Queen Elizabeth Death Discussion Thread

At least her dad didn't want to fuck her like Ivanka!
You are missing the point. Ashley said Daddy fucked her all the time in the shower and that is why she became a whore, a drug addicted orgy addicted cum dumpster with daddy issues (the best type) because Daddy cut her off from his special sauces after she quit looking like a teenage girl, and started looking like a woman. Then she was sucking every cock on the block trying to get back to that special feeling Daddy's jizz gave her. She's had more cock up her ass than Stormy Daniels and you combined.
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Queen Elizabeth II, the late monarch of subjected commonwealth peasants around the globe, will fondly be remembered as the world's most stylish welfare recipient, mother to multiple pedophiles, and loving cousin of her husband. Not only was she married to her third cousin, as they shared great great grandparents.... those grandparents were cousins too.

You mean like....
One tiny group of people living luxurious uppity privileged gubbment funded lives as 'Royalty" while others suffer ?
Like "You're not invited because you weren't born into my high and mighty class" ?
Like...."Classism" ??? Like..."I'm better than YOU!" ism ?
King Charles will become Head of State.

Hahaha..... Indeed, he's chosen his namesake King Charles the III (Third). Notwithstanmding the fact that King Charles I the First was executed by beheading, or Charles II known more for his cavorting lifestyle and fueds with Parliment.
Charles III will forever be known for his adultery and divorce from Diana and marriage to Camilla his former mistress.
Queen Elizabeth II, the late monarch of subjected commonwealth peasants around the globe, will fondly be remembered as the world's most stylish welfare recipient, mother to multiple pedophiles, and loving cousin of her husband. Not only was she married to her third cousin, as they shared great great grandparents.... those grandparents were cousins too.

That's okay. Dr. Oz says so.
She saw a great deal in her life and aged into a nice lady. Her treatment of Princess Di and delay in honouring her even though she was no longer married to her son is the one poor showing on her part that will also never be forgotten for all the good she did.

Regardless, she was key to the monarchies positive reputation, Charles will not be nearly as revered.

trump was very rude to her. I know King Charles can't stand the fat former slob.
Stop with your TDS shit. Trump was very gracious to her.

Meanwhile we have your Potatohead that shit all over the Royal family and we had the worthless dumbass Negro visit her with his fat ass transsexual husband and that embarrassed the US.
You mean like....
One tiny group of people living luxurious uppity privileged gubbment funded lives as 'Royalty" while others suffer ?
Like "You're not invited because you weren't born into my high and mighty class" ?
Like...."Classism" ??? Like..."I'm better than YOU!" ism ?
While I agree with you're sentiments, just as I would not tap dance at the news of Hitler's or Stalin's death, it is appropriate to remember, she had family too.

We are all human, and all have family.

You are going to have to face facts, most folks are brainwashed, endlessly, their whole lives, to believe, that the monarchy is a good thing. I have no idea why our government schooling and consortium media has done this.

The fact of the matter is, the British monarchy is, and always has been, the prime mortal enemy of the American republic. I fail to understand how the American public forgets this.

In all probability, it was not the Clinton's, but the Queen herself, that had ordered the death, and kept all global media and global law enforcement from looking too deeply into this Epstein corruption.

I mean, when this hit the tele?

Yeah, no doubt she gave the order go take out Mr. Epstein, Andy can't hold up to a deposition.


And seriously, what global government, global elite, is going to investigate or prosecute the Queen and the Monarchy? How do you bring them to justice?

You're right, if anyone on the planet is above the law, THEY ARE THE LAW. They always have been.

Anyone that has seriously looked into this "Great Reset," and Klaus Schwab, knows what is going on. This climate change fraud, this exaggerated plandemic, and global bio-security state controlled (WHO pandemic treaty,) it is all a way, for the crown to control the entire planet.

We fought a revolution to get away from crown control, and by 2030, we will once again, be under their thumb, once more. Having news of this funeral and coronation dominate our news will be a slap in our face, IMO.

You mean like....
One tiny group of people living luxurious uppity privileged gubbment funded lives as 'Royalty" while others suffer ?
Like "You're not invited because you weren't born into my high and mighty class" ?
Like...."Classism" ??? Like..."I'm better than YOU!" ism ?
So, how is society supposed to work???

Do you think you are equal to me? I am very confident that I am better than you, and I will bet that there are a lot of other people who think they are better than you. And you probably convince yourself that you are better than us.

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