Question for Elizabeth Warren fans

Not really a fan, but do like the consumer protection agency, has helped a lot of people.
Elizabeth Lie-a-watha Warren is every bit as duplicitous, greedy, and crooked as Hillary. .... :cool:
More or less than THE DONALD?
Our beloved Pres. Trump is a saint compared to these two old crones. ..... :cool:

Three wives, admitted using call girls for 'entertainment', had to pay off to the tune of 25 million victims of TRUMP U., five bankruptcies, unpaid judgments, as sleazy as they come, in the past. Still, he appears to be a good father, caring, and his children love him. That matters.

Three wives? So?

Call girls? Link?

Trump U. was settled. Everybody was happy.

Bankruptcies were businesses, not his.

Unpaid judgements? Link?

This gets posted by Trump haters about every 5 threads and no one can ever back up their bullshit.

You want a shot at the title, champ?

There was one particularly serious reason for Mrs. Trump to hire an attorney in Slovenia. A magazine there called Suzy, known for writing up the lives of celebrities, published an article that month saying that in the 1990s, Melania Knavs (sometimes Germanized as Knauss), as she was then known, worked for a modeling agency run by Paolo Zampolli in New York that “operated as an escort agency for wealthy clients.” A few weeks later, Pirc Musar and her client filed a lawsuit against Suzy magazine.

But by then the Daily Mail in the United Kingdom had published a story with similar allegations and quoted a source from Slovenia. “It was in the Daily Mail U.K. and Daily MailUSA—in 10 seconds it was all around the planet,” Musar said. “As a woman I understand her—I understand her as a human being—to say these nasty words about a lady!”

The Suzy magazine article by journalist Tomaz Mihelic sounded like bad news for Melania Trump. “The Daily Mail apologized that they had been wrong, they withdrew the article and wrote an apology, but here in Slovenia they [Suzy magazine] have never apologized,” Nataša Pirc Musar said. “And that was why Mrs. Trump said that ‘I have to go with this procedure to the end, because I would not tolerate that somebody was spreading such a lie all over the planet.’”

Even if Pee-gate isn’t true, Donald Trump is stuck with it.

The Party Girl Who Brought Trump to His Knees

Did you even bother to read what you posted?

What does that word salad have to do with anything you claimed?

Answer: Not a damn thing!

I am starting to think yu are a libtard at heart. sad.

Again, so what? If they were owed money, they can sue. Want to bet why they haven't? They'd lose?

He probably paid these off before entering office. Some allegations are half truths, one matter that is confirmed, I am glad you questioned: Putin said he hopes he has a better relationship with Trump that he did with the last one, Obama didn't call him POOTY POOT and claim he looked into his soul like Bush II obviously:

Vladimir Putin: 'Our prostitutes are the best in the world, but I doubt Donald Trump would fall for them'
Arose by any other name is still a rose. thanks for the add on. you did no what I was talking about.
Warren backed Clinton even after she knew about the rigging. Now she's throwing her under the bus, as if she has integrity or something. She's no better than Hillary.
You can't believe she'd have backed Trump, right?
You missed my point. She knew Hillary fucked over Bernie but acted like she didn't. She could have said something then but didn't. That's my point, not that I expected her to back Trump. Sheesh.
Warren backed Clinton even after she knew about the rigging. Now she's throwing her under the bus, as if she has integrity or something. She's no better than Hillary.
You dipsticks backed Trump even after you knew he was a business cheat, liar, groper, trashed military veterans, accused child rapist, accused wife rapist, importer of Chinese crap, imported of foreign labor, suspected of Russian collusion, and bigoted hate spewer.

Hillary Clinton was a member of & supporter of the Democrat Party for decades. Bernie was a Democrat for a few months choosing for decades not to be a Democrat. What the fuck did Bernie suspect would happen? That all party leaders would ignore that shit?

But where was the rigging? What actions were taken? Bernie had every chance in the voting process. He lost & in the process damaged Clinton's efforts by producing the biggest group of crybaby losers ever.
I thought Warren said the DNC rigged the process? By making a deal with Hillary for her to earn so much in campaign funds to give to the DNC, in exchange for more say in the DNC? IF Bernie had agreed to campaign for the DNC and gave the DNC half of his campaign funds to get other DNC candidates elected, betcha the DNC would have given him more control as well....

of course ALL of this stinks to high Heaven!!! But absolutely no surprise to me on the DNC's shenanigans....I saw it in 2008 as well....and none of it is illegal, cuz they are a private party, can make or break their own rules, any time they want! :eek:

changing the super delegate process would be a good reform starter imo...

I don't understand what's the problem... DNC is a private organisation. They can do what they want...

Bernie was an independent up until he decided to run for president, Hillary has been in the DNC until the 70s... So the person who helped build the organisation and shape it for the best part of half a century has more clout than someone who just walked through the door...
Analysis | No, the DNC didn’t ‘rig’ the Democratic primary for Hillary Clinton

Hillary didn't need the help she won easy...
I thought Warren said the DNC rigged the process? By making a deal with Hillary for her to earn so much in campaign funds to give to the DNC, in exchange for more say in the DNC? IF Bernie had agreed to campaign for the DNC and gave the DNC half of his campaign funds to get other DNC candidates elected, betcha the DNC would have given him more control as well....

of course ALL of this stinks to high Heaven!!! But absolutely no surprise to me on the DNC's shenanigans....I saw it in 2008 as well....and none of it is illegal, cuz they are a private party, can make or break their own rules, any time they want! :eek:

changing the super delegate process would be a good reform starter imo...

I don't understand what's the problem... DNC is a private organisation. They can do what they want...

Bernie was an independent up until he decided to run for president, Hillary has been in the DNC until the 70s... So the person who helped build the organisation and shape it for the best part of half a century has more clout than someone who just walked through the door...
Analysis | No, the DNC didn’t ‘rig’ the Democratic primary for Hillary Clinton

Hillary didn't need the help she won easy...
YES, I do know that....she did win easily!

I'd still would like some revisions within the Party....the Super Delegates cut back, and the elimination of caucuses and go to a straight popular vote primary in all States.... without Caucus.... for starters...
Here's the reason for the primary election rigging, Hillary needed to avoid debates with Bernie so she could lie to the American people and claim she is a centrist. Bernie was forcing her left just as Obama had done in 2008. Bernie forced her left anyway exposing her to attacks by the Trump campaign, contributing to her loss.

If everyone had stayed out of Hillary's way during the Dem primary she would have been free to lie to get votes then flip flop after she won.
Here's the reason for the primary election rigging, Hillary needed to avoid debates with Bernie so she could lie to the American people and claim she is a centrist. Bernie was forcing her left just as Obama had done in 2008. Bernie forced her left anyway exposing her to attacks by the Trump campaign, contributing to her loss.

If everyone had stayed out of Hillary's way during the Dem primary she would have been free to lie to get votes then flip flop after she won.
Well genius, those in the lead always want to avoid debates.

Nice try, dumbass.
Here's the reason for the primary election rigging, Hillary needed to avoid debates with Bernie so she could lie to the American people and claim she is a centrist. Bernie was forcing her left just as Obama had done in 2008. Bernie forced her left anyway exposing her to attacks by the Trump campaign, contributing to her loss.

If everyone had stayed out of Hillary's way during the Dem primary she would have been free to lie to get votes then flip flop after she won.
Well genius, those in the lead always want to avoid debates.

Nice try, dumbass.

Your outrage over Hillary's epic beating is noted.
You dipsticks backed Trump even after you knew he was a business cheat, liar, groper, trashed military veterans, accused child rapist, accused wife rapist, importer of Chinese crap, imported of foreign labor, suspected of Russian collusion, and bigoted hate spewer.
All of those allegations were smears from the Clinton camp and you know it. They failed to prove any of them, you dishonest hack.

But where was the rigging? What actions were taken?
The decision was made well in advance that Hillary would have the nomination. She was given control of the DNC but no one was aware of that (including Bernie Sanders and O'Malley). The whole primary contest was a charade. Read Donna Brazile's book, stupid.

What the fuck did Bernie suspect would happen?
He thought he would have an equal chance at his votes being counted without the deck being stacked against him. He was deceived.

Bernie had every chance in the voting process.
Bernie never had a chance because Hillary controlled the process. WikiLeaks proved that with Schultz's emails, but you wouldn't know that because you block out what you don't want to hear. Bernie got more votes in key states than Hillary but he was denied those victories because the super delegates were all Hillary's people that were put in place before the primaries even started (unbeknownst to Bernie). He wasn't aware that Hillary had total control of the DNC. And you sycophants have the audacity to call Trump unethical? Hillary makes Trump look like a choir boy. Hell, she makes Idi Amin look like a choir boy.

He lost & in the process damaged Clinton's efforts by producing the biggest group of crybaby losers ever.
Hillary damaged her OWN efforts by being a shitty candidate. He supported her, even after she screwed him over. It's not his fault she was a terrible candidate, and it's not his fault she didn't campaign in Wisconsin and Michigan.
If Hillary had won the general election, would Warren be claiming that Hillary rigged the Democratic primaries?

The answer is - not a chance in Hell. To do so would have required integrity, which Warren lacks.

You are making shit up .

I like Liz , I voted for her . She actually has the public interest in mind and isn’t just some big biz whore like most pols .
If Hillary had won the general election, would Warren be claiming that Hillary rigged the Democratic primaries?

The answer is - not a chance in Hell. To do so would have required integrity, which Warren lacks.

You are making shit up .

I like Liz , I voted for her . She actually has the public interest in mind and isn’t just some big biz whore like most pols .
Sure, that's why she enthusiastically engaged in Hillary's underhanded move to screw voters out of nominating their candidate of choice.
You dipsticks backed Trump even after you knew he was a business cheat, liar, groper, trashed military veterans, accused child rapist, accused wife rapist, importer of Chinese crap, imported of foreign labor, suspected of Russian collusion, and bigoted hate spewer.
All of those allegations were smears from the Clinton camp and you know it. They failed to prove any of them, you dishonest hack.

But where was the rigging? What actions were taken?
The decision was made well in advance that Hillary would have the nomination. She was given control of the DNC but no one was aware of that (including Bernie Sanders and O'Malley). The whole primary contest was a charade. Read Donna Brazile's book, stupid.

What the fuck did Bernie suspect would happen?
He thought he would have an equal chance at his votes being counted without the deck being stacked against him. He was deceived.

Bernie had every chance in the voting process.
Bernie never had a chance because Hillary controlled the process. WikiLeaks proved that with Schultz's emails, but you wouldn't know that because you block out what you don't want to hear. Bernie got more votes in key states than Hillary but he was denied those victories because the super delegates were all Hillary's people that were put in place before the primaries even started (unbeknownst to Bernie). He wasn't aware that Hillary had total control of the DNC. And you sycophants have the audacity to call Trump unethical? Hillary makes Trump look like a choir boy. Hell, she makes Idi Amin look like a choir boy.

He lost & in the process damaged Clinton's efforts by producing the biggest group of crybaby losers ever.
Hillary damaged her OWN efforts by being a shitty candidate. He supported her, even after she screwed him over. It's not his fault she was a terrible candidate, and it's not his fault she didn't campaign in Wisconsin and Michigan.

Those sub contractors spoke in interviews. They had documentation.
Over a dozen women came forward about Trump sexual harassment. Trump admitted in on tape.
The young woman had a witness of Trump aping her (more than once) when she was 14. She received so many dearth threats that she dripped the legal aspects.

Bernie had the same offer on fund raising, etc. Bernie had a fair shot at the polling placres. He lost.

Bernie people pouted & stayed home giving us the giant asshole Trump. Republicans spend years in Congress investigating Hillary & found nothing.

Hillary had the super delegate vote because they were Democrats & recognized that Bernie was not a Democrat for decades & just joined to run. He knew the rules. Do you know hwho the super delegates were? People like Congressmen, State leaders, etc. Are you saying Hillary picked those people? Are you that fucking stupid.

Trump is unethical. He is a lying fuck & you are dumb enough top kiss his fat ass.
If Hillary had won the general election, would Warren be claiming that Hillary rigged the Democratic primaries?

The answer is - not a chance in Hell. To do so would have required integrity, which Warren lacks.

If Hillary had won, Warren would not have come out against Hillary and Harvey Weinstein, a big Hillary supporter, would not have been removed from his position.

Thanks Donald.
Those sub contractors spoke in interviews. They had documentation.
Show us the interviews and the documentation.

Over a dozen women came forward about Trump sexual harassment. Trump admitted in on tape.
You're a fucking liar, he never admitted to any of those accusations. Several of them were proven to be lies and the rest of them stfu.

The young woman had a witness of Trump aping her (more than once) when she was 14. She received so many dearth threats that she dripped the legal aspects.
Another lie. The woman didn't even exist. Somebody filed a lawsuit and gave an address that belonged to a dead man. Nobody could determine who she was and could not locate anyone by that name, which is why the judge threw the case out. Most people make themselves available when they sue somebody for $100 million for "aping" them.. LOL, moron. :lol: And it was nice that the woman (who never existed) "dripped the legal aspects", whatever the hell that means. LOL, moron. :lol: P.S. What's a "dearth threat"? LOL, moron. :lol:

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