Q Anon hearts Trump, so Trump hearts Q Anon

Any equivalent of a Democratic President doing anything even REMOTELY close to this OP?

All the dem presidents who sucked up to Farakan.

Hell, rev wright was a BLT guy. Their beliefs are even goofier and more hateful and racist and marxist.

so, yes. lots. even worse.
There wasn‘t one Democratic president that sucked up to Farrakan. Stop with your friggin lies.

View attachment 377286
So what. There are many photos of photos with politicians with people they disapprove. You wrote all dems presidents sucked up to farrakan... admit you lied.

yes, all the ones that did that, fit the bill.

i admit i expected more photos to show up.

do you think donny will work with q anon to further their agenda as long as they further his no matter what either agenda might be?

i think that that is quite a leap from "heard of them" to "work to further their agenda".

Try to be less crazy.

uh-huh.... he's only 'heard of them' ... but didn't know who david duke was?

how do you handle a question, along the lines of "have you stopped beating your wife yet"?

how about 'david duke is a fucking racist & i don't want his endorsement' ?

Well you drunk dumbfuck, Trump denounced Duke on numerous occasions. But that doesn’t fit your narrative. Derp.

Trump tweeted WHITE POWER isn’t that a NAZIs motto in line with David Duke agenda? Or LIBERATE LIBERATE.

i call bullshit.

he might be talking about donny re tweeting the FLA racists in their little golf carts shouting it a few weeks ago & of course ... lied again ... claiming he didn't 'hear it' when it's clear as day on the video.

sounds like bullshit. Trump is no WP guy. obviously. ONly an asshole would claim otherwise.

Trump tweeted a white racist dog shit in a golf cart shouting WHITE POWER.
Is that mean Trump didn’t supported him? Is that mean Trump tweets doesn’t mean anything?
Dude like I already told you several times. Trump is a racist dog shit. You are in denial.

Dude, you're lying. you have zero credibility. If you really had something, you would have already linked to it.

Hell, you libs would have started twenty threads on it, the first day and been short stroking it all over the place.

You would die of happiness to actually have something real to back up your wacist shit.

So, don't talk shit. you have nothing and we both know it.


View attachment 378132

What liberals fail to notice about the first video is that the liberal anti trumpsters played the race card first by calling the trump supporters racists

when the left engages in race baiting and I see the Black Lies Matter wackos ranting about whites I try to remember all the sane rational black people that I am acquainted with instead of letting the black crazies represent “people of color”

What you and your cultist failed to understand is how did this WHITE POWER got started to begin with. We argue and fight is now the norm.
Then your Orange Clown tweeted WHITE POWER a NAZIs motto. If he didn’t tweeted we won’t be discussing this BS in the first place. It will be just an ordinary people fighting in the streets.
Now you are playing like a victim.

BLM issues is about police brutalities. Something need to be change. Trump has done nothing or even address the issues except fighting and threatening mayors, governors and tweeting nonsense.

You call some guy a wacist with no cause, you are just trolling. He throws it in your face, he is almost certainly just trolling you back.

That you take him serious, is you proving that you are as stupid as we thought.

BLM is racist black having anti-white race riots. Yes, Trump should do more. But it looks like he is worried about creating a backlash if he moves too strongly.

All that bullshit talk of him being an "Authoritarian" is leading to people dying in the streets run by dem mayors.

(not all of them, but enough to be a shame)

there are scores of white people protesting side by side with 'the blacks' ... i'm not hearing of anything involving white people being assaulted during these protests specifically because they are white & not part of supreeeemisist group.

of course you if you have - i'd like to see the multiple links you must shirley have to back that up.

When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, needy, pathetic child.

John Lewis was a self absorbed pig who played the race card to screw people over........your support of him doesn't help your case.
I wouldn't try to "help my case" with someone like you, sorry.
Trump hearted Kim in North Korea also...What an odd fellow.
So fucking what? Curb your TDS
Trump loves evil dictators and stupid people. In other breaking news, the sun rises in the east.

Trump made a diplomatic push for peace in Korea. That you interpreted that as "love" is just you being fucking stupid.


from the start the NK piglet had no intention of denuking. donny who is a master at duping...

got royally duped.
I love getting to shove your uneducated drunk face in your own pile of shit. Trump may well get a Nobel for what he did in the Middle East with ISRAEL and UAE not North Korea you stupid fuck. Your idiocy again on full display.

Pathetic drunk uneducated asshole who just got it’s face shoved in its own shit and can’t deny it says what. Pathetic as usual drunky. Try to learn current events. And how to read a map. Idiot.


Fake Nobel Prize, Fake Impeachment.

& yet both will forever be written in history.

& obama got the nobel.

History students forever will ask, what did obama do to get the noble prize, and the teachers will have to explain about how liberals of this time period just gave shit to people based on skin color.

I'm fine with that.

obama got that nobel not cause he is black - don't be stupid.

it was a slap at W.
Any equivalent of a Democratic President doing anything even REMOTELY close to this OP?

All the dem presidents who sucked up to Farakan.

Hell, rev wright was a BLT guy. Their beliefs are even goofier and more hateful and racist and marxist.

so, yes. lots. even worse.
There wasn‘t one Democratic president that sucked up to Farrakan. Stop with your friggin lies.

View attachment 377286
So what. There are many photos of photos with politicians with people they disapprove. You wrote all dems presidents sucked up to farrakan... admit you lied.

yes, all the ones that did that, fit the bill.

i admit i expected more photos to show up.

do you think donny will work with q anon to further their agenda as long as they further his no matter what either agenda might be?

i think that that is quite a leap from "heard of them" to "work to further their agenda".

Try to be less crazy.

uh-huh.... he's only 'heard of them' ... but didn't know who david duke was?

how do you handle a question, along the lines of "have you stopped beating your wife yet"?

how about 'david duke is a fucking racist & i don't want his endorsement' ?

Well you drunk dumbfuck, Trump denounced Duke on numerous occasions. But that doesn’t fit your narrative. Derp.

Trump tweeted WHITE POWER isn’t that a NAZIs motto in line with David Duke agenda? Or LIBERATE LIBERATE.

i call bullshit.

he might be talking about donny re tweeting the FLA racists in their little golf carts shouting it a few weeks ago & of course ... lied again ... claiming he didn't 'hear it' when it's clear as day on the video.

sounds like bullshit. Trump is no WP guy. obviously. ONly an asshole would claim otherwise.

Trump tweeted a white racist dog shit in a golf cart shouting WHITE POWER.
Is that mean Trump didn’t supported him? Is that mean Trump tweets doesn’t mean anything?
Dude like I already told you several times. Trump is a racist dog shit. You are in denial.

Dude, you're lying. you have zero credibility. If you really had something, you would have already linked to it.

Hell, you libs would have started twenty threads on it, the first day and been short stroking it all over the place.

You would die of happiness to actually have something real to back up your wacist shit.

So, don't talk shit. you have nothing and we both know it.


View attachment 378132

What liberals fail to notice about the first video is that the liberal anti trumpsters played the race card first by calling the trump supporters racists

when the left engages in race baiting and I see the Black Lies Matter wackos ranting about whites I try to remember all the sane rational black people that I am acquainted with instead of letting the black crazies represent “people of color”

What you and your cultist failed to understand is how did this WHITE POWER got started to begin with. We argue and fight is now the norm.
Then your Orange Clown tweeted WHITE POWER a NAZIs motto. If he didn’t tweeted we won’t be discussing this BS in the first place. It will be just an ordinary people fighting in the streets.
Now you are playing like a victim.

BLM issues is about police brutalities. Something need to be change. Trump has done nothing or even address the issues except fighting and threatening mayors, governors and tweeting nonsense.

You call some guy a wacist with no cause, you are just trolling. He throws it in your face, he is almost certainly just trolling you back.

That you take him serious, is you proving that you are as stupid as we thought.

BLM is racist black having anti-white race riots. Yes, Trump should do more. But it looks like he is worried about creating a backlash if he moves too strongly.

All that bullshit talk of him being an "Authoritarian" is leading to people dying in the streets run by dem mayors.

(not all of them, but enough to be a shame)

there are scores of white people protesting side by side with 'the blacks' ... i'm not hearing of anything involving white people being assaulted during these protests specifically because they are white & not part of supreeeemisist group.

of course you if you have - i'd like to see the multiple links you must shirley have to back that up.


Are you stupid???

Oh....wait......we've covered that.

BLM rioters shout 'Beat up every white person!' and 'Black power!'

"Shoot the white folks!!"

When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, pathetic child.

Sounds like he was being diplomatic in both cases.
If that's really what you think then you need to look up the word "diplomatic".

why insult either the members of a harmless conspiracy theory or john lewis? what would be gained? so he was polite and diplomatic.

& yet another 'harmless' conspirator has acted out:

Texas QAnon Supporter Used Car to Attack Strangers She Believed Were ‘Pedophiles’
By Julian Feeld | August 20, 2020 3:33 pm

A Waco, Texas, woman arrested last week and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and driving while intoxicated appears to have been motivated by the QAnon conspiracy theory President Donald Trump spoke positively of during a White House press conference Wednesday.

According to arrest affidavits first reported by the Waco Tribune-Herald, 30-year-old Cecilia Fulbright got behind the wheel of her car just after 9 a.m. Wednesday with the intent to “[save] a child” from “pedophiles.” Fulbright reportedly chased two strangers’ vehicles in an apparent attempt to hit them. According to a Waco police report, the first vehicle was a catering truck driven by a woman with her minor daughter in the passenger’s seat. They successfully evaded Fulbright before calling the police who, according to an incident report, were unable to locate Fulbright or her vehicle. Fulbright then targeted a second unrelated vehicle, a Dodge Caravan driven by a 19-year-old college student. Fulbright chased the student into a parking lot where she cornered and repeatedly rammed the Dodge Caravan.

Responding police officers reportedly found Fulbright “crying hysterically” and yelling that the driver of the vehicle she attacked “was a pedophile and had kidnapped a girl for human trafficking.” The arresting officer noted that Fulbright seemed “delusional”...
Texas QAnon Supporter Used Car to Attack Strangers She Believed Were ‘Pedophiles’ | Right Wing Watch

perhaps donny will diplomatically bail her ass out, 'eh?
Hence the FBI’s warranted and justified designation of QAnon as a terrorist threat.

A terrorist threat supported by Trump.

How anyone in his right mind can support the likes of Trump remains a mystery.

We've succumbed to an election process, and overall politics, rooted firmly in fear. And fear "trumps" reason.
Fear is part of it but doesn’t comprehensively explain the mystery of Trump supporters.

Some Trump supporters are true believers, diehard members of the Trump cult; they perceive Trump as their ‘deliverer’ who will destroy the edifice of the ‘political establishment’ and do away with ‘business as usual’ Washington politics.

Some Trump supporters are blind partisan hacks who perceive Trump to be ‘better’ than any Democrat – no matter how wrong, depraved, incompetent, corrupt, and reprehensible Trump is. Blind partisan hacks believe they are ‘pragmatists’; Trump is the only Republican president they have, support for Trump must be unconditional and absolute as a consequence.

Some Trump supporters fancy themselves to be ‘iconoclasts’ – they have nothing but contempt for the political process and Trump is the means by which they express that contempt. They defend Trump by claiming Trump is ‘misunderstood,’ that Trump’s critics ‘don’t get’ Trump, they don’t understand Trump’s ‘sense of humor,’ that Trump often doesn’t really mean the things he says, and that Trump’s critics need to ‘lighten up.’

But no matter how one might try to analyze support for Trump and the Trump supporter, the fundamental mystery is never addressed: how any decent, sane, person with a conscience can in good faith support the likes of Trump.
No matter how they see themselves they're all just dumb-ass tRumplings who've allowed themselves to be brainwashed.


are you serious? for what?
Trump hearted Kim in North Korea also...What an odd fellow.
So fucking what? Curb your TDS
Trump loves evil dictators and stupid people. In other breaking news, the sun rises in the east.

Trump made a diplomatic push for peace in Korea. That you interpreted that as "love" is just you being fucking stupid.


from the start the NK piglet had no intention of denuking. donny who is a master at duping...

got royally duped.
I love getting to shove your uneducated drunk face in your own pile of shit. Trump may well get a Nobel for what he did in the Middle East with ISRAEL and UAE not North Korea you stupid fuck. Your idiocy again on full display.

Pathetic drunk uneducated asshole who just got it’s face shoved in its own shit and can’t deny it says what. Pathetic as usual drunky. Try to learn current events. And how to read a map. Idiot.


Fake Nobel Prize, Fake Impeachment.

& yet both will forever be written in history.

& obama got the nobel.

History students forever will ask, what did obama do to get the noble prize, and the teachers will have to explain about how liberals of this time period just gave shit to people based on skin color.

I'm fine with that.

obama got that nobel not cause he is black - don't be stupid.

it was a slap at W.

Just as fucking stupid.

We should leave nato. If we are that bad, why have they not kicked US out? THey are ungrateful children.
When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, pathetic child.

Sounds like he was being diplomatic in both cases.
If that's really what you think then you need to look up the word "diplomatic".

why insult either the members of a harmless conspiracy theory or john lewis? what would be gained? so he was polite and diplomatic.

& yet another 'harmless' conspirator has acted out:

Texas QAnon Supporter Used Car to Attack Strangers She Believed Were ‘Pedophiles’
By Julian Feeld | August 20, 2020 3:33 pm

A Waco, Texas, woman arrested last week and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and driving while intoxicated appears to have been motivated by the QAnon conspiracy theory President Donald Trump spoke positively of during a White House press conference Wednesday.

According to arrest affidavits first reported by the Waco Tribune-Herald, 30-year-old Cecilia Fulbright got behind the wheel of her car just after 9 a.m. Wednesday with the intent to “[save] a child” from “pedophiles.” Fulbright reportedly chased two strangers’ vehicles in an apparent attempt to hit them. According to a Waco police report, the first vehicle was a catering truck driven by a woman with her minor daughter in the passenger’s seat. They successfully evaded Fulbright before calling the police who, according to an incident report, were unable to locate Fulbright or her vehicle. Fulbright then targeted a second unrelated vehicle, a Dodge Caravan driven by a 19-year-old college student. Fulbright chased the student into a parking lot where she cornered and repeatedly rammed the Dodge Caravan.

Responding police officers reportedly found Fulbright “crying hysterically” and yelling that the driver of the vehicle she attacked “was a pedophile and had kidnapped a girl for human trafficking.” The arresting officer noted that Fulbright seemed “delusional”...
Texas QAnon Supporter Used Car to Attack Strangers She Believed Were ‘Pedophiles’ | Right Wing Watch

perhaps donny will diplomatically bail her ass out, 'eh?
Hence the FBI’s warranted and justified designation of QAnon as a terrorist threat.

A terrorist threat supported by Trump.

How anyone in his right mind can support the likes of Trump remains a mystery.

We've succumbed to an election process, and overall politics, rooted firmly in fear. And fear "trumps" reason.
Fear is part of it but doesn’t comprehensively explain the mystery of Trump supporters.

Some Trump supporters are true believers, diehard members of the Trump cult; they perceive Trump as their ‘deliverer’ who will destroy the edifice of the ‘political establishment’ and do away with ‘business as usual’ Washington politics.

Some Trump supporters are blind partisan hacks who perceive Trump to be ‘better’ than any Democrat – no matter how wrong, depraved, incompetent, corrupt, and reprehensible Trump is. Blind partisan hacks believe they are ‘pragmatists’; Trump is the only Republican president they have, support for Trump must be unconditional and absolute as a consequence.

Some Trump supporters fancy themselves to be ‘iconoclasts’ – they have nothing but contempt for the political process and Trump is the means by which they express that contempt. They defend Trump by claiming Trump is ‘misunderstood,’ that Trump’s critics ‘don’t get’ Trump, they don’t understand Trump’s ‘sense of humor,’ that Trump often doesn’t really mean the things he says, and that Trump’s critics need to ‘lighten up.’

But no matter how one might try to analyze support for Trump and the Trump supporter, the fundamental mystery is never addressed: how any decent, sane, person with a conscience can in good faith support the likes of Trump.
No matter how they see themselves they're all just dumb-ass tRumplings who've allowed themselves to be brainwashed.


are you serious? for what?

That was nothing but a generalization about a group.
Any equivalent of a Democratic President doing anything even REMOTELY close to this OP?

All the dem presidents who sucked up to Farakan.

Hell, rev wright was a BLT guy. Their beliefs are even goofier and more hateful and racist and marxist.

so, yes. lots. even worse.
There wasn‘t one Democratic president that sucked up to Farrakan. Stop with your friggin lies.

View attachment 377286
So what. There are many photos of photos with politicians with people they disapprove. You wrote all dems presidents sucked up to farrakan... admit you lied.

yes, all the ones that did that, fit the bill.

i admit i expected more photos to show up.

do you think donny will work with q anon to further their agenda as long as they further his no matter what either agenda might be?

i think that that is quite a leap from "heard of them" to "work to further their agenda".

Try to be less crazy.

uh-huh.... he's only 'heard of them' ... but didn't know who david duke was?

how do you handle a question, along the lines of "have you stopped beating your wife yet"?

how about 'david duke is a fucking racist & i don't want his endorsement' ?

Well you drunk dumbfuck, Trump denounced Duke on numerous occasions. But that doesn’t fit your narrative. Derp.

Trump tweeted WHITE POWER isn’t that a NAZIs motto in line with David Duke agenda? Or LIBERATE LIBERATE.

i call bullshit.

he might be talking about donny re tweeting the FLA racists in their little golf carts shouting it a few weeks ago & of course ... lied again ... claiming he didn't 'hear it' when it's clear as day on the video.

sounds like bullshit. Trump is no WP guy. obviously. ONly an asshole would claim otherwise.

Trump tweeted a white racist dog shit in a golf cart shouting WHITE POWER.
Is that mean Trump didn’t supported him? Is that mean Trump tweets doesn’t mean anything?
Dude like I already told you several times. Trump is a racist dog shit. You are in denial.

Dude, you're lying. you have zero credibility. If you really had something, you would have already linked to it.

Hell, you libs would have started twenty threads on it, the first day and been short stroking it all over the place.

You would die of happiness to actually have something real to back up your wacist shit.

So, don't talk shit. you have nothing and we both know it.


View attachment 378132

What liberals fail to notice about the first video is that the liberal anti trumpsters played the race card first by calling the trump supporters racists

when the left engages in race baiting and I see the Black Lies Matter wackos ranting about whites I try to remember all the sane rational black people that I am acquainted with instead of letting the black crazies represent “people of color”

What you and your cultist failed to understand is how did this WHITE POWER got started to begin with. We argue and fight is now the norm.
Then your Orange Clown tweeted WHITE POWER a NAZIs motto. If he didn’t tweeted we won’t be discussing this BS in the first place. It will be just an ordinary people fighting in the streets.
Now you are playing like a victim.

BLM issues is about police brutalities. Something need to be change. Trump has done nothing or even address the issues except fighting and threatening mayors, governors and tweeting nonsense.

You call some guy a wacist with no cause, you are just trolling. He throws it in your face, he is almost certainly just trolling you back.

That you take him serious, is you proving that you are as stupid as we thought.

BLM is racist black having anti-white race riots. Yes, Trump should do more. But it looks like he is worried about creating a backlash if he moves too strongly.

All that bullshit talk of him being an "Authoritarian" is leading to people dying in the streets run by dem mayors.

(not all of them, but enough to be a shame)

there are scores of white people protesting side by side with 'the blacks' ... i'm not hearing of anything involving white people being assaulted during these protests specifically because they are white & not part of supreeeemisist group.

of course you if you have - i'd like to see the multiple links you must shirley have to back that up.


Are you stupid???

Oh....wait......we've covered that.

BLM rioters shout 'Beat up every white person!' and 'Black power!'

"Shoot the white folks!!"

yes - those are MULTIPLE accounts from all over the country, right? with multiple arrests thru sold links, right?

i didn't say it didn't happen - i said this isn't a race riot. them thar thugs are rioting & they don't care about BLM ... anymore than a few asswipes that may be part of 'antifa' are indicitive of all white people protesting.

i see you like to project - alot - when you call someone stupid.
When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, pathetic child.

Sounds like he was being diplomatic in both cases.
If that's really what you think then you need to look up the word "diplomatic".

why insult either the members of a harmless conspiracy theory or john lewis? what would be gained? so he was polite and diplomatic.

& yet another 'harmless' conspirator has acted out:

Texas QAnon Supporter Used Car to Attack Strangers She Believed Were ‘Pedophiles’
By Julian Feeld | August 20, 2020 3:33 pm

A Waco, Texas, woman arrested last week and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and driving while intoxicated appears to have been motivated by the QAnon conspiracy theory President Donald Trump spoke positively of during a White House press conference Wednesday.

According to arrest affidavits first reported by the Waco Tribune-Herald, 30-year-old Cecilia Fulbright got behind the wheel of her car just after 9 a.m. Wednesday with the intent to “[save] a child” from “pedophiles.” Fulbright reportedly chased two strangers’ vehicles in an apparent attempt to hit them. According to a Waco police report, the first vehicle was a catering truck driven by a woman with her minor daughter in the passenger’s seat. They successfully evaded Fulbright before calling the police who, according to an incident report, were unable to locate Fulbright or her vehicle. Fulbright then targeted a second unrelated vehicle, a Dodge Caravan driven by a 19-year-old college student. Fulbright chased the student into a parking lot where she cornered and repeatedly rammed the Dodge Caravan.

Responding police officers reportedly found Fulbright “crying hysterically” and yelling that the driver of the vehicle she attacked “was a pedophile and had kidnapped a girl for human trafficking.” The arresting officer noted that Fulbright seemed “delusional”...
Texas QAnon Supporter Used Car to Attack Strangers She Believed Were ‘Pedophiles’ | Right Wing Watch

perhaps donny will diplomatically bail her ass out, 'eh?
Hence the FBI’s warranted and justified designation of QAnon as a terrorist threat.

A terrorist threat supported by Trump.

How anyone in his right mind can support the likes of Trump remains a mystery.

We've succumbed to an election process, and overall politics, rooted firmly in fear. And fear "trumps" reason.
Fear is part of it but doesn’t comprehensively explain the mystery of Trump supporters.

Some Trump supporters are true believers, diehard members of the Trump cult; they perceive Trump as their ‘deliverer’ who will destroy the edifice of the ‘political establishment’ and do away with ‘business as usual’ Washington politics.

Some Trump supporters are blind partisan hacks who perceive Trump to be ‘better’ than any Democrat – no matter how wrong, depraved, incompetent, corrupt, and reprehensible Trump is. Blind partisan hacks believe they are ‘pragmatists’; Trump is the only Republican president they have, support for Trump must be unconditional and absolute as a consequence.

Some Trump supporters fancy themselves to be ‘iconoclasts’ – they have nothing but contempt for the political process and Trump is the means by which they express that contempt. They defend Trump by claiming Trump is ‘misunderstood,’ that Trump’s critics ‘don’t get’ Trump, they don’t understand Trump’s ‘sense of humor,’ that Trump often doesn’t really mean the things he says, and that Trump’s critics need to ‘lighten up.’

But no matter how one might try to analyze support for Trump and the Trump supporter, the fundamental mystery is never addressed: how any decent, sane, person with a conscience can in good faith support the likes of Trump.
No matter how they see themselves they're all just dumb-ass tRumplings who've allowed themselves to be brainwashed.


are you serious? for what?

That was nothing but a generalization about a group.

so you reported him? what is wrong with you?

holy crap.
there are infiltrators that are stoking the fires & they are devoted to donny.
that wont require much

With murderous libs all it takes is a spark

one or two rightwingers among the hundreds of biden voters is enough

Russian government-supported organizations are playing a small but increasing role amplifying conspiracy theories promoted by QAnon, raising concerns of interference in the November U.S. election.

Academics who study QAnon said there were no signs Russia had a hand in the early days of the movement, which launched in 2017 with anonymous web postings amplified by YouTube videos.

But as QAnon gained adherents and took on new topics, with President Donald Trump as the constant hero waging a misunderstood battle, social media accounts controlled by a key Kremlin ally joined in.

In 2019 the Internet Research Agency, a Russian "troll factory" indicted by Robert Mueller in his election interference prosecution, sent a high volume of tweets tagged with #QAnon and the movement slogan #WWG1WGA, short for Where We Go One, We Go All, said Melanie Smith, head of analysis at social media analysis firm Graphika. The company dissects propaganda campaigns and plans to publish an analysis of QAnon this week.

More recently, Russian government-backed media RT.com and Sputnik have stepped up coverage of QAnon, which began with a false proclamation Hillary Clinton would be arrested for an undetermined reason and now includes theories about child trafficking by Hollywood elites, the novel coronavirus and more.

Disinformation expert Cindy Otis, a former CIA analyst, said RT, Sputnik and other Kremlin-backed media have been writing more about QAnon, using it to fit into their broader narrative of: "The U.S. is falling apart, look how much division there is."

After Twitter banned thousands of QAnon accounts last month, RT.com predicted the move would backfire by directing more attention to the cause, adding that "it gave QAnon followers the validation they craved."

Last week, it ran a similar article after Facebook removed about a third of QAnon groups and restricted the other two thirds.

RT's story began: "Facebook has removed thousands of groups and pages related to the QAnon conspiracy after expanding its concept of ‘dangerous individuals’ to include those who merely ‘celebrate violent acts.’ Streisand effect, meet slippery slope." The Streisand effect refers to when singer Barbra Streisand sued to get photos of her Malibu home removed from the internet, only to win them more viewers.

The articles have fallen short of full-throated support, and others have been critical. But they cast QAnon as channeling legitimate outrage.

QAnon followers have taken note and begun to share more content from the Russian outlets, according to Graphika.

"Russia is increasingly interested in QAnon, and it's being reciprocated," said Graphika Chief Innovation Officer Camille Francois.
When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, pathetic child.

Sounds like he was being diplomatic in both cases.
If that's really what you think then you need to look up the word "diplomatic".

why insult either the members of a harmless conspiracy theory or john lewis? what would be gained? so he was polite and diplomatic.

& yet another 'harmless' conspirator has acted out:

Texas QAnon Supporter Used Car to Attack Strangers She Believed Were ‘Pedophiles’
By Julian Feeld | August 20, 2020 3:33 pm

A Waco, Texas, woman arrested last week and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and driving while intoxicated appears to have been motivated by the QAnon conspiracy theory President Donald Trump spoke positively of during a White House press conference Wednesday.

According to arrest affidavits first reported by the Waco Tribune-Herald, 30-year-old Cecilia Fulbright got behind the wheel of her car just after 9 a.m. Wednesday with the intent to “[save] a child” from “pedophiles.” Fulbright reportedly chased two strangers’ vehicles in an apparent attempt to hit them. According to a Waco police report, the first vehicle was a catering truck driven by a woman with her minor daughter in the passenger’s seat. They successfully evaded Fulbright before calling the police who, according to an incident report, were unable to locate Fulbright or her vehicle. Fulbright then targeted a second unrelated vehicle, a Dodge Caravan driven by a 19-year-old college student. Fulbright chased the student into a parking lot where she cornered and repeatedly rammed the Dodge Caravan.

Responding police officers reportedly found Fulbright “crying hysterically” and yelling that the driver of the vehicle she attacked “was a pedophile and had kidnapped a girl for human trafficking.” The arresting officer noted that Fulbright seemed “delusional”...
Texas QAnon Supporter Used Car to Attack Strangers She Believed Were ‘Pedophiles’ | Right Wing Watch

perhaps donny will diplomatically bail her ass out, 'eh?
Hence the FBI’s warranted and justified designation of QAnon as a terrorist threat.

A terrorist threat supported by Trump.

How anyone in his right mind can support the likes of Trump remains a mystery.

We've succumbed to an election process, and overall politics, rooted firmly in fear. And fear "trumps" reason.
Fear is part of it but doesn’t comprehensively explain the mystery of Trump supporters.

Some Trump supporters are true believers, diehard members of the Trump cult; they perceive Trump as their ‘deliverer’ who will destroy the edifice of the ‘political establishment’ and do away with ‘business as usual’ Washington politics.

Some Trump supporters are blind partisan hacks who perceive Trump to be ‘better’ than any Democrat – no matter how wrong, depraved, incompetent, corrupt, and reprehensible Trump is. Blind partisan hacks believe they are ‘pragmatists’; Trump is the only Republican president they have, support for Trump must be unconditional and absolute as a consequence.

Some Trump supporters fancy themselves to be ‘iconoclasts’ – they have nothing but contempt for the political process and Trump is the means by which they express that contempt. They defend Trump by claiming Trump is ‘misunderstood,’ that Trump’s critics ‘don’t get’ Trump, they don’t understand Trump’s ‘sense of humor,’ that Trump often doesn’t really mean the things he says, and that Trump’s critics need to ‘lighten up.’

But no matter how one might try to analyze support for Trump and the Trump supporter, the fundamental mystery is never addressed: how any decent, sane, person with a conscience can in good faith support the likes of Trump.
No matter how they see themselves they're all just dumb-ass tRumplings who've allowed themselves to be brainwashed.


are you serious? for what?

That was nothing but a generalization about a group.

so you reported him? what is wrong with you?

holy crap.
Amazing to watch.
yep, there are. & yet you have no problems with the actual over reach of 'law enforcement'... even though it's trampling on the constitution.
Law enforcement has under reached in my opinion

these losers should be arrested and severely punished
there are scores of white people protesting side by side with 'the blacks' ...
Those brainwashed white haters do not represent rational white people

they are the dredges and social failures of America
When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, pathetic child.

Sounds like he was being diplomatic in both cases.
If that's really what you think then you need to look up the word "diplomatic".

why insult either the members of a harmless conspiracy theory or john lewis? what would be gained? so he was polite and diplomatic.

& yet another 'harmless' conspirator has acted out:

Texas QAnon Supporter Used Car to Attack Strangers She Believed Were ‘Pedophiles’
By Julian Feeld | August 20, 2020 3:33 pm

A Waco, Texas, woman arrested last week and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and driving while intoxicated appears to have been motivated by the QAnon conspiracy theory President Donald Trump spoke positively of during a White House press conference Wednesday.

According to arrest affidavits first reported by the Waco Tribune-Herald, 30-year-old Cecilia Fulbright got behind the wheel of her car just after 9 a.m. Wednesday with the intent to “[save] a child” from “pedophiles.” Fulbright reportedly chased two strangers’ vehicles in an apparent attempt to hit them. According to a Waco police report, the first vehicle was a catering truck driven by a woman with her minor daughter in the passenger’s seat. They successfully evaded Fulbright before calling the police who, according to an incident report, were unable to locate Fulbright or her vehicle. Fulbright then targeted a second unrelated vehicle, a Dodge Caravan driven by a 19-year-old college student. Fulbright chased the student into a parking lot where she cornered and repeatedly rammed the Dodge Caravan.

Responding police officers reportedly found Fulbright “crying hysterically” and yelling that the driver of the vehicle she attacked “was a pedophile and had kidnapped a girl for human trafficking.” The arresting officer noted that Fulbright seemed “delusional”...
Texas QAnon Supporter Used Car to Attack Strangers She Believed Were ‘Pedophiles’ | Right Wing Watch

perhaps donny will diplomatically bail her ass out, 'eh?
Hence the FBI’s warranted and justified designation of QAnon as a terrorist threat.

A terrorist threat supported by Trump.

How anyone in his right mind can support the likes of Trump remains a mystery.

We've succumbed to an election process, and overall politics, rooted firmly in fear. And fear "trumps" reason.
Fear is part of it but doesn’t comprehensively explain the mystery of Trump supporters.

Some Trump supporters are true believers, diehard members of the Trump cult; they perceive Trump as their ‘deliverer’ who will destroy the edifice of the ‘political establishment’ and do away with ‘business as usual’ Washington politics.

Some Trump supporters are blind partisan hacks who perceive Trump to be ‘better’ than any Democrat – no matter how wrong, depraved, incompetent, corrupt, and reprehensible Trump is. Blind partisan hacks believe they are ‘pragmatists’; Trump is the only Republican president they have, support for Trump must be unconditional and absolute as a consequence.

Some Trump supporters fancy themselves to be ‘iconoclasts’ – they have nothing but contempt for the political process and Trump is the means by which they express that contempt. They defend Trump by claiming Trump is ‘misunderstood,’ that Trump’s critics ‘don’t get’ Trump, they don’t understand Trump’s ‘sense of humor,’ that Trump often doesn’t really mean the things he says, and that Trump’s critics need to ‘lighten up.’

But no matter how one might try to analyze support for Trump and the Trump supporter, the fundamental mystery is never addressed: how any decent, sane, person with a conscience can in good faith support the likes of Trump.

Dude. YOur side is ordering cops to stand down while mobs terrorize and beat innocent people.

Hell, sometimes, your side orders the cops to arrest people that successfully defend themselves.

ANd you are hysterical about Trump because of what? You don't even say. YOu just rant hysterically and vaguely.

That's it! Fear!
Q is fine with me! :2up:
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Jack Flynn knows!!! and I'm sure his brother, General Flynn must know also! ;)
Jack Flynn #WeFightBack


"There is nothing wrong with QAnon. Just People doing their own research and learning independence of thought to find the truth. If it triggers the daylights out of fools like yourself all the better.

Don’t you get it?? It’s so simple~Yet complex. Like a meritage wine. "

That whole independence of thought thingy - drives the Left bat snot crazy.

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