Question for GOP: Does cutting education mean you've given up on jobs?

EVERY, and I mean every child should be given the opportunity to attend college or tech school after high school. That way we have more white collar workers signifying higher paying jobs. Some people dont believe everyone should go to college because we need blue collar workers. Those who believe this are anti americans.
The following is a snapshot of the 25 worst performing public schools. See where they are?

Uh, yeah, four of the seven states are BLUE States from the last election. IL, WI, NY, PA. The ones that actually have a lot of people in them. So you got three red states, two of them sparsely populated, who have bad schools in the Democratic Urban areas.

And I agree that is a travesty. How is decimating public school funding, as these new Republican governors are doing, going to fix THAT kind of problem?

Well, to start with, it will get administrators to start thinking, "Hey, Bob, we have a $97,000 shortfall. How do we get rid of that?" "Well, how about that child molestor whose collecting 97K because we can't fire him or put him back in a classroom."

Why is it so horrible for a history lesson to include teaching about people like Charley Parkhurst?

well, here's an easy one. I'm a history major, I never heard of this guy before. Which tells me HE PROBABLY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING THAT IMPORTANT.

It's not "dead wood" that is being cut. 50 students to a classroom is "leaner and meaner"? Teachers not knowing a kids name, let alone who their parents are is more effective and efficient? Really? Kids not having basic supplies like paper and pencils is the "better"? Maybe in Somalia.

Gee, I went to a Catholic School, and we had to provide our own pencils and paper. Imagine that. We've doubled the amount of money spent on education since 1994, and frankly, I'm hearing the same whining stuff I heard back in 1994. Sounds to me that if you are spending twice as much money and you are still having the same problems re: Class size and school supplies, then that money isn't be spent effectively.

Public Education Spending Has Doubled in the Last 15 Years

The Unions had already agreed to the cuts and cost shares. That's being done in state after state. Despite the fact that the public employees were NOT in any way responsible for the downturn in the economy. Despite the fact that these benefits and pensions were promised to them in lieu of competitive wages, the UNIONS agreed to take a pay cut and increase their cost shares.

Did management? I doubt it.

I'm represented by a union, the SEIU.
Stop blaming the unions and the teachers. It's bullshit.

Fix shit, don't blow it up.

Well, working out here in the REAL world where your employment is PERFORMANCE based, I guess I can't work up the sympathy all that much. Last job I worked, I got let go because the customer account I worked on went to another vendor. Tough break, that's the way it is. I didn't do anything wrong, but the company as a whole effed up... and those are the breaks. We had people on our team who spent all day on the internet, a salesperson who never visited the customers manufacturing sites, and so on. And when we lost the account, people lost their jobs.

Even FDR thought public employee unions was a terrible idea.

I don't care about their union or their union wages. I'm paying money I work hard for to pay for these schools, and they ain't doing the job. If the job isn't getting done, fire them and find someone who can.
I actually bothered to look up your link on "Charley". So her whole contribution was that she was gender confused and looked sufficiently mannish to vote before the 19th Amendment? Seriously?

Why, that's right, she's right up there with Geo. Washington. I mean, that winning the war of independence thing...

Oh, signs that Wiki is PC. She "thought" she was a dude, so they use masculine pronouns.
The following is a snapshot of the 25 worst performing public schools. See where they are?

Uh, yeah, four of the seven states are BLUE States from the last election. IL, WI, NY, PA. The ones that actually have a lot of people in them. So you got three red states, two of them sparsely populated, who have bad schools in the Democratic Urban areas.

Well, to start with, it will get administrators to start thinking, "Hey, Bob, we have a $97,000 shortfall. How do we get rid of that?" "Well, how about that child molestor whose collecting 97K because we can't fire him or put him back in a classroom."

well, here's an easy one. I'm a history major, I never heard of this guy before. Which tells me HE PROBABLY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING THAT IMPORTANT.

Gee, I went to a Catholic School, and we had to provide our own pencils and paper. Imagine that. We've doubled the amount of money spent on education since 1994, and frankly, I'm hearing the same whining stuff I heard back in 1994. Sounds to me that if you are spending twice as much money and you are still having the same problems re: Class size and school supplies, then that money isn't be spent effectively.

Public Education Spending Has Doubled in the Last 15 Years

Well, working out here in the REAL world where your employment is PERFORMANCE based, I guess I can't work up the sympathy all that much. Last job I worked, I got let go because the customer account I worked on went to another vendor. Tough break, that's the way it is. I didn't do anything wrong, but the company as a whole effed up... and those are the breaks. We had people on our team who spent all day on the internet, a salesperson who never visited the customers manufacturing sites, and so on. And when we lost the account, people lost their jobs.

Even FDR thought public employee unions was a terrible idea.

I don't care about their union or their union wages. I'm paying money I work hard for to pay for these schools, and they ain't doing the job. If the job isn't getting done, fire them and find someone who can.

You've yet to provide a single fact to back up your rhetoric. Cutting funding to school districts isn't going to get rid of your $97,000 child molester. It is going to ensure that public education systems continue to fail across the country. It is going to ensure that America never gets anywhere near the top of the world education system.

Bashing unions and teachers isn't going to fix our educations system. None of our economic woes is the fault of Public Unions. You're scapegoating.

You've yet to provide a single fact to back up your rhetoric. Cutting funding to school districts isn't going to get rid of your $97,000 child molester. It is going to ensure that public education systems continue to fail across the country. It is going to ensure that America never gets anywhere near the top of the world education system.

Bashing unions and teachers isn't going to fix our educations system. None of our economic woes is the fault of Public Unions. You're scapegoating.


Matt Damon? Seriously?

I did provide several links on this thread.. but I don't normally do links because no one reads them, or they pretend they didn't see them.

Sorry, as long as we keep using education as the Democratic Party's ATM, education isn't going to ever get better. Scrap the whole thing, privatize it, and be done with it.
If a gov't agency is failing at their duty, what is the typical Liberal response? Give em more money! Whereas in private industry if you're a failure you go bankrupt, Unless you're "too big to fail".

If the meal you ordered in a restaurant turned out horrible what would you do? You'd send it back untill they get it right! Or you'd ask for your money back because they didn't deliver on their promises.

I guess when Liberals dine out and they get served something that sucks they just say: "Ok, how about if I paid you 50% more for this?" :confused:
If a gov't agency is failing at their duty, what is the typical Liberal response? Give em more money! Whereas in private industry if you're a failure you go bankrupt, Unless you're "too big to fail".

If the meal you ordered in a restaurant turned out horrible what would you do? You'd send it back untill they get it right! Or you'd ask for your money back because they didn't deliver on their promises.

I guess when Liberals dine out and they get served something that sucks they just say: "Ok, how about if I paid you 50% more for this?" :confused:

No, that isn't the "liberal response". The liberal response is to FIX the problem, not destroy it. That seems to be the "conservative" response. Instead of fixing something that isn't working well, they believe destroying it entirely is the answer. Welcome to the United States of Somalia if they get their way.
If a school is failing its due to in large part a failure of the parenting in that district. This is a no brainer. You cant produce an awesome product without awesome parts. I contend perhaps the teachers are getting defective parts(kids) to work with from the failing schools.
Have Republicans just "given up"?

They are cutting:

Rebuilding any infra structure
Investment in innovation or technology
They want to strip medicare of funding
Turn over any Health Care to Companies who pay tens of millions to their CEO and BOD
Turn Social Security over to stock markets now run by robots

Once they've squeezed the country dry and turned over every single bit of capital to the wealthy and to corporations, "then what"? It's not like they can "leave". US Currency is only as strong as the country.

What's the "goal"? The "end game"? Does the Republican base really think their leadership will do better than what "Bush" did? I know you want to blame it on Obama, but Obama and the Democrats have had to fight, not only the "filibuster party", but also the mess left by the "filibuster party".

At least answer, "With education cut, what kinds of jobs will be "available"?" Who wants to hire anyone with no education? And "Bible School" is NOT education. Unless, "No Jobs" is the plan. Doesn't seem like a very smart one. You could make more money with a growing economy. "Cut" is the opposite of "grow".

Medicare?--Obama was the one who cut 500 BILLION out of Medicare to pay for Obamacare.

Rebuilding infrastructure?--LOL--turned into saving government workers jobs--to then Nancy Pelosi referring to the unemployment checks as economic stimulus.

Investment into innovation and technology? Our Federal Government couldn't innovate themselves into operating a lemonade stand without driving it into bankruptcy.

Education? Bush doubled down on education--Obama quadroppled that--and countries that pay 1/10th of the amount in education we throw at it--their students are excelling and our's are still failing.

Turn over health care to the private sector? Yeah--they can run it much better than the Federal Government can.

Social Security in the stock market?--LOL Social security has been a bigger and better ponzi scheme than Bernie Madoff ever thought of. They take 12.4% of your gross wages (employer/employee) contribution for all you working years. If you are single and die before age 62 they simply confiscate it. If you're lucky enough to hit 65 you get diddly sqwaut back in a monthly check--until you die. They use the Social Security fund as their slush fund--to pay for wars--foreign aid--earmarks--and about anything and everything other than the well-being of senior citizens. They have expanded it as a "welfare" check to those who are underage--and there is fraud abundant in it. And you're worried about the stock market--when there are GUARANTEED private sector financial instruments--that could retire all without a financial concern for the rest of their lives. The ONLY reason why democrats continually fight any private sector investment--is because they couldn't get their grubby little hands on it.
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If a gov't agency is failing at their duty, what is the typical Liberal response? Give em more money! Whereas in private industry if you're a failure you go bankrupt, Unless you're "too big to fail".

If the meal you ordered in a restaurant turned out horrible what would you do? You'd send it back untill they get it right! Or you'd ask for your money back because they didn't deliver on their promises.

I guess when Liberals dine out and they get served something that sucks they just say: "Ok, how about if I paid you 50% more for this?" :confused:

No, that isn't the "liberal response". The liberal response is to FIX the problem, not destroy it. That seems to be the "conservative" response. Instead of fixing something that isn't working well, they believe destroying it entirely is the answer. Welcome to the United States of Somalia if they get their way.

Destroying it would imply there is something about it that redeems it.

You libs don't give a flip about the kids. You just care about the ATM machine being open and having a platform to indoctrinate kids into whatever liberal nonsense you can squeeze in between distributing condoms.

If you ran the schools as private corporations with stated goals, you'd fix the problem.
Have Republicans just "given up"?

They are cutting:

Rebuilding any infra structure
Investment in innovation or technology
They want to strip medicare of funding
Turn over any Health Care to Companies who pay tens of millions to their CEO and BOD
Turn Social Security over to stock markets now run by robots

Once they've squeezed the country dry and turned over every single bit of capital to the wealthy and to corporations, "then what"? It's not like they can "leave". US Currency is only as strong as the country.

What's the "goal"? The "end game"? Does the Republican base really think their leadership will do better than what "Bush" did? I know you want to blame it on Obama, but Obama and the Democrats have had to fight, not only the "filibuster party", but also the mess left by the "filibuster party".

At least answer, "With education cut, what kinds of jobs will be "available"?" Who wants to hire anyone with no education? And "Bible School" is NOT education. Unless, "No Jobs" is the plan. Doesn't seem like a very smart one. You could make more money with a growing economy. "Cut" is the opposite of "grow".

Education has nothing to do with the available jobs.

Without that your post is a complete failure. With that it is just plain stupid.
Cutting education means conservatives see it as just another ‘commodity’ to be acquired by those who can afford it. According to conservative dogma, public education is a ‘disincentive’ to hard work and sacrifice. And for those who fail to succeed, their children will go without an education, seen by the right as an acceptable consequence of poverty.

That is so stupid it doesn't even make sense.

How does getting the federal government involved in education make it not be a product that is for sale to the people that can afford it? Has government loans and grants kept the cost of education down to a reasonable level, or has that cost actually grown faster than even the cost of health care?

Please cite where in the Constitution the states are alone mandated to address the issue of public education.

Seriously? Do you know anything about the Constitution at all?
…but I don't normally do links because no one reads them, or they pretend they didn't see them.

The problem is providing links to opinion pieces at WorldNetDaily and American Thinker is pointless.
What you should fire is bad parents. Like I said, every school where parents are involved seems to work. The worst schools are in poor areas or Republican southern areas. The children of the Republican base aren't rich. Seems logical they wouldn't care that much for their welfare. Why build schools up? Better to tear them down, right? Save some money. Like in Florida. Then you can give tax breaks to the people who really are important. The jobs makers.

NO, actually the WORST schools are in the big cities, as I have pointed out repeatedly.

Part of the problem is that you guys see Public Education as a jobs program, not something that is designed to achieve a result.

What should be done is get the government out of the education business altogether. Give parents vouchers, let them find a school that will take their little bundle of joy under whatever parameters they agree upon.

Yea, because those schools out in Alabama backwoods are so good.
Have Republicans just "given up"?

They are cutting:

Rebuilding any infra structure
Investment in innovation or technology
They want to strip medicare of funding
Turn over any Health Care to Companies who pay tens of millions to their CEO and BOD
Turn Social Security over to stock markets now run by robots

Once they've squeezed the country dry and turned over every single bit of capital to the wealthy and to corporations, "then what"? It's not like they can "leave". US Currency is only as strong as the country.

What's the "goal"? The "end game"? Does the Republican base really think their leadership will do better than what "Bush" did? I know you want to blame it on Obama, but Obama and the Democrats have had to fight, not only the "filibuster party", but also the mess left by the "filibuster party".

At least answer, "With education cut, what kinds of jobs will be "available"?" Who wants to hire anyone with no education? And "Bible School" is NOT education. Unless, "No Jobs" is the plan. Doesn't seem like a very smart one. You could make more money with a growing economy. "Cut" is the opposite of "grow".

Education has nothing to do with the available jobs.

Without that your post is a complete failure. With that it is just plain stupid.

Oh wow. I should have known. "Education and jobs" are completely unrelated. Why didn't I see that before? I'm taken "aback" by your keen "insight".
Have Republicans just "given up"?

They are cutting:

Rebuilding any infra structure
Investment in innovation or technology
They want to strip medicare of funding
Turn over any Health Care to Companies who pay tens of millions to their CEO and BOD
Turn Social Security over to stock markets now run by robots

Once they've squeezed the country dry and turned over every single bit of capital to the wealthy and to corporations, "then what"? It's not like they can "leave". US Currency is only as strong as the country.

What's the "goal"? The "end game"? Does the Republican base really think their leadership will do better than what "Bush" did? I know you want to blame it on Obama, but Obama and the Democrats have had to fight, not only the "filibuster party", but also the mess left by the "filibuster party".

At least answer, "With education cut, what kinds of jobs will be "available"?" Who wants to hire anyone with no education? And "Bible School" is NOT education. Unless, "No Jobs" is the plan. Doesn't seem like a very smart one. You could make more money with a growing economy. "Cut" is the opposite of "grow".
it's very simple we can't afford to waist more money trying to educate unruly inferior inner city thugs.:eusa_eh:
schools need discipline not more damn money.get the left out of schools and bring back the paddles!!!:clap2::clap2:
What you should fire is bad parents. Like I said, every school where parents are involved seems to work. The worst schools are in poor areas or Republican southern areas. The children of the Republican base aren't rich. Seems logical they wouldn't care that much for their welfare. Why build schools up? Better to tear them down, right? Save some money. Like in Florida. Then you can give tax breaks to the people who really are important. The jobs makers.

NO, actually the WORST schools are in the big cities, as I have pointed out repeatedly.

Part of the problem is that you guys see Public Education as a jobs program, not something that is designed to achieve a result.

What should be done is get the government out of the education business altogether. Give parents vouchers, let them find a school that will take their little bundle of joy under whatever parameters they agree upon.

Yea, because those schools out in Alabama backwoods are so good.

Given that companies are relocating from the Urban liberal meccas of the Rust Belt to the "backwoods" says they are.

Look, I know you hate southern folks and Christians and Red State people, but the fact is, the Red States are growing and the Blue States are dying on the vine, largely because of their huge, bloated governments and teacher's unions who think that graduating ritalin zombies who can't read their diplomas is a job well done.
NO, actually the WORST schools are in the big cities, as I have pointed out repeatedly.

Part of the problem is that you guys see Public Education as a jobs program, not something that is designed to achieve a result.

What should be done is get the government out of the education business altogether. Give parents vouchers, let them find a school that will take their little bundle of joy under whatever parameters they agree upon.

Yea, because those schools out in Alabama backwoods are so good.

Given that companies are relocating from the Urban liberal meccas of the Rust Belt to the "backwoods" says they are.

Look, I know you hate southern folks and Christians and Red State people, but the fact is, the Red States are growing and the Blue States are dying on the vine, largely because of their huge, bloated governments and teacher's unions who think that graduating ritalin zombies who can't read their diplomas is a job well done.

Hilarious. Red states are completely funded by Blue states. Everyone knows that. Bible college can't compete with real education.


I'm amazed at the extent the right wing sips their own swill.
Dean, money does not equate a triple A education. If it did we would have the smartest kids in the world. The fact that some idiot used what you thought should have been school money for other things is irrelevant.
My oldest daughter went to one of the best schools in Missouri. Unfortunately it made very little difference and it wasn't because of lack of funding. We live in a well funded, wealthy district.
Money doesn't solve everything. In fact money applied without common sense solves nothing.
The only reason this is a political issue is because some think it garners votes. Fact is the politicalization of it just makes matters worse.


And what solutions are Republicans coming up with to improve the schools? The unfunded "no child left behind"?

In fact, name a single Republican policy that that doesn't dismantle something or hurt the middle class. When I was a kid, the Republican party was known as "The Party of Ideas". What ideas do they have now? Cut taxes for the wealthy? Turn Medicare into a disastrous voucher program? And let me tell you something. Those awful schools have produced the kids that are currently in colleges and universities. All those awful liberal teachers, college professors, scientists and engineers are products of that school system. Sure, some kids don't learn and won't, but the knowledge is there and available for those that want to. Take that away and we are killing our country.

Almost every kid who is failing has a parent or parents who are doing nothing to help that kid. They want schools to do it all. Well it doesn't work that way and it never has. When parents are involved, miraculously, the schools seem to work. Unless there is no school. Then what? What's the Republican plan?

No Child Left Behind was written by Ted Kennedy.
Did it work? LOL!

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