Queen Elizabeth Death Discussion Thread

The "Royalty" is nothing more than caged zoo animals.
They have no power in government, they have no power in making law, they have no power in Parliment.

All they are, are just animals for people to gawk at and point at, and look thru their cages at them from the outside.

Thats all they've been since they gave up power to Parliment. Nothing more than bedazzled plastic gems on the face of Britain.
Disgusting troll
So now what I want to know is, what is Johnny Lydon's opinion?
I'll never understand some peoples obsession with royalty but I know millions of people will be in mourning, just like when Princess Diane died.

Personally, the whole idea of modern Lords, Ladies, Kings & Queens is a joke as I'd never pledge fealty to any person here on Earth.
Unfortunately, most sheeple on the planet feel more comfortable when someone is in charge & tells them what to do.
I guess anything is better than taking personal responsibility & making informed, rational decisions to the vast majority, particularly when it comes to the left.

You didn't notice a thread on this already???

Oh, you have a different discussion than your title - good work!!!

Unfortunately, most sheeple on the planet feel more comfortable when someone is in charge & tells them what to do.
It's a bit more complex than that.

Have you any ideas as to how to organize society "equally," or whatever the fuck it is you have rolling around in that skull of yours???

US4CC.meme.Morpheus - perfect_Constitution.png
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You mean like....
One tiny group of people living luxurious uppity privileged gubbment funded lives as 'Royalty" while others suffer ?
Like "You're not invited because you weren't born into my high and mighty class" ?
Like...."Classism" ??? Like..."I'm better than YOU!" ism ?
This would be the perfect time for the people of the UK to do away with the royal family. By do away with I don't mean chop off heads but to simply defund them and make them move out of government buildings. "De-King" them so to speak.

The only use the institution has is to preserve history and that don't hack it any more or justify the enormous amount of money it cost to keep them afloat.

Of course here in the US the military pledges allegiance to the Consition but over there it is to the King or Queen. What will they do, pledge to the Magna Carta?
If you have watched the Netflix series "The Crown"... you will know that Charles is no Elizabeth.
Elizabeth always-always-always put duty and position over everything and anything personal.
She had a profound sense of duty and always felt that her privileged position carried with it a high sense of service to England.
Charles - yeah... no.
He is aloof, self centered and weak minded. Constantly cow towed to both his strong Mother and Father... Charles is more happy in a room by himself than doing anything duty related.
If you have watched the Netflix series "The Crown"... you will know that Charles is no Elizabeth.
Elizabeth always-always-always put duty and position over everything and anything personal.
She had a profound sense of duty and always felt that her privileged position carried with it a high sense of service to England.
Charles - yeah... no.
He is aloof, self centered and weak minded. Constantly cow towed to both his strong Mother and Father... Charles is more happy in a room by himself than doing anything duty related.
I consider him quite banal, but his commitment to duty always seemed to be genuine.

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