Question For Christian Gun Owners.

There's no such thing as "shoot to maim". Other than that you are babbling.
Well if a big guy comes at you with just fists and you have to shoot him I would shoot him once in the right shoulder and hope he stops and only shoot again if I had to and you would choose even prefer you kill the person. So thou shall not kill is not taken very seriously if you claim to be a christian. No?
There is no buts and nuts. By the time you decide to maybe shoot a second time he is on you. Fact.
Christians say thou shall not kill but ask any christian gun owner if when you shoot should you shoot to kill or maim and they will say shoot to kill. If christians deny this and say they would shoot to maim I want gun folks to explain why this is a bad idea?

No where in the Bible is the phrase, "you shall not kill." 6th commandment gets mistranslated more than any other verse I think. 6th commandment ACTUALLY says, "You shall not murder."

"Murder" is an illegal or unjustified slaying of another human being and forbidden. But "killing" can be justified as in a self-defense of the self, or the other scenario.
Christians say thou shall not kill but ask any christian gun owner if when you shoot should you shoot to kill or maim and they will say shoot to kill. If christians deny this and say they would shoot to maim I want gun folks to explain why this is a bad idea?

No where in the Bible is the phrase, "you shall not kill." 6th commandment gets mistranslated more than any other verse I think. 6th commandment ACTUALLY says, "You shall not murder."

"Murder" is an illegal or unjustified slaying of another human being and forbidden. But "killing" can be justified as in a self-defense of the self, or the other scenario.
Yes I realize my mistake.
Christians say thou shall not kill but ask any christian gun owner if when you shoot should you shoot to kill or maim and they will say shoot to kill. If christians deny this and say they would shoot to maim I want gun folks to explain why this is a bad idea?

Don't allow your ignorance to get in the way. God killed an animal to sew clothing for Adam and Eve. God gave animals as meat for us. Are you claiming we should eat an animal alive? Murder is a sin. God permittedd the taking of lives in several instances in the Bible.
You didn't answer any of my questions. Why is the general rule to kill an intruder rather than just injure them? Seems odd christians actually choose to murder rather than injure. I get why you should kill the intruder but I'm not a christian.

If you are a christian shouldn't you obey god first? Shoot the guy in the leg. If possible of course.

Shoot him in the leg and he will probably end up killing you. God gave us a brain to use and expects us to use it. God certainly knows and understands the difference between self defense and murder.
Christians say thou shall not kill but ask any christian gun owner if when you shoot should you shoot to kill or maim and they will say shoot to kill. If christians deny this and say they would shoot to maim I want gun folks to explain why this is a bad idea?

Don't allow your ignorance to get in the way. God killed an animal to sew clothing for Adam and Eve. God gave animals as meat for us. Are you claiming we should eat an animal alive? Murder is a sin. God permittedd the taking of lives in several instances in the Bible.
You didn't answer any of my questions. Why is the general rule to kill an intruder rather than just injure them? Seems odd christians actually choose to murder rather than injure. I get why you should kill the intruder but I'm not a christian.

If you are a christian shouldn't you obey god first? Shoot the guy in the leg. If possible of course.

Shoot him in the leg and he will probably end up killing you. God gave us a brain to use and expects us to use it. God certainly knows and understands the difference between self defense and murder.
I'm really not arguing. I'm just shocked christians go for the kill or prefer the person die rather than let's say he ends up living after the operation to remove the bullet. Its why they advise to unload on him. One even said if its a revolver shoot a few empty shots so you can prove you were afraid. They'll be able to tell ballistically or something crazy like that.

Like if I had a choice I'd shoot you on the right chest not aim for the heart. IF I had a choice. Seems christians want to hit the heart. I just find it odd.
No one trained to shoot a gun for defense is taught how to shoot-to-main. For one thing if you only injure someone you can rest assured you're gonna get hit by a multi-million dollar lawsuit. For another, the biggest target on a person is the torso's "center mass." So that's a lot easier to hit under combat stress than a limb.

If not emotionally prepared to kill someone however justified you might be, don't own a firearm.
No one trained to shoot a gun for defense is taught how to shoot-to-main. For one thing if you only injure someone you can rest assured you're gonna get hit by a multi-million dollar lawsuit. For another, the biggest target on a person is the torso's "center mass." So that's a lot easier to hit under combat stress than a limb.

If not emotionally prepared to kill someone however justified you might be, don't own a firearm.
I would love to catch an intruder. Not a thief but someone who thinks they are going to forceably come in or forceably rob or rape me. Lol. Like anyone wants to rape me. But I would have no problem taking out a violent criminal.
I would love to catch an intruder. Not a thief but someone who thinks they are going to forceably come in or forceably rob or rape me. But I would have no problem taking out a violent criminal.

It's a very intense situation. I hope you never have to experience it.
Christians say thou shall not kill but ask any christian gun owner if when you shoot should you shoot to kill or maim and they will say shoot to kill. If christians deny this and say they would shoot to maim I want gun folks to explain why this is a bad idea?

No where in the Bible is the phrase, "you shall not kill." 6th commandment gets mistranslated more than any other verse I think. 6th commandment ACTUALLY says, "You shall not murder."

"Murder" is an illegal or unjustified slaying of another human being and forbidden. But "killing" can be justified as in a self-defense of the self, or the other scenario.
Funny how many usmb christians keep saying that cop who shot the man in the back 5 times "killed" him.

We know from this debate they know the difference yet they keep using the word "kill". So I'm not the only one who uses the terms interchangably.

See what I mean when I say there are no moral absolutes?

Did the cop kill or murder that guy?
Christians say thou shall not kill but ask any christian gun owner if when you shoot should you shoot to kill or maim and they will say shoot to kill. If christians deny this and say they would shoot to maim I want gun folks to explain why this is a bad idea?
My neighbor was broken into this past Saturday night, luckily, he wasn't home.

I need no gun to defend my home, and I will kill anyone I catch breaking into it while I, or my family is at home, and I have no fear of repercussions, from the people on this world, or from God.

There is a difference between killing in self defense and murder. If you don't realize that, I hope you never get broke in upon. For it will be the end for you.
Christians say thou shall not kill but ask any christian gun owner if when you shoot should you shoot to kill or maim and they will say shoot to kill. If christians deny this and say they would shoot to maim I want gun folks to explain why this is a bad idea?
My neighbor was broken into this past Saturday night, luckily, he wasn't home.

I need no gun to defend my home, and I will kill anyone I catch breaking into it while I, or my family is at home, and I have no fear of repercussions, from the people on this world, or from God.

There is a difference between killing in self defense and murder. If you don't realize that, I hope you never get broke in upon. For it will be the end for you.

That's different. And I'm not a theist so I'd have no problem with it. Deer hunter too.

You guys always bring up the situations where its clear you are defending yourself.

Now what if you knocked him out with 1 punch. Would you snap his neck? Is that murder?
Christians say thou shall not kill but ask any christian gun owner if when you shoot should you shoot to kill or maim and they will say shoot to kill. If christians deny this and say they would shoot to maim I want gun folks to explain why this is a bad idea?
My neighbor was broken into this past Saturday night, luckily, he wasn't home.

I need no gun to defend my home, and I will kill anyone I catch breaking into it while I, or my family is at home, and I have no fear of repercussions, from the people on this world, or from God.

There is a difference between killing in self defense and murder. If you don't realize that, I hope you never get broke in upon. For it will be the end for you.

That's different. And I'm not a theist so I'd have no problem with it. Deer hunter too.

You guys always bring up the situations where its clear you are defending yourself.

Now what if you knocked him out with 1 punch. Would you snap his neck? Is that murder?
I would never try to knock him out with a punch, I am going for eyes, and ears, and throats, and I don't expect that intruder, to ever get up again. And, I don't see that as murder. I see it as self defense.
Christians say thou shall not kill but ask any christian gun owner if when you shoot should you shoot to kill or maim and they will say shoot to kill. If christians deny this and say they would shoot to maim I want gun folks to explain why this is a bad idea?

Humans were hunting, fishing, making arts and going to war ages ago. Religious prohibitions and orders, today, must have more seriousness than that.
Christians say thou shall not kill but ask any christian gun owner if when you shoot should you shoot to kill or maim and they will say shoot to kill. If christians deny this and say they would shoot to maim I want gun folks to explain why this is a bad idea?
My neighbor was broken into this past Saturday night, luckily, he wasn't home.

I need no gun to defend my home, and I will kill anyone I catch breaking into it while I, or my family is at home, and I have no fear of repercussions, from the people on this world, or from God.

There is a difference between killing in self defense and murder. If you don't realize that, I hope you never get broke in upon. For it will be the end for you.

That's different. And I'm not a theist so I'd have no problem with it. Deer hunter too.

You guys always bring up the situations where its clear you are defending yourself.

Now what if you knocked him out with 1 punch. Would you snap his neck? Is that murder?
I would never try to knock him out with a punch, I am going for eyes, and ears, and throats, and I don't expect that intruder, to ever get up again. And, I don't see that as murder. I see it as self defense.
Proof there are no moral absolutes.
Christians say thou shall not kill but ask any christian gun owner if when you shoot should you shoot to kill or maim and they will say shoot to kill. If christians deny this and say they would shoot to maim I want gun folks to explain why this is a bad idea?
My neighbor was broken into this past Saturday night, luckily, he wasn't home.

I need no gun to defend my home, and I will kill anyone I catch breaking into it while I, or my family is at home, and I have no fear of repercussions, from the people on this world, or from God.

There is a difference between killing in self defense and murder. If you don't realize that, I hope you never get broke in upon. For it will be the end for you.

That's different. And I'm not a theist so I'd have no problem with it. Deer hunter too.

You guys always bring up the situations where its clear you are defending yourself.

Now what if you knocked him out with 1 punch. Would you snap his neck? Is that murder?
I would never try to knock him out with a punch, I am going for eyes, and ears, and throats, and I don't expect that intruder, to ever get up again. And, I don't see that as murder. I see it as self defense.
You better hope the intruder isnt as tough as me. While you are scratching my ears I'll body slam you.
Why attack Christians with the Laws of the Jews Sealy? The law you pulled out of the 600+ laws of Moses apply to the people of Moses. The Bible says if you put yourself under the law, you are obligated to keep all of the laws.
Christians aren't under the Law. Christ fulfilled the laws for the Jews, and gave Christians 1 law. Love God, love each other. I assume that someone breaking into my home isn't there to wish me well. Where my bullet strikes him is mute.
Christians say thou shall not kill but ask any christian gun owner if when you shoot should you shoot to kill or maim and they will say shoot to kill. If christians deny this and say they would shoot to maim I want gun folks to explain why this is a bad idea?
My neighbor was broken into this past Saturday night, luckily, he wasn't home.

I need no gun to defend my home, and I will kill anyone I catch breaking into it while I, or my family is at home, and I have no fear of repercussions, from the people on this world, or from God.

There is a difference between killing in self defense and murder. If you don't realize that, I hope you never get broke in upon. For it will be the end for you.

That's different. And I'm not a theist so I'd have no problem with it. Deer hunter too.

You guys always bring up the situations where its clear you are defending yourself.

Now what if you knocked him out with 1 punch. Would you snap his neck? Is that murder?
I would never try to knock him out with a punch, I am going for eyes, and ears, and throats, and I don't expect that intruder, to ever get up again. And, I don't see that as murder. I see it as self defense.
You better hope the intruder isnt as tough as me. While you are scratching my ears I'll body slam you.

That's just funny.
Why attack Christians with the Laws of the Jews Sealy? The law you pulled out of the 600+ laws of Moses apply to the people of Moses. The Bible says if you put yourself under the law, you are obligated to keep all of the laws.
Christians aren't under the Law. Christ fulfilled the laws for the Jews, and gave Christians 1 law. Love God, love each other. I assume that someone breaking into my home isn't there to wish me well. Where my bullet strikes him is mute.
Again just glad you are all proving there are no moral absolutes and now you are telling me christians dont even have to pay any attention to the ten commandments? Interesting
Interesting that you would expect Gentiles to be under Jewish Law. And there are absolutely moral absolutes. They come from Christ, not Moses.

Romans 10:4
For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes
Romans 6:14
For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace
Romans 3:19
Now we know that whatever the law says it speaks to those who are under the law
^ Jews

James 2:10
For whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become accountable for all of it
^ No thank you.

Romans 7:6
But now we are released from the law, having died to that which held us captive, so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit and not in the old way of the written code
Romans 2:14
For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law
^ moral absolutes

Galatians 5:18
But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law

As much as I would hate to kill another human being, <( moral absolute ) break into my house and you are going to be shot. Jewish law has nothing to do with it. Protecting my family has everything to do with it. If you die as the result, the onus is on you, not me.

Sealy, you don't have enough Biblical understanding to try to condemn Christians with Jewish law. Interesting that you try though...
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