Question about Shanksville crash

claims of remains and personal effects are not crash site photos...they are simply claims

I realize that you are a pussy retarded lying douche bag, and all, but still:


They are not mere "claims," you moron. They are eye-witness accounts.

Eye-witness accounts may not be photographic evidence, but they do amount to evidence, stupid.

What the fuck makes a scumbag ghoul like you imagine that you have any entitlement to photographic evidence of mangled bits and pieces of the remains of human beings lost in a terrorist attack, anyway, ya filthy shithead?
claims of remains and personal effects are not crash site photos...they are simply claims

I realize that you are a pussy retarded lying douche bag, and all, but still:


They are not mere "claims," you moron. They are eye-witness accounts.

Eye-witness accounts may not be photographic evidence, but they do amount to evidence, stupid.

What the fuck makes a scumbag ghoul like you imagine that you have any entitlement to photographic evidence of mangled bits and pieces of the remains of human beings lost in a terrorist attack, anyway, ya filthy shithead?

they had no problem posting pictures of Body parts of pentagon staff killed on 9/11...because they were actually there
are tire is not landing gear ..its a tire and is it a 757 tire ..who identified this piece
as a 757 engine ??

"are tire" WTF?

Do you speak English?

I realize a retarded fucktard like you speaks fluent babble with an incoherent lisp, but you must try to communicate with others in a language they can understand. None of us speak your scumbag dialect of Retard-ese.

No. Asshole. It's a bicycle tire. :cuckoo: You fucking moron. It appears that in your zeal to be a scumbag maggot fucker you overlooked "Shanksville VFD firefighter Keith Curtis: "I walked up to where the tire was on fire, probably a hundred feet past the crater. It was a big tire. I was thinking that this is a big jet." which I quoted and linked in an earlier post, shitforbrains.

And that's not rust on the engine, idiot. It's dirt. That comes from being in the dirt. As for it being the engine of the downed jetliner, scumbag, the question is retarded (as are you). DO you imagine that the jet just happened to crash on a spot where (for truly unknown reasons) some other jet engine part happened to have been buried?

You moron, try to educate yourself, at least a tiny little bit:
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claims of remains and personal effects are not crash site photos...they are simply claims

I realize that you are a pussy retarded lying douche bag, and all, but still:


They are not mere "claims," you moron. They are eye-witness accounts.

Eye-witness accounts may not be photographic evidence, but they do amount to evidence, stupid.

What the fuck makes a scumbag ghoul like you imagine that you have any entitlement to photographic evidence of mangled bits and pieces of the remains of human beings lost in a terrorist attack, anyway, ya filthy shithead?

they had no problem posting pictures of Body parts of pentagon staff killed on 9/11...because they were actually there

"They" did post a couple of gruesome images of badly burned human beings, in conjunction with a criminal trial, but not body parts of plane crash victims. Posting images to satisfy your ghoulish desires is simply not warranted. There was nobody left to TRY of the bastards who hijacked Flight 93, you scumbag.

Again, we all already know that there were human beings on the flight, jackass. And we know they ended up dead, you puke. And we also know from eye-witness accounts, including the official recounting of the investigation by the local coroner, that it was only body parts which they were able to recover. No purpose is therefore served by posting photographic proof of those facts. Nobody gives a crap if you believe it or not, since you are just a ghoulish fucking scumbag freak.
So basically you dumfuks still don't have a single fact to support the fbi's claim that 95% was recovered. Not surprised.
are tire is not landing gear ..its a tire and is it a 757 tire ..who identified this piece
as a 757 engine ??

"are tire" WTF?

Do you speak English?

I realize a retarded fucktard like you speaks fluent babble with an incoherent lisp, but you must try to communicate with others in a language they can understand. None of us speak your scumbag dialect of Retard-ese.

No. Asshole. It's a bicycle tire. :cuckoo: You fucking moron. It appears that in your zeal to be a scumbag maggot fucker you overlooked "Shanksville VFD firefighter Keith Curtis: "I walked up to where the tire was on fire, probably a hundred feet past the crater. It was a big tire. I was thinking that this is a big jet." which I quoted and linked in an earlier post, shitforbrains.

And that's not rust on the engine, idiot. It's dirt. That comes from being in the dirt. As for it being the engine of the downed jetliner, scumbag, the question is retarded (as are you). DO you imagine that the jet just happened to crash on a spot where (for truly unknown reasons) some other jet engine part happened to have been buried?

You moron, try to educate yourself, at least a tiny little bit:

Black box recovered at Shanksville site - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Rotfl! It was a big tire! It must have came from flight 93 because that was the only vehicle in existence in the entire world that......had a big tire. Lol! Fuxxing priceless!
no engines.. no landing gear.. no tail section.. no luggage seats.. no body parts ?????

because we all know that the only parts of an airplane are engines, landing gear, tail section and seats and they ALWAYS remain intact. :lol:
Rotfl! It was a big tire! It must have came from flight 93 because that was the only vehicle in existence in the entire world that......had a big tire. Lol! Fuxxing priceless!

fortunately our first responders have something you seriously lack....

common sense.

a guy shows up at an airplane crash site to put out a fire and finds pieces of the plane burning. one of the pieces is a tire. he notices its a big tire and on fire and comes to the logical conclusion that........ it .... came... from.... a ....... big...... plane.....

now what is your logical conclusion you would come up with if you were called to the site of an airplane crash and saw burning debris including a big tire?
Rotfl! It was a big tire! It must have came from flight 93 because that was the only vehicle in existence in the entire world that......had a big tire. Lol! Fuxxing priceless!

fortunately our first responders have something you seriously lack....

common sense.

a guy shows up at an airplane crash site to put out a fire and finds pieces of the plane burning. one of the pieces is a tire. he notices its a big tire and on fire and comes to the logical conclusion that........ it .... came... from.... a ....... big...... plane.....

now what is your logical conclusion you would come up with if you were called to the site of an airplane crash and saw burning debris including a big tire?

Why is it you don't question a first responder when they say something you like but if a first responder says something you don't like you automatically claim that person was obviously wrong? Oh thass's cause you swim in hypocrisy.

You've never proven 95% was recovered and you never will you lying ****
Why is it you don't question a first responder when they say something you like but if a first responder says something you don't like you automatically claim that person was obviously wrong? Oh thass's cause you swim in hypocrisy.

You've never proven 95% was recovered and you never will you lying ****

why is it when a first responder says they heard an explosion you twoofers say its proof of controlled demolition? its isnt necessarily the first responders i question. its more that you fucking twoofers draw illogical conclusions from what they say.

i have provided proof that 95% was recovered, a statement by the FBI saying so. you dont like it. tough shit for you. it doesnt mean i didnt provide proof, jackass!! :lol:
are tire is not landing gear ..its a tire and is it a 757 tire ..who identified this piece
as a 757 engine ??

"are tire" WTF?

Do you speak English?

I realize a retarded fucktard like you speaks fluent babble with an incoherent lisp, but you must try to communicate with others in a language they can understand. None of us speak your scumbag dialect of Retard-ese.

No. Asshole. It's a bicycle tire. :cuckoo: You fucking moron. It appears that in your zeal to be a scumbag maggot fucker you overlooked "Shanksville VFD firefighter Keith Curtis: "I walked up to where the tire was on fire, probably a hundred feet past the crater. It was a big tire. I was thinking that this is a big jet." which I quoted and linked in an earlier post, shitforbrains.

And that's not rust on the engine, idiot. It's dirt. That comes from being in the dirt. As for it being the engine of the downed jetliner, scumbag, the question is retarded (as are you). DO you imagine that the jet just happened to crash on a spot where (for truly unknown reasons) some other jet engine part happened to have been buried?

You moron, try to educate yourself, at least a tiny little bit:

Black box recovered at Shanksville site - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Rotfl! It was a big tire! It must have came from flight 93 because that was the only vehicle in existence in the entire world that......had a big tire. Lol! Fuxxing priceless!

PussyPuddle, you fucking moron, you just won the asshole of the millenium award.

Let's think (I realize that a total fucking imbecile like you can't think, but try to follow along, anyway, you scumbag retard):

A large passenger jet crashes, nose first, at a 40 degree angle travelling at around 500 mph into the ground in Shanksville PA. First responders see a debris field consisting mostly of very small pieces of the former jet aircraft but including very large burning tire adjacent to a charred tree in the immediate vicinity of the crash site.

The tire is in all likelihood:

(a) from a bicycle.
(b) from a unicycle.
(c) the tread from a surplus army tank circa World War II.
(d) the spare tire on a Model A Ford.
(e) the right rear tire from your Yugo.
(g) the wheel of an ancient sailing ship.
(h) a Frisbee.
(i) a block of dry ice.
(j) a tire from the wreckage of the jet aircraft burning because the jet exploded and burned upon impact.
(k) nobody who wasn't there can ever possibly answer this "trick" question.
And just for the whiney little children who cannot look up pictures on the Internet. Even though we know that id-eots and bentdick will claim these are not what they are. I have spent way too much time on these simpletons. Now go on and tell us how these are not pictures of debris from flight 93.






























OLLIE! #29 was terrific. A perfect tribute to a lying fuck like benttwat.

Thank you, I thought so. He is too stupid to even see the debris on a barn roof. Almost a pity.
"are tire" WTF?

Do you speak English?

I realize a retarded fucktard like you speaks fluent babble with an incoherent lisp, but you must try to communicate with others in a language they can understand. None of us speak your scumbag dialect of Retard-ese.

No. Asshole. It's a bicycle tire. :cuckoo: You fucking moron. It appears that in your zeal to be a scumbag maggot fucker you overlooked "Shanksville VFD firefighter Keith Curtis: "I walked up to where the tire was on fire, probably a hundred feet past the crater. It was a big tire. I was thinking that this is a big jet." which I quoted and linked in an earlier post, shitforbrains.

And that's not rust on the engine, idiot. It's dirt. That comes from being in the dirt. As for it being the engine of the downed jetliner, scumbag, the question is retarded (as are you). DO you imagine that the jet just happened to crash on a spot where (for truly unknown reasons) some other jet engine part happened to have been buried?

You moron, try to educate yourself, at least a tiny little bit:

Black box recovered at Shanksville site - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Rotfl! It was a big tire! It must have came from flight 93 because that was the only vehicle in existence in the entire world that......had a big tire. Lol! Fuxxing priceless!

PussyPuddle, you fucking moron, you just won the asshole of the millenium award.

Let's think (I realize that a total fucking imbecile like you can't think, but try to follow along, anyway, you scumbag retard):

A large passenger jet crashes, nose first, at a 40 degree angle travelling at around 500 mph into the ground in Shanksville PA. First responders see a debris field consisting mostly of very small pieces of the former jet aircraft but including very large burning tire adjacent to a charred tree in the immediate vicinity of the crash site.

The tire is in all likelihood:

(a) from a bicycle.
(b) from a unicycle.
(c) the tread from a surplus army tank circa World War II.
(d) the spare tire on a Model A Ford.
(e) the right rear tire from your Yugo.
(g) the wheel of an ancient sailing ship.
(h) a Frisbee.
(i) a block of dry ice.
(j) a tire from the wreckage of the jet aircraft burning because the jet exploded and burned upon impact.
(k) nobody who wasn't there can ever possibly answer this "trick" question.

Ya...:lol::lol:Thats why in all the camping guides ...they say to bring along some extra aluminum in case ya want to start a fire way out in the woods after a violent plane crash!....:lol::lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:
Rotfl! It was a big tire! It must have came from flight 93 because that was the only vehicle in existence in the entire world that......had a big tire. Lol! Fuxxing priceless!

PussyPuddle, you fucking moron, you just won the asshole of the millenium award.

Let's think (I realize that a total fucking imbecile like you can't think, but try to follow along, anyway, you scumbag retard):

A large passenger jet crashes, nose first, at a 40 degree angle travelling at around 500 mph into the ground in Shanksville PA. First responders see a debris field consisting mostly of very small pieces of the former jet aircraft but including very large burning tire adjacent to a charred tree in the immediate vicinity of the crash site.

The tire is in all likelihood:

(a) from a bicycle.
(b) from a unicycle.
(c) the tread from a surplus army tank circa World War II.
(d) the spare tire on a Model A Ford.
(e) the right rear tire from your Yugo.
(g) the wheel of an ancient sailing ship.
(h) a Frisbee.
(i) a block of dry ice.
(j) a tire from the wreckage of the jet aircraft burning because the jet exploded and burned upon impact.
(k) nobody who wasn't there can ever possibly answer this "trick" question.

Ya...:lol::lol:Thats why in all the camping guides ...they say to bring along some extra aluminum in case ya want to start a fire way out in the woods after a violent plane crash!....:lol::lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:

No stupid. That's for the marshmallows. Pay attention.


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