Queen Elizabeth Death Discussion Thread

Illuminati meeting tonight at Rothschilds crib. All Ilk must attend. Elon Musk will Zoom in from Jupiter he’s on detail.
Elizabeth II has reigned over the total collapse and disappearance of one of the largest empires in history.
Biggest monarchic failure since Edward the Confessor.

It wasn't all her fault. As soon as leftism got a foothold in the UK, the empire was doomed and their slide into third world shithole status began.
Meagan Markle otherwise known as Meagain Mackerel has been heard screaming "am I queen yet? Harry, make it so. Under the universal laws of diversity, I'm supposed to be queen.
I hope the new PM gets rid of the rest of the Covidian Cult nonsense so that her funeral is huge and spectacular.
Yup it looks like this is it. Our paedo enabling Queen is on he way out and will be replaced by her corrupt son. He accepts payments in cash wrapped up in carrier bags,
Even republicans are putting on a sad face for fear of the backlash.
And i dont get it.
She has lived a life of luxury whilst ignoring the suffering of the people. She hasnt lifted a finger to alleviate any of this.
The tories murdered thousands of old people during covid and there were no state funerals for them.
Time to end this worn out relic and install a republic based on meritocracy
She was a queen, but not in the sense you are so I get your estrangement.
Yea Trump shits on a gold toilet. I'm sure he broke all the rules too

Men give a short bow from the neck and women curtsy.
Exterminations start so easily as the blame increases. Human history has proven that.

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