Question for my conservative friends here.

You mean you are always s wrong. Every word of your post is wrong. Destroying the evidence is a crime in itself called "obstruction of justice." Evert email transmitted to or from her server was a crime.
Obstruction of just only happens after a legal requirement to preserve evidence has been given to them. Prior to such, there is no such legal reuirement.

Fawn Hall (born September 15, 1959) is a former secretary to Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North and had a role in the Iran-Contra affair by helping North shred confidential documents.

Fawn Hall was never charged
He makes the determination simply by retaining them, you dumb fucking moron. There is no determination after he leaves office.
This is why Trump got indicted. He claimed that national security documents were personal property. Which by law and Executive Order, are clearly the property of the current sitting president.
Obstruction of just only happens after a legal requirement to preserve evidence has been given to them.

Prior to such, there is no such legal reuirement.
Destroying evidence of a crime is always a crime, you colossal dumbfuck.

Fawn Hall (born September 15, 1959) is a former secretary to Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North and had a role in the Iran-Contra affair by helping North shred confidential documents.

Fawn Hall was never charged

So? North was granted immunity.

You're an idiot who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.
So if your attempt to obstruct justice is successful you haven't committed a crime?

Your stupidity is monumental.
You're committed a crime, but there is no evidence with which to charge you. So to use terms from literature, you committed the "perfect crime."
This is why Trump got indicted. He claimed that national security documents were personal property. Which by law and Executive Order, are clearly the property of the current sitting president.
He got indicted because the Biden criminal gang is terrified of him, and for no other reason. As I already pointed out to you, a federal judge ruled that the president determines which records are personal. The documents Trump had in his possession became his the minute he left the White House with them.
You're committed a crime, but there is no evidence with which to charge you. So to use terms from literature, you committed the "perfect crime."
Whether it's technically feasible to convict you is another matter. Now you're changing your argument. There was a mountain of evidence to convict Hillary. Comey chose to ignore it.
The PRA requires the president to make that determination "prior to leaving office"

The Presidential Records Act (PRA) requires the President to separate personal documents from Presidential records before leaving office. 44 U.S.C. 2203(b)

Once they become an ex-president, the determination of what's presidential and what's personal falls upon the National Archives.
If he takes the documents with him, then he's made the determination.

Destroying evidence of a crime is always a crime, you colossal dumbfuck.

So? North was granted immunity.

You're an idiot who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.
You're clearly clueless. Evidence is destroyed every day with no crime being committed.
Example: Businesses routinely dispose of records more than 7 years old. Even if those records contain evidence of a crime, they can't be charged with obstruction for destroying them.
As I already pointed out to you, a federal judge ruled that the president determines which records are personal.
And the PRA says that the president has to make the determination BEFORE LEAVING OFFICE.

Once out of office, the ex-president can no longer make that determination. And the National Archives becomes the "legal owner" of all presidential records, no matter where they are physically located.
Don't be a clown. Destroying the evidence before they can catch you, means they have no evidence to arrest or charge you. That's just a simple fact.
Except, we are not talking about clowns at a circus, we are talking about Hillary Clinton.

The documents or emails, were subpoenaed. Instead of complying with a subpoena Hillary Clinton destroyed the emails. The fact that she destroyed emails does not change the fact that she committed a crime by not obeying a subpoena.

In this case, they know the emails existed, they know Hillary concealed the emails on an illegal server, destroying the emails after the subpoena certainly hides evidence, but it did not prevent the crime, of failing to comply with a subpoena.

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