Question for Democrats

If Hillary's Health Fails, Who should replace her?

  • Barack Obama

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bernie Sanders

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • Someone else

    Votes: 2 50.0%

  • Total voters
It's interesting that none of the Democrats want Obama. Guess that 3rd term is not a popular idea.
yes, they would choose Obama. Third term baby!
I believe that is Obama's assumption but it doesn't look like a popular idea (so far) for any democrats on this board. Interesting.
maybe because Obama cant run again lol
He has a reputation for doing what he "can't do"... Keep it in mind.
Question for Democrats and Independents: If Hillary Clinton's health continues to worsen and the Democrats must appoint someone to replace her in the upcoming election, who should it be?

Who would you choose to take her place to run against Donald Trump? Bernie Sanders, Barack Obama, or someone else?

If it is someone else please write in their name. Thank you.

Question to Republicans, Libertarians and anyone else....

If Hillary Clinton's health continues to worsen and the Democrats must appoint someone to replace her in upcoming election, who should it be?

If it is someone else please write in their name. Thank you.

(Everyone is invited to participate)
Question for Republicans: Do you know how ridiculous, desperate, and pathetic you are.

What amazes me is that this is the best Plan B that Republicans could come up with

After their Benghazi/email strategy fizzled the rightwing media has moved to a concerted attack that Hillary is going to die and you shouldn't vote for her

Like their bizarre birth certificate attack on Obama in 2008, this one is totally unsupported by any credible evidence

Hillary looks disoriented, confused, and incapable of thinking clearly...

Will secret service agents have to pick up that 3:00 a.m phone call for her too? And tell her to .......keep talking? They are right there?

This video reveals just how mentally impaired Hillary truly is. Doctor's have come out publicly stating they believe that she has suffered brain damage. That is very sad and her family has my sympathy. But we must be serious here.

If she freezes in front of her own people and is incapable of speaking how is she going to sit down with world leaders and function? The simple truth? She can't.

Forget that she is falling down, losing her balance, accompanied by doctors carrying syringes and can't climb the stairs by herself. She can't even talk at the podium by herself! The Democrats had better find someone to replace her before her condition worsens.

Hillary looks disoriented, confused, and incapable of thinking clearly...

Will secret service agents have to pick up that 3:00 a.m phone call for her too? And tell her to .......keep talking? They are right there?

This video reveals just how mentally impaired Hillary truly is. Doctor's have come out publicly stating they believe that she has suffered brain damage. That is very sad and her family has my sympathy. But we must be serious here.

If she freezes in front of her own people and is incapable of speaking how is she going to sit down with world leaders and function? The simple truth? She can't.

Forget that she is falling down, losing her balance, accompanied by doctors carrying syringes and can't climb the stairs by herself. She can't even talk at the podium by herself! The Democrats had better find someone to replace her before her condition worsens.

Hillary seemed to handle those protestors professionally and tactfully, a skill Trump could benefit from

So brain damaged that she easily handled 11 straight hours of Republican grilling last April?
So brain damaged that she has breezed through the debates and multiple interviews without issue?

The Trump campaign has fallen to conspiracy theories as its only defense against Hillary......not too promising
There's nothing about Hillary's health that will prevent her from finishing the campaign. You need to quit listening to the slanted media. Of course it'll be tougher now that it's merged with the Trump organization.
Listening? Whose listening? We're looking at her on stage, being helped up the stairs,losing her balance, photos of her falling down, having wild episodes of staring at the ceiling and shaking her head up, being accompanied by a doctor carrying a syringe needle lest she have another "episode." America's leading doctors have attributed Clinton's failing health to brain damage. It doesn't look like she'll be capable of fulfilling her duties should she be elected. Besides....


Doesn't America look weak enough already?
The same picture from 6 months ago over and over again? You do realize that she just slipped and you're being played by the RWNJ media, don't you?
one thing is certain... healthy people never ever stumble on steps
I think it is time that the Democrats faced reality and find a replacement She has suffered memory loss, seems disoriented, cannot function, she appears to need people to help her walk, to help her stand, to help her talk.... she's not well, guys. It's sad but you have to face reality. Find a replacement before that crisis moment catches you off guard...
There's nothing about Hillary's health that will prevent her from finishing the campaign. You need to quit listening to the slanted media. Of course it'll be tougher now that it's merged with the Trump organization.
Listening? Whose listening? We're looking at her on stage, being helped up the stairs,losing her balance, photos of her falling down, having wild episodes of staring at the ceiling and shaking her head up, being accompanied by a doctor carrying a syringe needle lest she have another "episode." America's leading doctors have attributed Clinton's failing health to brain damage. It doesn't look like she'll be capable of fulfilling her duties should she be elected. Besides....


Doesn't America look weak enough already?
The same picture from 6 months ago over and over again? You do realize that she just slipped and you're being played by the RWNJ media, don't you?
one thing is certain... healthy people never ever stumble on steps
I think it is time that the Democrats faced reality and find a replacement She has suffered memory loss, seems disoriented, cannot function, she appears to need people to help her walk, to help her stand, to help her talk.... she's not well, guys. It's sad but you have to face reality. Find a replacement before that crisis moment catches you off guard...

But Jesus loves Hillary
There's nothing about Hillary's health that will prevent her from finishing the campaign. You need to quit listening to the slanted media. Of course it'll be tougher now that it's merged with the Trump organization.
Listening? Whose listening? We're looking at her on stage, being helped up the stairs,losing her balance, photos of her falling down, having wild episodes of staring at the ceiling and shaking her head up, being accompanied by a doctor carrying a syringe needle lest she have another "episode." America's leading doctors have attributed Clinton's failing health to brain damage. It doesn't look like she'll be capable of fulfilling her duties should she be elected. Besides....


Doesn't America look weak enough already?
The same picture from 6 months ago over and over again? You do realize that she just slipped and you're being played by the RWNJ media, don't you?
This poll obviously upsets you greatly. Why? Don't you think it's wise to find a replacement for her now rather than waiting until the last second?
I'm not upset, I'm amused. :biggrin:
You're not only upset. You're lying about being upset. Which means you must be greatly upset.

You see, vindication is a sign of weakness.
Question for Democrats and Independents: If Hillary Clinton's health continues to worsen and the Democrats must appoint someone to replace her in the upcoming election, who should it be?

Who would you choose to take her place to run against Donald Trump? Bernie Sanders, Barack Obama, or someone else?

If it is someone else please write in their name. Thank you.

Question to Republicans, Libertarians and anyone else....

If Hillary Clinton's health continues to worsen and the Democrats must appoint someone to replace her in upcoming election, who should it be?

If it is someone else please write in their name. Thank you.

(Everyone is invited to participate)
Question for Republicans: Do you know how ridiculous, desperate, and pathetic you are.
Do you know that when the debate is lost slander becomes the tool of the loser, Clayton?
Seems like Bernie Sanders would be the logical choice, particularly after Hillary and the DNC colluded to prevent him from winning the nomination.

...but then again, no one would accuse the Ds of being logical, so could be anyone of the Marxists in their party, owned by the 1%.
Seems like Bernie Sanders would be the logical choice, particularly after Hillary and the DNC colluded to prevent him from winning the nomination.

...but then again, no one would accuse the Ds of being logical, so could be anyone of the Marxists in their party, owned by the 1%.

Considering that most people believe Sanders won against Hillary and should have been the nominee it would only be right to give him what he has rightfully earned. If the Democrats had ever considered the will of the people they would not have interfered in the process for DNC Nominee. Perhaps what is happening right now is a case of divine justice.
None of the above, after screwing over America for 8 years, all the liberals need to go to Cuba for a while, and let US get America back on track. Then the propaganda machine can once again, start turning America back into the cesspool that Obama has created.

View attachment 85964
Come the judgment of God upon America they'll be going to a far worse place than Cuba.
Question for Democrats and Independents: If Hillary Clinton's health continues to worsen and the Democrats must appoint someone to replace her in the upcoming election, who should it be?

Who would you choose to take her place to run against Donald Trump? Bernie Sanders, Barack Obama, or someone else?

If it is someone else please write in their name. Thank you.

Question to Republicans, Libertarians and anyone else....

If Hillary Clinton's health continues to worsen and the Democrats must appoint someone to replace her in upcoming election, who should it be?

If it is someone else please write in their name. Thank you.

(Everyone is invited to participate)
Question for Republicans: Do you know how ridiculous, desperate, and pathetic you are.
Do you know that when the debate is lost slander becomes the tool of the loser, Clayton?

Clayton is right, Jeremiah is certifiably nuts
"If" is the most powerful word in the universe.
Wrong. Jesus is the most powerful Word on earth AND under the earth AND in heaven. He is The Word. Make a note of it.

On the subject of the word "If" - it's a strong word and the only word one can use to describe Hillary's future (which isn't looking good). IF. Use it and cast your vote.

No way. I'm a Pastafarian.

Note this:

Let's leave the health equation out of it and just go to this question instead - if Hillary Clinton should drop out of the race - for any reason - would you be or against permitting Barack Obama to run for a 3rd term? Yes or no?

Should Obama be able to run for a 3rd term?

No that would be unconstitutional.

Maybe we could draft Michelle?

What if the 22nd Amendment were to be abolished so that he could run for a 3rd term? Would you be for it or against it?
Let's leave the health equation out of it and just go to this question instead - if Hillary Clinton should drop out of the race - for any reason - would you be or against permitting Barack Obama to run for a 3rd term? Yes or no?

Should Obama be able to run for a 3rd term?

No that would be unconstitutional.

Maybe we could draft Michelle?

What if the 22nd Amendment were to be abolished so that he could run for a 3rd term? Would you be for it or against it?

There's that most powerful word again. In reality it can't be.
I said, Bernie Sanders. My reason: It is clear to me he won the nomination but it was taken (stolen) from him. I don't believe the Democrats didn't realize just how unpopular Hillary Clinton is with the American people. She isn't electable and the fabricated polls have not fooled the American people. They know that Trump is winning by a landslide. The arena's are packed to the doors at Trump rallies while reports about Clinton's rallies have been carefully guarded by the media because the turn out for her has been very poor.

Throughout the campaign the media has done their best to hide this truth by photo-shopping pictures of her rallies, protecting her from public scrutiny, trying to prevent people inside the DNC from filming the empty seats and so forth... It would seem to be the only fair thing to do. To let Bernie Sanders replace her in the event her health continues to decline...
Even though Bernie definitely had the majority of peon votes, it was the Super Delegates who anointed the vagina candidate, because the liberal elites KNOW better than the stupid democrat voters. Why else did Jonathan Gruber say "all Liberal Voters were stupid" for allowing Obamacare to go through? Bernie would be eaten alive by Trump, just like Shrillery will, because the MAJORITY of US citizens don't want a stinkin Commie ruining this country for 4 more years.
There's nothing about Hillary's health that will prevent her from finishing the campaign. You need to quit listening to the slanted media. Of course it'll be tougher now that it's merged with the Trump organization.
Listening? Whose listening? We're looking at her on stage, being helped up the stairs,losing her balance, photos of her falling down, having wild episodes of staring at the ceiling and shaking her head up, being accompanied by a doctor carrying a syringe needle lest she have another "episode." America's leading doctors have attributed Clinton's failing health to brain damage. It doesn't look like she'll be capable of fulfilling her duties should she be elected. Besides....


Doesn't America look weak enough already?
The same picture from 6 months ago over and over again? You do realize that she just slipped and you're being played by the RWNJ media, don't you?
one thing is certain... healthy people never ever stumble on steps
I think it is time that the Democrats faced reality and find a replacement She has suffered memory loss, seems disoriented, cannot function, she appears to need people to help her walk, to help her stand, to help her talk.... she's not well, guys. It's sad but you have to face reality. Find a replacement before that crisis moment catches you off guard...
kiddo you are describing yourself.
I said, Bernie Sanders. My reason: It is clear to me he won the nomination but it was taken (stolen) from him. I don't believe the Democrats didn't realize just how unpopular Hillary Clinton is with the American people. She isn't electable and the fabricated polls have not fooled the American people. They know that Trump is winning by a landslide. The arena's are packed to the doors at Trump rallies while reports about Clinton's rallies have been carefully guarded by the media because the turn out for her has been very poor.

Throughout the campaign the media has done their best to hide this truth by photo-shopping pictures of her rallies, protecting her from public scrutiny, trying to prevent people inside the DNC from filming the empty seats and so forth... It would seem to be the only fair thing to do. To let Bernie Sanders replace her in the event her health continues to decline...
Even though Bernie definitely had the majority of peon votes, it was the Super Delegates who anointed the vagina candidate, because the liberal elites KNOW better than the stupid democrat voters. Why else did Jonathan Gruber say "all Liberal Voters were stupid" for allowing Obamacare to go through? Bernie would be eaten alive by Trump, just like Shrillery will, because the MAJORITY of US citizens don't want a stinkin Commie ruining this country for 4 more years.
my god are you dumb. how many super delegates do you think there were? if your answer is less than 3.78 million you don't have a point.
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