Q1 2019 watch - if under 3.0% - where is Trump’s economic miracle - can Trump beat O’s 2.9% ever?

Here’s the record thru 2018:
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U.S. - GDP growth by year 1990-2017 | Statista

Trump and Obama are tied a 2.9 Best full year of GDP growth.

Do you think Trump’s Q1 this year will break the tie and boost Trump to 3.0 or more?

Do you believe Trump will ever get a full year of GDP growth this high?

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Some experts - The liberal fake news WSJ is forecasting 1.4% for Q1.

Trump supporters tell us your forecast?

What happens if Trump’s third year ends (GDP-wise) anywhere below Obama’s 2.9% in 2015?

According to Trump 2.9 is anemic and weak.

"Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth," Trump said during an Oct. 28 campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.

Trump's claim about Obama's weak economic growth is limited

Do you think Trump will be the second president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth,"

What does an “anemic” Trump do for Obama’s legacy?
  • Moving forward, there are reasons to believe that growth will continue to be slower than was originally hoped. Annual U.S. GDP growth exceeding 3.0 percent, as experienced in the mid- to late 1990s and mid-2000s, is not expected to be attainable over the coming decade.
The U.S. economy to 2022: settling into a new normal : Monthly Labor Review: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Are we settling into a new normal that is not so horrible without 3% sustained GDP growth?
whats wrong with looking at quarters and years? they are both relevant to this discussion. Maybe u misunderstood my post

In my prior life, I made a lot of money bowling. I have a number of 300 games (a perfect game, all strikes). In an important tournament, I rolled 17 strikes in a row. Did I have another 300 game? No, I had two very high games with the 17 strikes starting in the third frame of one game. You don't get to make up your own rules.
Do you think I’m trying to make up rules?

No, you're trying to make up your own game. It just makes you look foolish.
How so?
Grampa Murked U, post: 22274697
Considering what Obama started with that should have been an easy feat.

Not really. TrumpO by far had the best economic conditions on Inauguration Day, not just domestically by globally as well. And then TrumpO cut taxes that benefited those at the top. Now we have a trillion dollar annual deficit as opposed to declining yearly deficits that Obama’s 2.3 AVG GDP had been recording.
Bruce_T_Laney, post: 22274179
Again, I will admit I was one off on my comment and will not deny it, but will Dean admit he was wrong about the year Obama took office?

That’s a huge one off because it blows a gaping hole in your entire point.

One more seat and the DEMS were filibuster proof.

And if you read the report and counting Blue Dogs and Joe Lieberman Obama started with about 57 to 58 party line Senators which is why a few Republicans that did not obstruct could be the only way Obama had a path to getting legislation passed.

As for the 2008 thing. Obama was ejected in 2008 so the office was clearly his in waiting until Inauguration Day.

Quite the nitpicking on your part
Obama's year three started with -1.0%. You think 2019Q1 is going to be negative?

Nope you are an idiot. Pay attention to the equation I wrote. Obama GDP rose and Trumpo’s is projected to go down

Obozo's GDP shrank in the first quarter of his third year.
Do you feel 2019Q1 GDP will shrink?

Obozo, say no more.
Upitty nixxer with your KKK zero college rubes?
We know the Q numbers, I'm just quoting overall stats.
You'll be having an orgasm about the cons 3 % months as if the uppity nixxer never had one.
Again O created more jobs in his last 2 years than the orange did in his first 2?
This Q is nothing special.
Do I have to list the graph for you again?
Obama's year three started with -1.0%. You think 2019Q1 is going to be negative?

Nope you are an idiot. Pay attention to the equation I wrote. Obama GDP rose and Trumpo’s is projected to go down

Obozo's GDP shrank in the first quarter of his third year.
Do you feel 2019Q1 GDP will shrink?
Do you ever look at actual data?
Real Gross Domestic Product | FRED | St. Louis Fed

I'm still looking for the cons explosive growth.
All his economics just follows the uppity nixxers.
Irritating isn't it?
Not worried about our record trade deficits and deficits period?
How's your KKK buds btw?
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22217655,
Obozo's average is lower than Trump's current average.

TrumpO said nothing about full term average. He said no single year above 3.0 avg gdp
Is weak.

Trumpo has had 8 quarters and has failed to put 4 quarters together over 3.0 GDP.

Obama has put 4 quarters together well above 3.0.

I get 3.23.

View attachment 256430

Trump’s current record is weak according to Trump. Obama’s is not.

That is the current reality moron.

Yes, Obozo's weakest recovery since WWII was awesome!!!
You would think it would be better with all the help he got from Republicans.








You know we are able to look things up, don't you?

Just think how much more debt Obama would have piled on if the Dems hadn't lost 63 seats (holy shit!) in the House in 2010.

Maybe Obama needed to add another 100,000 new regulations?
Obama's year three started with -1.0%. You think 2019Q1 is going to be negative?

Nope you are an idiot. Pay attention to the equation I wrote. Obama GDP rose and Trumpo’s is projected to go down

Obozo's GDP shrank in the first quarter of his third year.
Do you feel 2019Q1 GDP will shrink?
Do you ever look at actual data?
Real Gross Domestic Product | FRED | St. Louis Fed

I'm still looking for the cons explosive growth.
All his economics just follows the uppity nixxers.
Irritating isn't it?
Not worried about our record trade deficits and deficits period?
How's your KKK buds btw?
Are you blind?

You can clearly see a NEGATIVE “growth” in 2010 while Trump’s growth is a staircase.
Bruce_T_Laney, post: 22273830
Obama took office in 2009 and had a 60 Democrat Vote Senate ....

Maybe next time you won’t lie:
  • On January 20th, 2009, 57 Senate seats were held by Democrats with 2 Independents (Bernie Sanders and Joe Lieberman) caucusing with the Democrats...which gave Democrats 59 mostly-reliable Democratic votes in the Senate, one shy of filibuster-proof “total control.” Republicans held 41 seats. An aside....it was during this time that Obama’s “stimulus” was passed. No Republicans in the House voted for the stimulus. However, in the Senate.....and because Democrats didn’t have “total control” of that chamber.....three Republicans.....Snowe, Collins and Specter, voted to break a filibuster guaranteeing it’s passage.
  • Did President Obama have “total control’ of Congress during his first two years as president? Absolutely not and any assertions to the contrary.....as you can plainly see in the above chronology....is a lie.
  • The swearing in of Kirk finally gave Democrats 60 votes (at least potentially) in the Senate. “Total control” of Congress by Democrats lasted all of 4 months. From September 24, 2009 through February 4, 2010...at which point Scott Brown, a Republican, was sworn in to replace Kennedy’s Massachusetts seat.

On January 20th, 2009, 57 Senate seats were held by Democrats with 2 Independents (Bernie Sanders and Joe Lieberman) caucusing with the Democrats...which gave Democrats 59 mostly-reliable Democratic votes in the Senate,

Obama had a huge majority in the House and 59 votes in the Senate and you guys are still whining like little bitches about the Republicans? LOL!

The swearing in of Kirk finally gave Democrats 60 votes (at least potentially) in the Senate.

You probably mean Franken, Kirk was a Republican.

“Total control” of Congress by Democrats lasted all of 4 months.

How long did Trump have 60 Senate votes since he was elected?
Help me out, is +3.2% more than Obama's -1.0% in his 9th quarter?

The point of this thread is that Trumpo is going to be the second president in US history to not have a full year above 3.0 percent GDP.

You are all aglow with a 3,2 quarter for TrumpO

Those were a dime a dozen under Obama. When TrumpO hits 5.1 let us know. Because Obama did.

You are all aglow with a 3,2 quarter for Trump

Yes, Trump's +3.2% is much better than Obama's -1.0%
Obama's year three started with -1.0%. You think 2019Q1 is going to be negative?

Nope you are an idiot. Pay attention to the equation I wrote. Obama GDP rose and Trumpo’s is projected to go down

Obozo's GDP shrank in the first quarter of his third year.
Do you feel 2019Q1 GDP will shrink?

Obozo, say no more.
Upitty nixxer with your KKK zero college rubes?
We know the Q numbers, I'm just quoting overall stats.
You'll be having an orgasm about the cons 3 % months as if the uppity nixxer never had one.
Again O created more jobs in his last 2 years than the orange did in his first 2?
This Q is nothing special.
Do I have to list the graph for you again?

Obama's year three started with -1.0%. You think 2019Q1 is going to be negative?

Nope you are an idiot. Pay attention to the equation I wrote. Obama GDP rose and Trumpo’s is projected to go down

Obozo's GDP shrank in the first quarter of his third year.
Do you feel 2019Q1 GDP will shrink?
Do you ever look at actual data?
Real Gross Domestic Product | FRED | St. Louis Fed

I'm still looking for the cons explosive growth.
All his economics just follows the uppity nixxers.
Irritating isn't it?
Not worried about our record trade deficits and deficits period?
How's your KKK buds btw?

How's your KKK buds btw?

I don't have any Dem buds.
No one could have recovered much faster, if at all faster, given the structural damage to the economy. Obama did what needed to be done, which was to dump a shit load of money into the economy to keep it from slipping into a depression; to give time to the private sector to get back on its feet. At the same time, the Federal Reserve did what they had to do by dropping the federal fund rate to its lowest possible rate. All that helped turn the economy around, which began climbing out of the crater in 2010.

No, our economy began its recovery in 2nd quarter of 2009. In previous recessions, we recovered much quicker than the 2007/2008 recession. President Obama's recovery brought back a word used to describe the economy of President Carter, malaise.
Bush's Great Recession was far worse than any other since the Great Depression.
No one could have recovered much faster, if at all faster, given the structural damage to the economy. Obama did what needed to be done, which was to dump a shit load of money into the economy to keep it from slipping into a depression; to give time to the private sector to get back on its feet. At the same time, the Federal Reserve did what they had to do by dropping the federal fund rate to its lowest possible rate. All that helped turn the economy around, which began climbing out of the crater in 2010.

No, our economy began its recovery in 2nd quarter of 2009. In previous recessions, we recovered much quicker than the 2007/2008 recession. President Obama's recovery brought back a word used to describe the economy of President Carter, malaise.
Bush's Great Recession was far worse than any other since the Great Depression.
Oh please you guys are so full of shit, Bush inherited a bad recession after silicon valley imploded in the late 90s......calm down bro
No one could have recovered much faster, if at all faster, given the structural damage to the economy. Obama did what needed to be done, which was to dump a shit load of money into the economy to keep it from slipping into a depression; to give time to the private sector to get back on its feet. At the same time, the Federal Reserve did what they had to do by dropping the federal fund rate to its lowest possible rate. All that helped turn the economy around, which began climbing out of the crater in 2010.

No, our economy began its recovery in 2nd quarter of 2009. In previous recessions, we recovered much quicker than the 2007/2008 recession. President Obama's recovery brought back a word used to describe the economy of President Carter, malaise.
Bush's Great Recession was far worse than any other since the Great Depression.
Oh please you guys are so full of shit, Bush inherited a bad recession after silicon valley imploded in the late 90s......calm down bro
You mean the recession that started after Bush became president? The one that likely wouldn't have even been a recession if not for 9.11?
Help me out, is +3.2% more than Obama's -1.0% in his 9th quarter?

The point of this thread is that Trumpo is going to be the second president in US history to not have a full year above 3.0 percent GDP.

You are all aglow with a 3,2 quarter for TrumpO

Those were a dime a dozen under Obama. When TrumpO hits 5.1 let us know. Because Obama did.

You are all aglow with a 3,2 quarter for Trump

Yes, Trump's +3.2% is much better than Obama's -1.0%

A fucking liar is what you are and you prove it in every economic thread.

Have you no shame at all?

-1% Q1 growth is a cherrypicked number from 2014 and 2011 and those were the ONLY negative growth Qs since the end of recession.

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Help me out, is +3.2% more than Obama's -1.0% in his 9th quarter?

The point of this thread is that Trumpo is going to be the second president in US history to not have a full year above 3.0 percent GDP.

You are all aglow with a 3,2 quarter for TrumpO

Those were a dime a dozen under Obama. When TrumpO hits 5.1 let us know. Because Obama did.

You are all aglow with a 3,2 quarter for Trump

Yes, Trump's +3.2% is much better than Obama's -1.0%

A fucking liar is what you are and you prove it in every economic thread.

Have you no shame at all?

-1% Q1 growth is a cherrypicked number from 2014 and 2011 and those were the ONLY negative growth Qs since the end of recession.

-1% Q1 growth is a cherrypicked number from 2014 and 2011

The whiney OP was discussing Trump's 9th quarter predicted GDP.
Said that if it was below 3%, it was proof of Trump's failure.
Obama's 9th quarter was -1.0%. Trump's ended up at +3.2%.

Which number was better?

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