Question for Iraq war supporters

We don't belong to the United Nations of the United Nations first, and exist as our own country second. We are first, Americans. And no, we don't answer to the United Thug Nations.
He was a news caster. He was reading a teleprompter. He was reporting the story.

Bush lied to Congress, he is lucky that Nancy Pelosi is a friggin sell out bitch.

No, the story was his. He put his name and face to it. That's what it means to be a newsman, and that's why it behooves them to check out sources.

And, as an old hand, he knew that. He was zapped once before for making up stories.
So the President is allowed to lie to Congress? Do you feel the same way about Bill Clinton?

Nooo...the president shouldn't lie to Congress. WHat I said is despite all the caterwauling, Bush hasn't actually been caught lying to Congress. Which puts him head and shoulders above Clinton.
So the President is allowed to lie to Congress? Do you feel the same way about Bill Clinton?

Lying and omitting are different things, neither of which I'm assuming. Do legislators have an obligation to check things for themselves? I would think so.
We don't belong to the United Nations of the United Nations first, and exist as our own country second. We are first, Americans. And no, we don't answer to the United Thug Nations.

Dude, we are signatories of the UN Charter. We are signatories of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We are part of the UN.

We are also the thugs, not the UN. We are the aggressors in every country that we exploit resources in, and every populace that we use military and economic tactics against.

We are the thugs.

And if we are not part of the UN, then why was Bush and Powell addressing the UN for permission to attack Iraq? When do we have an ambassador in the UN?

Check your facts fool.
Dude, we are signatories of the UN Charter. We are signatories of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We are part of the UN.

We are also the thugs, not the UN. We are the aggressors in every country that we exploit resources in, and every populace that we use military and economic tactics against.

We are the thugs.

And if we are not part of the UN, then why was Bush and Powell addressing the UN for permission to attack Iraq? When do we have an ambassador in the UN?

Check your facts fool.
Do you have a clue to what you are ranting about? Didn't think so.
No, the story was his. He put his name and face to it. That's what it means to be a newsman, and that's why it behooves them to check out sources.

And, as an old hand, he knew that. He was zapped once before for making up stories.

You are so full of crap. Dan Rather was an anchor on television. He was not a reporter nor an investigative journalist. It sickens me that you readily forgive Bush or believe his lies and attack anyone who questions the official story.

And you do this according to partisan politics, which is truly pathetic.
You are so full of crap. Dan Rather was an anchor on television. He was not a reporter nor an investigative journalist. It sickens me that you readily forgive Bush or believe his lies and attack anyone who questions the official story.

And you do this according to partisan politics, which is truly pathetic.

You really haven't a clue. Yet you are so damn pompous.
Nooo...the president shouldn't lie to Congress. WHat I said is despite all the caterwauling, Bush hasn't actually been caught lying to Congress. Which puts him head and shoulders above Clinton.

Actually, the evidence is there. I am wondering how much political clout his father has in Washington that makes W like Teflon?
Lying and omitting are different things, neither of which I'm assuming. Do legislators have an obligation to check things for themselves? I would think so.

Yes they do have an obligation, but that does not give Bush a pass, and that is what RGS and ali are trying to do. Lying and omitting are the same thing.
No, the thugs are the ones who take food they are supposed to be distributing to starving people, and trade it for oil. The thugs are the ones who commit human rights violations crimes in their own countries and personally..and who dare to sit in judgment against us.

The UN is a pathetic group of sniveling ankle-biters, many of whom individually hope to exploit others to gain power for themselves.

I get so sick of people whining, "But we must answer to the UN!"

The day we are forced to answer to that bunch of criminals is the day we need to assert ourselves as the ONLY superpower in the world.

And Bush and Powell appealed to them because it was expected and considerate, and because they were hoping for support. But they intended to move forward (as they should have) regardless of whether they gained that support or not.

And they did gain it. But it's a courtesy. They aren't our bosses, ding dong.
No, the thugs are the ones who take food they are supposed to be distributing to starving people, and trade it for oil. The thugs are the ones who commit human rights violations crimes in their own countries and personally..and who dare to sit in judgment against us.

The UN is a pathetic group of sniveling ankle-biters, many of whom individually hope to exploit others to gain power for themselves.

I get so sick of people whining, "But we must answer to the UN!"

The day we are forced to answer to that bunch of criminals is the day we need to assert ourselves as the ONLY superpower in the world.

And Bush and Powell appealed to them because it was expected and considerate, and because they were hoping for support. But they intended to move forward (as they should have) regardless of whether they gained that support or not.

And they did gain it. But it's a courtesy. They aren't our bosses, ding dong.

And you wonder why we were attacked on 9/11?
Yes they do have an obligation, but that does not give Bush a pass, and that is what RGS and ali are trying to do. Lying and omitting are the same thing.

No they aren't. That's a strawman.
If we were attacked because we pissed off the UN, I'd say that pretty much proves my point.

I hate cowards who think we should submit to pigs and who insist that by not submitting, we bring justified destruction upon our own heads.

We didn't deserve 911, you fucking pig.
No they aren't. That's a strawman.

Oh, so if I lie and tell the police "I didn't kill her," that is wrong, but if I say "I did not shoot her with this gun," when it was another gun I used...that is okay?

When you omit specific facts to alter the perception of data, that is lying. Purposeful withholding of information is the same as lying.
Actually I'm the antithesis of pompous. Seriously.

No, you are not. You are very uppity, especially towards anyone who dares to disagree with you.

Last time we went at it I tried to be nice to you and you stated "I meant something else, so whatever."

You are pompous. You look down your nose at me and some others on this board. You insult us when ever possible. You act as though nothing we say is remotely intelligent.

I feel real sorry for your husband. :rofl:

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