Zone1 Question : does Iran need a regime-change mission by NATO and the UK and the EU and their allies?


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
i say : with *far more than* 30K political prisoners of the democratic and very international Iranian Green Party murdered by the Iranian regime/government/theocrazy, Iran could use a *properly executed* regime change mission 'as soon as NATO+UK+EU has time for that'.
what do *you* say about the matter? if anything at all?

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for the records :
this is not me starting a war.
well, it is.
IF it happens. when it happens.

but ultimately, at level 2 of Divine Justice, it's the actions of the Iranian Regime/Government/Theocrazy coming right back at them.
and that's the end of the stories about my guilt related to the casualties created by such a war.

and i'll face the international tribunal of Allah like a true action hero, IF this regime change mission happens, and AFTER this regime change happens.
know that i won't be the only guilty person you need to "talk about", Allah. far from it.
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I am confident that your crack pot suggestion is already right near the top of US strategy .

However, with the world's leading terrorist nation ( the US ) taking a terrible beating in Ukey Land I think they will need a long time out after yet another failure .
You certainly could not afford to send over any ground troops as the US army of LGBT plus brain fogged Vaxxers would not last a week .
Although it might make hilarious TV footage .
i *have* forwarded this thread's URL and initial contents to the US whitehouse, but i will NOT be sending it to that international email mailinglist of mine.
send it to the relevant governments yourselves, "dear" enemy spies.
I am confident that your crack pot suggestion is already right near the top of US strategy .

However, with the world's leading terrorist nation ( the US ) taking a terrible beating in Ukey Land I think they will need a long time out after yet another failure .
You certainly could not afford to send over any ground troops as the US army of LGBT plus brain fogged Vaxxers would not last a week .
Although it might make hilarious TV footage .
Ukey land? You mean Afghanistan? WE WON, over there.
pruned it plenty, we left (with full honor intact), and we can return any time we want for another round of pruning of ISLAMIC EXTREMISTS AND TERRORISTS AND TERRORISM RECRUITERS (False Priests, False Imams)
Still not happening and doing so you will leave a bigger power vacuum than what happened when the U.S. removed Saddam from power in Iraq.
Wrong. Why do you think i authorized a regime change mission eh? because the Iranian Green Party is ready to lead their country.
And we have plenty of real democratic-enough political stability in Iraq finally.

Remember what Saddam was like? that fat mini-Hitler?
and i very much doubt that the Iranian Theocratic Government will EVER allow a democratic modern-Islamic political party to hold peaceful demonstrations at all.
or that they even know how to properly deal with such demonstrations - as in : with restraint and lots and lots of patience.
Wrong. Why do you think i authorized a regime change mission eh? because the Iranian Green Party is ready to lead their country.
And we have plenty of real democratic-enough political stability in Iraq finally.

Remember what Saddam was like? that fat mini-Hitler?
If you think that regime change is going to be that easy, well it ain’t!

Iran has the backing of Russia, China and even North Korea, so think wisely and never foolishly.

Entering Iran and removing their Government isn’t something I would advocate unless you can limit Russia, China and North Korea involvement, which you can not!
i say : with *far more than* 30K political prisoners of the democratic and very international Iranian Green Party murdered by the Iranian regime/government/theocrazy, Iran could use a *properly executed* regime change mission 'as soon as NATO+UK+EU has time for that'.
what do *you* say about the matter? if anything at all?

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Nope. Forcing regime change on Iran will make Iraq look like a picnic. Have any of these keyboard experts ever been to Iran or anywhere else in the Middle East?
The US and Nato need do nothing, Israel will be doing so, and that in very short order, bank it! :wink:

As long as Israel doesn't involve any other countries in their war on Iran. They've been threatening Iran every quarter since 1994.
As long as Israel doesn't involve any other countries in their war on Iran. They've been threatening Iran every quarter since 1994.
those are just political statements of a deeply held desire then ;)
however, Israel is always sure to have the full backing of NATO (and thus the UK as well).
this has been made abundently clear in the mass-media news of the past 20 years and in fact much longer than that.
how do you think the 6-day war was won?
As long as Israel doesn't involve any other countries in their war on Iran. They've been threatening Iran every quarter since

Probably. Bibi said they are an existential threat. He went to Congress with a Whylie Coyote bomb drawing.
and of course, Bibi was right. the 6 day war and all Arab and regional Muslims' statements since then have quite proven that.

sorry for not remembering that right away, i have a lot on my mind right now.

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