Question for Iraq war supporters

Hey dumb shit, Congress does not have "limited" access. Perhaps you should go take a few classes on how our Government actually works. You might have enough functioning brain cells left to retain some of the knowledge.

I tell you what.. you go have your sponge bath by rich the orderly and think about how stupid you are when senility clouds your memory of a mere few years ago. I'll be over here laughing at your impending 08 failure based much on the hindsight of your asshole president.
Hey dumb shit, Congress does not have "limited" access. Perhaps you should go take a few classes on how our Government actually works. You might have enough functioning brain cells left to retain some of the knowledge.

Wrong, as usual:

"Report: Bush Had More Prewar Intelligence Than Congress"

By Dafna Linzer
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, December 16, 2005

A congressional report – by the Non-partisan Congressinal Research Service - made public yesterday concluded that President Bush and his inner circle had access to more intelligence and reviewed more sensitive material than what was shared with Congress when it gave Bush the authority to wage war against Iraq.
Finish the sentence.
"There is no doubt in my mind."

Then prove there was a doubt in his mind, and he made the statement.
It can't be done; hence the argument that he was telling a lie is a huge waste of time.

he didn't say, in MY mind, however. He said, there is no doubt that Saddam has WMD's. There WAS doubt. It was in every intell report the administration ever got (except for the one from Feith, of course)
And we have quoted all the democrats that said EXACTLY the same thing, making them all liars as well, RIGHT? Making all the intel agencies around the world liars also? Making the UN liars for running a program when they knew no weapons existed?

no. the deomcrats did not say exactly the same thing..and NONE of the democrats ordered our troops into battle on the basis of any of that.
So Bush lied, but the others were just "mistaken"? And I assume then that if Hillary gets the nomination for President you won't be voting for her?

The Bush administration's repeated expressions of absolute certainty are the essence of the lie. why do you keep running away from that. Out of all those democratic quotes you all keep dragging up, only one expresses any sort of absolute certainty about Saddam's WMD's.
A person doesn't have to have irrefutable proof to be without doubt.

That is the plain truth of the entire matter.....This truth is irrefutable !

And if they had said "I have no doubt", that would be one thing.

They said "There is no doubt"....and, in fact, there was. LIE.
The story is full of opinion not fact. And that is the whole problem, you think if an OPINION you like is presented it turns into fact.

Opinion when you disagree, fact when you agree RGS? I was confused by the fact that both were reputable news sources, but since it was critical of the administration and PROVED YOU WRONG, you cannot accept them...and so you try and dicredit them by calling them opinion.

Face it, BUSH Lied and people died.
So Bush lied, but the others were just "mistaken"? And I assume then that if Hillary gets the nomination for President you won't be voting for her?

Are you trying to blame Congress for being duped by Bush and his administration when it has been proven that they fixed the intelligence in order to make a case for war?

Bush lied to Congress, the UN and the American people, and that lie caused the death and destruction of countless lives here and abroad.

I do believe that is an impeachable offense.
All are just fine, how about yours? My VA benefits have gone up every year, something I can not say happened every year under Clinton. My wife's income is fine she has had a job the whole time. As for the rest we never had any problems with those things to begin with and still do not.

Oh, so the cost of living is not too high? No recession or inflationary prices in your area? How is the housing market? Do you pay property taxes? Income taxes? Payroll taxes? You have absolutely no problems with society under Bush?

You are either lying or delusional.
Convenient isn't it? No evidence to back up your bullshit claim, yet it is still true according to you. Remind me again how courts work and how evidence and such applies?

Ohh ya provide us with a list of all these people that claimed such a list existed.

Kennedy never killed anyone but Bush lied. Gotta ya. Partisan hack indeed.

Pot calling the kettle black RGS.
Are you trying to blame Congress for being duped by Bush and his administration when it has been proven that they fixed the intelligence in order to make a case for war?

Bush lied to Congress, the UN and the American people, and that lie caused the death and destruction of countless lives here and abroad.

I do believe that is an impeachable offense.

Simply not true, you and the left can make that claim all you want, THAT is the only lie. The president does NOT control what Congress has access to.
Are you trying to blame Congress for being duped by Bush and his administration when it has been proven that they fixed the intelligence in order to make a case for war?

Bush lied to Congress, the UN and the American people, and that lie caused the death and destruction of countless lives here and abroad.

I do believe that is an impeachable offense.

Actually, except for lying to Congress, it's not impeachable or none of our presidents would have served out a single term.

So I'd say at this point that Bush probably hasn't lied to Congress. Or if he has, nobody has caught him.

Lying to the UN and the American People?
Don't make me laugh. Too late! Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
There's no list. If he got bumped, there'd be evidence of it. The Nat'l Guard and the Army in general aren't that good at covering their tracks.

And Mr. English....please capitalize the letter "e" when referring to the "English" language. This will keep me from laughing while cruising through your posts.

Actually, he was pushed ahead of the waiting list...and the champagne corps as the Texas Air National Guard was called, had a long waiting list of rich boys who did not want to see combat.

The problem posed by proving these facts is that the one witness to Bush's inept time in the TANG - who is willing to speak out - is dead.

Dan Rather was demonized for reporting on the story - even though he is an anchor and the fact checkers and writers were more to blame.

Since Bush took office we have witnessed an assault on truth, and assault on checks & balances, and assault on civil liberties and an assault on common sense. The Bush Administration, the Pentagon and the Intelligence Community has teamed up with marketing firms to not only present a slick package for every lie and deceitful maneuver, but to cover up what ever truth is available.

And you demand that we present facts and evidence in order for you to pooh-pooh them smugly...all the while you refuse to back up any claims that you make.

RGS, the majority of the country is in a recession. Since 9/11 I have had 12 jobs. Although I am working with a great company now, the same is not true for most Americans.

There is no job security. Unions have been weakened. Wages are stagnant or dropping while the cost of living is going up.

Healthcare costs are rising and employers no longer have to provide coverage or foot any of the bill at all. There is a very large portion of the population that work as temps and contractors. Not exactly steady or dependable work.

Our food is too expensive and laden with preservatives, hormones, and other additives that make us weak and sickly. The medicines are advertised to us now and those all have worse side effects than what they claim to cure.

Where do you live because I want to move over that way myself if life is so friggin sunny.
Dan Rather wasn't demonized for "reporting" the story. He was demonized for pretending there was evidence when in fact, no evidence existed. At the very least, slipshod reporting. At the worst, a criminal offense.

Given his history he's lucky he just lost his job.
Simply not true, you and the left can make that claim all you want, THAT is the only lie. The president does NOT control what Congress has access to.

Oh, so when the president's inner circle fixed the intel to make it look as though Saddam Hussein was a threat and made the case for war, it was Congress's fault for not researching the intel further.

So I can lie to Congress and that is okay, it is their duty to investigate further and prove me wrong? So Clinton did not commit a crime?
Oh, so when the president's inner circle fixed the intel to make it look as though Saddam Hussein was a threat and made the case for war, it was Congress's fault for not researching the intel further.

So I can lie to Congress and that is okay, it is their duty to investigate further and prove me wrong? So Clinton did not commit a crime?

Sort of along the lines of reading the bills they are voting on...
It depends on whether or not your lies are orchestrated to the objective of obstructing justice.
Actually, except for lying to Congress, it's not impeachable or none of our presidents would have served out a single term.

So I'd say at this point that Bush probably hasn't lied to Congress. Or if he has, nobody has caught him.

Lying to the UN and the American People?
Don't make me laugh. Too late! Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

You scoff at the UN, and it was our aggression during the Reagan years that weakened it. Why is that a good thing? Are we supposed to be a rogue state? Doesn't that make America an empire rather than a Democracy?

And lying to the masses is not without dangers. Should we rise against the state, the state would be powerless to stop us.
Dan Rather wasn't demonized for "reporting" the story. He was demonized for pretending there was evidence when in fact, no evidence existed. At the very least, slipshod reporting. At the worst, a criminal offense.

Given his history he's lucky he just lost his job.

He was a news caster. He was reading a teleprompter. He was reporting the story.

Bush lied to Congress, he is lucky that Nancy Pelosi is a friggin sell out bitch.

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