Question for Iraq war supporters

Its your claim that the reaons were PROVEN false. So far, you havent proven anything.
Know what? Fuck you M14 Shooter. All you did was paste "This is not proof that the attending claim was false." after each response I had to the Joint Resolution to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq.

I provided links to support my contentions and your continued pasting of This is not proof that the attending claim was false does not refute anything I have said.

You cannot prove me wrong on any of these points. And I know you won't because you'll hide behind your cowardly little "You have to prove it not me" mentality.

You don't want to know the truth. Are you in the military or were you? Are you a veteran? Is this why it is so important for me to be wrong, because it would prove your actions as acts of aggression? :eusa_think:

If not, then why is it so important that you protect Bush and his war machine? What have you got vested in this that makes you think that the truth matters less than quieting opposition?
The point is that if it is a neo-con or conservative view, you don't demand that they prove it because you agree (and that makes it infallibly correct in your mind). :eusa_wall:
No, the point is you made a claim - a statement of fact - and as such it is up to you to support it.

Thus far, you havent done so.
No, the point is you made a claim - a statement of fact - and as such it is up to you to support it.

Thus far, you havent done so.

But why is it so important to you? Not because you seek truth, but because you want to quiet opposition. And that begs an answer to the question of why it is so important to you to protect Bush and his war machine.

Know what? Fuck you M14 Shooter.
What's the matter, boo-boo kitty - does your pussy hurt?

after each response I had to the Joint Resolution to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq.
Nothng you posted constitutes -proof- of your claims. Period.
Several of your responses were -questions- which prove nothing.

You cannot prove me wrong on any of these points. And I know you won't because you'll hide behind your cowardly little "You have to prove it not me" mentality.
Debate 101, son.
They're your claims - its up to you back them up.
I'm sorry - you dont understand the importance of backing up your claims?

If you cannot prove your claims to be true, then why do you make them?

Its your claim that the reaons were PROVEN false. So far, you havent proven anything.
I understand the importance of backing up claims. I also know that any evidence I give you will never be valid enough because you don't want to know the truth.

Again, why is it so important for you to protect Bush and his war machine?
I understand the importance of backing up claims. I also know that any evidence I give you will never be valid enough because you don't want to know the truth.

Again, why is it so important for you to protect Bush and his war machine?

We don't know that to be true, as you fail to back anything up, other than with your opinion or more likely, a diversion.

As for 'not accepting or valid enough' when the reasons cited in the war resolution were posted, you go into divert and ignore. Then you wonder why there is some laughter at you?

We all get into discussions that leave us in a dead end, but you do it time and again. You don't even attempt a real response.
We don't know that to be true, as you fail to back anything up, other than with your opinion or more likely, a diversion.

As for 'not accepting or valid enough' when the reasons cited in the war resolution were posted, you go into divert and ignore. Then you wonder why there is some laughter at you?

We all get into discussions that leave us in a dead end, but you do it time and again. You don't even attempt a real response.

Yes I do. But again, it is not my links or my contentions but the fact that a liberal said it. If Bush said it you would take it as gold and find a way to forgive. But if one of the questioners states anything opposite of the propagandist views, you begin the character assassinations and belittling any and all evidence.

One of the problems is that any damning evidence against the Bush Administration, our military and intelligence communities are deemed classified and unattainable. Outside sources like the BBC and the UN are demonized as inaccurate at best and anti-American at worst.

The media outlets like FoxNews, network news and even CNN and MSNBC only continue the messages spewed out by the Pentagon, the White House and countless pundits - all of whom are corrupt and in the pocket of several industry lobbies.

True debate and discourse is dead. You people cling to what the administration tells you as absolute truth and infallible and at the same time attack anyone who looks at other evidence or questions the validity of the status quo.

What is it that you are afraid of knowing?

No you haven't. All you have done is provide YOUR opinion on those charges. Several are simply unbable to ever be proven false because of the simple fact they OCCURRED and are historically accurate. Your attempt then to place some time limit on them is nothing more than you trying to divert the charge.
No, son, you did not.

You made two unsupported claims, asked three questions, and presented three opinons.
That doesn't PROVE anything, regardless of who you are.

Prove that all of those claims have been proven false.
PROVEN false.

First of all, the fact that we are still in Iraq and victory has not been defined is proof enough.

Secondly, did you even read any of the links that I provided or did you not bother and just attack my comments?
No you haven't. All you have done is provide YOUR opinion on those charges. Several are simply unbable to ever be proven false because of the simple fact they OCCURRED and are historically accurate. Your attempt then to place some time limit on them is nothing more than you trying to divert the charge.

Now the shoe is on the other foot. You made a claim that "Several are simply unbable to ever be proven false because of the simple fact they OCCURRED and are historically accurate."

Now prove it. Back your claim up. Prove that I am wrong and your grasp of history is accurate.
First of all, the fact that we are still in Iraq and victory has not been defined is proof enough.
It doesnt prove ANYTHING regarding your claim that all of the reasons we went into Otaq have been proven false.

Secondly, did you even read any of the links that I provided or did you not bother and just attack my comments?
You made two unsupported claims, asked three questions, and presented three opinons. That doesn't PROVE anything, regardless of who you are.

Prove that all of those claims have been proven false.
PROVEN false.
It doesnt prove ANYTHING regarding your claim that all of the reasons we went into Otaq have been proven false.

You made two unsupported claims, asked three questions, and presented three opinons. That doesn't PROVE anything, regardless of who you are.

Prove that all of those claims have been proven false.
PROVEN false.

I did. Unfortunately I cannot read them to you. I posted links to support my comments and that is called proof, evidence, etc. You are required to read the links if you are to debate the points with me.

This is a two way street. Just because your are intellectually lazy and cannot be bothered to read the proof that I posted along with my comments does not make my post wrong nor inaccurate.

Either read the links or shut the fuck up.
I did. Unfortunately I cannot read them to you. I posted links to support my comments and that is called proof, evidence, etc. You are required to read the links if you are to debate the points with me.

This is a two way street. Just because your are intellectually lazy and cannot be bothered to read the proof that I posted along with my comments does not make my post wrong nor inaccurate.

Either read the links or shut the fuck up.

Your links are not proof. I can link to lots of things too, doesn't mean it is proof of anything.
Your links are not proof. I can link to lots of things too, doesn't mean it is proof of anything.

Now you have to prove or discredit my evidence. Just stating that my links are not proof does not diminish my contention.

Are we holding a summit? Should I bring hard evidence to that summit?
Of course not, this is a message board and we work with Internet links here.

You guys refuse to even consider that Bush lied, that the war in Iraq may be wrong, and that we are aggressors. So any proof I bring to the table you have already biased your minds against.

This isn't a debate, this is some old military coots trying to defend their actions in wars that have already passed by using Iraq as a proxy to their own acts of aggression.

You know it, I know it and now the Internet community knows it.
Says the little boy that can't support his claims with anything other than questions and opinions - and then thrown a tantrum when you don't accept those things as "proof"


What a waste of time.

You are a waste of time. You asked me to provide proof and I linked proof to my post. You are either real dumb or a complete asshole. I believe either one or both is quite possible.

You are not debating, your are just being argumentative.

Discussion over. Let us know when you have something intelligent to add. We might be retired by then, but we will wait for you. :rolleyes:

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