Q. For Small Government Adherents


It is the job of all levels of Government. Done at the level where it makes the most sense

See General Welfare
One day it might sink into your mushy head that the COTUS calls for the government to Promote the general welfare, not PROVIDE

And sometimes providing for the welfare of those who most need it promotes the general welfare of all
But the best way to promote the general welfare would be to allow an environment that makes it easier for citizens and charities to provide and more difficult for the government to do so

Actually, the best way is to do it where it is most efficient and effective

Hmmm, no, but government is hardly the most efficient or effective means. How much of the money devoted to poverty programs actually gets to the intended beneficiaries?

If a local family loses its breadwinner, local charities can help them
When a whole community loses its breadwinners, we need big government

Local charities are great, but they fall victim to the rise and fall of local Economies and the magnitude of help that is needed
Those on the left do it every day - claiming that "government" is the answer. Pretty much like the German people during the Weimar Republic. We saw how that turned out, didn't we?

- If I need words to put on a bumper sticker, I'll ask.

The Weimar Republic?

I'd be happy to educate you on the experience of the Weimar Republic, so that you can make more informed decisions.

The government of the Weimar Republic was quite small, and had very little power.

Their hyperinflation had nothing to do with profligate spending or large government, and everything to do with harsh war reparations and negative supply shocks.

If you want to understand it, rather than being satisfied with meaningless one-liners, I can do so, or I can post links to good references.

"The government of the Weimar Republic was quite small, and had very little power."

That's absolute horseshit. The Weimar government ran practically everything. It had a social insurance program, a medical insurance program, numerous other social programs and regulated business to the teeth.

- Ah, a Glenn Beck listener.

None of that is actually true. The Weimar Republic inherited some of the Kaiser's existing programs, but they were quite modest, and were neglected during the Weimar regime for lack of money.

Apparently you've never read "The Road to Serfdom" were Frederick von Hayek detailed all the Weimar Republic's interventions into the economy. Try it sometime and learn something.

You probably ought to subject your (or Glenn's) musings to the test of common sense.

The Weimar Republic was established by the Allies as an allied proxy to prevent the re-emergence of German power after WWI.

The Weimar Republic was not established by the allies. Do you know anything that's actually true?

Following the First World War, the republic emerged from the German Revolution in November 1918. In 1919, a national assembly was convened in Weimar, where a new constitution for the German Reich was written, then adopted on 11 August of that same year.

Does it make sense to you that the Allies would establish such a proxy with broad, extensive powers to create massive government programs, or would they severely restrict what it could do in order to achieve the twin goals of preventing another war and extracting war reparations?

Since the allies had nothing to do with it, what they would want is totally irrelevant.

After you ask yourself that question, run to the library and read real history, and quit listening to Beck and taking stupid internet memes as gospel.

Please show us a reference that says the allies created the Weimar Republic.

- The Weimar Republic was established to negotiate with the Allies. The Allies, particularly Wilson, refused to negotiate with anyone but the social democrats. Perhaps "established" was too strong a word. It was selected from among several contenders to establish a German government by the allies as the only government with which it would negotiate.

The Weimar Republic

You're kidding, some blog is your proof?

This is what it says:

The Weimar Republic was founded at the end of World War I, with Germany in a state of near-anarchy. The Social Democratic Party was the leading party in the creation of the Weimar Republic. It was the only party with sufficient credibility and acceptance by Wilson to negotiate an armistice agreement. It was, however, not in the mainstream of German politics since it primarily represented the working class.

In other words, it was already the accepted government of Germany before the negotiations. It was "selected" because it was the only institution that had any credibility as a government, not for the reasons you cite.

The bottom line: your claim is a complete lie.
But the best way to promote the general welfare would be to allow an environment that makes it easier for citizens and charities to provide and more difficult for the government to do so

Actually, the best way is to do it where it is most efficient and effective

Hmmm, no, but government is hardly the most efficient or effective means. How much of the money devoted to poverty programs actually gets to the intended beneficiaries?

Again, LBJ started his "Great Society" nonsense to "end poverty in our lifetime". 50 Trillion dollars later........
Our defense budget has not ended war in our time

My point exactly. War has been going on since the beginning of man. Poverty has been around since the beginning of time. What the hell is your point?

What did Einstein Say about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?

- Polio has been around since the beginning of man.

Oddly, with vaccinations, it was eradicated. Loons want to bring it back, of course, by claiming that vaccinations are tyranny.

The Great Society was a fundamentally right-wing approach to poverty reduction.

It assumed that poverty was caused because the poor were somehow deficient, and needed to be fixed.

Yes, your claims about poverty today are exactly the same, and fit Einstein's maxim to a tee.
One day it might sink into your mushy head that the COTUS calls for the government to Promote the general welfare, not PROVIDE

And sometimes providing for the welfare of those who most need it promotes the general welfare of all
But the best way to promote the general welfare would be to allow an environment that makes it easier for citizens and charities to provide and more difficult for the government to do so

Actually, the best way is to do it where it is most efficient and effective

Hmmm, no, but government is hardly the most efficient or effective means. How much of the money devoted to poverty programs actually gets to the intended beneficiaries?

If a local family loses its breadwinner, local charities can help them
When a whole community loses its breadwinners, we need big government

Local charities are great, but they fall victim to the rise and fall of local Economies and the magnitude of help that is needed

We have numerous national charities, and we would have lot more if people weren't being taxed into poverty to support our vast welfare state.
- If I need words to put on a bumper sticker, I'll ask.

The Weimar Republic?

I'd be happy to educate you on the experience of the Weimar Republic, so that you can make more informed decisions.

The government of the Weimar Republic was quite small, and had very little power.

Their hyperinflation had nothing to do with profligate spending or large government, and everything to do with harsh war reparations and negative supply shocks.

If you want to understand it, rather than being satisfied with meaningless one-liners, I can do so, or I can post links to good references.

"The government of the Weimar Republic was quite small, and had very little power."

That's absolute horseshit. The Weimar government ran practically everything. It had a social insurance program, a medical insurance program, numerous other social programs and regulated business to the teeth.

- Ah, a Glenn Beck listener.

None of that is actually true. The Weimar Republic inherited some of the Kaiser's existing programs, but they were quite modest, and were neglected during the Weimar regime for lack of money.

Apparently you've never read "The Road to Serfdom" were Frederick von Hayek detailed all the Weimar Republic's interventions into the economy. Try it sometime and learn something.

You probably ought to subject your (or Glenn's) musings to the test of common sense.

The Weimar Republic was established by the Allies as an allied proxy to prevent the re-emergence of German power after WWI.

The Weimar Republic was not established by the allies. Do you know anything that's actually true?

Following the First World War, the republic emerged from the German Revolution in November 1918. In 1919, a national assembly was convened in Weimar, where a new constitution for the German Reich was written, then adopted on 11 August of that same year.

Does it make sense to you that the Allies would establish such a proxy with broad, extensive powers to create massive government programs, or would they severely restrict what it could do in order to achieve the twin goals of preventing another war and extracting war reparations?

Since the allies had nothing to do with it, what they would want is totally irrelevant.

After you ask yourself that question, run to the library and read real history, and quit listening to Beck and taking stupid internet memes as gospel.

Please show us a reference that says the allies created the Weimar Republic.

- The Weimar Republic was established to negotiate with the Allies. The Allies, particularly Wilson, refused to negotiate with anyone but the social democrats. Perhaps "established" was too strong a word. It was selected from among several contenders to establish a German government by the allies as the only government with which it would negotiate.

The Weimar Republic

You're kidding, some blog is your proof?

This is what it says:

The Weimar Republic was founded at the end of World War I, with Germany in a state of near-anarchy. The Social Democratic Party was the leading party in the creation of the Weimar Republic. It was the only party with sufficient credibility and acceptance by Wilson to negotiate an armistice agreement. It was, however, not in the mainstream of German politics since it primarily represented the working class.

In other words, it was already the accepted government of Germany before the negotiations. It was "selected" because it was the only institution that had any credibility as a government, not for the reasons you cite.

The bottom line: your claim is a complete lie.

- You quoted wikipedia, cowboy. Do you know how many wikipedia pages I contribute to?

You could be quoting my words without knowing it, lol - bashing me here, but claiming I'm a godlike source on some other subject.

The blog is academic, and it does not conflict with the wikipedia page. It fills in gaps which the wikipedia article does not address.
How would YOU shrink the Federal Government. Since you believe it will be a good thing, I must suppose you have thought of the cost-benefits and cost-deficits. Please include them with any cut you propose.

Thanks in advance for your thoughtful explanation.
Some on the federal left believe we should end our wasteful wars on Crime, Drugs, Poverty, and Terror; by simply being more Faithful to our Commerce Clause.
Actually, the best way is to do it where it is most efficient and effective

Hmmm, no, but government is hardly the most efficient or effective means. How much of the money devoted to poverty programs actually gets to the intended beneficiaries?

Again, LBJ started his "Great Society" nonsense to "end poverty in our lifetime". 50 Trillion dollars later........
Our defense budget has not ended war in our time

My point exactly. War has been going on since the beginning of man. Poverty has been around since the beginning of time. What the hell is your point?

What did Einstein Say about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?

- Polio has been around since the beginning of man.

Oddly, with vaccinations, it was eradicated. Loons want to bring it back, of course, by claiming that vaccinations are tyranny.

The Great Society was a fundamentally right-wing approach to poverty reduction.

It assumed that poverty was caused because the poor were somehow deficient, and needed to be fixed.

Yes, your claims about poverty today are exactly the same, and fit Einstein's maxim to a tee.

"The Great Society was a fundamentally right-wing approach to poverty reduction."


That's the funniest thing I've ever seen posted in this forum.

We can move that to the top of your parade of lies.
- If I need words to put on a bumper sticker, I'll ask.

The Weimar Republic?

I'd be happy to educate you on the experience of the Weimar Republic, so that you can make more informed decisions.

The government of the Weimar Republic was quite small, and had very little power.

Their hyperinflation had nothing to do with profligate spending or large government, and everything to do with harsh war reparations and negative supply shocks.

If you want to understand it, rather than being satisfied with meaningless one-liners, I can do so, or I can post links to good references.

"The government of the Weimar Republic was quite small, and had very little power."

That's absolute horseshit. The Weimar government ran practically everything. It had a social insurance program, a medical insurance program, numerous other social programs and regulated business to the teeth.

- Ah, a Glenn Beck listener.

None of that is actually true. The Weimar Republic inherited some of the Kaiser's existing programs, but they were quite modest, and were neglected during the Weimar regime for lack of money.

Apparently you've never read "The Road to Serfdom" were Frederick von Hayek detailed all the Weimar Republic's interventions into the economy. Try it sometime and learn something.

You probably ought to subject your (or Glenn's) musings to the test of common sense.

The Weimar Republic was established by the Allies as an allied proxy to prevent the re-emergence of German power after WWI.

The Weimar Republic was not established by the allies. Do you know anything that's actually true?

Following the First World War, the republic emerged from the German Revolution in November 1918. In 1919, a national assembly was convened in Weimar, where a new constitution for the German Reich was written, then adopted on 11 August of that same year.

Does it make sense to you that the Allies would establish such a proxy with broad, extensive powers to create massive government programs, or would they severely restrict what it could do in order to achieve the twin goals of preventing another war and extracting war reparations?

Since the allies had nothing to do with it, what they would want is totally irrelevant.

After you ask yourself that question, run to the library and read real history, and quit listening to Beck and taking stupid internet memes as gospel.

Please show us a reference that says the allies created the Weimar Republic.

- The Weimar Republic was established to negotiate with the Allies. The Allies, particularly Wilson, refused to negotiate with anyone but the social democrats. Perhaps "established" was too strong a word. It was selected from among several contenders to establish a German government by the allies as the only government with which it would negotiate.

The Weimar Republic

You're kidding, some blog is your proof?

This is what it says:

The Weimar Republic was founded at the end of World War I, with Germany in a state of near-anarchy. The Social Democratic Party was the leading party in the creation of the Weimar Republic. It was the only party with sufficient credibility and acceptance by Wilson to negotiate an armistice agreement. It was, however, not in the mainstream of German politics since it primarily represented the working class.

In other words, it was already the accepted government of Germany before the negotiations. It was "selected" because it was the only institution that had any credibility as a government, not for the reasons you cite.

The bottom line: your claim is a complete lie.

If I'm not mistaken - and I an not - The people of the Weimar Republic VOTED Hitler into power. The Constitution of the Weimar Republic was in full force when Adolph Hitler took over. It did nothing to stop THAT monster. And the result? Old men and women sitting on the streets stating "But we didn't know".........
"The government of the Weimar Republic was quite small, and had very little power."

That's absolute horseshit. The Weimar government ran practically everything. It had a social insurance program, a medical insurance program, numerous other social programs and regulated business to the teeth.

- Ah, a Glenn Beck listener.

None of that is actually true. The Weimar Republic inherited some of the Kaiser's existing programs, but they were quite modest, and were neglected during the Weimar regime for lack of money.

Apparently you've never read "The Road to Serfdom" were Frederick von Hayek detailed all the Weimar Republic's interventions into the economy. Try it sometime and learn something.

You probably ought to subject your (or Glenn's) musings to the test of common sense.

The Weimar Republic was established by the Allies as an allied proxy to prevent the re-emergence of German power after WWI.

The Weimar Republic was not established by the allies. Do you know anything that's actually true?

Following the First World War, the republic emerged from the German Revolution in November 1918. In 1919, a national assembly was convened in Weimar, where a new constitution for the German Reich was written, then adopted on 11 August of that same year.

Does it make sense to you that the Allies would establish such a proxy with broad, extensive powers to create massive government programs, or would they severely restrict what it could do in order to achieve the twin goals of preventing another war and extracting war reparations?

Since the allies had nothing to do with it, what they would want is totally irrelevant.

After you ask yourself that question, run to the library and read real history, and quit listening to Beck and taking stupid internet memes as gospel.

Please show us a reference that says the allies created the Weimar Republic.

- The Weimar Republic was established to negotiate with the Allies. The Allies, particularly Wilson, refused to negotiate with anyone but the social democrats. Perhaps "established" was too strong a word. It was selected from among several contenders to establish a German government by the allies as the only government with which it would negotiate.

The Weimar Republic

You're kidding, some blog is your proof?

This is what it says:

The Weimar Republic was founded at the end of World War I, with Germany in a state of near-anarchy. The Social Democratic Party was the leading party in the creation of the Weimar Republic. It was the only party with sufficient credibility and acceptance by Wilson to negotiate an armistice agreement. It was, however, not in the mainstream of German politics since it primarily represented the working class.

In other words, it was already the accepted government of Germany before the negotiations. It was "selected" because it was the only institution that had any credibility as a government, not for the reasons you cite.

The bottom line: your claim is a complete lie.

- You quoted wikipedia, cowboy. Do you know how many wikipedia pages I contribute to?

You could be quoting my words without knowing it, lol - bashing me here, but claiming I'm a godlike source on some other subject.

The blog is academic, and it does not conflict with the wikipedia page. It fills in gaps which the wikipedia article does not address.

Neither source supports your claim. The allies did not create the Weimar government. They simply chose to negotiate with it because it was the most credible institution at the time.
One day it might sink into your mushy head that the COTUS calls for the government to Promote the general welfare, not PROVIDE

And sometimes providing for the welfare of those who most need it promotes the general welfare of all
But the best way to promote the general welfare would be to allow an environment that makes it easier for citizens and charities to provide and more difficult for the government to do so

Actually, the best way is to do it where it is most efficient and effective

Hmmm, no, but government is hardly the most efficient or effective means. How much of the money devoted to poverty programs actually gets to the intended beneficiaries?

If a local family loses its breadwinner, local charities can help them
When a whole community loses its breadwinners, we need big government

Local charities are great, but they fall victim to the rise and fall of local Economies and the magnitude of help that is needed
When has an entire community lost its breadwinners? I realize reality is a foreign concept to you (since you think Big Business both controls the GOP and loathes the GOP).
And sometimes providing for the welfare of those who most need it promotes the general welfare of all
But the best way to promote the general welfare would be to allow an environment that makes it easier for citizens and charities to provide and more difficult for the government to do so

Actually, the best way is to do it where it is most efficient and effective

Hmmm, no, but government is hardly the most efficient or effective means. How much of the money devoted to poverty programs actually gets to the intended beneficiaries?

If a local family loses its breadwinner, local charities can help them
When a whole community loses its breadwinners, we need big government

Local charities are great, but they fall victim to the rise and fall of local Economies and the magnitude of help that is needed

We have numerous national charities, and we would have lot more if people weren't being taxed into poverty to support our vast welfare state.

- Charitable giving falls during a downturn, exactly when demands on charity are the greatest.

That's WHY we use government. Government can act countercyclically, which is what we need.
Hmmm, no, but government is hardly the most efficient or effective means. How much of the money devoted to poverty programs actually gets to the intended beneficiaries?

Again, LBJ started his "Great Society" nonsense to "end poverty in our lifetime". 50 Trillion dollars later........
Our defense budget has not ended war in our time

My point exactly. War has been going on since the beginning of man. Poverty has been around since the beginning of time. What the hell is your point?

What did Einstein Say about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?

- Polio has been around since the beginning of man.

Oddly, with vaccinations, it was eradicated. Loons want to bring it back, of course, by claiming that vaccinations are tyranny.

The Great Society was a fundamentally right-wing approach to poverty reduction.

It assumed that poverty was caused because the poor were somehow deficient, and needed to be fixed.

Yes, your claims about poverty today are exactly the same, and fit Einstein's maxim to a tee.

The Great Society was a fundamentally right-wing approach to poverty reduction.


That's the funniest thing I've ever seen posted in this forum.

We can move that to the top of your parade of lies.

Gee. it's easy to see who was alive (When LBJ passed his Great Society) and who wasn't. You got to love these clowns, don't you? :dance:
- Ah, a Glenn Beck listener.

None of that is actually true. The Weimar Republic inherited some of the Kaiser's existing programs, but they were quite modest, and were neglected during the Weimar regime for lack of money.

Apparently you've never read "The Road to Serfdom" were Frederick von Hayek detailed all the Weimar Republic's interventions into the economy. Try it sometime and learn something.

You probably ought to subject your (or Glenn's) musings to the test of common sense.

The Weimar Republic was established by the Allies as an allied proxy to prevent the re-emergence of German power after WWI.

The Weimar Republic was not established by the allies. Do you know anything that's actually true?

Following the First World War, the republic emerged from the German Revolution in November 1918. In 1919, a national assembly was convened in Weimar, where a new constitution for the German Reich was written, then adopted on 11 August of that same year.

Does it make sense to you that the Allies would establish such a proxy with broad, extensive powers to create massive government programs, or would they severely restrict what it could do in order to achieve the twin goals of preventing another war and extracting war reparations?

Since the allies had nothing to do with it, what they would want is totally irrelevant.

After you ask yourself that question, run to the library and read real history, and quit listening to Beck and taking stupid internet memes as gospel.

Please show us a reference that says the allies created the Weimar Republic.

- The Weimar Republic was established to negotiate with the Allies. The Allies, particularly Wilson, refused to negotiate with anyone but the social democrats. Perhaps "established" was too strong a word. It was selected from among several contenders to establish a German government by the allies as the only government with which it would negotiate.

The Weimar Republic

You're kidding, some blog is your proof?

This is what it says:

The Weimar Republic was founded at the end of World War I, with Germany in a state of near-anarchy. The Social Democratic Party was the leading party in the creation of the Weimar Republic. It was the only party with sufficient credibility and acceptance by Wilson to negotiate an armistice agreement. It was, however, not in the mainstream of German politics since it primarily represented the working class.

In other words, it was already the accepted government of Germany before the negotiations. It was "selected" because it was the only institution that had any credibility as a government, not for the reasons you cite.

The bottom line: your claim is a complete lie.

- You quoted wikipedia, cowboy. Do you know how many wikipedia pages I contribute to?

You could be quoting my words without knowing it, lol - bashing me here, but claiming I'm a godlike source on some other subject.

The blog is academic, and it does not conflict with the wikipedia page. It fills in gaps which the wikipedia article does not address.

Neither source supports your claim. The allies did not create the Weimar government. They simply chose to negotiate with it because it was the most credible institution at the time.

- Which had the effect of putting it in power.

But the best way to promote the general welfare would be to allow an environment that makes it easier for citizens and charities to provide and more difficult for the government to do so

Actually, the best way is to do it where it is most efficient and effective

Hmmm, no, but government is hardly the most efficient or effective means. How much of the money devoted to poverty programs actually gets to the intended beneficiaries?

If a local family loses its breadwinner, local charities can help them
When a whole community loses its breadwinners, we need big government

Local charities are great, but they fall victim to the rise and fall of local Economies and the magnitude of help that is needed

We have numerous national charities, and we would have lot more if people weren't being taxed into poverty to support our vast welfare state.

- Charitable giving falls during a downturn, exactly when demands on charity are the greatest.

That's WHY we use government. Government can act countercyclically, which is what we need.

Government interference in the economy only makes recessions longer and deeper. In fact, government causes the vast majority of recession/depressions.
And sometimes providing for the welfare of those who most need it promotes the general welfare of all
But the best way to promote the general welfare would be to allow an environment that makes it easier for citizens and charities to provide and more difficult for the government to do so

Actually, the best way is to do it where it is most efficient and effective

Hmmm, no, but government is hardly the most efficient or effective means. How much of the money devoted to poverty programs actually gets to the intended beneficiaries?

If a local family loses its breadwinner, local charities can help them
When a whole community loses its breadwinners, we need big government

Local charities are great, but they fall victim to the rise and fall of local Economies and the magnitude of help that is needed
When has an entire community lost its breadwinners? I realize reality is a foreign concept to you (since you think Big Business both controls the GOP and loathes the GOP).

- During downturns, charitable giving falls, and charities go broke. Those who lose jobs need the donations, and those who still have jobs stop giving in order to assure their own ability to survive.

This is not rocket science.
Actually, the best way is to do it where it is most efficient and effective

Hmmm, no, but government is hardly the most efficient or effective means. How much of the money devoted to poverty programs actually gets to the intended beneficiaries?

If a local family loses its breadwinner, local charities can help them
When a whole community loses its breadwinners, we need big government

Local charities are great, but they fall victim to the rise and fall of local Economies and the magnitude of help that is needed

We have numerous national charities, and we would have lot more if people weren't being taxed into poverty to support our vast welfare state.

- Charitable giving falls during a downturn, exactly when demands on charity are the greatest.

That's WHY we use government. Government can act countercyclically, which is what we need.

Government interference in the economy only makes recessions longer and deeper. In fact, government causes the vast majority of recession/depressions.

- That's absolutely untrue, but if you feel you have an argument, make it.
But the best way to promote the general welfare would be to allow an environment that makes it easier for citizens and charities to provide and more difficult for the government to do so

Actually, the best way is to do it where it is most efficient and effective

Hmmm, no, but government is hardly the most efficient or effective means. How much of the money devoted to poverty programs actually gets to the intended beneficiaries?

If a local family loses its breadwinner, local charities can help them
When a whole community loses its breadwinners, we need big government

Local charities are great, but they fall victim to the rise and fall of local Economies and the magnitude of help that is needed
When has an entire community lost its breadwinners? I realize reality is a foreign concept to you (since you think Big Business both controls the GOP and loathes the GOP).

- During downturns, charitable giving falls, and charities go broke. Those who lose jobs need the donations, and those who still have jobs stop giving in order to assure their own ability to survive.

This is not rocket science.
You understand that is not an answer to my question, right?
How many charities went broke in the last downturn?
Hmmm, no, but government is hardly the most efficient or effective means. How much of the money devoted to poverty programs actually gets to the intended beneficiaries?

Again, LBJ started his "Great Society" nonsense to "end poverty in our lifetime". 50 Trillion dollars later........
Our defense budget has not ended war in our time

My point exactly. War has been going on since the beginning of man. Poverty has been around since the beginning of time. What the hell is your point?

What did Einstein Say about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?

- Polio has been around since the beginning of man.

Oddly, with vaccinations, it was eradicated. Loons want to bring it back, of course, by claiming that vaccinations are tyranny.

The Great Society was a fundamentally right-wing approach to poverty reduction.

It assumed that poverty was caused because the poor were somehow deficient, and needed to be fixed.

Yes, your claims about poverty today are exactly the same, and fit Einstein's maxim to a tee.

"The Great Society was a fundamentally right-wing approach to poverty reduction."


That's the funniest thing I've ever seen posted in this forum.

We can move that to the top of your parade of lies.

- In other words, you've got nothing, and have never studied the Great Society.
Actually, the best way is to do it where it is most efficient and effective

Hmmm, no, but government is hardly the most efficient or effective means. How much of the money devoted to poverty programs actually gets to the intended beneficiaries?

If a local family loses its breadwinner, local charities can help them
When a whole community loses its breadwinners, we need big government

Local charities are great, but they fall victim to the rise and fall of local Economies and the magnitude of help that is needed

We have numerous national charities, and we would have lot more if people weren't being taxed into poverty to support our vast welfare state.

- Charitable giving falls during a downturn, exactly when demands on charity are the greatest.

That's WHY we use government. Government can act countercyclically, which is what we need.

Government interference in the economy only makes recessions longer and deeper. In fact, government causes the vast majority of recession/depressions.

I can't help but wonder how many of these rubes were around in '73 when the oil crisis hit? You know, when tankers were sitting off the coast of Houston and Galveston while we went without gas for nearly 6 weeks? Nixon? Nixon? Nixon?

Those were great times!!! I remember fondly the fist fights and the screaming and yelling.....
Apparently you've never read "The Road to Serfdom" were Frederick von Hayek detailed all the Weimar Republic's interventions into the economy. Try it sometime and learn something.

The Weimar Republic was not established by the allies. Do you know anything that's actually true?

Following the First World War, the republic emerged from the German Revolution in November 1918. In 1919, a national assembly was convened in Weimar, where a new constitution for the German Reich was written, then adopted on 11 August of that same year.

Since the allies had nothing to do with it, what they would want is totally irrelevant.

Please show us a reference that says the allies created the Weimar Republic.

- The Weimar Republic was established to negotiate with the Allies. The Allies, particularly Wilson, refused to negotiate with anyone but the social democrats. Perhaps "established" was too strong a word. It was selected from among several contenders to establish a German government by the allies as the only government with which it would negotiate.

The Weimar Republic

You're kidding, some blog is your proof?

This is what it says:

The Weimar Republic was founded at the end of World War I, with Germany in a state of near-anarchy. The Social Democratic Party was the leading party in the creation of the Weimar Republic. It was the only party with sufficient credibility and acceptance by Wilson to negotiate an armistice agreement. It was, however, not in the mainstream of German politics since it primarily represented the working class.

In other words, it was already the accepted government of Germany before the negotiations. It was "selected" because it was the only institution that had any credibility as a government, not for the reasons you cite.

The bottom line: your claim is a complete lie.

- You quoted wikipedia, cowboy. Do you know how many wikipedia pages I contribute to?

You could be quoting my words without knowing it, lol - bashing me here, but claiming I'm a godlike source on some other subject.

The blog is academic, and it does not conflict with the wikipedia page. It fills in gaps which the wikipedia article does not address.

Neither source supports your claim. The allies did not create the Weimar government. They simply chose to negotiate with it because it was the most credible institution at the time.

- Which had the effect of putting it in power.


Hmmmm, nope, and you said the allies created the Weimer republic giving it certain powers. It did nothing of the sort.

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