Quadruple-vaxxed Kamala has Covid again

So we agree Biden said vaccination prevents getting AND spreading covid.

Now, for my original question. Did he lie when he said that, or is Kamala lying about being vaccinated? It's one or the other (or maybe both).
Lie? I don’t think so. In his next breath he said that you can catch it if vaxxed but it will reduce your chance of going to the hospital. So he may have been speaking to the % of people who would avoid catching it or he may have misspoke… point being if you were honest and considering the complete context of his statements then it’s pretty clear what his message was.
Lie? I don’t think so. In his next breath he said that you can catch it if vaxxed but it will reduce your chance of going to the hospital. So he may have been speaking to the % of people who would avoid catching it or he may have misspoke… point being if you were honest and considering the complete context of his statements then it’s pretty clear what his message was.

No one is buying the "he misspoke" dodge. He lied, and thousands (possibly hundreds of thousands) of people died because of the lie.

How many people did you infect running around thinking you were "immune" and couldn't spread the virus? A lot, I'd guess.
No one is buying the "he misspoke" dodge. He lied, and thousands (possibly hundreds of thousands) of people died because of the lie.

How many people did you infect running around thinking you were "immune" and couldn't spread the virus? A lot, I'd guess.
How is it a lie when he contradicted himself in the next statement he made? Are you really that desperate for a gotchya that you’re gonna make yourself sound like a dumbass that can’t understand basic human communication?
I’ve heard the statements that Joe has made about COVID and he is certainly not pushing the message that you will not catch COVID if you get vaxxed. But if that’s what you got out of it then I suggest you do a little more homework
Xiden lied, people died....more people died from Covid under his watch, with all the knowledge we had, all the safety measures, all the treatments etc.....

Xiden lied, people died
I see why you may be confused, Biden does fumble through his talks. I’m guessing you didn’t watch this live of in its entirety so you’re probably getting your information from cherry-picked attack articles. Here read the full context of what he spoke about that night.

Snopes? :laughing0301:

They are leftist spinmeisters.

I posted the video of him saying it. I don’t need some leftist “fact” checker trying to put it into their context, Dumbass.
Where do you see spin?! looks like they just used his actual quotes. The cherry picked narratives that y’all toss out there is exactly what spin looks like
How dare we post direct quotes from your Vegetable Messiah!
How is it a lie when he contradicted himself

LOL! So you admit he lied, we just disagree about which lie was worse. Got it.

You didn't answer my question though. How many people did you infect running around thinking you were "immune" and couldn't spread the virus?
Snopes? :laughing0301:

They are leftist spinmeisters.

I posted the video of him saying it. I don’t need some leftist “fact” checker trying to put it into their context, Dumbass.
Dembot cultist will literally ignore transcripts and actual video, to keep their false narratives going
Apparently, direct quotes are no longer accepted on this board. We are now required to first go to some lefty website and regurgitate what they tell us to think about what someone actually said.

I don’t think so.
Tards doubling down on what doesn’t work and they have been trying to force that on everyone

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