the loons have no answer for.

Setting aside what ends up happening to missing children, it is a sad but true FACT that in the US alone roughly 460,000 children go missing every year, and of course the global number is a hell of a lot bigger. That's according to the FBI. It almost sounds like you were denying or dismissing that, because according to you we're not hearing about it? Did you really just say that? So only if the TV talks about something, it's actually happening? :laugh:

Before you misunderstand my point, I'm not claiming that all those children end up with pedophiles. Just saying that a lot of children go missing every year, which you seemed to deny because "we don't hear about it."
Q hacked the FBI and made those stats up! Just ask toro
Some people believe what they are told to believe, sadly

Qanon hacked the FBI? Yet no link. Anything coming out from Qanon are nothing but BS except for the weaklings that can be easily deceived or led.

Below is a link where Republicans GOP leader McCarthy blasted Qanon. But you have this orange clown moron promoting Qanon.

House minority leader Kevin McCarthy has condemned the QAnon, saying there is “no room” for the conspiracy theory in the Republican party.

I can just picture these GOPs shaking both of their heads (up and below down there) what the hell is wrong with this Orange clown promoting Qanon.

At least McCarthy came out blasting Qanon against Trump.
Well, they've had to deal with this for 3+ years. There's no way to know where this latest stupidity falls on their scale at this point.

Sadly but they will pay for all these dumb stupidity by Nov 3. This election will be a massive record breaking votes for the democrats against Trump. Especially the African Americans and other minorities. Several well known and life long Republicans has endorsed Biden. That includes 70 ex national security officials endorsed Biden. USPS union endorsed Biden which represents 300,000 members + families.
You don’t even address the issues now you are deflecting COWARDLY.
I am not interested in the misinformed opinion of foreigners

What misinformed you don’t understand? What and which misinformed I posted? Proved it.

Are you telling me that you are just an ignorant, fake posters and COWARD that you don’t know how and what to address the issues?
Are you telling me that you are just an ignorant, fake posters and COWARD that you don’t know how and what to address the issues?
I‘m telling you that as a foreigner your opinion does not count
Of course, if there were all these children disappearing to feed the so-called pedophilia rings, you would be hearing about all these children disappearing from somewhere. But you don't.

That is an inconvenient fact the loons have no answer for.

Setting aside what ends up happening to missing children, it is a sad but true FACT that in the US alone roughly 460,000 children go missing every year, and of course the global number is a hell of a lot bigger. That's according to the FBI. It almost sounds like you were denying or dismissing that, because according to you we're not hearing about it? Did you really just say that? So only if the TV talks about something, it's actually happening? :laugh:

Before you misunderstand my point, I'm not claiming that all those children end up with pedophiles. Just saying that a lot of children go missing every year, which you seemed to deny because "we don't hear about it."
Q hacked the FBI and made those stats up! Just ask toro
Some people believe what they are told to believe, sadly

Qanon hacked the FBI? Yet no link. Anything coming out from Qanon are nothing but BS except for the weaklings that can be easily deceived or led.

Below is a link where Republicans GOP leader McCarthy blasted Qanon. But you have this orange clown moron promoting Qanon.

House minority leader Kevin McCarthy has condemned the QAnon, saying there is “no room” for the conspiracy theory in the Republican party.

I can just picture these GOPs shaking both of their heads (up and below down there) what the hell is wrong with this Orange clown promoting Qanon.

At least McCarthy came out blasting Qanon against Trump.
Well, they've had to deal with this for 3+ years. There's no way to know where this latest stupidity falls on their scale at this point.

Sadly but they will pay for all these dumb stupidity by Nov 3. This election will be a massive record breaking votes for the democrats against Trump. Especially the African Americans and other minorities. Several well known and life long Republicans has endorsed Biden. That includes 70 ex national security officials endorsed Biden. USPS union endorsed Biden which represents 300,000 members + families.
Well, here's hoping.
nice try - but there were goonies grabbing people NOT rioting & blocks away from any fed building, & you are CONveniently deflecting from.
I have not seen any evidence of that

but why would the feds want to arrest people blocks away?

i literally just showed you via that video! are you kidding? NO smoke bombs, NO 'rioters' NOT anywhere near that federal building. they napped him - his name is PETTIBONE - google it... blocks away next to a boarded up building. THEY would NOT ID themselves - THEY didn't have any discernible patches OR names, AND they spoke nothing about probable cause as they took him.

i call bullshit on your sorry ass.
When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, pathetic child.

Sounds like he was being diplomatic in both cases.
If that's really what you think then you need to look up the word "diplomatic".

why insult either the members of a harmless conspiracy theory or john lewis? what would be gained? so he was polite and diplomatic.

& yet another 'harmless' conspirator has acted out:

Texas QAnon Supporter Used Car to Attack Strangers She Believed Were ‘Pedophiles’
By Julian Feeld | August 20, 2020 3:33 pm

A Waco, Texas, woman arrested last week and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and driving while intoxicated appears to have been motivated by the QAnon conspiracy theory President Donald Trump spoke positively of during a White House press conference Wednesday.

According to arrest affidavits first reported by the Waco Tribune-Herald, 30-year-old Cecilia Fulbright got behind the wheel of her car just after 9 a.m. Wednesday with the intent to “[save] a child” from “pedophiles.” Fulbright reportedly chased two strangers’ vehicles in an apparent attempt to hit them. According to a Waco police report, the first vehicle was a catering truck driven by a woman with her minor daughter in the passenger’s seat. They successfully evaded Fulbright before calling the police who, according to an incident report, were unable to locate Fulbright or her vehicle. Fulbright then targeted a second unrelated vehicle, a Dodge Caravan driven by a 19-year-old college student. Fulbright chased the student into a parking lot where she cornered and repeatedly rammed the Dodge Caravan.

Responding police officers reportedly found Fulbright “crying hysterically” and yelling that the driver of the vehicle she attacked “was a pedophile and had kidnapped a girl for human trafficking.” The arresting officer noted that Fulbright seemed “delusional”...
Texas QAnon Supporter Used Car to Attack Strangers She Believed Were ‘Pedophiles’ | Right Wing Watch

perhaps donny will diplomatically bail her ass out, 'eh?

bailing out violent nuts is your side's game, not ours.

First I heard of this. I doubt that Trump heard of it either. Indeed, did you hear of it, before you went digging?

it was sent to me in an email... donny won't care as long as the 'rising stars like him'.

donny said he's pay for the lawyer's fees for any violet deplorable needing on at his rallies.

So, you signed up to a service to comb though the news to find stories about right leaning nuts? Wow.

Do you have to pay for that?

Trump said that, when asshole hecklers were trying to shout him down. Big difference between bailing out someone who defends your right to speak, and bailing out a thug who is using violence for political ends.

actually a friend that i've known for 44 years, who isn't a poorly educated basket dwelling deplorable dupe like you & follows news that you can't spin.
that video & many more like it shows nothing of the sort was happening.
This is a sick game the left plays

hundreds gather outside a targeted building

and of those hundreds only a few actually set the fires

but everyone there is an accessory to the crime

Especially if everyone is wearing masks so that actual actors, cannot be found.

YOur point?

there are infiltrators that are stoking the fires & they are devoted to donny.

put yer critical thinking cap on, cartoon boy.
i literally just showed you via that video! are you kidding?
You showed A video of something happening on the streets somewhere

but not necessarily who and what the anonymous providers want us to believe

we know the feds were in portland and thank goodness for that

but there is no evidence of mass abuse, or any abus3 of civil rights taking place
When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, pathetic child.

Sounds like he was being diplomatic in both cases.
If that's really what you think then you need to look up the word "diplomatic".

why insult either the members of a harmless conspiracy theory or john lewis? what would be gained? so he was polite and diplomatic.

& yet another 'harmless' conspirator has acted out:

Texas QAnon Supporter Used Car to Attack Strangers She Believed Were ‘Pedophiles’
By Julian Feeld | August 20, 2020 3:33 pm

A Waco, Texas, woman arrested last week and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and driving while intoxicated appears to have been motivated by the QAnon conspiracy theory President Donald Trump spoke positively of during a White House press conference Wednesday.

According to arrest affidavits first reported by the Waco Tribune-Herald, 30-year-old Cecilia Fulbright got behind the wheel of her car just after 9 a.m. Wednesday with the intent to “[save] a child” from “pedophiles.” Fulbright reportedly chased two strangers’ vehicles in an apparent attempt to hit them. According to a Waco police report, the first vehicle was a catering truck driven by a woman with her minor daughter in the passenger’s seat. They successfully evaded Fulbright before calling the police who, according to an incident report, were unable to locate Fulbright or her vehicle. Fulbright then targeted a second unrelated vehicle, a Dodge Caravan driven by a 19-year-old college student. Fulbright chased the student into a parking lot where she cornered and repeatedly rammed the Dodge Caravan.

Responding police officers reportedly found Fulbright “crying hysterically” and yelling that the driver of the vehicle she attacked “was a pedophile and had kidnapped a girl for human trafficking.” The arresting officer noted that Fulbright seemed “delusional”...
Texas QAnon Supporter Used Car to Attack Strangers She Believed Were ‘Pedophiles’ | Right Wing Watch

perhaps donny will diplomatically bail her ass out, 'eh?
We can say as much or more about the CHOP wackos who murdered 3 people in seattle

sad attempted straw man on yer part....

are they a national movement pushing CONspiracy theories & infiltrating congress?

me thinx not.
Its no straw man

one crazy woman on the right does not negate hundreds on the left setting fires and shooting people

don't ferget pizzagate.... that was the start.
Many people fall for hoax’s

even adam schiff

Rep. Schiff Falls for Prank Call from Russian Comedians Promising Naked Pics of Trump
Coming from pj media. Is that supposed to be credible. Why not use Fox News?
PJ Media

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When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, pathetic child.

Sounds like he was being diplomatic in both cases.

uh - there is no need to be diplomatic with an insane CONspiratorial group of extremist nutters who have birthed theories of 'elite pedophile rings' bent on world domination - that has resulted in violence.

donny is so insecure, that he will latch onto anybody & anything he believes 'likes' him & gives him the praise he craves so much.

A “conspiracy theory”? Perhaps you can explain why John Podesta has a bunch of emails talking about hotdogs, pizza, maps, and pasta? If you don’t believe the Podesta brothers are pedophiles then you are a nutcase, who will do and say anything to protect known pedophiles.
Heaven sakes..you actually believe this q-anon bullshit. I presume you also believe all that there are “deep state“ cannibals eating children...c’mon be honest..you do..

oh lordy - i haven't heard that one. & those freaks may get into congress?
Hawk has shown his true colors here. He is a q-anon acolyte. This q-anon virus is taking over the Republican Party and has already consumed the brains of posters like Hawk. q-anon is a sickness.
Again – the danger of the sickness is that it deflects from the real issues and problems facing America, it deflects from the faults and failures of Trump, and it prevents meaningful debate and discourse conservatives are desperate to avoid.
What are the “real issues” facing America? I mean besides Antifa and BLM burning shit down and attacking police all the time.
This is hilarious. You are here arguing and you are asking what the real issues are?
So let me update you what are the real issues that America are facing today. PAY ATTENTION.

1. The Pandemic Coronavirus crisis. Over 5 millions Americans are infected and approaching 180,000 deaths. Trump has done little to address this crisis except giving false information, attacking his own scientists advisers, promoting lunatic doctors, lies and lies, blaming Obama.

2. That followed by Economic Crisis. Millions of Americans unemployed, thousands of businesses closed that will never come back, millions lost their health care insurance, Americans are scared. Trump has done very little to address this crisis.

3. Racial injustice in America and police brutalities. Trump has done nothing to address this issue instead promoting racism himself.

Read my post do not stare at it.
Laughable. President Trump acted quickly to ban Chinese from travel to the US, while liberals screamed about xenophobia and racism. Europe got slammed just the same, if not worse, than the US with Wu Flu.

The economic crisis is here because of Wu Flu and especially in Dem run areas with mandated shutdowns targeting small business owners.

The race riots are being perpetrated by leftwingers and only leftwingers. And Dems are allowing them to burn and loot businesses. They screamed about Fed agents protecting property, and yet after they were withdrawn the riots still continued. America sees the face of radical leftwing terrorists.
i literally just showed you via that video! are you kidding?
You showed A video of something happening on the streets somewhere

but not necessarily who and what the anonymous providers want us to believe

we know the feds were in portland and thank goodness for that

but there is no evidence of mass abuse, or any abus3 of civil rights taking place

  1. Crime
US lawmakers hear from man pushed into unmarked van by feds and Navy vet repeatedly struck with batons during Portland protests
Updated Aug 04, 2020; Posted Aug 04, 2020
US lawmakers hear from man pushed into unmarked van by feds and Navy vet repeatedly struck with batons during Portland protests

Federal officers using unmarked vehicles to detain protesters in Portland
By Marty Johnson - 07/17/20 10:57 AM EDT
Federal officers using unmarked vehicles to detain protesters in Portland

it should matter if it's only one.

but there were definitely more than one. but one came fwd. his name is pettibone.

like i said- i call bullshit.
Of course, if there were all these children disappearing to feed the so-called pedophilia rings, you would be hearing about all these children disappearing from somewhere. But you don't.

That is an inconvenient fact the loons have no answer for.

Setting aside what ends up happening to missing children, it is a sad but true FACT that in the US alone roughly 460,000 children go missing every year, and of course the global number is a hell of a lot bigger. That's according to the FBI. It almost sounds like you were denying or dismissing that, because according to you we're not hearing about it? Did you really just say that? So only if the TV talks about something, it's actually happening? :laugh:

Before you misunderstand my point, I'm not claiming that all those children end up with pedophiles. Just saying that a lot of children go missing every year, which you seemed to deny because "we don't hear about it."
Q hacked the FBI and made those stats up! Just ask toro
Some people believe what they are told to believe, sadly

Qanon hacked the FBI? Yet no link. Anything coming out from Qanon are nothing but BS except for the weaklings that can be easily deceived or led.

Below is a link where Republicans GOP leader McCarthy blasted Qanon. But you have this orange clown moron promoting Qanon.

House minority leader Kevin McCarthy has condemned the QAnon, saying there is “no room” for the conspiracy theory in the Republican party.
The only way that could have been more obvious it was a joke, is if i said it was a joke.
Deer gawd man
Trump hearted Kim in North Korea also...What an odd fellow.
So fucking what? Curb your TDS
Trump loves evil dictators and stupid people. In other breaking news, the sun rises in the east.

Trump made a diplomatic push for peace in Korea. That you interpreted that as "love" is just you being fucking stupid.


from the start the NK piglet had no intention of denuking. donny who is a master at duping...

got royally duped.
I love getting to shove your uneducated drunk face in your own pile of shit. Trump may well get a Nobel for what he did in the Middle East with ISRAEL and UAE not North Korea you stupid fuck. Your idiocy again on full display.

Pathetic drunk uneducated asshole who just got it’s face shoved in its own shit and can’t deny it says what. Pathetic as usual drunky. Try to learn current events. And how to read a map. Idiot.


Fake Nobel Prize, Fake Impeachment.
Trump hearted Kim in North Korea also...What an odd fellow.
So fucking what? Curb your TDS
Trump loves evil dictators and stupid people. In other breaking news, the sun rises in the east.

Trump made a diplomatic push for peace in Korea. That you interpreted that as "love" is just you being fucking stupid.


from the start the NK piglet had no intention of denuking. donny who is a master at duping...

got royally duped.
I love getting to shove your uneducated drunk face in your own pile of shit. Trump may well get a Nobel for what he did in the Middle East with ISRAEL and UAE not North Korea you stupid fuck. Your idiocy again on full display.

Pathetic drunk uneducated asshole who just got it’s face shoved in its own shit and can’t deny it says what. Pathetic as usual drunky. Try to learn current events. And how to read a map. Idiot.


Fake Nobel Prize, Fake Impeachment.

& yet both will forever be written in history.

& obama got the nobel.
Of course, if there were all these children disappearing to feed the so-called pedophilia rings, you would be hearing about all these children disappearing from somewhere. But you don't.

That is an inconvenient fact the loons have no answer for.

Setting aside what ends up happening to missing children, it is a sad but true FACT that in the US alone roughly 460,000 children go missing every year, and of course the global number is a hell of a lot bigger. That's according to the FBI. It almost sounds like you were denying or dismissing that, because according to you we're not hearing about it? Did you really just say that? So only if the TV talks about something, it's actually happening? :laugh:

Before you misunderstand my point, I'm not claiming that all those children end up with pedophiles. Just saying that a lot of children go missing every year, which you seemed to deny because "we don't hear about it."
Q hacked the FBI and made those stats up! Just ask toro
Some people believe what they are told to believe, sadly

Qanon hacked the FBI? Yet no link. Anything coming out from Qanon are nothing but BS except for the weaklings that can be easily deceived or led.

Below is a link where Republicans GOP leader McCarthy blasted Qanon. But you have this orange clown moron promoting Qanon.

House minority leader Kevin McCarthy has condemned the QAnon, saying there is “no room” for the conspiracy theory in the Republican party.

Oh my word, read the string of conversation. He was being sarcastic! I posted a stat from the FBI about how many children go missing every year in the US, to someone who seemed to dismiss the idea that very many children go missing. Harley's response was jokingly saying that the person I was replying to would claim that Q made that up.

And no, neither he or I are Q people.
& yet both will forever be written in history.

& obama got the nobel.
You didn't understand what I posted. History will show that Obama's Nobel was fake and that Trump's impeachment was fake. Obama received a Nobel for virtually nothing and Trump got impeached by the DEMOCRAT party for nothing. OH WAIT!! I get it now, you and your ilk are clueless about American history so you assume future Americans will be as ignorant of history as yourself.

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