Queen Elizabeth Death Discussion Thread

Just what we need another globalist who does not know his ass from a hole in the ground. Maybe he will tap Tommy as an advisor.
I consider him quite banal, but his commitment to duty always seemed to be genuine.
TBH I don't know much about him in the last 10 years or so. In The Crown they portrayed him as loathing social events, and the queen had to goad him at every event to mingle and speak up. This is exactly why he started to have issues with Diane.
Diane was engaging with people, love to mingle and talk and he became famously jealous of her and got angry with her many times when she outshined him. Which was easy - because at social events all he wanted to do was walk in the room and find a corner and hide.
You didn't notice a thread on this already???

Oh, you have a different discussion than your title - good work!!!

It's a bit more complex than that.

Have you any ideas as to how to organize society "equally," or whatever the fuck it is you have rolling around in that skull of yours???

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I would never attempt to "organize society equally" because that would be an exercise in futility & is not the role of the govt anyway.
The govt should be small with an extremely light touch & only as necessary.
Trying to equalize things between people with vastly different abilities will always fail in the end & I'll never have anything to do with it.
I do my part to help the less fortunate but have no right to force you to do the same.
It's called free will & I'll take more please.

BTW- whoever told you multiple punctuation marks after every sentence is funny or clever was just f*ing with you
I bet you do. (swallow, that is)

Queen Elizabeth had more balls than you, bitchboy.

Nicer breastuses, too.

That was a fine woman.
She was beautifully elegant in her younger years.


One of my favorite pictures of Her Majesty, at time stamp 2:07.
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This would be the perfect time for the people of the UK to do away with the royal family. By do away with I don't mean chop off heads but to simply defund them and make them move out of government buildings. "De-King" them so to speak.

The only use the institution has is to preserve history and that don't hack it any more or justify the enormous amount of money it cost to keep them afloat.

Of course here in the US the military pledges allegiance to the Consition but over there it is to the King or Queen. What will they do, pledge to the Magna Carta?
It isn't that simple.

That whole system is dependent on the monarchy.

As BasicHumanUnit pointed out, it is a system that is a class system, that is more about systemic privilege, than even ours.

Theirs is born out of the same round table group, that is responsible for creating the information cabal in our system.

The Royal Institute of International Affairs, or Chatham House, helped the Rothschilds set up our Council on Foreign Relations.

The only way your plan would work, is if the House of Lords were dissolved, and the entire Common wealth were dissolved.

Then they would have to get rid of Chatham House, and our CFR.

It of course, would be a god-send, because, then these elites, would stop the divide and rule identity politics among the masses, which is a diversion away from the REAL class inequality, which is in the aristocratic British system.

The common-wealth. Some folks are born in to privilege, others aren't. That is the nature of being subjects in the commonwealth.

In the American system, you are a citizen, in the British system, you are owned by the crown.

She was the perfect woman for the job and got her nation thru great difficulties.

My flag is at rare half staff (I don’t listen to Brandon’s weekly orders every time another violent Democrat guns down people).
You mean like....
One tiny group of people living luxurious uppity privileged gubbment funded lives as 'Royalty" while others suffer ?
Like "You're not invited because you weren't born into my high and mighty class" ?
Like...."Classism" ??? Like..."I'm better than YOU!" ism ?
Unfortunately, to be a Royal, you give up most of your life, you can't even hold your wife's/husband's hand in public, you are controlled by protocols. Like it or not, you have to go to ceremonies, events etc.. whether you like it or not, your schedule is hectic. They rubber stamp off what the government do, whether you agree or not. You appoint the PM, whether you think they're a dick or not. The Crown's profits goes straight to the treasury. They're infinitely more important than your squalid life.

You are so depressed with the mess of a life you live in, you feel qualified to put down others that you have zero knowledge of. In America, your Head of State is a paedo with dementia called Biden. The UK and the Commonwealth countries had a head of state that you can only dream about. You're riding on the wave of jealousy.
It isn't that simple.

That whole system is dependent on the monarchy.

As BasicHumanUnit pointed out, it is a system that is a class system, that is more about systemic privilege, than even ours.

Theirs is born out of the same round table group, that is responsible for creating the information cabal in our system.

The Royal Institute of International Affairs, or Chatham House, helped the Rothschilds set up our Council on Foreign Relations.

The only way your plan would work, is if the House of Lords were dissolved, and the entire Common wealth were dissolved.

Then they would have to get rid of Chatham House, and our CFR.

It of course, would be a god-send, because, then these elites, would stop the divide and rule identity politics among the masses, which is a diversion away from the REAL class inequality, which is in the aristocratic British system.

The common-wealth. Some folks are born in to privilege, others aren't. That is the nature of being subjects in the commonwealth.

In the American system, you are a citizen, in the British system, you are owned by the crown.

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I understand all that. My point was if the Brits are ever going to change now would be the time.

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