Question for my conservative friends here.

You skipped the part of with the intent to retain such documents or materials
Then you admitted that Hillary erased them, meaning she no longer had retention.

Thus was no longer guilty of retention (essential element of the crime)
No such intent is required, moron. Brain damaged progs keep inventing law that isn't on the books.

The Presidential Records Act (PRA) requires the President to separate personal documents from Presidential records before leaving office. 44 U.S.C. 2203(b). The PRA makes clear that, upon the conclusion of the President’s term in office, NARA assumes responsibility for the custody, control, preservation of, and access to the records of a President. 44 U.S.C. 2203(g)(1). The PRA makes the legal status of Presidential records clear and unambiguous, providing that the United States reserves and retains “complete ownership, possession, and control of Presidential records.” 44 U.S.C. 2202. There is no history, practice, or provision in law for presidents to take official records with them when they leave office to sort through,
The PRA says that presidential records are whatever the president says they are. A federal judge confirmed the fact. You keep pretending you know what the fuck you're talking about.
That's not the law, moron. You don't know you're ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to the law.
Why are you always so wrong.
As I said, if the "evidence" is destroyed prior to arrest or indictment, they have no basis for arrest or indictment.

That's law 101, and why the first thing criminals try to do, is get rid of the evidence.
Keep lying to yourself or try to gaslight others.
Nixon got away with it with a pardon Ford should have never given him.

You crying about all the evidence against Trump breaking the law, only shows that you do not care about any laws. Not if they put your heroes in prison. And that is not how the U S laws work.
Nixon didn't get away with 1/100th as much as Hillary. There is no evidence against Trump because he broke no laws. The idea that you care about the law doesn't pass the laugh test.

U.S. laws don't work. That much is plain.
Why are you always so wrong.
As I said, if the "evidence" is destroyed prior to arrest or indictment, they have no basis for arrest or indictment.

That's law 101, and why the first thing criminals try to do, is get rid of the evidence.
You mean you are always s wrong. Every word of your post is wrong. Destroying the evidence is a crime in itself called "obstruction of justice." Evert email transmitted to or from her server was a crime.

Please spare us your idiot's understanding of the law. Where do you learn this manure?
The PRA says that presidential records are whatever the president says they are. A federal judge confirmed the fact. You keep pretending you know what the fuck you're talking about.
The PRA requires the president to make that determination "prior to leaving office"

The Presidential Records Act (PRA) requires the President to separate personal documents from Presidential records before leaving office. 44 U.S.C. 2203(b)

Once they become an ex-president, the determination of what's presidential and what's personal falls upon the National Archives.
Lack of "intent" to retain is why Mike Pence was cleared by DOJ.

Or do you think you know more about law than the DOJ?
Wrong. He was cleared because the DOJ is only interested in getting Trump.

I know more about the law than you, and I don't lie about it like the DOJ.
The PRA requires the president to make that determination "prior to leaving office"

The Presidential Records Act (PRA) requires the President to separate personal documents from Presidential records before leaving office. 44 U.S.C. 2203(b)

Once they become an ex-president, the determination of what's presidential and what's personal falls upon the National Archives.
He makes the determination simply by retaining them, you dumb fucking moron. There is no determination after he leaves office.
you have no idea what your are talking about or you are unable to articulate your thoughts into words.
Don't be a clown. Destroying the evidence before they can catch you, means they have no evidence to arrest or charge you. That's just a simple fact.

The Presidential Records Act (PRA) requires the President to separate personal documents from Presidential records before leaving office. 44 U.S.C. 2203(b). The PRA makes clear that, upon the conclusion of the President’s term in office, NARA assumes responsibility for the custody, control, preservation of, and access to the records of a President. 44 U.S.C. 2203(g)(1). The PRA makes the legal status of Presidential records clear and unambiguous, providing that the United States reserves and retains “complete ownership, possession, and control of Presidential records.” 44 U.S.C. 2202. There is no history, practice, or provision in law for presidents to take official records with them when they leave office to sort through,
First and foremost, President Trump is not being charged in violation of any law you just listed.

Why are you cherry picking the law, instead of giving us the entire law? Show us where it states, "before leaving office". You are paraphrasing poorly, when you can quote directly. The law does not state, what you contend.

Legal custody is not physical custody, President Trump is not charged with violating any law with the PRA because they can not charge him. The clearly give the President a legal right to the physical custody of papers.

Establishes that Presidential records automatically transfer into the legal custody of the Archivist as soon as the President leaves office.

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