Question for Democrat supporters, if you could choose Kamala or Biden for POTUS right now it would be?

If you could choose between the two to be POTUS today who would it be?

  • Biden

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • Harris

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • OMG what has the left done

    Votes: 11 73.3%

  • Total voters
trump made the deal with the taliban. From the time he made it, the taliban got more aggressive. We trained and equipped Afghan troops who out numbered the taliban amd they did not fight. Biden didn't cause that. So if the Afghan soldiers aren't going to fight for their country, why must we?
There were requirements of the withdrawal Biden bypassed, ignored his generals and proceeded into creating the largest humanitarian crisis in decades.
You admit that because the burning and lawlessness happened during trump. The economic distress happened during the pandemic trump failed to handle. Everything you talk about happened during trump and are fires Biden is forced to put out now.
Rioting and murdering is a Democrat thing.
Flag burning and hating the pledge and anthem are owned by the Left.

Wrong. The pledge, anthem and flag are symbols. Graven images. So we aren't supposed to worship them to begin with. However, what those symbols represent is not the reality of America for a while lot of people.

And that is owned by the right.
There were requirements of the withdrawal Biden bypassed, ignored his generals and proceeded into creating the largest humanitarian crisis in decades.
Wrong. The refusal of the Afghan army to fight caused whatever crisis is coming.
Wrong. The refusal of the Afghan army to fight caused whatever crisis is coming.
Which any first day boot camp recruit could see coming.
Yet Joe ignored his Generals anyway.
10,000 Americans now hostages of Taliban terrorists.
Both are better than what we had before.
They'll never, ever, ever understand that.

That's because they don't have an accurate understanding of the perspectives of others, and they don't care enough to find out.
Pot, meet kettle.
Nope. I regularly speak with Trumpsters in real life, including clients, and you'll often see me starting threads here that ask completely civil questions that help me understand you people better. Additionally, I regularly listen to talk radio, see your cable TV "news" and read on your sites.

In fact, I can make your arguments better than you can, because my comments would not be laced with shallow, simplistic, ignorant talking points and childish platitudes.

You? You're just another arrogant, ignorant Trumpster who believes only what you're told to believe by the voices you choose to trust. Those who make a living conning you.

Do you actually believe that this nation, with all its capabilities and assets on the ground there was incapable of keeping those demonic F'n GOAT HERDERS at bay until fewer than 100K people could be evacuated in an orderly manner?
Trump's people (GENERALS, not political appointees) left exactly that kind of detailed plan and Biden or his boss tossed it. He also spurned the advice of the very generals we pay to help with such decisions. Or so they say. I haven't noticed any of those generals resigning in protest over the endangering of their men, yet.

THIS isn't about "leaving Afghanistan" those who are equating the two are lying. Either to others or to themselves. I begin to wonder just how horrifically his administration will have to impact you fools before you'll see the truth. I guess it will be when the checks stop coming and you can't find food any longer.
So far as I know, those generals always wanted to keep a small US force in Afghanistan. They were overruled, and rightly so, by both Trump and Biden.

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