Question for Jehovah's Witnesses

In the ot when angels appeared to mortals, they appeared as mortals. Peter knew first hand and he stated--Jesus was raised a spirit. If your teachers are calling Gods word a lie--you need a new teacher.
Jesus' body was gone from the tomb. If He was only spirit, it would have still been there. You do know, don't you, that Jesus' body was dead for a while? As I noted before, it was during that time that he preached to those who had died before. He was then resurrected and His body was transformed.

No part lives on once one is dead. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. The ot teaches--On the day of ones death--ALL thought stops. It was symbolism that Jesus witnessed to the dead in Hades.( grave)
Except that He was seen by multiple people at multiple times after His resurrection in His resurrected body.

There is only a single instance. The story of Thomas.

Do you really want to argue the Bible when you clearly don't know much about it? Jesus appeared to:

The two disciples walking the road to Emmaus and the people where they stayed. Luke 24: 13-35.
The eleven disciples and those with them. Luke 24:36-43.
Thomas and the other disciples. John 20:24-29.
The disciples while they were fishing. John 21:1-14.
All of His disciples in Jerusalem. Acts 1:1-11.
More than 500 at one time. 1 Corinthians 15:5-8.

You cannot credibly claim that those accounts are all dreams. In each of those accounts He appeared to multiple people at one time and groups of people do not all see the same person, hear the same person, and touch the same person while having the same dream at the same time. That's less believable than them seeing the Son of God in resurrected form.

How do you explain he was unrecognizable outside the tomb on the first day? How do you explain him appearing behind a locked door?

Why do I have to explain that? I have already stated that Jesus was in His resurrected body. Quite obviously, God in a perfected body has abilities we in our imperfect bodies do not. Frankly, I look forward to having my perfected, resurrected body.

And the only instance where it can be proved that Jesus was in his first mortal body is the story of Thomas. Peter knew him 1000 x better than you--he said Jesus was raised a spirit--a real teacher of Jesus said that. and here you are calling him a liar.
So, IOW, He is in His resurrected body, and in the resurrection, we will be like Him. There is no need for separate bodies at all.

144,000 are [promised heaven--Rev 14:3--bought from the earth. These are the little flock( Luke 12:32) the bride of Christ. There isn't a single passage that teaches the great multitude go to heaven. But instead received this promise from Jesus--Matt 5:5--Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth. I would advise to believe Jesus.
Of course. His saints will reign with Him, thus inheriting the earth. I do believe Jesus.

From 2 Timothy 2:
If we died with him, we will also live with him;
12 if we endure,
we will also reign with him.

From Romans 6:
We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his.

Only--144,000 are bought from the earth.
For that one specific purpose, to witness of Christ through the time after the Church is removed.

No, these are to sit on thrones as kings and priests alongside Jesus during his millennial reign as Gods appointed king.

From 2 Timothy 2:

11 Here is a trustworthy saying:
If we died with him,
we will also live with him;
12 if we endure,
we will also reign with him.

The word Church is a mistranslation in the bible--In Rev Jesus spoke to 7 congregations( body of members) not to a building( church)
There is but one Church, those who are forgiven their sin through repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Church can be found in all Christian denominations, but many who call themselves part of the Church are not.
Jesus' body was gone from the tomb. If He was only spirit, it would have still been there. You do know, don't you, that Jesus' body was dead for a while? As I noted before, it was during that time that he preached to those who had died before. He was then resurrected and His body was transformed.

No part lives on once one is dead. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. The ot teaches--On the day of ones death--ALL thought stops. It was symbolism that Jesus witnessed to the dead in Hades.( grave)
Except that He was seen by multiple people at multiple times after His resurrection in His resurrected body.

There is only a single instance. The story of Thomas.

Do you really want to argue the Bible when you clearly don't know much about it? Jesus appeared to:

The two disciples walking the road to Emmaus and the people where they stayed. Luke 24: 13-35.
The eleven disciples and those with them. Luke 24:36-43.
Thomas and the other disciples. John 20:24-29.
The disciples while they were fishing. John 21:1-14.
All of His disciples in Jerusalem. Acts 1:1-11.
More than 500 at one time. 1 Corinthians 15:5-8.

You cannot credibly claim that those accounts are all dreams. In each of those accounts He appeared to multiple people at one time and groups of people do not all see the same person, hear the same person, and touch the same person while having the same dream at the same time. That's less believable than them seeing the Son of God in resurrected form.

How do you explain he was unrecognizable outside the tomb on the first day? How do you explain him appearing behind a locked door?

Why do I have to explain that? I have already stated that Jesus was in His resurrected body. Quite obviously, God in a perfected body has abilities we in our imperfect bodies do not. Frankly, I look forward to having my perfected, resurrected body.

And the only instance where it can be proved that Jesus was in his first mortal body is the story of Thomas. Peter knew him 1000 x better than you--he said Jesus was raised a spirit--a real teacher of Jesus said that. and here you are calling him a liar.
Incorrect. Note that Jesus BOTH appeared in a closed room AND proved that His body was the one that was killed, then resurrected. You seem unable to understand that the resurrected body will look like the one we have now, only perfect.
144,000 are [promised heaven--Rev 14:3--bought from the earth. These are the little flock( Luke 12:32) the bride of Christ. There isn't a single passage that teaches the great multitude go to heaven. But instead received this promise from Jesus--Matt 5:5--Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth. I would advise to believe Jesus.
Of course. His saints will reign with Him, thus inheriting the earth. I do believe Jesus.

From 2 Timothy 2:
If we died with him, we will also live with him;
12 if we endure,
we will also reign with him.

From Romans 6:
We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his.

Only--144,000 are bought from the earth.
For that one specific purpose, to witness of Christ through the time after the Church is removed.

No, these are to sit on thrones as kings and priests alongside Jesus during his millennial reign as Gods appointed king.

From 2 Timothy 2:

11 Here is a trustworthy saying:
If we died with him,
we will also live with him;
12 if we endure,
we will also reign with him.

The word Church is a mistranslation in the bible--In Rev Jesus spoke to 7 congregations( body of members) not to a building( church)
There is but one Church, those who are forgiven their sin through repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Church can be found in all Christian denominations, but many who call themselves part of the Church are not.

No matter what--a church is a building--Jesus did not speak to a building he spoke to the congregation.

You are teaching lies--the one single religion accomplishes this--1Cor 1:10-- unity of thought--no division-- can you understand English? trinity based religions are a divided house( 32,997) of them--they will not stand-Mark 3:24-26
No part lives on once one is dead. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. The ot teaches--On the day of ones death--ALL thought stops. It was symbolism that Jesus witnessed to the dead in Hades.( grave)
Except that He was seen by multiple people at multiple times after His resurrection in His resurrected body.

There is only a single instance. The story of Thomas.

Do you really want to argue the Bible when you clearly don't know much about it? Jesus appeared to:

The two disciples walking the road to Emmaus and the people where they stayed. Luke 24: 13-35.
The eleven disciples and those with them. Luke 24:36-43.
Thomas and the other disciples. John 20:24-29.
The disciples while they were fishing. John 21:1-14.
All of His disciples in Jerusalem. Acts 1:1-11.
More than 500 at one time. 1 Corinthians 15:5-8.

You cannot credibly claim that those accounts are all dreams. In each of those accounts He appeared to multiple people at one time and groups of people do not all see the same person, hear the same person, and touch the same person while having the same dream at the same time. That's less believable than them seeing the Son of God in resurrected form.

How do you explain he was unrecognizable outside the tomb on the first day? How do you explain him appearing behind a locked door?

Why do I have to explain that? I have already stated that Jesus was in His resurrected body. Quite obviously, God in a perfected body has abilities we in our imperfect bodies do not. Frankly, I look forward to having my perfected, resurrected body.

And the only instance where it can be proved that Jesus was in his first mortal body is the story of Thomas. Peter knew him 1000 x better than you--he said Jesus was raised a spirit--a real teacher of Jesus said that. and here you are calling him a liar.
Incorrect. Note that Jesus BOTH appeared in a closed room AND proved that His body was the one that was killed, then resurrected. You seem unable to understand that the resurrected body will look like the one we have now, only perfect.

No its you who are failing to understand--the son of God can appear in 50,000 different mortal bodies if he chooses to. But the fact remains--He was raised a spirit--an apostle taught that because it is truth. Your teachers are delusional standing in opposition to what Gods word teaches.
Except that He was seen by multiple people at multiple times after His resurrection in His resurrected body.

There is only a single instance. The story of Thomas.

Do you really want to argue the Bible when you clearly don't know much about it? Jesus appeared to:

The two disciples walking the road to Emmaus and the people where they stayed. Luke 24: 13-35.
The eleven disciples and those with them. Luke 24:36-43.
Thomas and the other disciples. John 20:24-29.
The disciples while they were fishing. John 21:1-14.
All of His disciples in Jerusalem. Acts 1:1-11.
More than 500 at one time. 1 Corinthians 15:5-8.

You cannot credibly claim that those accounts are all dreams. In each of those accounts He appeared to multiple people at one time and groups of people do not all see the same person, hear the same person, and touch the same person while having the same dream at the same time. That's less believable than them seeing the Son of God in resurrected form.

How do you explain he was unrecognizable outside the tomb on the first day? How do you explain him appearing behind a locked door?

Why do I have to explain that? I have already stated that Jesus was in His resurrected body. Quite obviously, God in a perfected body has abilities we in our imperfect bodies do not. Frankly, I look forward to having my perfected, resurrected body.

And the only instance where it can be proved that Jesus was in his first mortal body is the story of Thomas. Peter knew him 1000 x better than you--he said Jesus was raised a spirit--a real teacher of Jesus said that. and here you are calling him a liar.
Incorrect. Note that Jesus BOTH appeared in a closed room AND proved that His body was the one that was killed, then resurrected. You seem unable to understand that the resurrected body will look like the one we have now, only perfect.

No its you who are failing to understand--the son of God can appear in 50,000 different mortal bodies if he chooses to. But the fact remains--He was raised a spirit--an apostle taught that because it is truth. Your teachers are delusional standing in opposition to what Gods word teaches.
He was a spirit until His resurrection. You do remember, don't you, that He spent the time between death and resurrection preaching to those who had gone before and had not heard of Him? His body was remade and resurrected, which is why it wasn't there when the women went to the tomb. Why do you continue opining about the Bible that you do not understand?
There is only a single instance. The story of Thomas.

Do you really want to argue the Bible when you clearly don't know much about it? Jesus appeared to:

The two disciples walking the road to Emmaus and the people where they stayed. Luke 24: 13-35.
The eleven disciples and those with them. Luke 24:36-43.
Thomas and the other disciples. John 20:24-29.
The disciples while they were fishing. John 21:1-14.
All of His disciples in Jerusalem. Acts 1:1-11.
More than 500 at one time. 1 Corinthians 15:5-8.

You cannot credibly claim that those accounts are all dreams. In each of those accounts He appeared to multiple people at one time and groups of people do not all see the same person, hear the same person, and touch the same person while having the same dream at the same time. That's less believable than them seeing the Son of God in resurrected form.

How do you explain he was unrecognizable outside the tomb on the first day? How do you explain him appearing behind a locked door?

Why do I have to explain that? I have already stated that Jesus was in His resurrected body. Quite obviously, God in a perfected body has abilities we in our imperfect bodies do not. Frankly, I look forward to having my perfected, resurrected body.

And the only instance where it can be proved that Jesus was in his first mortal body is the story of Thomas. Peter knew him 1000 x better than you--he said Jesus was raised a spirit--a real teacher of Jesus said that. and here you are calling him a liar.
Incorrect. Note that Jesus BOTH appeared in a closed room AND proved that His body was the one that was killed, then resurrected. You seem unable to understand that the resurrected body will look like the one we have now, only perfect.

No its you who are failing to understand--the son of God can appear in 50,000 different mortal bodies if he chooses to. But the fact remains--He was raised a spirit--an apostle taught that because it is truth. Your teachers are delusional standing in opposition to what Gods word teaches.
He was a spirit until His resurrection. You do remember, don't you, that He spent the time between death and resurrection preaching to those who had gone before and had not heard of Him? His body was remade and resurrected, which is why it wasn't there when the women went to the tomb. Why do you continue opining about the Bible that you do not understand?

Gods word is clear---On the day of ones death--ALL thought stops. It was symbolism about Jesus preaching to the dead--they cannot think so what good would it have done to preach to them? What would it matter if they went to hell or heaven--they wouldn't know it because they are unable to think. kind of like 99% on earth today who think they know it all, yet know nothing.
Jesus' body was gone from the tomb. If He was only spirit, it would have still been there. You do know, don't you, that Jesus' body was dead for a while? As I noted before, it was during that time that he preached to those who had died before. He was then resurrected and His body was transformed.

No part lives on once one is dead. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. The ot teaches--On the day of ones death--ALL thought stops. It was symbolism that Jesus witnessed to the dead in Hades.( grave)
Except that He was seen by multiple people at multiple times after His resurrection in His resurrected body.

There is only a single instance. The story of Thomas. How do you explain he was unrecognizable outside the tomb on the first day? How do you explain him appearing behind a locked door?
Why would we need to explain it??? I just believe at it is written
Mary Magdalene certainly recognized Him. Called Him her Lord and God.
Luke 24:36-39 Seams to have taken place in the upper room. He had a body of Flesh and Bones here, yet he suddenly appeared behind closed doors.
Zech sez they will look upon him whom they have pierced, as well as beholding His wounds. This doesn't seam to coincide with what the Jehovah Witness's teach.

John 20:14
Ok lets look at John 20:14

14 And when she had thus said, she turned herself back, and saw Jesus standing, and knew not that it was Jesus.

15 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, why weepest thou? whom seekest thou? She, supposing him to be the gardener, saith unto him, Sir, if thou have borne him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will take him away.

16 Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself, and saith unto him, Rabboni; which is to say, Master.

17 Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yetascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; andto my God, and your God.

18 Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord, and
19 ¶Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.

20 And when he had so said, he shewed unto them his hands and his side. Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord.

So it is very evident Mary knew who Jesus was.
And is very evident that He had a body.
Dietary laws were advice and suggestions to keep them safe and healthy not for righteousness in the sense you project falsely, but to live right.
I Don't see you complaining about the FDA and food inspection rules, nor the Gov't dietary "suggestions", nor people who choose
gluten free diets, organic diets, raw food diets, vegans etc.
Dietary & cleanliness laws and morality rules to live by helped them survive the plague, outlast many fallen empires and kingdoms and you want to complain about their sucess in progressing towards Shalem(completeness & wholeness)?
Is there a reason you despise people who strive for Shalem?

Will you stop being such a drama queen already. I do not despise anybody. Me showing a more rational way to interpret the law is hardly an expression of hatred. Are you expressing hatred for Christians when you point out what you believe are errors in thought and practice that prevent them from ever finding fulfillment of their professed intentions of being worthy of eternal life with God?

If anyone truly stove for Shalem they would rejoice at any revelation that brings to light the wisdom and hidden purpose of God in giving the law in the first place. Only the righteous fulfillment of what the law demands will result in the peace and abundant life promised for compliance in this world and a place in the world to come..

Could it be because you are adversary that nature to be what we could and should be? I mean you made fun of my staying in shape, so I'm guessing you are way way out of shape,

LOL.... You said you were going to show up at some imaginary church to dance naked on a table to prove your manliness.


I made fun of you because you were being an asshole.

Jews are transhumanist, you are a
stasist who wants humanity to remain subverted and held back. We evolve, you want to grab us down like a crab does to another crab escaping a crab bucket.
Right crabby?

If whoever we is evolves and strives for Shalem then ya'll should probably aspire to a more rational way to interpret and comply with the divine commands that reflect the wisdom and image of a just, benevolent, and holy God., not some capricious and puerile petty tyrant obsessed with fashion, diet, and the sexual preferences of people that he supposedly created as sexual beings.

It seems obvious that you are the one trying to hold people back from evolving into more intelligent beings that more closely reflect the image and likeness of a holy God.
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God didn't say on the very day( a day to a mortal) it was one of his days=1000 years as a day to God,. 2Peter 3:8)

That is just plain silly. If God told me that I would physically die 1000 years from now I would say thank you very much.

God did say that they would die in the very day to a mortal. Adam and Eve were mortal like all humans are and have always been mortal. They were mortal before they ate of the fruit and they remained mortal after.

They continued to live physical lives in the very day they ate the fruit but they did not die physical deaths.

This cannot be resolved by claiming that one day equals 1000 years to God because they were mortal human beings living on earth where 24 hours is one day.

They only way to resolve this is to notice what did happen in the day that they ate of the fruit. Expulsion from Eden and their diminished awareness and mental capacity is the death that they did experience in that very day..

In the same way Moses Promised that his people would die in the very day they violated any of the laws they received from God. If the warning was about physical death then there wouldn't be any Jewish people around.

If the consequences for violating the law of God was physical death then there wouldn't be any Christians around including you.

They died a spiritual death on that day.


Doesn't it logically follow then that people being spiritually reborn is the subject of the resurrection?

Jesus was probably raised as a pharisee, in a whitewashed tomb as he described it himself, until he was baptized by John, a token of repentance for the forgiveness of sin, and then "the heavens opened up to him" and he was resurrected from the dead (the first resurrection). He then bodily ascended into heaven, day by day, teaching people in words what he saw in the presence of God until he was crucified and received into an eternal abode, and even though he was killed he did not die. After three days he was raised again (the second resurrection) and appeared to his disciples and convinced each of them that he was still alive by communicating with them through dreams and visions..


Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection. The second death (death of the body) has no power over them....
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Never said Naked Hobelim, therefore you are a huge liar & infatuated and dreaming of me that way *lol*
The context of humor always eludes you.
Fact: church youth groups go to beaches across the US carrying giant crosses onto the beach, therefore it's only fair people be allowed to go to the churches in speedos to bring the beach to them.
You seem to always show hatred and distaste for the creators creation like the human body. What are you hiding under your MooMoo, a body like Dom Deluise?

Tyrone: You just posted the verse I like to use to show Jesus is a Liar telling Mary to lie for him and say he ascended to Father when he descended instead to the pit-
Acts 2:27 and 1Peter 3:19 &
Apostles Creed.
Never said Naked Hobelim, therefore you are a huge liar & infatuated and dreaming of me that way *lol*
The context of humor always eludes you.
Fact: church youth groups go to beaches across the US carrying giant crosses onto the beach, therefore it's only fair people be allowed to go to the churches in speedos to bring the beach to them.
You seem to always show hatred and distaste for the creators creation like the human body. What are you hiding under your MooMoo, a body like Dom Deluise?

No, It was no lie, you were being an asshole and still are.


Of all the things I said and responded to, this crap is all that you have to offer? Some messiah.

Wanna see me naked?
See you had to lie a second time instead of Teshuva. Nowhere does the post say what you claim it says.
Which falls into proof and evidence at how
passing stories down the line change so easily and worse how you read it the way you want it to read not what it says.
And your post showed a hate for inspiring Moshiachists meaning your opposition to becoming all one should and could be as per my observation you denied=lied a third time, which you also denied= lied a fourth time.
Now why are you reading it that way unless you are thinking it?
(lied a fifth time)
Do you undress Yeshu the same way you undress me? (waiting for the sixth lie).*L*
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No part lives on once one is dead. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. The ot teaches--On the day of ones death--ALL thought stops. It was symbolism that Jesus witnessed to the dead in Hades.( grave)
Except that He was seen by multiple people at multiple times after His resurrection in His resurrected body.

There is only a single instance. The story of Thomas. How do you explain he was unrecognizable outside the tomb on the first day? How do you explain him appearing behind a locked door?
Why would we need to explain it??? I just believe at it is written
Mary Magdalene certainly recognized Him. Called Him her Lord and God.
Luke 24:36-39 Seams to have taken place in the upper room. He had a body of Flesh and Bones here, yet he suddenly appeared behind closed doors.
Zech sez they will look upon him whom they have pierced, as well as beholding His wounds. This doesn't seam to coincide with what the Jehovah Witness's teach.

John 20:14
Ok lets look at John 20:14

14 And when she had thus said, she turned herself back, and saw Jesus standing, and knew not that it was Jesus.

15 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, why weepest thou? whom seekest thou? She, supposing him to be the gardener, saith unto him, Sir, if thou have borne him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will take him away.

16 Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself, and saith unto him, Rabboni; which is to say, Master.

17 Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yetascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; andto my God, and your God.

18 Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord, and
19 ¶Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.

20 And when he had so said, he shewed unto them his hands and his side. Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord.

So it is very evident Mary knew who Jesus was.
And is very evident that He had a body.

After he told her he was Jesus-- Can you read English?--She looked at him and didn't know it was him--Why is that?
God didn't say on the very day( a day to a mortal) it was one of his days=1000 years as a day to God,. 2Peter 3:8)

That is just plain silly. If God told me that I would physically die 1000 years from now I would say thank you very much.

God did say that they would die in the very day to a mortal. Adam and Eve were mortal like all humans are and have always been mortal. They were mortal before they ate of the fruit and they remained mortal after.

They continued to live physical lives in the very day they ate the fruit but they did not die physical deaths.

This cannot be resolved by claiming that one day equals 1000 years to God because they were mortal human beings living on earth where 24 hours is one day.

They only way to resolve this is to notice what did happen in the day that they ate of the fruit. Expulsion from Eden and their diminished awareness and mental capacity is the death that they did experience in that very day..

In the same way Moses Promised that his people would die in the very day they violated any of the laws they received from God. If the warning was about physical death then there wouldn't be any Jewish people around.

If the consequences for violating the law of God was physical death then there wouldn't be any Christians around including you.

They died a spiritual death on that day.


Doesn't it logically follow then that people being spiritually reborn is the subject of the resurrection?

Jesus was probably raised as a pharisee, in a whitewashed tomb as he described it himself, until he was baptized by John, a token of repentance for the forgiveness of sin, and then "the heavens opened up to him" and he was resurrected from the dead (the first resurrection). He then bodily ascended into heaven, day by day, teaching people in words what he saw in the presence of God until he was crucified and received into an eternal abode, and even though he was killed he did not die. After three days he was raised again (the second resurrection) and appeared to his disciples and convinced each of them that he was still alive by communicating with them through dreams and visions..


Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection. The second death (death of the body) has no power over them....

The second death, is eternal destruction in the lake of fire. Peter teaches he was raised a spirit. Why do you keep calling Gods truths lies? This is what you are doing--Luke 10:16--calling a real teacher of God a liar is as well calling God a liar.
Do you really want to argue the Bible when you clearly don't know much about it? Jesus appeared to:

The two disciples walking the road to Emmaus and the people where they stayed. Luke 24: 13-35.
The eleven disciples and those with them. Luke 24:36-43.
Thomas and the other disciples. John 20:24-29.
The disciples while they were fishing. John 21:1-14.
All of His disciples in Jerusalem. Acts 1:1-11.
More than 500 at one time. 1 Corinthians 15:5-8.

You cannot credibly claim that those accounts are all dreams. In each of those accounts He appeared to multiple people at one time and groups of people do not all see the same person, hear the same person, and touch the same person while having the same dream at the same time. That's less believable than them seeing the Son of God in resurrected form.

Why do I have to explain that? I have already stated that Jesus was in His resurrected body. Quite obviously, God in a perfected body has abilities we in our imperfect bodies do not. Frankly, I look forward to having my perfected, resurrected body.

And the only instance where it can be proved that Jesus was in his first mortal body is the story of Thomas. Peter knew him 1000 x better than you--he said Jesus was raised a spirit--a real teacher of Jesus said that. and here you are calling him a liar.
Incorrect. Note that Jesus BOTH appeared in a closed room AND proved that His body was the one that was killed, then resurrected. You seem unable to understand that the resurrected body will look like the one we have now, only perfect.

No its you who are failing to understand--the son of God can appear in 50,000 different mortal bodies if he chooses to. But the fact remains--He was raised a spirit--an apostle taught that because it is truth. Your teachers are delusional standing in opposition to what Gods word teaches.
He was a spirit until His resurrection. You do remember, don't you, that He spent the time between death and resurrection preaching to those who had gone before and had not heard of Him? His body was remade and resurrected, which is why it wasn't there when the women went to the tomb. Why do you continue opining about the Bible that you do not understand?

Gods word is clear---On the day of ones death--ALL thought stops. It was symbolism about Jesus preaching to the dead--they cannot think so what good would it have done to preach to them? What would it matter if they went to hell or heaven--they wouldn't know it because they are unable to think. kind of like 99% on earth today who think they know it all, yet know nothing.
Post for discussion what you think proves that from God's word.
Except that He was seen by multiple people at multiple times after His resurrection in His resurrected body.

There is only a single instance. The story of Thomas. How do you explain he was unrecognizable outside the tomb on the first day? How do you explain him appearing behind a locked door?
Why would we need to explain it??? I just believe at it is written
Mary Magdalene certainly recognized Him. Called Him her Lord and God.
Luke 24:36-39 Seams to have taken place in the upper room. He had a body of Flesh and Bones here, yet he suddenly appeared behind closed doors.
Zech sez they will look upon him whom they have pierced, as well as beholding His wounds. This doesn't seam to coincide with what the Jehovah Witness's teach.

John 20:14
Ok lets look at John 20:14

14 And when she had thus said, she turned herself back, and saw Jesus standing, and knew not that it was Jesus.

15 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, why weepest thou? whom seekest thou? She, supposing him to be the gardener, saith unto him, Sir, if thou have borne him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will take him away.

16 Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself, and saith unto him, Rabboni; which is to say, Master.

17 Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yetascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; andto my God, and your God.

18 Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord, and
19 ¶Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.

20 And when he had so said, he shewed unto them his hands and his side. Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord.

So it is very evident Mary knew who Jesus was.
And is very evident that He had a body.

After he told her he was Jesus-- Can you read English?--She looked at him and didn't know it was him--Why is that?
Here's a clue. She was weeping in deep mourning. Think about it for a moment. There doesn't have to be great spiritual significance, it could just have been that she wasn't expecting Jesus to be standing there and her eyes were filled with tears.
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God didn't say on the very day( a day to a mortal) it was one of his days=1000 years as a day to God,. 2Peter 3:8)

That is just plain silly. If God told me that I would physically die 1000 years from now I would say thank you very much.

God did say that they would die in the very day to a mortal. Adam and Eve were mortal like all humans are and have always been mortal. They were mortal before they ate of the fruit and they remained mortal after.

They continued to live physical lives in the very day they ate the fruit but they did not die physical deaths.

This cannot be resolved by claiming that one day equals 1000 years to God because they were mortal human beings living on earth where 24 hours is one day.

They only way to resolve this is to notice what did happen in the day that they ate of the fruit. Expulsion from Eden and their diminished awareness and mental capacity is the death that they did experience in that very day..

In the same way Moses Promised that his people would die in the very day they violated any of the laws they received from God. If the warning was about physical death then there wouldn't be any Jewish people around.

If the consequences for violating the law of God was physical death then there wouldn't be any Christians around including you.

They died a spiritual death on that day.


Doesn't it logically follow then that people being spiritually reborn is the subject of the resurrection?

Jesus was probably raised as a pharisee, in a whitewashed tomb as he described it himself, until he was baptized by John, a token of repentance for the forgiveness of sin, and then "the heavens opened up to him" and he was resurrected from the dead (the first resurrection). He then bodily ascended into heaven, day by day, teaching people in words what he saw in the presence of God until he was crucified and received into an eternal abode, and even though he was killed he did not die. After three days he was raised again (the second resurrection) and appeared to his disciples and convinced each of them that he was still alive by communicating with them through dreams and visions..


Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection. The second death (death of the body) has no power over them....

The second death, is eternal destruction in the lake of fire. Peter teaches he was raised a spirit. Why do you keep calling Gods truths lies? This is what you are doing--Luke 10:16--calling a real teacher of God a liar is as well calling God a liar.

Another drama queen. terrific. If Jesus was raised a spirit then the resurrection is not about his physical body coming back to life. It was about him leaving the tomb of false religion and becoming free from the bondage of sin. As scripture states taking part in this first resurrection insures that death with not harm the person because, as a living spiritual being, their conscious existence is no longer hanging by a thread, dependent on having a physical body.

If a person dies the first death, spiritual death, and they never take part in the first resurrection, they have better things to do, they do not believe that they have sinned or died, are worried about what the neighbors would think, etc., then the second death, death of the body, is eternal destruction.

no one can repent from the grave.

If a person never does what is right while they have a body, how can they possibly do it without one?
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Except that He was seen by multiple people at multiple times after His resurrection in His resurrected body.

There is only a single instance. The story of Thomas. How do you explain he was unrecognizable outside the tomb on the first day? How do you explain him appearing behind a locked door?
Why would we need to explain it??? I just believe at it is written
Mary Magdalene certainly recognized Him. Called Him her Lord and God.
Luke 24:36-39 Seams to have taken place in the upper room. He had a body of Flesh and Bones here, yet he suddenly appeared behind closed doors.
Zech sez they will look upon him whom they have pierced, as well as beholding His wounds. This doesn't seam to coincide with what the Jehovah Witness's teach.

John 20:14
Ok lets look at John 20:14

14 And when she had thus said, she turned herself back, and saw Jesus standing, and knew not that it was Jesus.

15 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, why weepest thou? whom seekest thou? She, supposing him to be the gardener, saith unto him, Sir, if thou have borne him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will take him away.

16 Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself, and saith unto him, Rabboni; which is to say, Master.

17 Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yetascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; andto my God, and your God.

18 Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord, and
19 ¶Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.

20 And when he had so said, he shewed unto them his hands and his side. Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord.

So it is very evident Mary knew who Jesus was.
And is very evident that He had a body.

After he told her he was Jesus-- Can you read English?--She looked at him and didn't know it was him--Why is that?
I'm not a mind reader. I only know what the scripture says.
After he told her he was Jesus-- Can you read English?--She looked at him and didn't know it was him--Why is that?

BECAUSE Satan claiming to be a resurrected Jesus got his way after all when he told Jesus he'd give him fame and worship throughout the world above God- in the resurrection scam he achieved this with or without Jesus agreeing.
Satan the adversary can be:
2)if you swear this event happened even though you have no evidence but self testified mere stories then it can only be the following:
A-a scam artist wishing to profit through creating a divinity of a christ figure.
example: St. Germain said to live over 200years because he lived in England but was seen 200+ years later in the States where people who could identify him were dead. Was this one in the same or a scam artist impersonator. Well if you yourself would not believe it's the same person and would notice the scam today then why would you suddenly become naive and believe a third party who is known for fables and manipulating stories and forgery?
B-a scam or rogue or evil intent time traveler
C-evil intent alien race
1 being my guess being they've got a history and long rap sheet of doing such stuff.
2A being a possibility, but 2B & 2C least likely but discussed for sake of dissecting the possible processes of the supernatual fantasy take on stories that others cling to.
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