Queen Elizabeth Death Discussion Thread

It's all over but the endless tributes and seemingly never ending pomp and ceremony that the Brits are best at. If my historic memory serves, the Brits once beheaded a king named Charles. They might have another chance, if only symbolic.

Unfortunately, to be a Royal, you give up most of your life, you can't even hold your wife's/husband's hand in public, you are controlled by protocols. Like it or not, you have to go to ceremonies, events etc.. whether you like it or not, your schedule is hectic. They rubber stamp off what the government do, whether you agree or not. You appoint the PM, whether you think they're a dick or not. The Crown's profits goes straight to the treasury. They're infinitely more important than your squalid life.

You are so depressed with the mess of a life you live in, you feel qualified to put down others that you have zero knowledge of. In America, your Head of State is a paedo with dementia called Biden. The UK and the Commonwealth countries had a head of state that you can only dream about. You're riding on the wave of jealousy.
. . . and yet?

The British Monarchy and British upper class, are just about everything that is wrong with the entire world.

Imagine that.

I'll never understand some peoples obsession with royalty but I know millions of people will be in mourning, just like when Princess Diane died.

Personally, the whole idea of modern Lords, Ladies, Kings & Queens is a joke as I'd never pledge fealty to any person here on Earth.
Unfortunately, most sheeple on the planet feel more comfortable when someone is in charge & tells them what to do.
I guess anything is better than taking personal responsibility & making informed, rational decisions to the vast majority, particularly when it comes to the left.

I think you'd have to visit the UK to understand it.
I've been to Buckingham Palace, The Tower Of London, and to Windsor Castle.
The people of London for the most part are a joy to talk to.
They like the way we sound and we like the way they sound.
And I never met any English, Irish, or Scot that wasn't a born comedian.

I was in a UK bar in Kowloon Hong Kong once and I yelled out "FUCK THE QUEEN"....and one of them said,

"Can't get near the bloody bitch"!!! :iagree:
So, how is society supposed to work???

Do you think you are equal to me? I am very confident that I am better than you, and I will bet that there are a lot of other people who think they are better than you. And you probably convince yourself that you are better than us.
I always knew you were a crown subversive from your propaganda, and your hostility to our Constitution. Thanks for confirming it.


In the American Republic, we all recognize, that of course, we don't have equal abilities under natural law, but under the law of the STATE, we are guaranteed to be treated fairly by the STATE.

However, the attitude of upper-class eugenicists, is that they believe, they have inherently better genes, and thus, they have been endowed scientifically, a natural right, a "divine right," to rule over everyone else on the planet. In this regard, they aren't a whole lot better than Hitler and his Nazi goons.

They also believe this type of thinking should be enshrined in official law.

This type of philosophy, as anti-democratic and Neo-feudalistic as it was, coming right from Plato. It is anti-American, and revolting to the very Enlightenment principles that this nation was founded on.

You might be confident that YOU are better than someone, but enshrining such attitude in law, is dangerous, because your children might not be. Anyone that has studied genetics knows, that genetics are random, there are no guarantees that you won't have a moron, or that a genius won't be born among the lower classes.

But guaranteeing your children a better situation in life, by law, is abhorrent to most Americans.

So take your ideas about rewriting the Constitution somewhere else. No one on this forum wants to hear your elitist ideas, but folks from other commonwealth nations, that don't even live here.

This would be the perfect time for the people of the UK to do away with the royal family. By do away with I don't mean chop off heads but to simply defund them and make them move out of government buildings. "De-King" them so to speak.

The only use the institution has is to preserve history and that don't hack it any more or justify the enormous amount of money it cost to keep them afloat.

Of course here in the US the military pledges allegiance to the Consition but over there it is to the King or Queen. What will they do, pledge to the Magna Carta?

Yeah, I can see a really good case being made to eliminate the monarchy but that conversation has been ongoing for decades now. They are mostly just pro-forma figureheads now and charity folks so it wouldn't be a big loss to the nation. BUT, I'm not British so I guess I don't have any say.

Personally I think King Chuckles III should go whole-hog Medieval and start having people thrown in the Tower one last hurrah for the King and the English throne, then have everyone pay some charity to get back out and everyone calls it a day.

Afterwards the British Military should pledge allegiance to the mighty Spotted Dick.
If it is finally the time for the whole show to end... it will happen sooner than later.
Elizabeth had enormous respect the throughout the world.
Charles has none.
He is aloof, awkward and self centered and not that interested in politics.
If he does as bad as one would expect compared to the Queen (and he will be daily) - he is doomed
It's sickening that Camilla will now be queen consort or whatever its called. Like what someone else said, William would be like his granny. Phillip is weak and his balls are in Camilla's purse. Just like Harrys are in Megans purse.
Prince Charles cheated on Princess Diana with Camilla.
Charles is a knucklehead.
That probably embarrassed the Queen.
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If you have watched the Netflix series "The Crown"... you will know that Charles is no Elizabeth.
Elizabeth always-always-always put duty and position over everything and anything personal.

In many ways it seems that the entire Windsor family is so inbred and detached that they are all screwed up in some way. Elizabeth was so emotionless and detached and "duty driven" that it beggars the imagination as to how she could be considered fully human anymore.

No offense toward her, she did oversee the dismantling of the Empire and the rise of the Commonwealth and she was important to a lot of people but I never really felt like she was a person.

She had a profound sense of duty and always felt that her privileged position carried with it a high sense of service to England.
Charles - yeah... no.

I thought I heard that Charles might be suffering early stages of age related dementia? Was that just a rumor?

He is aloof, self centered and weak minded.

To be fair many of them are that. QEII was probably smarter than your average bear but broken in some other fundamental way that comes with such a position and such a family history.

Constantly cow towed to both his strong Mother and Father... Charles is more happy in a room by himself than doing anything duty related.

That's what it kind of sounds like. He should probably immediately abdicate and let his son take over the family biz. Or better yet just shut the whole show down and enjoy it's historical importance.
It's sickening that Camilla will now be queen consort or whatever its called.

why is it sickening? It was more sickening that the Windsors were able to force Charles to marry someone he didn't love at all and by extension that poor woman was treated like trash by the Royals and so many others within that circle. If he had been able to marry Camilla from the beginning maybe that tragedy would have been avoided.

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