Queer DNA isolated. Now they just need to work on a cure.

Actually, because the DNA is what determines the structure of the brain, and brain structure has an awful lot to do with sexual identity, you'd have to figure out how to rewire their brain as well.
Actually, because the DNA is what determines the structure of the brain, and brain structure has an awful lot to do with sexual identity, you'd have to figure out how to rewire their brain as well.
Of course this guy would be the first person reading about a cure for gay
Actually, because the DNA is what determines the structure of the brain, and brain structure has an awful lot to do with sexual identity, you'd have to figure out how to rewire their brain as well.
Of course this guy would be the first person reading about a cure for gay

Interesting....................seems I have my own little troll following me around.

Fuck off you sperm burping colon jousting rump ranger.

one, your link made it clear that we are not talking about a "gay gene".

two, why would they want to "cure" it? to make some bigots happy?

No, but there are certain structures in the DNA that seem to correlate with sexual identity. But, as I said, the DNA is what determines the structure of the brain, but it is brain structure that determines what sexual identity actually is.

Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews - TIME.com

Gay brains structured like those of the opposite sex

Being Queer is a choice...your not born that way

Actually, people ARE born that way. Scientists a few years back discovered the thing about brain structure determining sexual identity, and now there is genetic structure in a person's DNA that correlates to that.

Nope, sorry, it's nature, not nurture in this case.

Being Queer is a choice...your not born that way

Actually, people ARE born that way. Scientists a few years back discovered the thing about brain structure determining sexual identity, and now there is genetic structure in a person's DNA that correlates to that.

Nope, sorry, it's nature, not nurture in this case.

The same scientists who said ancient blacks in Egypt had wings???

Sorry, only nauseating bigots like you "need" to work out a cure. So you and your fellow nutballs -- who probably, collectively, know less about any intellectual or scientific topic than does a wet towel -- better get to work!

You know, I'm hoping that one day there will be enough scientific and physical evidence to prove to the idiot bigots that a person is born that way, not something they choose.

I remember one time I had met a girl who was a lesbian. We shot pool, rode motorcycles and hung out. Well, after a while, she looked at me one night and told me that she had never been with a dude and wasn't sure if she was truly gay or not. She then asked me if I would be willing to try having sex with her so she could be sure. We set down a couple of ground rules, one of them being she could stop it at any time, all she had to do was say so. Well, we got naked and started to get frisky, but it made her uncomfortable and she asked to stop.

Tried it again a couple of months later, but the result was the same. She knew that she really didn't like sex with dudes and was a full blown lesbian.

No, sorry, being gay really isn't a choice.

Being Queer is a choice...your not born that way

Actually, people ARE born that way. Scientists a few years back discovered the thing about brain structure determining sexual identity, and now there is genetic structure in a person's DNA that correlates to that.

Nope, sorry, it's nature, not nurture in this case.

The same scientists who said ancient blacks in Egypt had wings???

I know that a snippy remark is just your nature, but if you're interested in reading the studies, post number 7 has a link to an article in Time magazine, and the second one has a link to an actual science site. Take your pick.

By the way, do you have a link to the blacks in Egypt thing? I'd be interested in reading it.
Actually, because the DNA is what determines the structure of the brain, and brain structure has an awful lot to do with sexual identity, you'd have to figure out how to rewire their brain as well.
Not if it was addressed at or before birth.
Actually, because the DNA is what determines the structure of the brain, and brain structure has an awful lot to do with sexual identity, you'd have to figure out how to rewire their brain as well.
Not if it was addressed at or before birth.

We don't have the capabilities do do that right now. It would have to be done as soon as the egg is fertilized, and you would have to have gene screening to find it, followed by gene replacement therapy BEFORE the egg started to divide.

Not as easy as you are trying to make it sound.
Two, it would make everyone of high moral character happy.
If you truly had high moral character, you wouldn't have to announce it or spend so much effort trying to convince yourself of it.
I never said I did. In fact I've been quite open about being an asshole.

So you can just run along now and stop pretending that you have any skills at insulting others.

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