Q1 2019 watch - if under 3.0% - where is Trump’s economic miracle - can Trump beat O’s 2.9% ever?

Here’s the record thru 2018:
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U.S. - GDP growth by year 1990-2017 | Statista

Trump and Obama are tied a 2.9 Best full year of GDP growth.

Do you think Trump’s Q1 this year will break the tie and boost Trump to 3.0 or more?

Do you believe Trump will ever get a full year of GDP growth this high?

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Some experts - The liberal fake news WSJ is forecasting 1.4% for Q1.

Trump supporters tell us your forecast?

What happens if Trump’s third year ends (GDP-wise) anywhere below Obama’s 2.9% in 2015?

According to Trump 2.9 is anemic and weak.

"Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth," Trump said during an Oct. 28 campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.

Trump's claim about Obama's weak economic growth is limited

Do you think Trump will be the second president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth,"

What does an “anemic” Trump do for Obama’s legacy?
  • Moving forward, there are reasons to believe that growth will continue to be slower than was originally hoped. Annual U.S. GDP growth exceeding 3.0 percent, as experienced in the mid- to late 1990s and mid-2000s, is not expected to be attainable over the coming decade.
The U.S. economy to 2022: settling into a new normal : Monthly Labor Review: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Are we settling into a new normal that is not so horrible without 3% sustained GDP growth?

Dang, didn't this thread come back and bite you in the rear.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22217655,
Obozo's average is lower than Trump's current average.

TrumpO said nothing about full term average. He said no single year above 3.0 avg gdp
Is weak.

Trumpo has had 8 quarters and has failed to put 4 quarters together over 3.0 GDP.

Obama has put 4 quarters together well above 3.0.

I get 3.23.

View attachment 256430

Trump’s current record is weak according to Trump. Obama’s is not.

That is the current reality moron.

That leads me to believe that you don't understand that you do not get to pick which 12 months in a row constitute a years growth...don't you?

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22217655,
Obozo's average is lower than Trump's current average.

TrumpO said nothing about full term average. He said no single year above 3.0 avg gdp
Is weak.

Trumpo has had 8 quarters and has failed to put 4 quarters together over 3.0 GDP.

Obama has put 4 quarters together well above 3.0.

I get 3.23.

View attachment 256430

Trump’s current record is weak according to Trump. Obama’s is not.

That is the current reality moron.

Yes, Obozo's weakest recovery since WWII was awesome!!!
You would think it would be better with all the help he got from Republicans.








You know we are able to look things up, don't you?
Obama had quarters in the 4%s didn’t he? And Trump has yet to break 3% annual growth in his first two years after campaigning that he would get 4 maybe 5%... right?

Did you really review that before pressing the "POST REPLY"? You're so desperate that you don't even slow down when throwing the years growth with that of quarters. Wow!
For my Progressive good friends who seem to demand that our revenues from income taxes has dropped since the Trump Tax Cuts.

The Balance
Current US Federal Government Tax Revenue

Current US Federal Government Tax Revenue
Who Really Pays Uncle Sam's Bills?
Updated March 27, 2019

The U.S. government's total revenue is estimated to be $3.643 trillion for Fiscal Year 2020. That's the most recent budget forecast from the Office of Management and Budget for October 1, 2019, through September 30, 2020.

Tax receipts fell off during the recession but started setting new records by FY 2013.
Who Really Pays Uncle Sam's Bills?
Q1 2019 watch - if under 3.0% - where is Trump’s economic miracle

US first-quarter GDP rose 3.2%, vs 2.5% growth expected

US economy grows by 3.2% in the first quarter, tops expectations


Help me out, is +3.2% more than Obama's -1.0% in his 9th quarter?
Obama had quarters in the 4%s didn’t he? And Trump has yet to break 3% annual growth in his first two years after campaigning that he would get 4 maybe 5%... right?

Obama had quarters in the 4%s didn’t he?

Did he? Wow! His weakest recovery since WWII must have been awesome!
Did he or did he not have quarters in the 4%s?

Has trump exceeded 3% in his first two years? Answer the questions

Did he or did he not have quarters in the 4%s?

Did he? Did Trump?

Has trump exceeded 3% in his first two years?

Nope. Did Obama in eight?
Yes, Obama had quarters in the 4 and 5%s and never eclipsed 3% annually. Same goes for trump. Y’all are over blowing the difference between Obama’s last years and Trumps first two. But the numbers don’t back you up.
Obama had quarters in the 4%s didn’t he? And Trump has yet to break 3% annual growth in his first two years after campaigning that he would get 4 maybe 5%... right?

Did you really review that before pressing the "POST REPLY"? You're so desperate that you don't even slow down when throwing the years growth with that of quarters. Wow!
whats wrong with looking at quarters and years? they are both relevant to this discussion. Maybe u misunderstood my post
What's interesting is the economy continues to expand without initiating war. Just think, so far Trump is the only POTUS in MANY decades to not declare war. Another reason for progs to hate him.
whats wrong with looking at quarters and years? they are both relevant to this discussion. Maybe u misunderstood my post

In my prior life, I made a lot of money bowling. I have a number of 300 games (a perfect game, all strikes). In an important tournament, I rolled 17 strikes in a row. Did I have another 300 game? No, I had two very high games with the 17 strikes starting in the third frame of one game. You don't get to make up your own rules.
whats wrong with looking at quarters and years? they are both relevant to this discussion. Maybe u misunderstood my post

In my prior life, I made a lot of money bowling. I have a number of 300 games (a perfect game, all strikes). In an important tournament, I rolled 17 strikes in a row. Did I have another 300 game? No, I had two very high games with the 17 strikes starting in the third frame of one game. You don't get to make up your own rules.
Do you think I’m trying to make up rules?
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22217655,
Obozo's average is lower than Trump's current average.

TrumpO said nothing about full term average. He said no single year above 3.0 avg gdp
Is weak.

Trumpo has had 8 quarters and has failed to put 4 quarters together over 3.0 GDP.

Obama has put 4 quarters together well above 3.0.

I get 3.23.

View attachment 256430

Trump’s current record is weak according to Trump. Obama’s is not.

That is the current reality moron.

Yes, Obozo's weakest recovery since WWII was awesome!!!
You would think it would be better with all the help he got from Republicans.








You know we are able to look things up, don't you?

Hey Dean,

Obama was not President in 2008 and it was George W. Bush.

Obama took office in 2009 and had a 60 Democrat Vote Senate and the House, so what a Republican was told matter not back then....

Maybe next time you should not put up meme's stating 2008...
Bruce_T_Laney, post: 22273830
Obama took office in 2009 and had a 60 Democrat Vote Senate ....

Maybe next time you won’t lie:
  • On January 20th, 2009, 57 Senate seats were held by Democrats with 2 Independents (Bernie Sanders and Joe Lieberman) caucusing with the Democrats...which gave Democrats 59 mostly-reliable Democratic votes in the Senate, one shy of filibuster-proof “total control.” Republicans held 41 seats. An aside....it was during this time that Obama’s “stimulus” was passed. No Republicans in the House voted for the stimulus. However, in the Senate.....and because Democrats didn’t have “total control” of that chamber.....three Republicans.....Snowe, Collins and Specter, voted to break a filibuster guaranteeing it’s passage.
  • Did President Obama have “total control’ of Congress during his first two years as president? Absolutely not and any assertions to the contrary.....as you can plainly see in the above chronology....is a lie.
  • The swearing in of Kirk finally gave Democrats 60 votes (at least potentially) in the Senate. “Total control” of Congress by Democrats lasted all of 4 months. From September 24, 2009 through February 4, 2010...at which point Scott Brown, a Republican, was sworn in to replace Kennedy’s Massachusetts seat.
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Help me out, is +3.2% more than Obama's -1.0% in his 9th quarter?

The point of this thread is that Trumpo is going to be the second president in US history to not have a full year above 3.0 percent GDP.

You are all aglow with a 3,2 quarter for TrumpO

Those were a dime a dozen under Obama. When TrumpO hits 5.1 let us know. Because Obama did.
Trump supporters tell us your forecast?

My forecast is, in 2020, we are going to put you fucktards in a dark hole and cover it over. If it were not for you dumbfucks fighting your own president that 0bozo caused to get elected in the first place, our GDO would be 0ver 4%. But, not to worry, despite all the resistance from you traitors, Trump has put everything in place to wipe your stinking asses out next cycle. LOL, better get your tear bucket ready, there's more on the way, HAHAHAA
whats wrong with looking at quarters and years? they are both relevant to this discussion. Maybe u misunderstood my post

In my prior life, I made a lot of money bowling. I have a number of 300 games (a perfect game, all strikes). In an important tournament, I rolled 17 strikes in a row. Did I have another 300 game? No, I had two very high games with the 17 strikes starting in the third frame of one game. You don't get to make up your own rules.
Do you think I’m trying to make up rules?

No, you're trying to make up your own game. It just makes you look foolish.
The point of this thread is that Trumpo is going to be the second president in US history to not have a full year above 3.0 percent GDP.

You are all aglow with a 3,2 quarter for TrumpO

Those were a dime a dozen under Obama. When TrumpO hits 5.1 let us know. Because Obama did.

The benchmark is for a years AVERAGE above 3.0 percent. Not all four quarters above 3.0 percent.

Bruce_T_Laney, post: 22273830
Obama took office in 2009 and had a 60 Democrat Vote Senate ....

Maybe next time you won’t lie:
  • On January 20th, 2009, 57 Senate seats were held by Democrats with 2 Independents (Bernie Sanders and Joe Lieberman) caucusing with the Democrats...which gave Democrats 59 mostly-reliable Democratic votes in the Senate, one shy of filibuster-proof “total control.” Republicans held 41 seats. An aside....it was during this time that Obama’s “stimulus” was passed. No Republicans in the House voted for the stimulus. However, in the Senate.....and because Democrats didn’t have “total control” of that chamber.....three Republicans.....Snowe, Collins and Specter, voted to break a filibuster guaranteeing it’s passage.
  • Did President Obama have “total control’ of Congress during his first two years as president? Absolutely not and any assertions to the contrary.....as you can plainly see in the above chronology....is a lie.
  • The swearing in of Kirk finally gave Democrats 60 votes (at least potentially) in the Senate. “Total control” of Congress by Democrats lasted all of 4 months. From September 24, 2009 through February 4, 2010...at which point Scott Brown, a Republican, was sworn in to replace Kennedy’s Massachusetts seat.

Alright, so I was one off from the 60 mark but at least I knew what year Obama took office unlike your boy Dean there.

Also it must suck to hear those numbers yesterday about the Economy...

Again, I will admit I was one off on my comment and will not deny it, but will Dean admit he was wrong about the year Obama took office?

Of course not and why?

Simple, Dean is never wrong even when he is most of the time!
The point of this thread is that Trumpo is going to be the second president in US history to not have a full year above 3.0 percent GDP.

You are all aglow with a 3,2 quarter for TrumpO

Those were a dime a dozen under Obama. When TrumpO hits 5.1 let us know. Because Obama did.

The benchmark is for a years AVERAGE above 3.0 percent. Not all four quarters above 3.0 percent.


Back in Feburary they were praying for bad job numbers for March, and their prayers went unanswered...

Now more bad news came out and now the left is getting frantic because if no failed Economy then what can they run on?
NoVote, post: 22273923
If it were not for you dumbfucks fighting your own president that 0bozo caused to get elected in the first place, our GDO would be 0ver 4%.

Wouid you mind explaining how exactly Democrats have been successful at knocking GDP down 1.1% for the past two years. Thus keeping TrumpO below 3.0 in 2018.

Remember according to Trump 2.9 is anemic and weak.

"Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth," Trump said during an Oct. 28 campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.

Trump's claim about Obama's weak economic growth is limited

If Dems have that much power over the economy they certainly shouid be able to knock the economy down enough in 2020 to guarantee that TrumpO loses.

Could you fill us in on how they did it, so I can feel even more confident that TrumpO and his goons will be gone by the end of January 2021.
Bruce_T_Laney, post: 22274202
Now more bad news came out and now the left is getting frantic because if no failed Economy then what can they run on?

The economy is currently ‘Failed’ according to TrumpO.

According to Trump 2.9 is anemic and weak.

"Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth," Trump said during an Oct. 28 campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.

Trump's claim about Obama's weak economic growth is limited

Why are TrumpOroids so massively impressed with TrumpO’s 2.9 GDP banner year but continue to demean the same from Obama as pitiful and weak?

You owe some kind of explanation.

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